From the Pastor October 9, 2005

From the Pastor
August 24, 2014
Sunday in Ordinary Time
Passion of John the Baptist:
August 29 Most Saints are
honored on the day they die,
their Dies Mortis, when they
entered into heaven. Some
Saints’ feast day is the day
their body was formally laid
to rest; we honor the Apostle
Thomas on July 3. Tradition
says he died in India and in
the 4th Century, on July 3, his
relics were transferred to
Edessa in modern-day Turkey.
Some feast days are a significant date in the
Saint’s life: we honor Pope Saint John XXIII on
October 11, the day he convened the Second
Vatican Council in 1962; we honor Pope Saint
John Paul II on October 22: the day he was
installed as Supreme Pontiff, six days after being
the first non-Italian Pope in 456 years!
Only four Saints have more than one feast day:
Peter, Paul and Mary [the Apostles and our Blessed
Mother, not the 1960’s folk group] - John the Baptist.
The Church celebrates only 3 birthdays: Jesus
[Christmas], Mary {September 8, 9 months after her
Immaculate Conception, without Original Sin, in the womb
of her mother, Saint Ann] and John the Baptist [June
24]. But since the Baptist has only one Preface it
covers his entire mission, not just his martyrdom
which we commemorate on August 29. Here’s
the Baptist’s all-purpose Preface:
Preface for Saint John the Baptist
The mission of the Precursor
It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
through Christ our Lord.
In his Precursor, Saint John the Baptist,
we praise your great glory,
for you consecrated him for a singular honor
among those born of women.
His birth brought great rejoicing;
even in the womb he leapt for joy
at the coming of human salvation.
He alone of all the prophets
pointed out the Lamb of redemption.
And to make holy the flowing waters,
he baptized the very author of Baptism
and was privileged to bear him supreme witness
by the shedding of his blood.
And so, with the Powers of heaven,
we worship you constantly on earth, and
before your majesty without end we acclaim:
“He Must Increase; I Must Decrease.” John the
Baptist spoke these words near the end of his
life, but he strove to live by them throughout his
ministry. Although he and Jesus were distant
relatives [Luke 1:36 says their respective mothers,
Elizabeth and Mary, were ‘relatives’] they did not
‘meet’ each other until John baptized Jesus who
was “about thirty” [Luke 3:23] when our Lord
began His ministry. While the unborn John did
dance in Elizabeth’s womb when she met Mary
and her unborn Child in the Visitation [C.f. Luke
1:44] he and Jesus seem to have been rarely
Pardon the pun, but John had long been in the
habit of ‘bowing out’ before the ultimate
‘bowing out’ - when he was beheaded by order
of King Herod. While Matthew [14:1-12] blames
Herod directly for John’s martyrdom, Mark [6:1429] puts the blame on Herod’s brother’s Philip’s
wife, with whom Herod ‘was sleeping’ as the
expression goes. To stop her moaning and
groaning about John, who lambasted them for
their elicit relationship, she had her daughter,
Salome perform a dance to entice the drunken
Herod to give her whatever she asked for. [Thus
in addition to adultery, Herod committed incest
in his heart - what a nice guy. In the end, Herod
did not use his head - so John lost his head.
Baptism By Blood. I gave so many details about
his execution since, as I noted above, John’s allpurpose Preface only makes a passing reference
to his martyrdom. However, it places John’s act
of ‘supreme witness’ in the same sentence about
our Lord’s gift of Christian Baptism, which John
prefigured but never experienced … or did he?
The ordinary form of Baptism is ‘By Water,’
poured over or sprinkled on - or in which we are
immersed, but there are two other forms of
Baptism. ‘Baptism By Desire’ is granted to all
who express faith in the Church and sorrow for
sin but are never formally baptized. [This gives
us, by extension, hope that all may be saved if
they follow their conscience and strive to fulfill
God’s will. And there are some who, like John,
offer their life - or have it taken from them - for
being loyal to Christ. May John the Baptist, who
sealed his Baptism with his own blood, pray for
all strive to live by their Baptismal Promises.
