Chapter 7-Stratification



Chapter 7

Discussion Outline

• I. Standards of Equality

• II. Stratification and Types of Stratification

• III. American Stratification

• IV. Social Mobility

I. Standards of Equality

• Equality of Opportunity

• Are the rules of the game the same for everyone? Do we live in a true meritocracy?

• Weber’s Life chances

• Equality of Outcome

• Anticapitalist

• “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”

II. What is Social Stratification?

Stratification-A structured ranking of entire groups of people.

• -It is a cultural universal.

• -Why does it exist? and how does it impact social life and opportunities? Central theoretical questions

Systems of Stratification…


Perpetuate unequal economic rewards and power in society-Some suffer while others benefit


-B: Maintain Social Inequality- members of society have differing amounts of wealth, prestige, and power

Systems of Stratification

• Review:

Ascribed status vs. Achieved status

Is one’s social class ascribed or achieved?

• General Systems:

• (1) Slavery (2) Castes (3) Social classes

• -Open vs. Closed systems

• Any stratification system may include elements of more than one type

Marx and Social Class

• Proletariat

• Bourgeoisie

• Contradictory class locations

Dimensions of Stratification in The American

Class System

• Economic Standing (Objective measures)

1. Wealth- money and other economic assets that a person or family owns, including property and income

• Wealth is cumulative, is passed on to the next generation, ensures economic security and future prosperity, and produces income

• 2. Income?

• Which is more important?

Dimensions of Stratification

• (Subjective measures)

Prestige How do individuals and groups alert others of their level of prestige?

• -Status Symbols-Status Hierarchy

• -Thorstein Veblen and Conspicuous Consumption


• Power

• What does it mean that an individual or group is powerful in society?

III. American Stratification

• The gap between the rich and the poor in U.S. is larger than any other wealthy/industrialized nation

• Growing economic inequality since 1960’s and accelerated in 1980’s under president ______ and economic principle of “trickle down economics”.

• What is the main idea of trickle down economics?

• Inequality continues to grow- Income and wealth gaps

Economic Inequality (Income)

• A growing gap between rich and poor

• 1990’s profits reaped by upper class

• Stagnant wages for 8/10 Americans

• CEO Compensation-1980: 42x-> 2010->430x

• Trickle down-economics

Did it work?

Economic Inequality (Wealth)

Greater than income inequality and expanding to levels unseen since the great depression…

• When income stagnates, it’s difficult to save and build wealth/accumulate assets

• In 2007, the wealthiest 1% of households owned more than the bottom 90% of households combined


Growing Inequality in the U.S.

• Why do Americans tolerate such massive concentrations of income and wealth?

Do most poor and working class people not work hard?

Are the richest individuals/ families the hardest working?

Do all people have an equal chance at discovering their talents? Is there equality of opportunity?

IV. Social Reproduction vs. Social Mobility

• Social Reproduction

• Social Mobility

• Moving from one place in a stratification system to another

• Is America the land of opportunity? The land of social mobility?

