January 2014 - The Rainbow Centre

January—2014 NEWSLETTER -Ken & Melli Johnson
USA ADDRESS: 5404 Sharon Trail
Lakeland, FL 33810-5831
Phone/Fax: 863-815-2796
Email: rfandrews@juno.com
Bujumbura, Burundi, AFRICA
Phone/Fax: 257-22-22-34-31
Email: jkenmelliing@gmail.com
Web Site: www.rainbowcentre.net
Support address: Christian Missions In Many Lands (CMML), P. O. Box 13, Spring Lake, NJ 07762-0013
School reconvenes this week! And although holidays are great with nine children happily home creating havoc,
it’s exciting to anticipate doing something other than feeding and picking up after them. How can I work on
matters of great consequence with children in my face, on my bed, in my lap? I'm just kidding—children ARE
I'm slowly reading through A Continual Feast by Jan Karon and came across a quote that really spoke to me:
"There is a sense in which God is at the tip of my pen, my spade, my brush, my needle—of my heart and of
my thoughts." (Teilhard de Chardin) I believe he was trying to say—let God be in everything. That is the
prayer of my heart as we begin the New Year!
Thank you for your prayers about: 1) Green cards for James and Angel, both of which have finally come after
our Congressman’s office sent the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services two official
Congressional Inquiries. Hooray! 2) Sarah, as she now has a part time job she likes in St. Louis, and starts
college this month. 3) The Rainbow Centre, on January 18th when Jim Brooks and his team from "Allow the
Children" work with 65 needy Rainbow kids in the sponsorship program to update photos and letters for
sponsors in the U.S.A. 4) Kigobe Mission and it's team of leaders as they meet on January 17th to vote on
important issues.
We are praising the Lord for Grace—a new girl to work with Sammy, now that Mimi is leaving for university in
Canada. Grace lives near the Rainbow Centre and the arrangement is working out really well. Sam knows her
and is looking forward to having her as his teacher. She will meet with him every week day at 7:00 am when
we drop the others off at the high school and primary. She'll work with him until 9:30 on two days, and on
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday she'll walk him to the King's School for sports and art, like Mimi did. She
came over tonight to review the home-school books and we are preparing a room at the Rainbow Centre for
class time, with a desk, table and chairs...so pray for Sammy and Grace in this arrangement. She is a Christian,
and is taking a year off before going to college.
On New Year's morning Andy came and woke me so excited—finally it was his birthday! Recently he's
pestered me, saying, "It's taking a long time to turn six." How to tell him to slow down and savor this new
exciting year? He's already asking how long until he turns seven.
May 2014 be an incandescent year for you—with God's light shining, illuminating the shadows!
Melli, Ken and all the kids!