Unit 4 Business Communications BTEC National Diploma Level 3 Business Unit 4- Business Communications Ensure for all work produced has the Unit Title and Pass/Task criteria in the header and your full name, submission date and page number in the footer. Unit Learning Outcomes: Understand different types of business information; Be able to present business information effectively; Understand the issues and constraints in relation to the use of business information in organisations; Know how to communicate business information using appropriate methods. P1 Explain different types of business information, their sources and purposes. M1 Analyse different types of business information and their sources. D1 Evaluate the appropriateness of business information used to make strategic decisions. Scenario: You have been asked to carry out an audit on the types of information used within a business to report back to management on the range of information used, the way in which it is used, and the appropriateness of information used in decision making. Task One P1 Explain different types of business information, their sources and purposes Write a report to show the results of your investigation into information in an organisation of your choice. In order to do this you should complete the following activities. Complete a table like the one below to show types, sources and purposes of information used within the organisation. Try to include at least two examples of each type of information. Type of Example Description Purpose Source Information Verbal Written On-Screen Multimedia Web-based Where possible cross reference your example to evidence of this in your appendices, for example, a screenshot of web-based information or a copy of a letter. Unit 4 Business Communications Tip: Make sure that you choose an organisation that will be willing to give you information to complete your assignment. If you have a problem in finding a suitable organisation, see your teacher. They may be able to provide you with information to work on, perhaps in the form of a case study. Most organisations should have examples of verbal, written, on-screen, multimedia and web-based information. If the organisation does not have, for example, any web-based information, then it may be possible for you to describe what information could be web based. Due Date: - 23rd October P1 Completed M1 Analyse different types of business information and their sources From the information gained in P1 analyse the types of information by explaining the range of sources that they come from and explaining how they meet their purpose. Analyse how the different types of information work in relation to each other. Tip: Analyse means breaking down and examining each part in detail, so you will only achieve this criterion if you extend your report significantly. Try to break down each piece of information and its sources, and see if there are any connections between them. Due Date: - 23rd October M1 Completed D1 Evaluate the appropriateness of business information used to make strategic decisions Identify and explain two strategic decisions made by the business. Identify what information was used to make those decisions. Evaluate the appropriateness of the information used to make these decisions. Tip: Evaluation is about considering in detail the advantages and disadvantages of something, and coming to conclusions about this. Try to identify the strategic decisions made by each department and then judge whether the information they used was appropriate or not. Due Date: - 23rd October D1 Completed Unit 4 Business Communications P2 Present complex internal business information using three different methods appropriate to the user’s needs. P3 Produce corporate communications. P4 Evaluate the external corporate communications of an existing product or service. D2 Evaluate the effectiveness of business information and its communication as key contributors to the success of an organisation, using examples to illustrate your points. Scenario: You have been asked to attend a meeting to present the results of an investigation into the effectiveness of the sales and marketing of a particular product or service from the business, this includes the way in which information is communicated to the customer. P2 Present complex internal business information using three different methods appropriate to the user’s needs You must prepare materials to be discussed and presented at the meeting combining different forms of information, for example, text, tables, charts and images from a range of sources. In order to do this you should complete the following activities. Choose a product or service offered by the business identified in P1 Gather information from a range of sources that will help you look at key indicators of the sales marketing performance of that product or service. Ask the following questions: o How has it been marketed? o How effective was the marketing o How does the business measure the effectiveness of its marketing? o What are the sales figures? Prepare and present your information using three different methods for example, verbal presentation combined with a report; spreadsheet/chart; webpage’s; leaflet. You will also need to state the nature of its intended audience and its purpose. Tip: Do not forget you can select any information from the organisation as long as it is suitable to be used to cover the criterion. You have to show three presentation methods appropriate for the audiences. You cannot therefore present information to staff using technical language that they will not understand. Due Date: - 18th December P2 Completed P3 Produce corporate communications Produce a leaflet communicating information about either the business itself, identified in P1 & 