Eating the Rainbow – Phytochemicals Lesson Plan

Instructor’s Names:
Jessica Koiner, Courtney Eli, Sam Weitman
August 30, 2013
Lesson Plan
Communication and Education in Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics
Lesson Title: Eating the Rainbow
Lesson Overview: Students will be shown a variety of foods that are both colorful and healthy and exemplify their various phytochemicals. The
health benefits of each category will be described and the snack will mirror these foods. A worksheet that encourages the students to show that
their understand of phytochemical concepts by matching the fruits/veggies with their proper color and also matching the health benefits of the
phytochemicals with the colors/fruits/veggies will be provided. Poster boards showing examples of the “food rainbow” will be shown
Learner Objectives for Lesson Education: (Make sure you use action verbs specific to your learning objectives (see course text). Learning
objectives should be simple and measurable).
At the end of the lesson, participants will be able to:
 Cognitive:
o Knowledge: identify fruits and vegetables that represent the different colors of the rainbow
 Activity: will have 6 posters that have the phytochemical name on them, each child will receive a fruit or veggie
cutout and they will later be asked to stick that to the correct poster based on its color.
 Education technique: activities
 Evaluation: summative
o Comprehension: recognize the importance of “eating the rainbow”
 Activity: ask class to repeat back to us what they learned about phytochemicals and how they are good for us. Ex.
Beta-carotene is good for your eyes
 Education technique: discussion
 Evaluation: formative
o Application: demonstrates understanding of information by completely the worksheet correctly and by completing the
plate activity correctly
 Activity: placing the snacks provided in the correct sections on their label plates (in subgroups)
 Education technique: activities
 Evaluation: summative
o Analysis: distinguishes current eating practices from “eating the rainbow”
 Activity: asking, “what color do you not have in your rainbow at home?” (in subgroups)
 Education technique: discussion
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Lesson Plan p. 1
 Evaluation: formative
Synthesis: generates a basic plan for changing their diet to incorporate the “rainbow”
 Activity: asking each student, “What food could you eat more of to fill your rainbow?” (in subgroups)
 Education technique: discussion
 Evaluation: formative
o Evaluation: concludes that fruits and vegetables that exemplify the rainbow offer fiber, vitamins/mineral, and energy
through health sugars
 Activity: asking if they can tell us examples of what fruits and veggies offer? (in subgroups)
 Education technique: discussion
 Evaluation: formative
o Receiving: identifies their fruit/veggie category correctly
 Activity: places their cutout on the correct poster
 Education technique: activity
 Evaluation: summative
o Responding: recites the phytochemicals correctly
 Activity: repeats back all 6 phytochemical names correctly
 Education technique: simulation
 Evaluation: formative
o Valuing: shares one fact that they learned about each phytochemical
 Activity: each child is asked to try to remember one fact
 Education technique: discussion
 Evaluation: formative
o Organization: arranges the fruits/veggies correctly on their divided plates (in subgroups)
 Activity: placed foods on divided plate
 Education technique: activities
 Evaluation: summative
o Characteristic: exemplifies an understanding of the phytochemicals by completing the worksheet correctly and by telling
the subgroup leader what color is missing from their rainbow (in their diet). (in subgroups)
 Activity: each student is asked to tell the leader a color that they are missing in their diet
 Education technique: discussion
 Evaluation: formative
Learner Objectives for Lesson Activity: (Make sure you use action verbs specific to your learning objectives (see course text). Learning
objectives should be simple and measurable).
At the end of the lesson, participants will be able to:
Communication and Education in Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics
Lesson Plan, p. 2
o Perception: watches as we describe the phonetics of each of the phytochemical names and discuss their important
 Education technique: demonstration (and also lecture)
 Evaluation: formative
o Set: positions their fruit/veggie on the appropriate poster
 Education technique: activities
 Evaluation: summative
o Guided response: repeats the phytochemical name to the leaders
 Education technique: simulation
 Evaluation: formative
o Mechanism: assembles fruit/veggies appropriately on the plate (in subgroups)
 Education technique: activities
 Evaluation: summative
o Complex overt response: masters their understand of the information by being able to complete the worksheet and being
able to tell the leader an example of a color missing from their diet (in subgroups)
 Education technique: discussion
 Evaluation: formative
o Adaptation/origination: produces an example of a fruit or veggie that they could add to their diet to complete their
rainbow based on the previous question (in subgroups)
 Education technique: discussion
 Evaluation: formative
Key Messages & Discussion: (List the key messages you are trying to get across in your lesson to participants).
 Educate the students about phytochemicals – how to pronounce their names, benefits of each chemical, examples of what foods
contain these chemicals
o Lycopene
o Carotenoids/Beta-carotene
o Xanthophyll
o Chlorophyll
o Anthocyanin
o Anthoxanthin
 Help students to consider how they could alter their diet so that more of these healthful chemicals can be included
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Lesson Plan, p. 3
Key Health Facts or Recommendations: (Are there any key health facts or recommendations for participants based on your lesson content?)
