Parents Can Afford College - The Thai Association of Southern

Parents Can Afford College
คุณพ่ อและคุณแม่ มกี ำลัง ส่ งให้ คุณลูกเรียนได้
Presented by
Thai Association of Southern California
สมำคมไทยแห่ งแคลิฟอร์ เนียภำคใต้
Keynote Speakers วิทยากร
Nikun Khoongumjorn
• Present of TASC
• 2003 Alumni of UC Irvine
Bachelor's in Computer
• 2005 Alumni of Stanford
Master’s in Computer
Jennifer Kraipaspong
• VP of TASC in Youth &
Education and Public
• 2006 Alumni of UC Irvine
Bachelor's of Economy and
Tuition ค่าเล่าเรี ยน
• Private Universities มหาวิทยาลัยเอกชน
- University of Southern California (USC) = $40,384
- Pepperdine University = $38,960
- Stanford University = $38,700
• Public Universities มหาวิทยาลัยรัฐ
- Cal State = $5052
• Community Colleges = 12 units at $26/unit = $670/year
- Pasadena City College, Santa Monica College, Mt. SAC, LACC
• Vocational/Trade Schools = $16,000
- ITT, Everest College, UEI, DeVry, American Career College
Who Can Qualify for Financial Aid?
U.S. citizen or permanent resident
High school graduate/GED holder
Valid Social Security number
Males registered for Selective Service
Types of Financial Aid
Scholarship ทุนการศึกษา
Grants เงินทุนจากรัฐบาล
Loans การกู้เงิน
Work Study การทางานเพื่อการศึกษา
• Parent Contribution – Savings Programs
Scholarship ทุนการศึกษา
• Given by schools or various organizations /
มอบโดยโรงเรี ยนหรื อองค์กรต่างๆ
• Dependent on G.P.A or aptitude in a particular
area / อยู่ที่เกรดหรื อความสามารถเฉพาะทาง
• Essay contest
Forms Needed
• U.S. Department of Education's office of
Federal Student Aid
• Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA)
• Cal Grant GPA Verification Form
• Deadline:
- California - For initial awards: March 2, 2011.
- For additional community college awards
September 2, 2011.
How much financial aid can I get?
In general, depends on your financial need.
• Financial need determined by Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and cost of
attendance (COA)
• เงินทุนที่จะได้ ขึ ้นอยู่กบั ค่าใช้ จ่ายทีผ่ ้ ปู กครองต้ องออกและค่าใช้ จ่ายในด่านการศึกษา
EFC comes from what you report on FAFSA. Determined by a formula that takes
into account information such as the student’s and parents’ income and (often)
their assets, how many people are in the family household and how many of those
people are in college.
• ค่าใช้ จ่ายทีผ่ ้ ปู กครองต้ องออกนันมาจากการรายงานใน
FAFSA โดยขึ ้นอยู่กบั สูตร รายได้ ข้อง
ผู้ปกครองและนักเรี ยน, ทรัพย์สิน, จานวนผู้ที่อยุ่อาศัยในบ้ านและจานวนนักเรี ยน
COA is tuition, fees, room and board, transportation, etc.
• COA คือ ค่าใช้ จ่ายในด้ านการศึกษา - ค่าเล่าเรี ยน, ค่าหอพัก, ค่าเดินทาง, ค่าหนังสือ
COA – EFC = Financial Need
ค่ ำใช้ จ่ำยในด่ ำนกำรศึกษำ – ค่ ำใช้ จ่ำยที่ผ้ ูปกครองต้ องออก = เงินทุน
Grants เงินทุนจากรัฐบาล
Federal Pell Grant (รั ฐบำลกลำง)
Cal Grants (รั ฐ)
• Generally awarded to
students with exceptional
financial need who have not
earned a bachelor’s or
graduate degree
• Awards Up to $5,550
• Must fill out Cal Grant GPA
Verification Form
• Have at least a 3.0 grade
point average, and apply by
March 2 either of the year
they graduate from high
school or the following year.
• For year 2011-12, a Cal
Grant pays $11,124 at the
University of California,
$4,884 at California State
University, and $9,708 at
non-public colleges.