2, or one of its products or services it provides. Tip: P3 is your chance to be creative in designing a corporate communication. Again, remember who it is aimed at. Unit 4 Business Communications Due Date: - 18th December P3 Completed P4 Evaluate the external corporate communications of an existing product or service Evaluate the corporate communications from the business identified earlier which has been used to promote the product or service. Tip: It is important to remember that not all corporate communications are effective. Have you ever seen a billboard advert on a major road, which is very interesting and perhaps funny, but later been unable to recall what it was advertising? Due Date: - 18th December P4 Completed D2 Evaluate the effectiveness of business information and its communication as key contributors to the success of an organisation, using examples to illustrate your points Investigate and identify examples from organisations that have excellent communication and information management systems and how it helps the organisations become a success. Now compare and contrast the organisations you investigated with your organisation identified in your previous tasks stating the effectiveness of its information and communication with examples. Tip: Evaluating is about considering in detail the advantages and disadvantages of something and coming to conclusions about this. The best companies in the world are very good at the way they communicate their information and this is a major contributor to the overall success of their organisations. Due Date: - 18th December D2 Complete Unit 4 Business Communications P5 Explain the legal and ethical issues in relation to the use of business information. P6 Explain the operational issues in relation to the use of business information. P7 outline electronic and non-electronic methods for communicating business information, using examples for different types of audience. M2 Analyse the legal, ethical and operational issues in relation to the use of business information, using appropriate examples. Scenario The business has decided it is time to update the staff handbook, and it is aware that an increasing number of employees are handling data on a day-to-day business. You have been asked to help by producing three sections of the handbook, either for the published handbook or the business intranet, on issues related to the use of information. P5 Explain the legal and ethical issues in relation to the use of business information These sections should both explain and analyse the following topics: Legal issues in relation to the use of information. Ethical issues in relation to the use of information. Tip: Before completing this task, make sure that you are familiar with various pieces of legislation as highlighted in the learning content and the ethical issues also in the learning content. You will then need to explain how the organisation administers these issues within the organisations Due Date: - 12th February P5 Completed P6 Explain the operational issues in relation to the use of business information Operational issues in relation to the use of information. For example this could include how the organisation ensures their information is secure. In addition, there are health and safety issues associated with information management and also the development of new systems to manage information, the possible need for more complex software and staff training. Tip: Before completing this task, make sure you are familiar with possible operational issues as highlighted in the learning content. You will then need to explain how the organisation deals with these issues. Due Date: - 12th February P6 Completed P7 Outline electronic and non-electronic methods for communicating business information, using examples for different types of audience Unit 4 Business Communications In this task you will be examining both electronic and non-electronic methods of communicating in business. You should create two tables as follows: electronic methods non-electronic methods of communication available in business. You should also include examples of recipients (audience) that each method would be suitable for. Explain in detail the reasons why each method is appropriate for the users that you have listed. Use the content below to frame the tables. Audience requirements: e.g. age, gender, ethnicity, special needs, readability, legibility, attention span, accessibility, interest, distraction avoidance, business experience and knowledge, industry-related experience and knowledge Methods of written communication: e.g. letter, memorandum, fax, invoice, flow charts, publicity material, email and screen based, SMS (short message service), www (worldwide web) Methods of non-written communication: e.g. telephone call, video conferencing Technologies: computers; touch screens; digital broadcasting; DVD (digital versatile/video disc); mobile phones; the internet and WAP (wireless application protocol) Communication skills: formal/informal; verbal/non-verbal; listening; understanding; seeking clarification; responsiveness; eye contact; facial expressiveness; body language; use of appropriate professional language; ability to adapt communication techniques to audience requirements; presentation skills; ability to invite commitment to shared goals Due Date: - 12th February P7 Completed M2 Analyse the legal, ethical and operational issues in relation to the use of business information, using appropriate examples. State the advantages and disadvantages of the legal, ethical and operational issues in relation to the use of information. You will need to obtain information from a your organisation and build on the work from P5 and P6. Unit 4 Business Communications Due Date: - 12th February M2 Complete