 Lycopene - red- tomatoes, watermelon, grapefruit:
o Help prevent many forms of cancer
o Acts as an internal sunscreen and protects your skin from sunburn
Carotenoid/Beta-carotene - orange – carrots:
o Can be converted to retinol, which is a pre-cursor to vitamin A, which is important for maintaining eye health
Xanthophyll - yellow - spinach, corn, avocado, melon (like honeydew):
o Directly associated with reduction in the risk of cancers, cardiovascular disease, age-related macular degeneration, and
cataract formation
Chlorophyll - green - broccoli, spinach, green beans:
o Anti-inflammatory
o Antioxidant
o Wound-healing properties
Anthocyanin - blue-purple - grapes, berries, red apple, red bell pepper, red cabbage, cherries
o Anti-inflammatory
o Anti-carcinogenic
o Cardiovascular disease prevention
o Obesity control
o Diabetes alleviation
Anthoxanthin - white - cauliflower, potatoes, mushrooms, bananas (not very high), turnips:
o Lower cholesterol
o Lower blood pressure
o Prevent stomach cancer and heart disease
Evaluation Measures: See Learner Objectives for Lesson Education and Learner Objectives for Lesson Activity sections and their correlating
Materials & Supplies (List any additional resources you will need/use in your lesson)
Lesson plan copies - 3
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Lesson Plan, p. 4
Worksheets/coloring pages - 10
Snack materials - 10
Flyers for parents - 10
Posters - 6
Plates – divided in 6 parts – 10
Name tags – 13 (10 + instructors)
Double sided tape
Writing utensils
Handouts (List all handouts or take home materials for participants)
o Eating the Rainbow
Timeline Summary
1 min
Lesson content
7 min
Activity 1
6 min
Activity 2
6 min
Activity 3
6 min
3 min
29 min
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Timeline Overview*
Lesson Component
Key Messages & Discussion
In order:
Activity 1 will be concluded and Instructor will explain that we are now going to break
up into groups by nametag color.
6 min
Activity 2 will be explained and performed
6 min
Leader will let instructors know that it is time to move on to Activity 3. Activity 3 will
be explained in each group. They can then eat the snack activity.
Instructor will conclude Activity 3 and will summarize what they learned.
Jessica, ALL
1 min
7 min
Lesson Content
Begin by stating that we are TCU students here to teach them about Eating the
Rainbow and about phytochemicals. Then each instructor will tell his or her name.
Each instructor will give out nametags and a fruit/veggie cut out to the students,
depending on what color they have.
The phonetics of the chemicals will be explained and the kids will be asks to repeat the
Each instructor will discuss the importance of 2 phytochemicals
6 min
3 min
Activity 1 will be explained and performed
Thank children and dismiss them.
*Provide brief overview/explanation of each lesson component
Lesson Plan Details: (Provide detailed steps/procedures of your lesson and added instructions for your participants – from start to finish)
 Introduction:
o Begin by stating that we are TCU students here to teach them about Eating the Rainbow and about phytochemicals. Then each
instructor will tell his or her name.
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Each instructor will give out nametags and a fruit/veggie cut out to the students, depending on what color they have.
 Red - Courtney
 Green - Jessica
 Blue - Sam
o The phonetics of the chemicals will be explained and the kids will be asks to repeat the words
o Each instructor will discuss the importance of 2 phytochemicals:
1. Sam – lycopene and xanthophyll
2. Courtney - chlorophyll and anthocyanin
3. Jessica - beta-Carotene and anthoxanthin
o Both the teaching time and the phonetics practice will rotate through the instructors, in this order: Sam, Courtney, Jessica
o Activity 1 will be explained. The 6 posters will be placed on the floor up front and each student will be called upon to come put
their cutout on the correct phytochemical poster. Double stick tape will be used to adhere the cutouts and will be on the poster
prior to starting lesson
o Activity 1 will be concluded and Instructor will explain that we are now going to break up into groups by nametag color.
o Activity 2 will be explained in each group and the worksheet will be completed alongside the instructors. The worksheet has 2
sections. One will ask them to match the correct color to the phytochemical name and the other will ask them to match a food
example with a phytochemical that it contains
o Leader will let instructors know that it is time to move on to Activity 3. Activity 3 will be explained in each group. 10 plates will
be divided into 6 parts and labeled with the phytochemical names in black marker. The kids will be given a snack bag and each of
them will pick a 1 fruit/veggie that goes in the section of the correlating phytochemical (for each of the 6 sections).
o They can then eat the snack activity.
o Instructor will conclude Activity 3 and while the kids continue to snack, will summarize what they learned – the 6 phytochemical
names and one fact about each and an example of a food that contains it. Thank children for listening and having fun with [us]
today and dismiss them back to their classrooms
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Lesson Plan, p. 7
Due Dates and Timeline
Assigned Student(s) for Task
Assign Group Communicator
________Jessica Koiner_____________
Create Lesson Plan
Create Worksheet/Handout
__________Jessica Koiner___________
Create Announcement Flier
_______Sam Wietman______________
Create Educational Materials
_______Courtney Eli_______________
Contact Teacher
________Jessica Koiner_____________
Meeting with Teacher
Hand in/Drop Box final copies
_______Jessica Koiner______________
Additional Comments:
Bibliography: (List all resources and references used for lesson content).
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Lesson Plan, p. 8