In His holy Name,
Rev. Thomas J. Serafin
Our Parish Prayers
Services and Intentions: August 23-September 1
Vigil: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 pm Shari Colonel
r/o: Nancy & Fred Fischl
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am Kathy Cleary
r/o: Loving Family
9:30 am Jack Boehmer
r/o: his wife, Sharon
11:30 am William Gerard
r/o: his wife
9:00 am Prayer Service with Holy Communion
9:00 am Prayer Service with Holy Communion
Wednesday Saint Monica
9:00 am Prayer Service with Holy Communion
Thursday Saint Augustine
9:00 am Prayer Service with Holy Communion
The Passion of Saint John the Baptist
9:00 am Prayer Service with Holy Communion
Vigil: 22 Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 pm Thomas Dornan
r/o: Claire & Bill Long
22 Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 am Catherine Petrello
r/o: Ann & Jim Letchford
9:30 am Charles Leonardo
r/o: Maria DeSapio
11:30 am Albert Mistove
r/o: Rivero family
Parish Email Distribution List
Last week Mass information for the Holy
Day was sent by email to all parishioners.
If, after checking your ‘spam’ folder, you
‘’ with this information,
you do not have a current email address on file.
If you would like to receive future email
communications from us, please email the Parish
Office at, and we will
get you added to the database.
Parish ‘Garden’
Is your garden blooming? Do you
have interesting flowers, stems,
branches that need pruning? This
summer we will again have some
vases available in the Narthex and Daily Mass
Chapel for you to bring some of your own
garden to share with all here at SEAS. Bring in a
clipping and put it in one of the vases!
“For everything there is a season and a time for
every purpose under heaven…”
a time to be born… We welcome the newly
a time to heal… We pray for all the sick of our
Parish and especially for:
Jack Boland
Mariam Nawab
Paul Di Ionno
Helen Pinter
Dave Kreutzer
Paul Urban
Names will remain on our sick list for three months
after which time they will be removed, unless we are
notified to keep them on the list.
a time to die… James Mekovetz
Save the Date!
Saturday, October 18, 2014 - 7:00 PM
Seton Men’s Club is sponsoring a
Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival: Sounds of the 50’s - 60’s - 70’s
Break out those poodle skirts, bobby socks and saddle
shoes! Pull the bell bottom jeans out of moth balls!
SEAS Craft Show needs your help with supplies!
Do you buy coffee? Perhaps you use snacks in
plastic containers for your family (pretzels usually
are sold like this)? Sugar? The list goes on! YOU
CAN HELP! We are collecting large wide mouth
plastic containers with covers to use during this
year’s show. All we ask is that you clean it out
and drop it off at the Parish Office! Thanks!!
This Weekend’s Readings
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Isaiah 22:19-23
This passage refers to the use of authority and
indicates the Key as the symbol of authority. The
words “open” and “shut” refer to the power that
will eventually be given to Peter.
Second Reading: Romans 11:33-36
Paul writes ecstatic and praise-filled words about
God’s plan for his people. In him, he writes, “all
things are.”
Gospel: Matthew 16:13-20
When Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do you say
that I am?” Peter exclaims, “You are the Messiah!”
Christ then declares that Peter is the “Rock” upon
which he will build his Church, promising him the
power “to bind” and “to loose.”
© 1999 Bon Venture Services, Inc.
Next Weekend’s Readings
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Jeremiah 20:7-9
Second Reading: Romans 12:1-2
Gospel: Matthew 16:21-27
Parish Ministry Contacts
Ministers of the Liturgy
To join a ministry, please contact the ministry head. A
booklet with the complete list of ministries can be
found in the narthex or is available on our website:
Adult Choir/Cantors ........ Brett Walzer ~ 782-1475 x20
Adult Faith Formation ..... Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14
Baptismal Prep ........... Anne & Brian Moore ~ 534-2136
Cancer Support Group ...... Andrew Casella ~ 782-1475
Employment Group ................ Deacon Mike ~ 400-3036
EM of Holy Communion/Homebound/Hospital .............
