SOCIETY OF PAKISTAN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL FOR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE October 25-27,2013 Karachi & November 1-3 2013,Lahore /Islamabad HEAD OFFICE SPELT House: No. 101 First Floor Plot No. C-28 Kh-e-Ittehad, Lane 12 Phase II Ext. D.H.A, Karachi. Tel. No (021) 35313731, 35313733, 5313734, 34247492, Mobile No. 0333-3754250 E-mail:, Site: SPELT InTRR 1 SPELT Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers (SPELT) is a national organization with its chapters and units spreaded across the country and is affiliate of international organizations, such as, IATEFL, U.K and TESOL, US. It was founded in 1984 by a dynamic and vibrant group of teachers as a voluntary, nonprofit organization with a vision to bring about change in teaching and learning of English in Pakistan through teacher education. Since then the organization has successfully maintained and sustained its core values to achieve its vision and mission. It has emerged as a true volunteer organization and now become a radiant example and role model for many organizations in the country and abroad. SPELT's mission statement is to provide a professional forum for its members and practitioners teaching English as a Foreign/Second language to facilitate effective communication and improve the teaching/learning standards of English in Pakistan. It aims at creating professional awareness amongst teachers of English at all levels. This is being done through monthly academic sessions, a quarterly journal, teacher training and development courses, and international annual conferences on vital themes in EFL. These conferences are held country wide. To achieve its goal(s) SPELT organizes academic sessions, professional development programmes, and teacher-research. SPELT networks with sister organizations worldwide to disseminate shared ideas and methodologies appropriate for the local situation. SPELT produces high quality contextually suitable materials to support the professional development of its members. SPELT collaborates with government agencies to develop textbooks for the public sector. SPELT actively supports environmental, peace and human rights issues through its published materials and workshops. 2 The general objectives of the organization are to: a) b) Provide a platform for discussion of problems, analysis and evaluation of courses and offering alternative suggestions after a realistic appraisal of the teaching and learning situation in different areas of Pakistan. Keep members abreast of current developments in the field of ELT by holding regular study sessions. c) Invite ELT specialists to meet the members whenever possible. d) Hold conferences, workshops and orientation courses regularly in order to provide help and guidance to English language teachers. e) Publish a newsletter/journal. f) Build up a resource centre complete with ELT books journals, supplementary teaching materials, audio-visual aids etc. SPELT INTERNATIONAL CONFERNCE Conference is one of SPELT’s prime and proud initiatives hold annually for past 29 years. It is the only international ELT event organized in Pakistan which has become most awaited and celebrated event for teachers, teacher educators, researchers, institutes and schools. The conference is of equal level to any other international conference. Conference holds one keynote session, more than six plenary talks, panel discussion and more than 80 concurrent sessions. Conference extends high quality, highly extensive input to the conference participants encompassing a wide range of topics, for instance, literacy, technology in education, teachers’ professional development and education, research, teaching young learners and a great deal of other areas related to education. Conference delegates include national, regional and international presenters. It hosts more than 900 conference participants from both public and private institutes and organizations. In the conference, Urdu Strand has also been introduced to impact Urdu teaching at all levels. It has received warm and encouraging response from the participants. 3 29th INTERNATIONAL CONFERNCE This year SPELT 29th inaugurating International Conference is being organised in October, 25-27.(Karachi) ; and concluding conferences in November 1-3 Lahore and Islamabad. This year’s conference theme is: Surfing the ELT Wave: New Ways for a New Generation. Waves move over the deep waters of the ocean. They emerge in swells and swirls from ancient depths, as they glide across, gaining momentum, merging with other currents along the way. Fed by unknown rivers and streams; rainfall from over rugged mountains and ageless deserts, the primeval oceans are renewed by tides from faraway lands. Similarly, teachers of English are gliding about in all the nooks and corners of the world, trying to teach English to people of all ages and across all cultures to help them become a part of the global tide of development and progress. They gain strength from each other by using books and ideas developed by colleagues whom they have never met; trying out techniques discovered by those working in highly dissimilar contexts and situations; and sharing thoughts and ideas with colleagues to whom they are linked only through the electronic medium. Though separated by mountains, rivers, and oceans, they are all focused on one common goal: strengthening the English language skills of their students. Often what teachers do in their classrooms seems to be of little consequence; often