The Shark Tank* Challenge! - Business Teachers Association of

Nancy O’Connor
Wantagh Middle School
8th Grade Business Management Class
Students in this class:
run the School Store.
learn about entrepreneurship.
create the logo, slogan, price list, business
cards, and radio commercials for the School
conduct market research, buy new products,
and advertise them to the student body.
Business Organization
Students may choose to work by themselves
or form a new business with 1 – 2 other
students (no more than 3 students)
Students may organize their new business as a
sole proprietorship.
non-profit organization.
Approximately 9-12 business
owners from community
Most of these judges have served
as guest speakers throughout the
semester and are familiar with the
Positive role models
Business Cards & Introduction
Students create in MS Publisher
Make enough copies to place one on storyboard and
present one to each judge in first and final rounds
Students must introduce themselves to each judge at
beginning of each round
Students will clearly state their name
Students will give each judge a firm, business-like
Students will make eye contact while speaking to
Presentation board should include the following categories:
○Name of business prominently displayed
○Business Card
○Charity Event Flyer
○Mission Statement
○Grand Opening Flyer
○Price List
○Additional pictures related to your business
PowerPoint Presentation
Slide 1: Name of business and your name
How did you decide on name for your business?
Slide 2: Location and size of the store (compare to the size of
a store that we’re all familiar with).
Slide 3: Description of Business AND Mission statement
Slide 4: Logo and Slogan
Slide 5: Type of products/services with pricing (at least 10)
Slide 6: Target Market - age, gender, education, lifestyle,
income, opinions, etc.
Slide 7: Type of Ownership & definition with 3 advantages
(Sole Proprietor, Partnership, Corporation)
Slide 8: Personnel (Titles/Duties) and what are you going
to look for when hiring new associates.
Slide 9: Start-up costs/Capital
Add up costs and give total money asking for.
Where will you get money to start business? (Savings,
family, friends, loans)
Slide 10: List competition (at least 3)
What makes your business unique?
What will make you better than your competitors?
Slide 11: SWOT Analysis
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
Slide 12: Radio Commercial (60 seconds)
Elevator Pitch!
Use the last 60-minutes to summarize
your main selling points of your
WHY should they invest in YOUR
company above all the rest?
Students are encouraged to
speak with passion.
work as a team.
make an oral
presentation without
reading from slides.
Questions from Judges
 What was the biggest challenge you faced in creating your business?
How did you overcome this challenge?
 Where do you see your business in five years from now? Ten years from
 If you had unlimited funds, what would you add to your business?
 What special feature(s) makes your business unique from any other?
 How do you intend to increase sales after year one?
Judging Rubric
Introduction (5 pts.)
 Handshake
 Spoke clearly
 Eye contact and smile
Business Card (5 pts.)
 Design & Layout
 Includes business name, associate name, title,
address, phone, email, logo, slogan.
PowerPoint (20 pts.)
 Design & Layout
 Clear, concise (key concepts only - not too
 Spelling/Grammar
Radio Commercial (10 pts)
 45-60 seconds
 Purpose of commercial
 Detailed main features of business/grand opening
Charity Event (10 pts.)
 How project is explained
 How it will be carried out
 Portion of sales/event that will be used to give
Grand Opening Event (10 pts.)
 Time, date, location are clear
 Special event is unique and well planned
Price List (10 pts.)
 Clear, concise, easy-to-read
 Includes logo, slogan, products/services with
prices clearly defined
Story Board (10 pts.)
 Includes logo, slogan, location, business card(s),
charity event, grand opening event, price list
 Layout is visually appealing
Team Appearance (5 pts.)
 Proper attire
 Neat
Overall Presentation (15 pts.)
 Team members worked well together
 All members participated equally
 Successfully presented a business idea
 Enthusiastic, passionate, believes in success of
TOTAL SCORE (Out of 100 pts.)
Prizes for Photo Op/Recruitment
PHOTO OP: (These checks were purchased with
the NYSBTA Innovations Grant.)
Platinum, $100,000 to invest in business
Gold, $75,000 to invest in business
Silver, $50,000 to invest in business
Bronze $25,000 to invest in business
Prizes for students!*
Every student receives a $5 gift card
Every student receives a participation certificate
1st place (Platinum) = $25 gift card to each team
member (i.e. iTunes, Subway, movies, etc.)
2nd place (Gold) = $20 gift card to each team member
3rd place (Silver) = $15 gift card to each team member
4th place (Bronze) = $10 gift card to each team member
*Profits from our school store are used to purchase prizes.
However, you can solicit money/prizes from judges.
Thank you for your time!
If you are interested in starting a project like this
and need more information and/or help, please
send an email to me at
Best of luck!
Nancy O’Connor, Business Education Teacher
Wantagh Middle School