Larry Dawkins ~ 284-1617
Fatima Rosary .............................. Shirley Frey ~ 806-4889
Guitar Group .......... Rusty & Linda Williams ~ 782-7551
Hospitality-After Mass ....... Pauline Martino ~ 240-5959
Knights of Columbus . Floyd Campbell ~ 732-598-5905
Lazarus Ministry ......................... Anne Hayes ~ 751-5660
Linens Ministry .......................... Parish Office ~ 782-1475
Liturgical Environment ...... Norma Santella ~ 782-1475
Men’s Club .......................... Deacon Paul ~ 782-1475 x13
Military Outreach ...... Chris McPherson ~908-246-5114
Prayer Shawls ........................ Judy Herdman ~ 782-7973
Pat Rivero ~ 806-7890
Readers ...................................... George Keith ~ 369-8650
Respect for Life........................ Helen Schuler ~ 369-6618
R.C.I.A. ................................. Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14
Sacristans ........... Maureen & John Lybarger ~ 369-5331
Seton Seniors .......................... Ben Mulhearn ~ 284-2650
Usher/Minister of Hospitality .... Bob Caron ~ 236-6492
Wedding Coordinator ...........Geri Kaczorek ~ 369-3712
Women’s Spirituality ........ Mary Ann Hauck ~ 369-5483
We acknowledge with appreciation the following
Liturgical Ministers who will serve at next weekend’s
Masses: August 30 & 31
Youth Ministries
Altar Servers ....................... Suzanne Wooby ~ 369-6390
Children’s Choir ........................Coleen Cucci ~ 346-0367
Children’s Liturgy (CLOW) ... Kelly Robison ~ 284-2234
Passion Play ............. Walter & Kathy Urban ~ 788-7414
Religious Formation Main Line ......................... 284-2929
P.C.L............................. Mariam Nawab ~ 284-2929 x23
Confirmation ..................... Jenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24
RF Secretary................................Gina Perez ~ 284-2929
Safe Environment Background Coordinator ................
Helen Schuler ~ 369-6618
Summer RF..................................Gina Perez ~ 284-2929
Karen Baron ~ 806-4384
VBS .................................. Marissa Sias/Marian Wasitowski
WINGS Youth Ministry ....... Jenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24
WINGS Ministry organizes the following events:
Breakfast with Santa; Easter Egg-stravaganza;
Epiphany Pageant; Mardi Gras; Trunk or Treat
Last Weekend’s Collections
August 17:
Thank you!
Mortgage Information
Beginning Mortgage
$ 2,600,000
Current Balance
$ 2,219,642
Principal Paid to Date
Interest Paid to Date
Monthly Payment
5:00 PM Mass
Sacristan: Tracy & Bob Kirk; EMs: Barbara Golda,
Terry Golda, Rita Koch, Susan Mania, Marion Bergen,
Gerald Cadwallader, Cindy Campbell, Floyd Campbell;
Readers: Jim McQuade, Georgann Scibilia; Altar
Servers: Michael Cadwallader, Ryan Pedrani, Meghan
Pedrani, Lauren Wimsatt
8:00 AM Mass
Sacristan: Barbara Lieto; EMs: David Madovoy,
Michael Boland, Brian Dornan, Lois Dornan,
Wendy VanDine, Larry Wuest, Mike Wooby,
Pat Sheeto; Readers: Cliff Jorgensen, Norma Santella;
Logan VanDine, Lukas VanDine
9:30 AM Mass
Sacristan: Fran Wasitowski; EMs: Maureen Lybarger,
Robert Farrell, Veronica Farrell, Jackie Ferrari,
Jack Gosdick, Kathy Gosdick, Christine Kukel,
Fran Wasitowski; Readers: Molly Weber, Bill Weber;
Altar Servers: Danielle Ferrari, Angela Ferrari,
Jack Robison, Kyle Robison
11:30 AM Mass
Sacristan: Christine Kukel; EMs: Maureen Sammis,
Mike Schuler, Helen Schuler, Karen Geddis, Bob Caron,
Larry Dawkins, Lynne Dawkins, Evelyn Balunis;
Readers: Maria Rivero, Mike Stanbro; Altar Servers:
Tre Walker, Julia Clark, Riley Walker, Thomas Murdock
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s
Eleventh Annual
September 14, 2014
1:00 - 5:00 PM
of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
Music by Smokin’ Mirrors
after all Masses
August 30/31 & September 6/7
Donations appreciated.
Religious Formation News
Religious Formation Upcoming Meetings
August 2014
August 24: Catechist & Aide Mtg 10:30
Attention Parents of Upcoming 2nd Graders:
Mark Your Calendars for a First Holy
Communion/First Penance meeting on
September 29, 2014 at 12:30pm OR 7:30pm
Catechetical Sunday
September 7, 2014
All Parish Faith Formation Ministry Leaders
Leaders/VBS/SRF/Wedding Coordinators/Altar
Server Leaders/Children’s Choir Leaders/Teen
Ministry Leaders/Adult Faith Formation Leaders
and RCIA Leaders are invited to take part in the
special blessing Mass at 9:30 followed by a
Religious Formation Classes Resume
September 8, 9, & 10, 2014
Teaching About God’s Gift of Forgiveness
Catechetical Sunday Blessings
September 7, 2014
Dear Parish Faith Formation Ministers,
You are all invited to come join us for the
blessings and graces on September 7, 2014.
