Document1 Name: ____________________________ HF: _______ Table of Contents EXAM DETAILS 2 KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS 3 FILL IN THE BLANKS 7 EXTRA HINTS 9 RUBRIC 10 1 Document1 Name: ____________________________ HF: _______ EXAM DETAILS Course: Course Code: Date: Duration: Time: Teacher: Computer Science BTT10 (all sections) Friday, Dec. 4, 2015. 60 minutes 8:30 a.m. J. Burnham How to review: Read over all the work we have covered. You will see this at Re-read the WIKI that you and your classmates posted. Re-do the practice quiz and the jeopardy game. Study the practice questions included in this review. How the exam works: All the instructions for your exam will be given in an exam file, which your teacher will post for you to download. You will be asked to resave the file to your H drive. You may use the Mac OS or Windows OS as you wish. You will be filling in your answers on the Word file that you downloaded. You will be asked to add screenshots or snips form Word or Excel, as we have done in class. You may be scheduled to write the exam in the mac lab on the third floor or in the computer room on the second floor. You may use all of the programs and files that we normally use in class, including the Internet. You will be asked to post your exam file to Edsby in order to submit it. Questions? Be sure to talk to Ms Burnham during class, or email her. 2 Document1 Name: ____________________________ HF: _______ KNOWLEDGE QUESTIONS Highlight the BEST answer for each of the following questions 1. What kind of graph or chart best suits the data below? How people get to school Walk Drive Take a bus Bike a) b) c) d) Students 10% 65% 20% 5% Teachers 2% 81% 15% 2% bar or column graph pie graph all of the above none of the above 2. What kind of graph or chart best suits the data to the right? a) b) c) d) bar or column graph pie graph all of the above none of the above 3. Consider the data in question2. What is the formula for cell B30 to find the Mean? a) b) c) d) =AVERAGE(B1:B24) AVERAGE(B1:B24) =AVG(B2:B24) =AVERAGE(B2:B24) 3 Document1 Name: ____________________________ HF: _______ 4. Consider the data in question 2. What is the formula for cell B28 to find the Largest? a) b) c) d) =largest(B1:B24) large(B1:B24) =max(B2:B24) =maximim(B2:B24) 5. Consider the data in question 2. What is the formula for cell B31 to finds the median? a) b) c) d) =MEDIAN(B1:B24) MEDIAN(B1:B24) =MEDIAN(B2,B24) =MEDIAN(B2:B24) 6. Consider the data shown in question 2.. What is the formula for cell B32 to find the mode? a) b) c) d) =MODE(B1:B24) MODE(B1:B24) =MODE(B2,B24) =MODE(B2:B24) 7. To prevent data loss… a) b) c) d) save every 5 minutes make a backup of your programs and data and keep them in a safe location use an antivirus program and keep it updated all of the above 8. True or False: Posting something on a social networking site means you likely will never be able to fully delete it. a) b) True False 4 Document1 Name: ____________________________ HF: _______ 9. In order to follow the rules of an online site like YouTube you are usually asked to … a) b) c) d) be over 21 years old just sign up agree to an acceptable use agreement. none of the above 10. When using files with other SCS students you may save to a) b) c) d) S or Shared Drive H or Home Drive My Documents Desktop 11. When keeping files private use a) b) c) d) S or Shared Drive H or Home Drive My Documents Desktop 12. True or False: Computer viruses primarily spread from removable media, downloads and from email attachments. a) b) True False 13. True or False: Offering something for nothing online is almost always a spam. a) True b) False 14. law. a) b) True or False: The three strikes rule on YouTube refers to breaking copyright True False 5 Document1 Name: ____________________________ HF: _______ 15. True or False: According to Canadian law, when someone posts a comment online anonymously, and they insult someone it is called defamation. a) b) True False 16. True or False: It is safe to post your birthday online. a) b) True False 17. True or False: Passwords ideally should contain over 10 characters, be a mixture of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols. a) b) True False 17. True or False: Ideally, you should use the same password for most of your logins. a) b) True False 6 Document1 Name: ____________________________ HF: _______ FILL IN THE BLANKS 18. List 8 ways the following computer user may lessen the risk of injury when using the computer for long periods of time. Use this diagram as a reference. 1 Sit upright with your shoulders over your hips 2 Your line of sight should be horizontal with your monitor 3 Your elbows should be at approximately 90 degrees 4 Your arms should be horizontal over the keyboard 5 Use an ergonomic keyboard if you can. 6 Your desk should be clean of clutter and should be level 7 Feet should be flat on the floor. Adjust seat height if necessary. 8 Monitor should be free from glare from the sun 9. Take breaks to stretch, or walk around. 10. Adjust armrests (shoulders should be relaxed) 11. Rest and refocus your eyes when needed. 7 Document1 Name: ____________________________ HF: _______ 19. Consider the following data and chart. How might this chart be changed to make it more correct or more understandable to the user? List 4 ways. 1 Use a meaningful title. 2 Remove the legend. It is meaningless 3 Add data labels 4 Add fill colour or enlarge font sizes to make the whole chart clear and easy to read. 8 Document1 Name: ____________________________ HF: _______ HANDS ON QUESTIONS 29. Use Excel to create a 3 kinds of graphs for the following data. If you do not know how to do it, do an Internet search to find our how. a) b) c) bar or column chart line graph with no markers scatter plot with a trendline. 30. Format this document. - Add headings using the tab button on the ribbon toolbar. - Add an automatic table of contents to the front page of this document. 31. Practice making a memo 32. Take note of good style when writing a business email EXTRA HINTS 33. Look over all the programs you did for class and practice making them over again. 9 Document1 Name: ____________________________ HF: _______ RUBRIC RUBRIC FOR THE PRACTICAL SECTION Exceptional 5 High Degree 4 Acceptable 3 Some 2 Limited 1 The student uses processing skills with an exceptional degree of effectiveness The student uses processing skills with a high degree of effectiveness The project meets most of the specifications The project meets few of the specifications The project is poorly organized and very difficult to read. (Application) Checklist: -All embedded formulas are general purpose in nature and are efficient. (A change to the data and the spreadsheet still works in all cases) -Titles are aligned over data. -Chart is the appropriate type for the problem -Chart has a meaningful title -Data labels are used and all the categories are clear -Page numbers were added correctly -Correct values are selected when creating the chart -Title and project purpose is identifiable. -Student name and class are clearly displayed. -Formatting of cells is accurate for the data to be displayed. -Formatting of cells make a valuable contribution to the appearance and readability of the project. White space, headings and colour are used to enhance the readability of the project. -Project is saved and submitted as required. (Communication) (Thinking) -Expresses and organizes ideas and information with an exceptional degree of effectiveness - Interesting to read and holds the visitor's attention. -Writing is simple, clear, direct, and in an active voice. -The student considered her audience when creating her memo. -The graph was used effectively to persuade the audience of her objective. -The student undertook unfamiliar tasks independently; either by using a search engine for help, or by consulting with help menus. -Additional features (more than the minimum required) were effectively used e.g. Headings using the style function and table of contents were correctly inserted into the document. 10