Nancy O’Connor Wantagh Middle School 8th Grade Business Management Class Students in this class: run the School Store. learn about entrepreneurship. create the logo, slogan, price list, business cards, and radio commercials for the School Store. conduct market research, buy new products, and advertise them to the student body. Business Organization Students may choose to work by themselves or form a new business with 1 – 2 other students (no more than 3 students) Students may organize their new business as a sole proprietorship. partnership. corporation. non-profit organization. Judges Approximately 9-12 business owners from community Most of these judges have served as guest speakers throughout the semester and are familiar with the students Positive role models Business Cards & Introduction Students create in MS Publisher Make enough copies to place one on storyboard and present one to each judge in first and final rounds Students must introduce themselves to each judge at beginning of each round Students will clearly state their name Students will give each judge a firm, business-like handshake Students will make eye contact while speaking to judges Storyboard Presentation board should include the following categories: ○Name of business prominently displayed ○Business Card ○Location ○Charity Event Flyer ○Mission Statement ○Grand Opening Flyer ○Logo ○Slogan ○Price List ○Additional pictures related to your business PowerPoint Presentation Slide 1: Name of business and your name How did you decide on name for your business? Slide 2: Location and size of the store (compare to the size of a store that we’re all familiar with). Slide 3: Description of Business AND Mission statement Slide 4: Logo and Slogan Slide 5: Type of products/services with pricing (at least 10) Slide 6: Target Market - age, gender, education, lifestyle, income, opinions, etc. Slide 7: Type of Ownership & definition with 3 advantages (Sole Proprietor, Partnership, Corporation) Slide 8: Personnel (Titles/Duties) and what are you going to look for when hiring new associates. Slide 9: Start-up costs/Capital Add up costs and give total money asking for. Where will you get money to start business? (Savings, family, friends, loans) Slide 10: List competition (at least 3) What makes your business unique? What will make you better than your competitors? Slide 11: SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Slide 12: Radio Commercial (60 seconds) Elevator Pitch! Use the last 60-minutes to summarize your main selling points of your business! WHY should they invest in YOUR company above all the rest? Students are encouraged to speak with passion. work as a team. make an oral presentation without reading from slides. Questions from Judges STUDENTS MUST BE PREPARED FOR ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS TO BE ASKED AFTER THEIR PRESENTATION!!! What was the biggest challenge you faced in creating your business? How did you overcome this challenge? Where do you see your business in five years from now? Ten years from now? If you had unlimited funds, what would you add to your business? What special feature(s) makes your business unique from any other? How do you intend to increase sales after year one? Judging Rubric CATEGORY Introduction (5 pts.) Handshake Spoke clearly Eye contact and smile Business Card (5 pts.) Design & Layout Includes business name, associate name, title, address, phone, email, logo, slogan. PowerPoint (20 pts.) Design & Layout Clear, concise (key concepts only - not too wordy) Spelling/Grammar Radio Commercial (10 pts) 45-60 seconds Purpose of commercial Detailed main features of business/grand opening Charity Event (10 pts.) How project is explained How it will be carried out Portion of sales/event that will be used to give back Grand Opening Event (10 pts.) Time, date, location are clear Special event is unique and well planned Price List (10 pts.) Clear, concise, easy-to-read Includes logo, slogan, products/services with prices clearly defined Story Board (10 pts.) Includes logo, slogan, location, business card(s), charity event, grand opening event, price list Layout is visually appealing Team Appearance (5 pts.) Proper attire Neat Overall Presentation (15 pts.) Team members worked well together All members participated equally Successfully presented a business idea Enthusiastic, passionate, believes in success of business TOTAL SCORE (Out of 100 pts.) POINTS COMMENTS Prizes for Photo Op/Recruitment FOUR GIANT CHECKS DISTRIBUTED FOR PHOTO OP: (These checks were purchased with the NYSBTA Innovations Grant.) Platinum, $100,000 to invest in business Gold, $75,000 to invest in business Silver, $50,000 to invest in business Bronze $25,000 to invest in business Prizes for students!* Every student receives a $5 gift card Every student receives a participation certificate 1st place (Platinum) = $25 gift card to each team member (i.e. iTunes, Subway, movies, etc.) 2nd place (Gold) = $20 gift card to each team member 3rd place (Silver) = $15 gift card to each team member 4th place (Bronze) = $10 gift card to each team member *Profits from our school store are used to purchase prizes. However, you can solicit money/prizes from judges. Thank you for your time! If you are interested in starting a project like this and need more information and/or help, please send an email to me at Best of luck! Nancy O’Connor, Business Education Teacher Wantagh Middle School