Catechetical Sunday will be celebrated on
September 7, 2014 during the 9:30 AM Mass
followed by refreshments in the Holy Family
Room. All Religious Formation ministers and
Parish ministers will be blessed by Fr. Tom on this
special occasion.
I am thankful for your generosity, time and talent
for the formation of the children and the parish.
May God bless you for your great ministry in the
church of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish. If you
have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Much Love and Thanks,
Mariam Nawab PCL
“Children are a gift from the Lord.” PS.127:3
For Parents of Upcoming 5th Through 8th
There will be a Family Life Parent Meeting on
October 13, 14, & 15 During RF Classes
Presented By: Anita Foley from RCL/Benziger
Mandatory Training for all New Catechists
Echoes of Faith - The Methodology Set
Methodology Part 2: Catechism of the Catholic
Sunday, September 7 - 10:30AM-12:30PM
Protecting God’s Children Workshop
For All New Catechists/Aides/Hall Monitors
August 27, 2014 – 7pm-10pm OR
September 4, 2014 – 10am-1pm
2014-2015 Fall Religious Formation
Attention Fall Religious Formation Parents:
Registration is currently in progress.
Echoes of Faith Training - The Catechetical Set
Sundays-10:30-12:30pm or Tuesdays-9:30-11:30
Getting Started as a Catechist:
Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014 or Tues, Sept. 30, 2014
Role of the Catechist:
Sunday, Oct. 5, 2014 or Tues, Oct. 7, 2014
The Person of the Catechist:
Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014 or Tues, Oct. 14, 2014
Generosity Gifts
It’s hard to believe that we are thinking about
the new school year already; however, while you
are out shopping, would you kindly consider
donating one or more of the items listed below
for our Religious Formation programs? After our
initial parish “shower” 7 years ago, our supplies
need to be replenished. There will be a labeled
box in the RF office for your generous
contribution. We know we can always count on
our generous parish family to meet our needs
and we thank you in advance.
- large bottles of hand sanitizer
- composition books
- #2 pencils
- dry erase markers
- construction paper
- 3”(h) flameless candles
- sharpie markers
Adult Faith Formation
While it is still summer, now is the time to start
planning your fall schedule! Registration is open
for all of our fall Adult Faith Formation programs
here at SEAS—one or more will be sure to inspire
you and enrich your life! For more information or to register for any program - call Diane Luceri,
our AFF director, at 782-1475 x 14 or email her
Mary: A Biblical Walk with
the Blessed Mother
Wednesdays: 9:30-11:00 am or
7:30-9:00 pm
Sept.24th - Nov. 12th
extraordinary pilgrimage that
reveals Mary's unique role in God's Kingdom and
in our lives. Filmed on location in the Holy Land,
it will place you in the midst of the powerful
drama of her earthly life, taking you through her
joys...and her sorrows. You will learn how she
works in our lives today, drawing us ever closer
to her Divine Son. Seeing Mary in this way will
change you forever. Mary will become a part of
your daily life, and in your daily life, you will
become more like Christ.
Materials required: Study binder ($30), New
American Bible, Catechism of the Catholic
Church. Those who have already registered can
pick up their study binders now. If you would like
SEPT. 8th!
Theology of the Body
8 Part Introduction Study
Tuesdays, 9:30-11:00 am or 7:30-9:00 pm
Oct. 7th - Nov. 25th
Come explore this incredible teaching given to us
by Pope John Paul ll. Each session begins with a
30 min. DVD presentation followed by discussion
in groups. No home study is required.
Materials required: study guide ($15). Those
who have registered can pick up their study
guides now. If you would like to sign up,
Quick Journey through the Bible
Monday Evenings: 7:00-8:30 pm
October 6th - November 24th
“Witty,” “exciting,” “transforming.” These are not
the first responses you’d expect from people in a
Catholic Bible study. But The Great Adventure
presents the entire sweep of the Bible in a way
that is easy to understand and genuinely fun. Its
unique learning system has revolutionized
Catholic Bible Study for hundreds of thousands
of Catholics since 1995. Brilliantly conceived,
The Great Adventure’s Bible Timeline uses
multiple memory devices and supporting
materials that make it not only easy to “get it,”
but leave you wanting more. Join us for this
introductory bible study! Materials required:
workbook ($20), New American Bible.
Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs and books
Heading to the beach or mountains for vacation?
Why not take along some inspirational Catholic
CD’s to listen to on the way!
CDs are $3 each or 4 CDs for $10!
Check out our new titles;
*Jesus the Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story
Ever Told-- by Dr. Brant Pitre
*Down to Earth by Mark Hart
*Keep Holy the Sabbath-- by Dr. Tim Gray
*What’s so Great about Being Catholic?
--by Jason Evert
*The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Fiction?
--by Dr. Steven Smith
We also have 4 great Catholic books on the
kiosks: The Real Story, 33 Days to Morning Glory,
and our new books:
Did Adam & Eve Have Belly Buttons?
This book is the #1 book teens turn to for
answers on their Catholic Faith. It gets read and
changes hearts.
My Sisters the Saints
Author Colleen Carroll Campbell blends her
personal narrative of spiritual seeking, trials,
stumbles and breakthroughs with the stories of
six women saints who profoundly changed her
Books only $4 each or 3 books for $10
CDs and books can be found on the kiosks in the
hallway outside the narthex or in the foyer
outside the parish hall.
RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Have you or anyone you know
been considering the possibility of
becoming a member of the
Catholic Church?
Is there someone in your life with
whom you’d like to share their Catholic faith?
Have you been coming to Mass for years and feel
that now is the time for you to become Catholic?
Have you been experiencing a desire to receive
Jesus in the Eucharist?
Whatever your reasons might be for choosing to
become Catholic, beneath that choice is God
who is calling you to “Come and see!”
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is
the way in which adults become fully active,
participating members of the Catholic Church.
It helps adults grow in their relationship with
God, become familiar with Catholic teachings
and practices, get acquainted with people in the
parish and get involved in service with the parish
and wider community.
Through this process non-Christian adults are
prepared for Baptism, Confirmation and first
Eucharist, and non-Catholic Christians and
Catholics who are only baptized are prepared for
Confirmation and first Eucharist, which takes
place at the Easter Vigil.
Ready to find out more?
RCIA Inquiry Sessions ~ Sept. 20th & 21st
Come to any Mass the weekend of September
20th & 21st. There will be speakers at each Mass
talking about their experience in the RCIA.
Following each Mass you will have the
opportunity to meet with the RCIA team to
receive more information and to have any
questions answered. If you prefer, you may
contact our RCIA Director, Diane Luceri, at 7821475 X 14 or, at any time to
find out more information or to set up an
Confirmation should also contact Diane
SEAS Youth Ministries
SEAS' Angels Children's Choir
Are you a kid who loves to sing?
Would you like to help our church
get closer to Jesus by praying
through song? Then come & check
out the Children’s Choir! SEAS Angel
Choir runs from October till May. We rehearse
on Sunday mornings in the Church from 10:3011:00 AM and lead song at 5:00 PM on the first
Saturday of the month & for special events.
There is no fee, no auditions and no preregistration required. Watch the bulletin in late
September for more information regarding our
first rehearsal which will include a brief parent
meeting and registration. For more info, please
contact Coleen Cucci at 908-346-0367 or by
email at
Altar Server Ministry
Third Grade & Older
All those children in grades three
and up who wish to learn more
about the altar server ministry
should email Suzanne Wooby at
child's name, grade, and email, and plan to
attend a training and information session. The
date for the training session will be set for some
time in early
WINGS Teen/Tween Ministries
The youth groups are gearing up for the upcoming
school year! There are so many exciting ministries
available to our teens and tweens! Visit the WINGS
page on the parish website to learn about
upcoming events and meetings, as well as
opportunities for service and leadership, friendship
and FUN! The WINGS group helps as part of the
Confirmation Prep Team, and runs events for the
church community, including the Youth Booth at
the Parish Picnic, a Haunted House at Trunk or
Treat, The Prayer Fair, Breakfast with Santa, The
Epiphany Pageant, Mardi Gras, the Easter EggStravaganza, and there are many more new and
fun ideas in the works! This year we are also
establishing a scholarship program and are in need
of a few more people to join the scholarship award
committee. If you can help with this committee, or
would like to be involved with the tween or teen
ministry please visit the WINGS page on our Parish
at You can also check the bulletin
board outside of the Religious Formation office for
calendars, flyers, and updates.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word - “CLOW”
CLOW is offered at almost
throughout the year. We are
in need of more adult leaders
and adult or teen aides. You are given all the
materials needed to lead! Leaders are needed
for all Masses but especially for the 5:00 PM and
the 11:30 AM. If there are enough leaders, the
commitment is usually only one Sunday a month
at your regular Mass. Please contact the RF office
email] or Kelly Robison [phone
908-284-2234 or email]
for more information on how easy it is to become
a CLOW leader.