Grants เงินทุนจากรัฐบาล
National Science and Mathematics
Access to Retain Talent Grant
(National SMART Grant)
Must be eligible for a Pell Grant
Must be enrolled at least half-time in third or
fourth year (or fifth year of a 5-year program)
Must be in an eligible degree program
majoring in physical, life, or computer
sciences, engineering, technology,
mathematics, or a critical-need foreign
Must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
Award up to $4000
Federal Supplemental Educational
Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
(FSEOG) program is for
undergraduates with exceptional
financial need. Pell Grant recipients
with the lowest expected family
contributions (EFCs) will be
considered first for a FSEOG. Just like
Pell Grants, the FSEOG does not have
to be repaid.
You can receive between $100 and
$4,000 a year, depending on when
you apply, your financial need, the
funding at the school you're
attending, and the policies of the
financial aid office at your school.
Student Loans การกูเ้ งินของนักเรี ยน
Federal Perkins Loan
• Your college is the lender; payment is owed to
the college that made the loan
• For undergraduate and graduate students
• Interest charged on this loan is 5%
• Funds depend on student’s financial need and
availability of funds at the college
• Undergraduate students: up to $5,500
• Graduate and professional degree students: up to
Student Loans การกูเ้ งินของนักเรี ยน
Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan
Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
Between $3,500 and $8,500
depending on grade level
Must be at least a half-time student
Must have financial need
For undergraduate and graduate
Borrower is not charged interest
while in college and during grace and
deferment periods
Interest charged on this loan is 4.5%
for undergraduate students and 6.8%
for graduate students
The U.S. government is the lender;
payment is owed to the U.S.
Between $3,500 and $8,500
depending on grade level
Must be at least a half-time student
For undergraduate and graduate
Borrower is responsible for all
interest on the loan including while in
college and during grace and
deferment periods
Interest charged on this loan is 6.8%
The U.S. government is the lender;
is owed to the U.S. government
Between $5,500 to $20,500 (less any
subsidized amount received for the
same period) depending on grade
level and dependency status
Student Loans การกูเ้ งินของนักเรี ยน
Direct PLUS Loans for Graduate and Professional
For graduate and professional degree students
Borrower is responsible for all the interest
Interest charged on this loan is 7.9%
Must not have negative credit history
Must have applied for annual loan maximum eligibility
under the Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
Programs before applying for a Graduate/Professional PLUS
• The U.S. government is the lender; payment is owed to the
U.S. government
Parents Loans การกูเ้ งินของผูป้ กครอง
Direct PLUS Loans for Parents
For parents of dependent students
Borrower is responsible for all the interest
Interest charged on this loan is 7.9%
Must not have negative credit history
The U.S. government is the lender; payment is
owed to the U.S. government
• Maximum amount is cost of attendance minus
any other financial aid the student receives
Private Loans การกูเ้ งินจากองค์กรอื่นๆ
• Student loans made by other entities such as
private student loan companies, banks, credite
unions, some state agencies, employers, and
even individuals. Private loans are usually
more costly but can be helpful to meet
financial needs.
Work Study การทางานเพื่อการศึกษา
Federal Work-Study (FWS) provides part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with
financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses. The program
encourages community service work and work related to the recipient's course of study.
You'll be paid by the hour if you're an undergraduate. No FWS student may be paid by commission
or fee. Your school must pay you directly (unless you direct otherwise) and at least monthly. Wages
for the program must equal at least the current federal minimum wage but might be higher,
depending on the type of work you do and the skills required. The amount you earn can't exceed
your total FWS award. When assigning work hours, your employer or financial aid administrator will
consider your award amount, your class schedule, and your academic progress.
If you work on campus, you'll usually work for your school. If you work off campus, your employer
will usually be a private nonprofit organization or a public agency, and the work performed must be
in the public interest.
Your school might have agreements with private for-profit employers for Federal Work-Study jobs.
This type of job must be relevant to your course of study (to the maximum extent possible). If you
attend a career school, there might be further restrictions on the jobs you can be assigned.
Savings Program เงินสะสมจากพ่อจ๊ะแม่จ๋า
• Provide tax incentives
• Coverdell Education Savings Account
• 529 College Savings Plan
Important Websites
Financial Aid Calculator =
Your parent might need a PIN too
Choose your own PIN or let the site choose one for you
Don’t tell anyone your PIN!
TASC Contact Information
• E-mail:
• Contact number: 562-285-7889