Type II restriction enzymes searching for one site and then two Stephen Halford DNA-Proteins Interactions Unit, Department of Biochemistry, Why study the enzymology of Type II restriction enzymes? Enzyme specificity c.f. aminoacyl tRNA synthetases DNA sequence recognition Discrimination between alternative (naturally-occurring) substrates: Restriction enzymes: 106 – 109 Aa tRNA synthetases: 103 – 104 c.f. cI and LacI repressors Target site location along DNA c.f. Lac repressor, RNA polymerase Test systems for DNA looping and synapsis c.f. AraC, LacI, site-specific recombination But much easier to measure the arrival of a Type II restriction enzyme at its target sequence than a transcription factor: Restriction enzyme - DNA gets cleaved at the recognition site Transcription factor - level of gene expression gets modulated Starting from ……….. Ph.D. (1967-70) and post-doc (1972-76) with Freddie Gutfreund: Enzyme kinetics and mechanisms – alkaline phosphatase, lysosyme and -lactamase Freddie in Cambridge, 1952 (long before moving to Bristol), flanked by colleagues from the Cavendish Laboratory Courtesy of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives. Restriction enzymes 1977 (all of them) At http://rebase.neb.com, October 2013 Enzymes 4087 Type I Type II Type III Type IV 105 3942 22 18 Weirdos 1 Putative REs (in sequenced genomes) 21557 Nigel Brown, Biochemistry, Bristol, ~1980 Getting started on EcoRI, with a little help from Ken and Noreen ... 416 (site 5) 421 (site 2) Halford, S. E., Johnson, N. P. & Grinsted, J. (1980). The EcoRI restriction endonuclease with bacteriophage DNA. Kinetic studies. Biochem. J. 191, 581-592. Purification of the EcoRI restriction enzyme ~1978 1. At Centre for Applied Microbiology, Porton Down, grow 2 400 L fermentor runs of Escherichia coli RY13 (the native strain for EcoRI). 2. Break open cells in a French press connected directly to a continuous centrifuge and flow output into a bath tub. 3. Use overhead gantry to deposit sackful of DEAE cellulose into bathtub. Marc Zabeau (then at EMBL. Previously with Rich Roberts, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) Stir with oar. (EcoRI absorbs onto the DEAE). 4. Pump contents ofstrain bathtub into the drum ofprotein a spin drier linedinwith Over-producing for EcoRI insoluble crystals USA a muslin bag. Spin hard to remove as much liquid as possible. Over-producing EcoRVbag soluble protein to crystal structures with 5. Deposit contents strain of thefor muslin into 0.2 M NaCl release the EcoRI. Fritz Winkler (at EMBL) Filter to remove the DEAE cellulose. 6. Apply filtrate to P11 phosphocellulose column (6030 cm {hd}). Batchwash column with progressively increasing [NaCl]. (EcoRI elutes ~0.5 M NaCl). Collect fractions in Winchester bottles. 7. Take the best two Winchesters back to Bristol for final “polishing”. End up with ~10 ml at 30,000,000 units/ml. EcoRV – now the archetype of the Type II restriction enzymes BfiI at: EcoRV at: ACTGGG(n5) TGACCC(n4) 5’--GATATC--3’ 3’--CTATAG--5’ FokI at: GGATG(n9) CCTAC(n13) SgrAI at: CRCCGGYG GYGGCCRC + 2 ( ± 1) Mg2+ per active site 5’-GAT 3’-CTA ATC-3’ TAG-5’ SfiI at: GGCCnnnnnGGCC CCGGnnnnnCCGG BcgI at: (n10)CGA(n6)TGC(n12) (n12)GCT(n6)ACG(n10) What a difference a bp makes C 1 unit EcoRV per µg DNA 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 min 0 L S pAT153 3658 bp: One EcoRV site 0 1 3 5 7 10 20 30 40 50 60 90 120 min O L 1 million units EcoRV per µg DNA Ratio of EcoRV activities (kcat/Km values) at recognition site (GATATC) over next best site (GTTATC) = 1.106 S X Y Taylor, J. D. & Halford, S. E. (1989). Discrimination between DNA sequences by the EcoRV restriction endonuclease. Biochemistry, 28, 6198-6207. EcoRV binds all DNA sequences with equal affinity Gel-shifts with increasing concs EcoRV added to 0.1 nM 32P-labelled DNA in EDTA-buffer (no Mg2+). DNA – 381 bp with one EcoRV site 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 nM EcoRV Same result with an 381 bp DNA with no EcoRV site: >15 retarded bands With 50 bp DNA – 3 retarded bands Only band seen with specific DNA when Ca2+ was added: Vipond & Halford, 1995 With 100 bp DNA – 6 retarded bands With 200 bp DNA – 12 retarded