Knights of Columbus
Monday, September 22
2nd Annual Charity Golf Event
The Knights of Columbus Council
15540 at SEAS is pleased to announce our
Second Annual Charity Golf Event. Last year,
$5,500 was raised to fund the many outreach
programs of the council and we hope to top
that this year.
The fun begins Monday,
September 22 at Beaver Brook Country Club.
Play is open to all, and sponsorships are
encouraged by businesses and organizations.
Pamphlets with details are available at the
Narthex bulletin board with more information.
As many have requested, this year we will
have a ‘Dinner only’ option so more may
participate. Contacts are as follows:
SEAS Ministry News
Players should contact Tim Connolly 908-7880996 or email
SEAS Pre-Employment Ministry
Sponsors should contact Joe Lang 908-3710885 or email
SEAS Pre-Employment Group meets to assist
persons requiring guidance with resumes,
interviewing, marketing, networking, time
management as well as the use of social media
when seeking employment. More importantly,
our group supports one another as we pray and
learn God’s plan for our lives and career.
Respect Life Ministry
If you are unemployed, underemployed, or are
employed and seeking an alternate career path,
we are here to support you in finding the right
position. Anyone is welcome to join the group!
We would like to extend an invitation to all to
participate in this ministry. Our first planning
meeting for this year will be held on Tuesday,
August 26, from 7:30-8:30 pm, in the Adult
Conference Room, across from the Parish Office.
If you are interested, please contact Deacon Mike
Tomcho at, or
908-400-3036, with any questions and to confirm
your attendance.
Seton Men’s Club - Upcoming Meetings
There will be no regularly scheduled meeting in
September due to the Parish Picnic.
The next meeting of the Men’s Club will be
Thursday, October 9 at 7:30 PM in the Holy
Family Room. Please join us on for a guest
speaker. More information to follow as details
get finalized. Our November meeting will be on
November 13.
In response to the daily needs of our
parishioners, community, nation and world, we
humbly implore those seeking comfort and
guidance to attend Eucharistic Adoration here at
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. Starting in
September, we will offer Adoration in the chapel
every Monday morning after the 9:00 AM Mass
for one full hour. Beginning in October, we will
also hold Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on
the first Sunday of each month after the
11:30 AM Mass for one full hour. Our prayers
and meditations will be held in the Daily Mass
Chapel unless otherwise noted.
Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and
carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
Gardening Ministry
Do you have a green thumb? Have you
wondered how you can give back to
the Lord using your talent? We would
like to start Gardening Ministry to take care of
the flower beds surrounding our church. If you
would like to be part of this group, please leave
your name and number with the Parish Office
908-782-1475 x10.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
All Knitters and Crocheters: The next
meeting of the Prayer Shawl Ministry
will be on Thursday, September 11 in
the Adult Conference Room in the morning from
10 AM-12 PM and in the evening from 7:00-8:30
Come to whichever meeting fits your
schedule. All are welcome whether you are
novice or veteran. If you know of someone who
could use one of our shawls, or for more
information, please call Judy Herdman at 908782-7973.
Women’s Spirituality Group
August Core Team Meeting
The Core Team of the Women's Spirituality
Group will meet on Monday, August 25 at 7 PM
in the Adult Conference Room. All members are
invited to attend with their ideas and
suggestions. Please consider joining the team as
we plan our activities and programs for 20142015. Please email if you
can be there or if you have any suggestions for
the coming year.
SEAS Parish Picnic
With the SEAS picnic coming up on Sunday,
September 14, WSG help has also been
requested with the food serving lines. Please
email if you are available for
either the 12:30-3:00 PM (set up and serve) or
the 3:00-5:00 PM (serve and clean up) shift.
