ARCHIVE: Attendance & Engagement Policy (2012 – 2013

Attendance & Engagement Policy (2012 – 2013)
The University of East London (UEL) recognises the enormous investment that
students make, both in time and money, in choosing to pursue a programme of
higher education. As a responsible Institution, it believes it has a duty to
follow-up promptly on matters of non-attendance so that students can be
supported and given every opportunity to succeed. In addition, the University
is required to monitor and record the attendance for non-European Economic
Area (non-EEA) students on Tier 4 student visas and report students who fail
to meet requirements in line with the compliance responsibilities of our UK
Border Agency (UKBA) Tier 4 Highly Trusted Sponsor licence. The University
is also obliged to remind its students that the terms of any student loan that
may have been obtained from the Student Loan Company require the
attendance of that student on their programme of study and any absence(s)
must be reported by the University.
Non-attendance can often be a greater challenge in the early years of a
programme. Students may be struggling to adapt to the greater personal and
academic freedom of university life; or they may have significant commitments
elsewhere (work, family, leisure activities etc.). Students should be encouraged
to organise their lives so that they can get full benefit from their university
UEL aims to support the learning of all its students by encouraging high levels
of attendance, recognising that good attendance contributes significantly to the
successful completion of programmes. It also enhances the quality of the
learning experience both for individuals and for those engaged in group
working. It is important to emphasise that students are responsible for their
own learning and that they share responsibility for ensuring that they achieve
the outcomes of their programme. Regular attendance and a strong
commitment to the requirements of all events of the academic study
programme will promote these outcomes.
In the case of students studying by distance learning, attendance at classes is
not necessarily an integral part of the delivery of studies; however, the
principles outlined below require engagement by such students in their studies
for reasons of pedagogy and due diligence (where government funding for
students is available), and to support the university learning community to the
full. The technology for supporting such engagement is being developed and
improved each year, and a diversity of modes of delivery is part of our
Transformation for Excellence strategy.
Attendance Policy
UEL has revised its Attendance & Engagement Policy for the 2012/13
Academic Year to ensure that all those involved are aware of their
responsibilities regarding participation in all scheduled learning and
programme activities.
Students are able to view their attendance record online by accessing UEL
Direct and following the online instructions. Students should approach their
School Helpdesk immediately if they believe there to be any errors with this
Principles of student attendance and academic engagement
The student Attendance & Engagement policy, which applies to all
undergraduate and post-graduate students, is founded on the following
general principles; namely that:
a. The Attendance & Engagement Policy relates to all taught UEL
academic programmes including those programmes leading to
professional awards (where additional attendance requirements
may be specified by the relevant Professional Statutory Body
(PSB). For those where specific attendance requirements are
detailed in the documents, such requirements are published
b. All teaching staff have a responsibility to ensure that students are
provided with up-to-date timetables and modules guides and are
aware of those academic events of their programme of study
(whether lectures, seminars, workshops or other forms of study)
that are compulsory. This information is to be published and made
available to all students.
c. Where academic events have been stipulated as compulsory, such
attendance is necessary to help to:
i. enhance the student’s educational development within the
area of study;
ii. receive information about the programme/module;
iii. prepare for all assessments;
iv. undertake any practical work or group work (including
working with others in seminars).
d. In addition, all students will be expected to demonstrate
engagement (in line with the principles of attendance) in forms of
delivery that modules offer including lecture videos, podcasts and
use of the virtual learning environment (UELPlus / Moodle).
Attendance Policy
e. All Schools have a responsibility to remind students of the
importance of attendance, examination performance and
achievement - and the clear link between. Teaching staff should
emphasise this link initially during induction and regularly
throughout the academic year.
f. UEL has a legal duty to monitor and record the attendance of nonEEA students on Tier 4 student visas in line with the responsibilities
of our Tier 4 Highly Trusted Sponsor licence. We are required to
withdraw and report such students to UKBA when they have not
met our attendance requirements (which are in line with UKBA
regulations on ‘expected contact’). This reporting would need to be
undertaken in real time to ensure compliance with our HTS status.
We have a responsibility to outline to students on a student visa our
duties, their responsibilities, and the implications of not adhering to
the attendance policy, under Tier 4 requirements.
g. Under certain circumstances the University may be obliged to report
non-attendance of students to the Student Loan Company which may,
in turn, place that student at risk of being in breach of the terms of their
Responsibility of students and the duties of staff
Attendance & Engagement
All students are expected to be present at all classes, lectures, seminars
or other academic events that are a compulsory part of their programme of
formal study at UEL.
