Template to design a CLIL didactic unit Subject:Science Teacher:María Juan García Title of the Unit: Animals Course / Level 2º grade 1. Learning outcomes / Evaluation criteria Learning outcomes -Know the classification of vertebrates and invertebrates - Classify vertebrate animals according to their characteristics - Know the main characteristics of each group of vertebrates - Identify the group they belong to different animals according to their characteristics - Encourage the development of techniques to store, organize and relate information, and to self-assess progress in learning. Evaluation criteria - Identify different types of animals - Classify animals - Know the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates - Indicates the major groups of vertebrates - Know what the characteristics of different groups of vertebrates - Develop techniques to store, organize and relate information, and to self-assess progress in learning 2. Subject Content -Vertebrates and invertebrates animals - Mammals - Reptiles - Fish - Amphibians - Birds 3. Language Content / Communication Vocabulary Nouns: Vertebrates, invertebrates bones, mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians, birds, lungs, gills, hair, feathers, scales, shell, fins, beak, wings, Verbs: to be born. Prepositions: in/on (- They live in / on) Structures FUNCTIONS : Predicting theme study using images - Expressing different characteristics - Match pictures with descriptions - Compare characteristics STRUCTURES: - The ..... is a / an ...... - Is the ...? - Yes, it is / No, it is not - It is ... / It is born from ... / It has / It breathes with ... - They live in / on Discourse type - Differentiate animal vertebrate invertebrate animal - Identify the main characteristics of vertebrates - Name the main characteristics of vertebrates - Explain the characteristics of vertebrates Language skills Listen (video), read (video, images ,ppt etc.), write (presentation of their animal, butterfly life cycle), speaking (presentation). 4. Contextual (cultural) Connect the theme with the animals in their environment. element 5. Cognitive (thinking) processes Understand, repeat, analyze and explain. 6. (a) Task(s) Butterfly life cycle. They cut two cardboard circles. Then , glue the pictures of the butterfly in one of the circles, following this order: eggs, larva, cocoon, adult butterfly. Cut out a piece of the second circle. Then, put the other circle on the top and put the fastener in the middle. Finally, turn the second circle to see the different stages of the life cycle. Describe one animals and present to the rest of classmates. They draw the animals and present to the rest of their classmates in pairs. 6. (b) Activities -Presentation of the unit with a power point -Classification of different animal pictures -games of vertebrate and invertebrate animals. - Watch the video stopping at key moments, repeating and / or drawing while in his notebook. -Describe one animals and present to the rest of classmates. -review answering the quiz together. -Butterfly life cycle. They are going to make a wheel craft with the life cycle of the butterfly. 7. Methodology Organization and class 2 sessions: presentation of the topic and practice. distribution / timing Final task in pairs of two helping in the preparation and explanation. Day Three review answering the quiz together. Resources / Materials http://animals.pppst.com/vertebrates.html PPT animals This presentation can also be used to review the names before watching the video and post to label. http://www.wartgames.com/themes/animals/classifications.html games animals classification http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=vertebratesinvertebrates_2 quiz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wT5dihdt4E video http://www.google.es/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd =8&sqi=2&ved=0CDcQFjAH&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.supertea cherworksheets.com%2Fanimals%2Fvertebrate-invertebratepaste.pdf&ei=PbZsVJPhFcfiapOKgYgP&usg=AFQjCNH9YPcCE6V8YrOBlfEm5Y9jLqdkA&sig2=kNM2OwGjSAWj3cgHLSxUjg& bvm=bv.80120444,d.d2s classify animals woorksheet https://www.google.es/search?q=vertebrate+and+invertebrate&cli ent=firefox-a&hs=5H9&rls=org.mozilla:esES:official&channel=sb&biw=1525&bih=722&source=lnms&tbm=is ch&sa=X&ei=zLpsVLGCGM7catDEgMgE&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ& dpr=0.9#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=rgKdjNoPRqiuKM%253A%3BL M0PPY8rmFc1jM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fjvillis.edublogs.org %252Ffiles%252F2012%252F05%252FClassification_21en08sq.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fjvillis.edublogs.org%25 2F19-animal-classification%252F%3B1205%3B855 image: classification of animals Key Competences Linguistics competence, digital, knowledge and interaction with the environment competence, learning to learn competence, social competence 8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments) Evaluation criteria - Identify different types of animals - Classify animals - Know the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates - Indicates the major groups of vertebrates - Know what the characteristics of different groups of vertebrates - Develop techniques to store, organize and relate information, and to self-assess progress in learning Instruments - Final production. - Quiz - Teacher´s notes