Credentialing Activities

Definition of Counseling
 Counseling is a relatively short-term,
interpersonal, theory-based,
professional activity guided by ethical
and legal standards that focuses on
helping persons who are basically
psychologically healthy resolve
developmental and situational
Community Counseling
 Utilizes a multifaceted approach
 Developmental and educative
 Emphasizes prevention –v- remediation
 Takes into account the impact of the
community on the client.
 Seeks to empower the client
Definition of Community
 Hershenson, Power, & Waldo ( 1996) – the
application of counseling principles and
practices in agency, organizational, or
individual practice settings that are located
in and interact with their surrounding
 Page 33 - Suppositions
Community Counseling
 Lewis, Lewis, Daniels, and D’Andrea – a
comprehensive helping framework of
interventions strategies and services that
promotes the personal development and
well-being of all individuals and
 Must be cognizant of the impact of the
community on the client!!!!
History of Counseling - Prior to
the 1900s
 Lysander Richards published a book entitled
Vocophy in 1881.
 Dorothea Dix advocated for the humane treatment
of people with emotional disorders
 Granville Stanley Hall founded the 1st psychology
lab in the U.S. at Johns Hopkins University in
1883. Considered to be the father of American
 James Catell: 1st to measure intelligence. In 1894
introduced the 1st mental abilities test.
History of Counseling 1900-1909
 Jesse B. Davis - 1st person to set up a a
systematized guidance program in Michigan
public schools in 1907.
 Frank Parsons: focused on growth and prevention.
Often called the father of guidance. Est. the
Boston’s Vocational Bureau in 1908. Wrote a
book called “Choosing a Vocation”
 Clifford Beers: 1908 wrote a popular book entitled
“A mind that found itself”
History of Counseling 1910s
 1911, Harvard University offered the 1st university
level course in vocational guidance.
 Founding in 1913 of the National Vocational
Guidance Association (NVGA) which began
publishing in 1915, the National Vocational
Guidance Bulletin.
 WWI: Development of the Army Alpha & Beta
for screening.
 1916 L.M. Terman of Stanford University released
a revised version of the Binet-Simon (France,
1905) titled the Stanford-Binet. IQ was first used
as a term.
History of Counseling 1920s
 Certification of counselors in Boston and New
York in the mid-20s
 Strong Vocational Interest Inventory published in
1928. Set stage for career counseling
 Abraham and Hannah Stone’s 1929 establishment
of the first marriage and family counseling center.
 Development of the first standards for the
preparation and evaluation of occupational
History of Counseling 1930s
 E. G. Williamson developed the 1st theory of
counseling. Known as the “Minnesota Point of
View” & “trait-factor counseling.
 John Brewer: broaden counseling beyond narrow
occupational concerns to life. Book: Education as
Guidance (1932) – teachers are counselors.
 Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT)
published in 1939 by U.S. Employment Service.
Major source of career information
History of Counseling 1940s
 Carl Rogers: published “Counseling and
 WWII: need for counselors and psychologists to
help select and train.
 Traditional sex roles began to be questioned
 Increased government funding in training of
counselors (V.A.) and stipends/internships
 1944- the War Dept. established the ArmySeparation Classification & Counseling Program.
 National Institute of Mental Health – 1946 and the
National Mental Health Act – research and
History of Counseling 1950s
 APGA was formed in 1952
 Division 17, the Division of Counseling
Psychology of the APA in 1952
 NDEA in 1958
 New Theories (Behavioral, Cognitive,…)
 APA’s Technical Recommendations for
Psychological Tests and Diagnostic
Techniques in 1954.
History of Counseling 1960s
 Group Movement
 Gilbert Wrenn – The Counselor in a Changing
World (1962) – developmental profession.
 Humanistic Theories: Maslow, Arbuckle, &
 Community Mental Health Act - 1963
 APGA published a sound Code of Ethics (1961)
 Division 17 of APA began to publish in 1969 a
professional journal, the Counseling Psychologist.
 ERIC Clearinghouse – CAPS ( Counseling and
Personnel Services
History of Counseling 1970s
 Counseling Diversification
 Helping Skills Programs
 State Licensure: VA the first in 1976
 APGA became stronger and membership
increased dramatically. Began to question identity
and terms of guidance and personnel.
 ACES in 1973 outlined the standards for a
master’s degree in counseling. 1977 – doctoral
History of Counseling 1980s
 Standardization of training and certification:
CACREP (Council for Accreditation of
Counseling and Related Educational Programs)
and NBCC (National Board of Certified
 Name changed for APGA to AACD
 Chi Sigma Iota International Honor Society
 Focus on Human Growth & Development across
the lifespan.
 Increased emphasis on working with diverse
groups – renewed racism.
History of Counseling 1990s
 AACD became ACA in 1992
 Multiculturalism became known as the fourth force in
counseling & the competencies.
Issues of brief therapy, managed care, and HMOs a major
ACA added American College Counseling Association,
1991 and Association of Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues
in Counseling in 1996 and Counselors for Social Justice in
Included as a primary mental health profession compiled
by the National Institute of Mental Health
Eighteen Divisions - there is a place for you!!
New Millennium
 Utilization of Technology in Counseling
 Changing roles of men and women
 Diversity, advocacy and social justice
 Disaster and Crisis Response Training through
Red Cross – 9/11
 Wellness and Spirituality
 Private Practice
 Business and industry; Work Settings
 Recognition and reimbursement
 Counseling is interdisciplinary & “Best Practices”
The Council of Accreditation of Counseling
and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)
 Community, mental health, school,
marriage and family, student affairs practice
in higher education.
 Programs range from 48-60 hour programs
 April 2003, 389 accredited master’s-level
programs and 45 accredited doctoral level
Credentialing Activities
 Licensure - at the discretion of the state
 Certification
 Accreditation
 Counseling Services Accreditation
Important Websites
Current and Emerging Influences on
Community Counseling
Managed Care
 Prior to the 1980, mainly the organizations were
uncommon. There was a fee for service system
 1950s when mental health services were a part of
most health plans
 Escalating costs and growing demands for
coverage and service led to increase in health
insurance costs
HMO Act of 1973 – designated federal funding for
the development of managed care programs and
required managed care options to employees