bands Taylor, J. D., Badcoe, I. M., Clarke, A. R. & Halford, S. E. (1991). EcoRV restriction endonuclease binds all DNA sequences with equal affinity. Biochemistry, 30, 8743-8753. EcoRV binds Mg2+ only when at its cognate site (A) EcoRV activity vs [Mg2+] Vermote, C.L.M & Halford,S.E. (1992). EcoRV restriction endonuclease: communication between catalytic metal ions and DNA recognition. Biochemistry 31, 6082-6089. (B) EcoRV bound to: Specific DNA Non-specific DNA Winkler, F. K., et al. (1993). The crystal structure of EcoRV endonuclease and of its complexes with cognate and non-cognate DNA fragments. EMBO J. 12, 1781-1795. von Hippel, P. H. & Berg, O. G. (1989) Facilitated target location in biological systems. J. Biol. Chem., 264, 675 - 678. 3-D 1-D Must be sliding because: (i) Association rate very fast, “too fast” for 3-D. (ii) 1-D faster than 3-D. A restriction enzyme at an asymmetric sequence (with Geoff Wilson) EcoRV at a symmetrical site: One gene – homodimer 5’-GATATC-3’ 3’-CTATAG-5’ R gene R2 BbvCI at an asymmetric site: 5’-CCTCAGC-3’ Two genes – heterodimer 3’-GGAGTCG-5’ R1 R2 R1 gene R2 gene R1 Heiter, D. F., Lunnen, K. D. & Wilson, G. G. (2005). Site-specific DNA-nicking mutants of the heterodimeric restriction endonuclease R.BbvCI. J. Mol. Biol. 348, 631-640. Application of BbvCI to short-distance sliding 1) Two BbvCI sites in direct repeat R2 CCTCAGC GGAGTCG CCTCAGC GGAGTCG R1 R2 CC CC: 30 bp CG CG: 30 bp R1 Here, sites 30 bp apart. Also made DNA with sites 40, 45 and 75 bp apart 2) Two BbvCI sites in inverted repeat CC CC: 30 bp GCTGAGG CGACTCC CG CG: 24 bp R1 R2 CCTCAGC GGAGTCG R1 R2 R1 R2 Gowers, D. M., Wilson, G. G. & Halford, S. E. (2005) Measurement of the contributions of 1D and 3D pathways to the translocation of a protein along DNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci .U.S.A. 102, 15883-15888. Direct evidence for “sliding” along DNA Progressive reactions that cut both BbvCI sites (% total DNA cleavage reactions) Sites separated by 30-45 bp Sites separated by 75 bp [NaCl] 0 60 150 46 33 40 42 29 25 23 22 15 15 13 13 But only over 45 bp at [NaCl] 60 mM Substrates to test for facilitated diffusion by EcoRV Catenane Plasmid Minicircle R EcoRV 3466 bp R EcoRV 3120 bp H H 3120 bp 346 bp EcoRV Resolvase HindIII 346 bp Darren Gowers Gowers, D. M. & Halford, S. E. (2003). Protein motion from non-specific to specific DNA by three-dimensional routes aided by supercoiling. EMBO J. 22, 1410-1418. Partitioning of EcoRV on relaxed DNA: plasmid / catenane / minicircle E E DNA Products / nM + + E + E E E 12 Catenane Plasmid 8 Plasmid 4 Minicircle 0 10 20 30 Catenane Minicircle 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 Time / min Ratio: 3.4 Ratio: 2.6 Ratio = 14.0 on supercoiled DNA Ratio: 1.1 30 Pathway to a specific DNA site Initial random association Sliding 50 bp at landing point Dissociation from DNA Re-association to new site in same DNA New landing site close to rec. site Sliding 50 bp at each new landing point Halford, S. E. & Marko, J. F. (2004). How do site-specific DNA-binding proteins find their targets? Nucleic Acids Res., 32, 3040-3052. Halford, S. E. (2009). An end to 40 years of mistakes in DNA-protein association kinetics? Biochem. Soc. Trans., 37, 343-348. EcoRV – now the archetype of the Type II restriction enzymes BfiI at: EcoRV at: ACTGGG(n5) TGACCC(n4) 5’--GATATC--3’ 3’--CTATAG--5’ FokI at: GGATG(n9) CCTAC(n13) SgrAI at: CRCCGGYG GYGGCCRC + 2 Mg2+ per active site 5’-GAT 3’-CTA ATC-3’ TAG-5’ SfiI at: GGCCnnnnnGGCC CCGGnnnnnCCGG BcgI at: (n10)CGA(n6)TGC(n12) (n12)GCT(n6)ACG(n10) The SfiI restriction endonuclease From Ira Schildkraut, New England Biolabs 5’-G-G-C-C-n-n-n-nn-G-G-C-C -3’ 3’-C-C-G-G-nn-n-n-n-C-C-G-G -3’ 8 bp recognition sequence – but interrupted by 5 bp nonspecific DNA Over-producing strain available Stable protein (assayed at 50 C) Already crystallised – crystals with Aneel Aggarwal Steady-state reactions of SfiI on one- and two-site DNA (a) Two-site plasmid Intact SC DNA 5 1 cut DNA (b) Comparison of rates of formation of final product from plasmids with 1 or with 2 SfiI sites 5 2 cut 3 1 cut 2 1 0 Final product (nM) SC 4 DNA (nM) 2 cut DNA 4 2-site DNA 3 2 1-site DNA 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 30 Time (min) Wentzell, L. M., Nobbs, T. J. & Halford, S. E. (1995). The SfiI restriction endonuclease makes a fourstrand DNA break at two copies of its recognition sequence. J. Mol. Biol. 248, 581-595. 