what they attempt to achieve against all odds is ridiculed by others. But, the achievement at the end of the day, the difference that their seemingly meagre attempts make in the language skills of their students, and the way the sharing of these small success stories impacts the teaching learning of English for other colleagues and their students, is a reward in itself. The annual SPELT International Conferences are the sea where all the small waves meet: teachers teaching language to young learners and adult students, 4 teaching at schools and universities, teaching those aspiring to learn the language for educational achievements or for upward social mobility. They interact with each other, share with each other, and learn from each other, and return to their small pools, lakes, and rivers with renewed knowledge and energy, bent on making some difference in themselves, in the way they teach, and in the manner that their students learn. Be sure you are there at SPELT’s annual international conference to be Surfing the ELT Wave and finding New Ways for a New Generation. SPELT is committed to once again serve the educational community with another colourful event filled with rich content and resources. SPELT and its volunteers are ready to organize the conference with more rigor and increased level of dedication. Each year SPELT brings something new for its participants such as the Urdu strand, ECE/CED strands. Following the tradition SPELT is proud to introduce Leadership role in promoting teaching of English Learning. We are expecting more than fifteen overseas delegates this year from Iran, Nepal, Bangladesh, France, USA, Philippine, KSA and U.K. CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS Keynote address Plenary talks Webinar Book launches by Oxford University Press and other publishers I.T Village Symposiums Signature Sessions Panel discussion Over 50 Concurrent sessions in Karachi and 25 concurrent sessions in Lahore Islamabad which will cover: Current trends in research: Pedagogy, learning, linguistics School Leadership Information Technologies in ELT Professional Development 5 Assessment and testing Story telling Language and literature teaching Teacher development Teaching writing in various settings The EFL teacher as educator Teaching young Learners Glimpses from past INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES INTERNATIONAL SPEAKERS Peter Grundy, UK, Prof. Dr. Diane-Larsen. Freeman USA Dr. M.A.K Halliday Sydney University Australia Prof. Dr. Ruqiaya Hasan Macquarie University Australia Dr. Judith M. Findlay, USA Dr. Caroline Coffin, UK , Thomas Scovel USA Prof. Dr. R. Michael Medley, USA Jane Willis UK Jeremy Harmer UK Rebecca Oxford USA Adrian Tennant UK Hywel Coleman UK Marcia Fisk Ong USA Dr. Rajni Baldani India Dr Maya David, Malaysia And many other notable and prominent ELT experts from around the world URDU STRAND SPEAKERS Raza Ali Abdi Prof.Inayat Ali Khan Dr.Arfa Syeda Zehra Imrana Maqsood Dr.Asif Farrukhi Prof. Sahar Ansari 6 CONFERENCE COLLABORATORS Venue Habib Public School Bahria College Karachi DHA College Karachi Grammar School Bahria College, Karsaz Agha Khan University Design, Print & Material Publication Oxford University Press Spectrum Y&R International Presenters, in-kind and logistics support British Council US State Department CONFERENCE SUPPORTERS iEARN Nasra School Jaffar Public School Bahria College Karachi CONFERENCE SPONSORS PIA Allied Bank ICI Tapal Tea NCE HEC Islamabad Paramount Publishers Pakistan Montessori Council 7 SPELT 29th International Conference October 25 to 27 2013 Karachi & November 1-3 Lahore/ Islamabad Dear SPELT Sponsor The proposal seeks sponsorship its 29th International Inaugurating Conference, which is scheduled in October 25 to 27, Friday through Sunday in Karachi, and simultaneous Concluding Conferences in Lahore and Islamabad from Friday to Sunday , November 1-3. We are confident that this event will extend a valuable platform to market and promote your company and its product and brand. It will create further opportunities for your company as this conference is a unique of its kind not just in the region but around the world. Please go through the items and the rates given below. I shall be happy to provide any clarifications if needed. A confirmation form follows after this letter. Please sign and return the form at your earliest possible since SPELT’s flyers and posters are ready to go to print very soon. Your logo will be included in the panel of major sponsors if your are sending in a speaker, paying for a stall in the book exhibition area as well as presenting a promotional workshop during the conference. Your cooperation in reaching an early decision on this issue will be appreciated I look forward to an early and positive response Lubna Mohyuddin Conference Coordinator 2013-14 SPELT Head Office , Karachi CC: Prof. Zakia Sarwar Hon Executive Director, SPELT Head Office Karachi 8 Sponsorship opportunity Brand Promotion 1. Banners and Standees at the conference site Site Placement ` Auditorium Foyer Corridors Exhibition Area Type Size Quantity Rates/USD Banner “3x6” 01 piece 360/ 03 days Standees “2x5” 02 pieces 240/ 03 days Banner “3x6” 02 pieces 270/ 03 days Standees “2x5” 02 pieces 180/ 03 days Banner “3x6” 01 piece 270/ 03 days Standees “2x5” 02 pieces 180/ 03 days Banner “3x6” 02 pieces 240/ 03 days Standees “2x5” 02 pieces 180/ 03 days 2. Promotional Inserts in the Conference Bag Material & Type Size Quantity Rates/USD Flier/ Brochure A4 size One page 1200 140 Pamphlet/ Brochure A4 size 2-4 pages 1200 170 Pamphlet/ Brochure A4 size 5-9 pages 1200 200 Catalogue/ Promotional material 10+ pages 1200 260 Conference Program Handbook Advertisement Half page 01/ book 150 Full page 01/ book 270 9 3. Exhibition Booth Size Facilities Rent for Three days/USD Duration Electricity connection. 