Sociology Chapter 9 Social Stratification in the US Introduction to US Social Stratification Social Stratification- Is the system of social standing within a society Major Factors in Social Standing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Wealth Income Race Education Power US Social Stratification Most people in the US believe that self-effort and ability determine a person’s social standing. That’s why we are really against corruption and other unfair hindrances. We even go so far as to support programs to equalize the playing field? *What are some ways that we try and assist disadvantaged people in our society?* How a Sociologist Sees US Stratification 1. Social stratification is a society-wide system that makes inequalities apparent 2. A person’s social standing is affected by the structure of society 3. Social stratification is created and supported by society as a whole 4. No individual, rich or poor, can be blamed for social inequalities 5. Systematic inequalities involve group membership, classes etc. Factors that Define Stratification 1. Economics *Wealth- the net value of money and assets a person has * Income- a person’s wages or investment dividends ##other societies value attributes like charisma, wisdom, educators and age etc more than the US **Societies’ cultural beliefs often reinforce the inequalities of stratification** Why do you think money is so tied to social stratification in the US? Systems of Stratification 1. Closed System- Born into it, therefore there is little chance/opportunity of changing your social system. A caste system is a good example. Being a woman in some societies is a closed system. 2. Open System- Based on achievement, therefore, movement between layers is possible Socialization plays a big role in people accepting and perpetuating the system they were raised in Caste Systems The Class System • A class system is based on both social factors and individual achievement • A class is people who share similar status- wealth, education, income and occupation • A class system is open and people can socialize, marry or move from one class to another • Individuals have a choice through education, vision, motivation, talent etc • Exogamous- Marriage of people from different social classes • Endogamous- Marriage of people from the same social class • Meritocracy- Social status is determined by effort and ability *Reality is that a person’s social standing is a complex process and a pure Status Consistency Status Consistency is the consistency that a person ranks across factors like income, education and occupation. • Caste Systems have real high Status Consistency. • Class Systems have much less Example: Teachers have high education, a respected occupation but relatively low pay. Therefore they have relative low Status Consistency The text example of Susan and her lawn business is also good example Chapter 9 Section 2 Social Stratification and Mobility in the USA *The higher your status, the more power, prestige and opportunities that you have. Categories that Affect Social Standing • Family Ancestry, Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, IQ, Athletic Ability, $, Appearance, Personal skills, Achievements Social Stratification reflects an unequal distribution of resources. Your group compared to other groups Standard of Living Standard of Living is how well you can meet the necessities and comforts needed for life. It is often used to compare different social levels. The SOL varies in the US and the TOP 1% of our population controls 1/3 the wealth in the US. Advantage$ of Wealth- most and better schooling, better health, consume more goods and services, around more motivated/entitled people and wield more decision-making power. The Disappearing Middle Class (It is even more skewed in 2015) Social Stratification and Occupations In most high income nations, social stratifications and standards of living are partly based on occupation This basis is from three main factors: 1. $- need more be said? 2. Power your job has- ability to influence others 3. Prestige your job has- some jobs have more status than otherseven if the income is not as great. Priest, teacher, truck driver. Can you think of jobs that are real high/low for all three? Divisions Within the Upper Class Upper Class- Have power and control over their own lives and often other lives as well. They often control media, colleges, sports teams, politics. Among the Upper Class there is a distinction between “Old Money” and “New Money” (nouveau rich). Bill Gates is considered a country bumpkin by the Rockefellers, Carnegies etc. The old money has generations of contacts, influence, superior education- many haven’t had to actually work for wages in generations *The new rich are often ostentatious and flaunt their wealth* The Middle Class • Hard to define and there are many opinions on what exactly it is • Most middle class people work hard and lead comfortable lives • Huge range of incomes- 30K to 150K • Therefore broken into two subcategories- Upper and Lower • With our change from producing goods to providing services it has shrunk dramatically Upper-Middle Class • Tend to hold bachelors and postgraduate degrees • Often study subjects like business, law, medicine,, management • Often have big homes, nice cars • Take nice vacations • Their children receive quality education and have insurance Lower Middle Class • Tend to have jobs supervised by people of the Upper- Middle Class • Make more $ than Lower Class and less than upper • Jobs are often of the technical, lower-level management type • Administrative support positions- secretaries type • Can afford a decent, mainstream life style but struggle to maintain it • Have trouble building savings • More likely than upper to lose jobs during hard times The Lower Class-AKA The Working Class • Subdivided into three subsets: working class, working poor, underclass • Generally less education and lower income • Perform jobs with little prior skill • Routine tasks • Close supervision Working Class • Decent jobs often in custodial and food service- often some benefits • Hands on • Often demanding • Examples: landscaping, cooking, cleaning, building Working Poor • Low-skilled low paying employment- like working class • Their jobs seldom have insurance or retirement • Often seasonal