60 90 120 150 180 Time (min) SfiI, a tetramer binding two DNA sites Residuals Equilibrium sedimentation: Distribution of SfiI vs centrifugal radius after 20 hrs at 10,000 rpm Complexes with two DNA duplexes SfiI (5nM) in Ca2+ binding buffer with: + 0 10 nM specific 30-mer + 10 0 nM specific 17-mer Samples analysed on polyacrylamide gel 1 0 -1 A280 0.6 SfiI - + + C17 10 10 9 C30 0 0 1 0.4 + 8 2 + 7 3 + 6 4 + 5 5 + 4 6 + 3 7 + 2 8 + 1 9 + 0 10 0 10 0.2 5.90 5.95 6.00 6.05 Centrifugal radius 30-mer 17-mer MW from fit = 123,339 MW from aa sequence: Monomer = 31,044 Tetramer = 124,176 Embleton, M. L., Williams, S. A., Watson, M. A. & Halford, S. E. (1999). Specificity from the synapsis of DNA elements by the SfiI endonuclease. J. Mol. Biol. 289, 785-797. SfiI, a tetramer acting at two DNA sites Initial model for SfiI on DNA with two and with one recognition site(s) SfiI with 2 GGCCnnnnnGGCC Inactive T state Active R state Aneel Aggarwal Two sites in cis Looped DNA Two sites in trans Bridged DNA Type IIS Type II(P) EcoRV BamHI EcoRI Type IIE LOOPS FokI BfiI BspMI MboII BglI Type IIB LOOPS BcgI AloI BaeI BplI Type IIF LOOPS NaeI EcoRII Sau3AI LOOPS Roberts,R.J.et al. (2003) A nomenclature for restriction enzymes, DNA methyltransferases, homing endonucleases and their genes. Nucleic Acids Res. 31, 1805-1812. SfiI NgoMIV Cfr10I SgrAI Tethered Particle Motion (TPM) Tracking the Brownian motion of a bead tethered by a DNA molecule, by video microscopy Change in DNA length caused by trapping a loop changes the Brownian motion of the bead Unlooped Looped Record position of bead at 50 Hz (RMS) Substrate for SfiI: Streptavidincoated bead SfiI1 BIOTIN SfiI2 DIG BIO 318 bp 554 bp 237 bp DIG Anti-DIG coated glass TPM: Inactive SfiI mutant with Mg2+ - DNA looping and release 0.5 sec filtered data trace Binary trace 300 RMS (nm) 250 200 150 r tcc 100 # counts 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 t (min) c: Time spent in unlooped state waiting for the next looping event kinetics for loop capture r : Time spent in looped state waiting for the next loop release kinetics for loop breakdown Laurens, N., Bellamy, S. R., Harms, A. F., Kovacheva, Y. S., Halford, S. E. & Wuite, G. J. (2009). Dissecting protein-induced DNA looping dynamics in real time. Nucleic Acids Res. 37, 5454-5464. TPM: Native SfiI in Mg2+ - DNA looping and cleavage TPM records of loop capture and bead release Fraction of non-cleaved tethers vs time: Unlooped DNA DNA release ½ for bead release = 51 min Looped DNA From rapid-reaction kinetics of DNA cleavage by SfiI on the same two-site DNA: E + S E.S (at one site) E.L (looped) E.L E.P E + P DNA binding: ka = 2.108 M-1s-1 ½ for DNA cleavage = 0.05 min ½ for product release = 60 min DNA looping by SfiI: single molecules = bulk solution Tethered particle Rapid reaction kinetics Tethered particle Kinetics Dave Rusling Niels Laurens Tethered particle Kinetics Gijs Wuite Steve Halford’s lab reunion, 2011 From Tony Maxwell (1977-81) and Rachel Smith (2008-13) to Christian Pernstich (2006-13) Mark Szczelkun: “The Halford Victims” From commentary by John Widom on: Gowers, D.M., Wilson,G.G & Halford,S.E. (2005) Measurement of the contributions of 1D and 3D pathways to the translocation of a protein along DNA. PNAS, 102, 15883-15888. Widom, J. (2005) PNAS 102, 16909-10. The impossibility of such a rotation can be appreciated by imagining the protein to be a hot dog bun lying over a hot dog. For a hot dog oriented along the y axis, rotation of the bun about the x axis is forbidden because it requires the bun to cross through the dog. ©2005 by National Academy of Sciences Direct evidence for “sliding” along DNA NaCl (mM) BbvCI reactions that cut both sites: (% total reactions) 30 bp (same at 40 or 45 bp) Repeated / Inverted sites 0 75 bp Ratio Repeated / Inverted sites Ratio 46 / 33 1.4 40 / 42 1 60 29 / 25 1.15 23 / 22 1 150 15 / 15 1 13 / 13 1 But only over 45 bp at [NaCl] 60 mM