What: WSG Day of Reflection:
"Companions on the Journey What to Pack"
Who: Presented by Sr. Mary
Joseph Albright, SCC, of Quellen
Spirituality Center, Mendham
When: Saturday, October 11
Registration from 9:00 to 9:30 AM
Program begins at 9:45 AM and
concludes by 3:00 PM
Suggested Donation: $30 includes breakfast
items and catered lunch. More info to follow.
Other SEAS Information
Music Lessons
If your child has an interest in music,
our Music Director, Brett Walzer, has
openings for piano/keyboard lessons
this September for new students ages 6
and up. Weekly lessons are half an
hour, and are held at the church. All students
are provided a well-rounded program of music
instruction with training in a variety of musical
For those interested in further
information about beginning piano/keyboard
lessons, please contact Brett at 609-647-0965, or
feel free to speak to him after any of the Masses.
Silver & Golden Wedding Anniversary
Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 4:00 PM
You are cordially invited to celebrate your 25th or
50th Wedding Anniversary with the Church of
Metuchen. Renew your marriage vows and
receive a personalized certificate from Bishop
Paul G. Bootkoski at a special Evening Prayer
Service in the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi,
Application forms may be secured by contacting
SEAS parish office or by logging on to the
diocesan website: Click
on EVENTS tab (top of page); scroll over to
EVENTS BY CATEGORY (left side of page) and
Click on MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT; click on
click on REGISTRATION FORM. Please note: this
form can be typed on and printed out but cannot
be forwarded.
If you wish to keep the
information it must be SAVED AS a word
document in your computer.
Completed forms should be returned to the SEAS
parish office as they must be signed by a pastoral
minister and returned to the Family Life Office by
the Parish Office. Application forms will be
accepted by the Family Life Office until the
deadline for registration Monday, October 6. A
confirmation letter will be sent once your
application has been processed.
invitations and seating tickets will be mailed
approximately two weeks prior to the
celebration. Tickets are not required for guests.
Everyone is welcome to attend this joyous event.
For additional information call the Family Life
Office/Diocese of Metuchen 732-562-1990
Moms - Time for a Change?
Ready for a little Peace and Joy?
Momnipotent - 8 week study for Moms
Tuesdays, 10:00-11:45 am
First & Third Tuesday’s Starting October 7
Is being a mother what you thought it would be?
The exhaustion, monotony, mounting unfinished
projects, loss of a sense of self… Many moms
quietly resign themselves to the idea that peace,
happiness, and joy are things they will need to
find in spite of motherhood, not because of it.
Journey with a diverse group women as they
discuss real issues that moms face every day.
Materials Required: Study Workbook ($30)
Sign up & information available in the Narthex
August 30/31 after each Mass
or contact Jennie Stanbro by email: or phone: 908-892-3559
Around the Diocese
Job Seekers Support Group
JFS of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren
Counties will be holding a Job Seekers Support
Group in Flemington. The group will be held on
Thursday, September 11 from 10:00 a.m.-noon at
United Way of Hunterdon County, 4 Walter
Foran Blvd., Suite 401, Flemington, N.J. This
topic for this session will be ”Resumes Don’t Get
you Jobs”, presented by Elise Prezant, Career
Counselor, Jewish Family Service of Somerset,
Hunterdon and Warren Counties.
This group is offered free of charge and is open
to the entire community. Funding for this
program is provided by grants from The United
Way of Hunterdon County, the Arnold A.
Schwartz Foundation and Magyar Bank. To
register, or for more information, please contact
Elise Prezant at 908-725-7799 x108 or
Divorce Affects Everyone…
it Happens, and it Hurts
The Family Life Office/Diocese of Metuchen is
pleased to announce the beginning of an
exciting, NEW ministry to men and women who
are suffering from the pain and loneliness of
divorce. “The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide”
is a 12 week program featuring thirty-minute
DVD sessions each week that cover topics of
shock, denial, anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness,
money, children, the courts, the ex-spouse,
annulment, dating, sexuality, spirituality, remarriage or staying single and much more. This
program, based on the teachings of the Catholic
Church, is open to anyone who needs comfort,
Pre-registration is required no later than
September 15.
Tuesday Evenings:
September 23, 30; October 7, 14, 21, 28;
Nov.4, 11, 18, 25; Dec. 2, 16, 2014
7:00-8:45 pm
Place: St. John Neumann Pastoral Center
146 Metlars Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854
For Additional Information: Family Life Office
732-562-1990 x 1624
To Register: Ro Bersch 908-313-5947 or 908-4700678