or temporary • More drop outs and illiterates • Seldom vote- feel powerless • Examples: share croppers, day laborers, migrant farm workers *Even with full time work these groups are generally very poor because of the difference between their wages and the cost of living The Underclass • Lowest Tier • Mainly found in inner cities • Mostly under or unemployed • Generally menial tasks for low pay • Some are homeless • Often rely on the Welfare System What types of assistance does the welfare system provide? Pie Graph of US Class System Social Mobility Social Mobility is the ability to change your social situation within your social stratification system. There are many types. Upward Mobility- Moving upwards in social class. Rags to riches stories like Oprah, Stephen King etc give us a warm fuzzy. The huge moves are rare in real life. More common are more modest moves like college degrees, marrying up, getting a promotion at work. Downward Mobility- A lowering of one’s social class. Can be caused by divorce, dropping pout of school, losing a job. Other ways for upward or downward mobility? Other Types of Social Mobility • Intergenerational Mobility (between generations)- Upward or downward movement between generations. Factory worker whose child becomes a doctor. A medical doctor whose child become a teacher. Sometimes these can represent societal changes like 1950’s factory workers whose increased pay moved them into the middle class. 1920’s pro athletes as compared to now. • Intragenerational Mobility (within a generation)- The difference between individuals in the same generation- often how you do as compared to your siblings Structural Mobility Happens when changes in society move whole groups up or down. In the 50’s the prosperity of the times moved huge segments of society into the middle class. Not always fair because women and minorities didn’t share as equally as men in the movement. The recent economic downturn moved many down in society with lay-offs and/underemployment. Class Traits Class Traits, also called class markers, are the typical behaviors, customs and norms that define each class. The Upper Class are often associated with costly, refined, luxury etc tastes. Opera and the like. Middle and Lower Class are more often associated with camping, hunting and shopping at large retailors. These can be Stereotypes and today many people blur these lines, but some stereotypes are more often accurate than not. Social Problem Novels These publications had a huge impact on society. Industrialization resulted in education, so more (poor) people could read. A huge category of literature began to expose the cruelties that the lower classes had to endure. The net effect was that there was pressure to help people in the bottom strata. Not to end stratification per se- but to improve the lot of the lower tiers. Oliver Twist, The Jungle, Sister Carrie were examples of publications that had a major impact on society Chapter 9 Section 3 Global Perspective Global Stratification- Global stratification highlights and examines worldwide patterns of social inequality- wealth, economic stability, status, power. The industrial revolution cause great change in society and in the interdependence around the world. It also resulted in the VAST inequality of wealth from some regions of the world and others. Conflict theorists feel that powerful (industrialized) nations used their power advantage to take advantage of the resources of the poorer nations. Global Inequality Countries are ranked according to their relative economic status. This is based on the Gross National Product (GNP). Though outdated, nations were/are typically referred to as “first world”, “second world” or “third world”. First and second world refer to industrialized countries and third world means undeveloped. Another model breaks countries into two classes: more developed and less developed based on the amount of wealth to distribute around the population. The GDP System GDP stands for per capita gross domestic product. This means that you add up all the income of the citizens, the value of the goods and services produced, government spending and divide this by the number of citizens to give a number to compare to other countries. This number is used to calculate the country’s standard of living and the global average. A UN system called GNI PPP ranks the world’s countries and can be found at ( Low versus High GDP Countries Low-Income Countries • People are poorer- dah • Less access to electricity, plumbing and clean water • Less- often have access to education- higher illiteracy • Infant mortality is higher • Life expectancy is less Functionalism’s Take on Social Stratification Davis-Moore Thesis (1945)- The greater the importance of a role the greater the reward. This means that you get paid more for important jobs that requires more education and talent and less for menial work that anyone can do. I wonder what stay at home parents would think of this thesis? Teachers? Melvin Tumin (1953)- Countered this for obvious reason like inequalities due to race an gender. Think of the social situation during this time period? Girls were still required to wear dresses to school and segregation was legal. Conflict Theory and Stratification Conflict theorists feel stratification only benefits some people in society and perpetuates itself. How can a basketball player make millions and a teacher 35K? How can a rich society have so many poor people? According to Marx the world is divided into two classes; the proletariats who do the work to produce the goods and the Bourgeois which own the capital (Capitalists) and keep getting richer. The resulting stratification creates class conflict Occupy Wall Street, 1%’s etc Was Marx right about anything? Symbolic Interactionism and Stratification SI uses everyday interactions of individuals to explain society as a whole. Therefore- tries to explain how people’s social standing affects their everyday interactions. People tend to live and work with people of a similar social standing. SI also notes that people’s appearance reflects their perceived social standing- cars, clothes, houses etc. Conspicuous Consumption- Buying things that show things about you like: eco-friendly cars, expensive jogging suits, Mcmansions Can you think of other examples?