A student who misses 3 compulsory events of a module (as defined by
Schools in accordance with paragraph 2.1.b above) will normally, subject
to the approval of the Dean of School, be withdrawn from that module. For
students on a Tier 4 student visa this could mean withdrawal from the
programme if their mode of study becomes part-time, following which they
would be reported to UKBA as required.
In circumstances where a student fails to attend a class, lecture, seminar
or other academic event that forms part of or contribute to their
programme of formal study, such absence will be recorded centrally on
the student’s UEL record. Such record will show whether the absence
was notified or not notified and may be reported or disclosed to external
organisations (such as the UKBA).
Attendance Policy
Where a student is withdrawn from two or more modules, the student will
normally face removal from their programme of study, subject to approval
by the Dean of School.
A student who is absent from a compulsory event of their module having
notified their School in advance of their absence, will normally be deemed
to be absent. A student will normally face withdrawal from their module if 3
compulsory events have been missed. Students are encouraged to
discuss any issues with their studies with their personal tutor or School
Helpdesk at an early stage.
Under the current Code of Conduct, a student arriving more than 15
minutes after the start of a class, lecture, seminar or other academic event
is not normally permitted to enter. In such circumstances where a student
arrives more than 15 minutes after the event has started they will normally
be registered as being late for the event and such lateness will be treated
in the same way as absence.
Certifying attendance
All students are required to register (‘swipe’) their personal UEL ID card on
the electronic reader provided in any class, lecture hall, seminar room or
other premises used in support of a programme of formal study at UEL.
Such registration must be made within the first fifteen minutes of the
commencement of the timetabled event, a mark is only considered as
present a maximum of 15 minutes prior to the commencement of an
event. Where an electronic reader is not installed, Schools are to ensure
that attendance is recorded manually by the member of staff responsible
for the class, lecture, seminar or academic event and the register is
passed to the School Helpdesk for manual input into the student
attendance monitoring system.
A student who fails to register (‘swipe’) their personal UEL ID card on the
appropriate electronic reader will normally be deemed to be absent.
All Schools are required to ensure that any change to the timetabled venue of
a class, lecture, seminar or other academic event is logged accurately in the
appropriate timetabling system in a timely manner.
Attendance Policy
Procedure for dealing with non-attendance
Students who are recorded as being absent from classes will be dealt with
in a fair and proportionate manner. Students need to be aware that they
are expected to attend lectures, other classes and tutorials and may be
withdrawn from their module if they do not attend regularly. In the case of
our International Students on a Tier 4 student visa, this could result in
them not meeting the conditions of their Tier 4 visa status.
Individual Schools are responsible for ensuring a process for monitoring
attendance and for resolving issues that arise in accordance with UEL’s
attendance policy. Such processes may vary from School to School. In
most cases, it is expected that this will be undertaken by the academic
taking the class. However, some Schools may wish to divide this work in
different ways.
Schools are to adopt appropriate protocols for meeting to discuss
attendance across a range of modules and for considering the action to be
taken where necessary. Procedures and timings may vary from School to
In circumstances where repeated absence arises in very quick succession
(i.e. on consecutive days) or arises as a direct result of a single event
(such as an injury or accident) the Dean may wish to judge whether it is
appropriate, in all the circumstances, for such absence to be treated as a
single instance.
Deans will be provided with attendance data on a weekly basis. Students
who are identified as being ‘non-attending’ students will, upon the second
instance of non-attendance be sent a written notification pointing out that
they have missed two events of their study and making it clear that any
further instance of non-attendance will result in them facing possible
withdrawal from their module. In normal circumstances this notification
will be sent to students after they have been absent from two events of a
module and will be sent by email to the student’s registered UEL email
address and archived on DELTA for audit purposes.
Following a third instance of absence, the Dean (or appropriate designate)
will normally send a formal notification to the student informing them of the
decision to withdraw them from the module (or modules) to which the
absence relates. For students on a Tier 4 student visa this could mean
withdrawal from the programme of study (if their mode of study becomes
part-time) in accordance with UKBA regulations/requirements.
Attendance Policy
Any student who has been withdrawn from a module or other programme
of study at UEL will have the right of appeal against that decision within 5
working days of the date of the decision being communicated to them.
Any such appeal will be heard within a further period of 5 working days. A
student who has an appeal pending will be expected to attend their
module classes until the appeal has been determined. This will ensure
the minimum of academic disruption should the appeal be upheld. To
ensure compliance with our HTS status the outcome of any appeal must
be decided and communicated to the student within 10 working days.
Any student proven to be cheating, inclusive of any further individuals
involved (for example where an individual swipes more than one card), will
normally be considered to have missed the event concerned, and
furthermore may be additionally subject to action under the University’s
Manual of General Regulations.
Approved by Chair of Academic Board, September 2012
Attendance Policy