30x15 1x Pedestal fan. 400/ All Three days 1x Table 2 x chairs. Hi Tea/Lunch for two Note: The rates given above are worked out for Karachi. The number of participants in Lahore and Islamabad is approximately 600 each, which amounts to 1200 participants . However an overall discount of 10% will be given on items listed above, if all the three conference sites are to be covered. Promotional workshop 1:50 minute (abstract required on the proper SPELT proposal form) Charges: $ 150 per workshop 10 Awards and Scholarships 1. International Speakers The International Presenters Sponsorship cost cover for: Air fare for international and across the country travelling, accommodation and meal 2. National Speakers for Urdu and English Strands The National Presenters Sponsorship cost cover for: Air fare for across the country travelling, accommodation and meal 3. SPELT Working Committee Members SPELT Working Committee Members Sponsorship cost cover for: Air fare for across the country travelling, accommodation and meal 4. Sponsorship for Teachers for Urdu and English Strand Number of sponsorship: for 150 teachers 60 for English Strand 40 for Urdu Strand 30% Teachers from Public sector 20% Teachers from Middle Class Private Schools 30% Teachers from Lower Middle Class Private Schools 20% Teachers from Under privileged private schools 11 Sponsoring food, logistics and materials 1 2 3 4 Conference Delegates’ Hi Tea ---------------------------US $ 2000 (Sponsor’s promotional literature and posters in the delegates’ dining room/area) Conference Delegates’ Lunch (per day) ----------------------- US $ 2500 (Sponsor’s promotional literature and posters in the delegates’ dining room/area) Multimedia Equipment and Gadgets ---------------US $ 1500 (Display of Sponsor’s logo in presentation rooms) Photo copying – -------US$.300 (Sponsor’s logo on Photocopies Hosting the auditorium sponsorship grant will cover the cost against the following heads a. Auditorium rent b. Sound system c. Air condition rental charges d. Electricity charges e. Multimedia equipments f. Furniture rent For the three days of the event ------US $ 2500 12 Benefits to the Sponsoring Agency The opportunity will create strong brand image to the sponsoring company. The event will further boost sales and promotion. As the conference delegates come from a variety of settings and diverse customer needs, the brand will explore new potential buyers. The brand’s logo and branding campaign in return to the grant sponsored to the event will tangibly impact on the audience. It is expected that your brand will directly impact more than 2000 conference delegates and indirectly all those members non-members who come in contact with SPELT through out the year. Tangible returns are: 1. Logo on the main conference backdrop 2. Logo in the conference programme book on the “Thank You” page 3. Formal thank in the inaugural session by the SPELT Finance Coordinator 4. Prominent space in the main hallways, entrance of the auditorium, to the brand promotional campaign with the conference theme and SPELT logo on all banners, standees, panaflex and other promotional material. 5. Networking opportunities with colleagues, material writers & authors and prominent ELT professionals and organizations. 13 14 SPONSORSHIP CONFIRMATION FORM for SPELT 29th International Conference October 25 to 27 2013 Karachi & November 1-3 Lahore & Islamabad Company Name: Contact Name: Address: Contact Information: Phone numbers landline Mobile : Email: Please confirm the selected area of sponsorship below: Signature: Designation: Dated: 15 Brand Promotion 1. Banners and Standees at the conference site Site Placement ` Type Size Quantity Rates/USD Auditorium Banner “3x6” 01 piece 360/ 03 days Standees “2x5” 02 pieces 240/ 03 days Banner “3x6” 02 pieces 270/ 03 days Standees “2x5” 02 pieces 180/ 03 days Banner “3x6” 01 piece 270/ 03 days Standees “2x5” 02 pieces 180/ 03 days Banner “3x6” 02 pieces 240/ 03 days Standees “2x5” 02 pieces 180/ 03 days Foyer Corridors Exhibition Area 1. Promotional Inserts in the Conference Bag Material & Type Size Quantity Rates/USD Flier/ Brochure A4 size One page 1200 140 Pamphlet/ Brochure A4 size 2-4 pages 1200 170 Pamphlet/ Brochure A4 size 5-9 pages 1200 200 Catalogue/ Promotional material 10+ pages 1200 260 Conference Program Handbook Advertisement Half page 01/ book 150 Full page 01/ book 270 16 2. Exhibition Booth Size Facilities Rent for Three days/USD Duration Electricity connection. 30x15 1x Pedestal fan. 400/ All Three days 1x Table 2 x chairs. Hi Tea/Lunch for two Promotional workshop Workshop US $ 150 Awards and Scholarships International Speakers National Speakers for Urdu and English Strands SPELT Working Committee Members Sponsorship for teachers Sponsoring food, logistics and materials Conference Delegates’ Hi Tea----------------------------------------US $ 2000 Conference Delegates’ Lunch (per day)-----------------------------US $ 2500 Multimedia Equipment and Gadgets ---------------------------------US $ 1500 Photo copying –-----------------------------------------------------------US $ 300 Hosting the auditorium sponsorship ----------------------------------US $ 2500 17 18