Parallel distributed computing techniques GVHD: Phạm Trần Vũ Sinh viên: Lê Trọng Tín Mai Văn Ninh Phùng Quang Chánh Nguyễn Đức Cảnh Đặng Trung Tín Contents Motivation of Parallel Computing Techniques Parallel Computing Techniques Message-passing computing Pipelined Computations Embarrassingly Parallel Computations Partitioning and Divide-and-Conquer Strategies Synchronous Computations Load Balancing and Termination Detection 2 Contents Motivation of Parallel Computing Techniques Parallel Computing Techniques Message-passing computing Pipelined Computations Embarrassingly Parallel Computations Partitioning and Divide-and-Conquer Strategies Synchronous Computations Load Balancing and Termination Detection 3 Motivation of Parallel Computing Techniques Demand for Computational Speed Continual demand for greater computational speed from a computer system than is currently possible Areas requiring great computational speed include numerical modeling and simulation of scientific and engineering problems. Computations must be completed within a “reasonable” time period. 4 Contents Motivation of Parallel Computing Techniques Parallel Computing Techniques Message-passing computing Pipelined Computations Embarrassingly Parallel Computations Partitioning and Divide-and-Conquer Strategies Synchronous Computations Load Balancing and Termination Detection 5 Message-Passing Computing Basics of Message-Passing Programming using user-level message passing libraries Two primary mechanisms needed: A method of creating separate processes for execution on different computers A method of sending and receiving messages 6 Message-Passing Computing Static process creation: Source file Basic MPI way Compile to suit processor executables Source file Processor 0 Source file Processor n-1 7 Message-Passing Computing Dynamic process creation: Processor 1 PVM way . spawn() . . . . . time Processor 2 . . . . . . . 8 Message-Passing Computing Method of sending and receiving messages? 9 Contents Motivation of Parallel Computing Techniques Parallel Computing Techniques Message-passing computing Pipelined Computations Embarrassingly Parallel Computations Partitioning and Divide-and-Conquer Strategies Synchronous Computations Load Balancing and Termination Detection 10 Pipelined Computation Problem divided into a series of tasks that have to be completed one after the other (the basis of sequential programming). Each task executed by a separate process or processor. 11 Pipelined Computation Where pipelining can be used to good effect 1-If more than one instance of the complete problem is to be executed 2-If a series of data items must be processed, each requiring multiple operations 3-If information to start the next process can be passed forward before the process has completed all its internal operations 12 Pipelined Computation Execution time = m + p - 1 cycles for a p-stage pipeline and m instances 13 Pipelined Computation 14 Pipelined Computation 15 Pipelined Computation 16 Pipelined Computations 17 Pipelined Computation 18 Contents Motivation of Parallel Computing Techniques Parallel Computing Techniques Message-passing computing Pipelined Computations Embarrassingly Parallel Computations Partitioning and Divide-and-Conquer Strategies Synchronous Computations Load Balancing and Termination Detection 19 Ideal Parallel Computation A computation that can obviously be devided into a number of completely independent parts Each of which can be executed by a separate processor Each process can do its tasks without any interaction with other process 20 Ideal Parallel Computation Practical embarrassingly parallel computation with static process creation and master – slave approach 21 Ideal Parallel Computation Practical embarrassingly parallel computation with dynamic process creation and master – slave approach 22 Embarrassingly parallel examples Geometrical Transformations of Images Mandelbrot set Monte Carlo Method 23 Geometrical Transformations of Images Performing on the coordinates of each pixel to move the position of the pixel without affecting its value The transformation on each pixel is totally independent from other pixels Some geometrical operations Shifting Scaling Rotation Clipping 24 Geometrical Transformations of Images Partitioning into regions for individual Process processes 80 640 Process 640 Map Map 80 480 480 10 Square region for each process Row region for each process 25 Mandelbrot Set Set of points in a complex plane that are quasistable when computed by iterating the function where is the (k + 1)th iteration of the complex number z = a + bi and c is a complex number giving position of point in the complex plane. The initial value for z is zero. Iterations continued until magnitude of z is greater than 2 or number of iterations reaches arbitrary limit. Magnitude of z is the length of the vector given by 26 Mandelbrot Set 27 Mandelbrot Set 28 Mandelbrot Set c.real = real_min + x * (real_max - real_min)/disp_width c.imag = imag_min + y * (imag_max - imag_min)/disp_height Static Task Assignment Simply divide the region into fixed number of parts, each computed by a separate processor Not very successful because different regions require different numbers of iterations and time Dynamic Task Assignment Have processor request regions after computing previouos regions 29 Mandelbrot Set Dynamic Task Assignment Have processor request regions computing previouos regions after 30 Monte Carlo Method Another embarrassingly parallel computation Monte Carlo methods use of random selections Example – To calculate ∏ Circle formed within a square, with unit radius so that square has side 2x2. Ratio of the area of the circle to the square given by 31 Monte Carlo Method One quadrant of the construction can be described by integral Random pairs of numbers, (xr,yr) generated, each between 0 and 1. Counted as in circle if ; that is, 32 Monte Carlo Method Alternative method to compute integral Use random values of x to compute f(x) and sum values of f(x) where xr are randomly generated values of x between x1 and x2 Monte Carlo method very useful if the function cannot be integrated numerically (maybe having a large number of variables) 33 Monte Carlo Method Example – computing the integral Sequential code Routine randv(x1, x2) returns a pseudorandom number between x1 and x2 34 Monte Carlo Method Parallel Monte Carlo integration Master Partial sum Request Slaves Random number Random-number process 35 Contents Motivation of Parallel Computing Techniques Parallel Computing Techniques Message-passing computing Pipelined Computations Embarrassingly Parallel Computations Partitioning and Divide-and-Conquer Strategies Synchronous Computations Load Balancing and Termination Detection 36 37 Partitioning simply divides the problem into parts. It is the basic of all parallel programming. Partitioning can be applied to the program data (data partitioning or domain decomposition) and the functions of a program (functional decomposition). It is much less mommon to find concurrent functions in a problem, but data partitioning is a main strategy for parallel programming. 38 ,…, xn-1 , are to be added xn/p … x2(n/p)-1 x(p-1)n/p … xn-1 A sequence of numbers, x0 x0 … x(n/p)-1 + + + Partial sums n: number of items p: number of processors + Sum Partitioning a sequence of numbers into parts and adding them 39 Characterized by dividing problem into subproblems of same form as larger problem. Further divisions into still smaller sub-problems, usually done by recursion. Recursive divide and conquer amenable to parallelization because separate processes can be used for divided parts. Also usually data is naturally localized. 40 A sequential recursive definition for adding a list of numbers is int add(int *s) // add list of numbers, s { if(number(s) <= 2) return (n1 + n2); else { Divide (s, s1, s2); // divide s into two part, s1, s2 part_sum1 = add(s1);// recursive calls to add sub lists part_sum2 = add(s2); return (part_sum1 + part_sum2); } } 41 Initial problem Divide problem Final task Tree construction 42 Original list Initial problem P0 P0 P0 P0 P1 x0 P2 P2 Divide problem P4 P4 P3 P4 P6 P5 P6 P7 Final task xn-1 43 Many possibilities. Operations on sequences of number such as simply adding them together Several sorting algorithms can often be partitioned or constructed in a recursive fashion Numerical integration N-body problem 44 One “bucket” assigned to hold numbers that fall within each region. Numbers in each bucket sorted using a sequential sorting algorithm. n: number of items m: number of buckets Sequental sorting time complexity: O(nlog(n/m). Works well if the original numbers uniformly distributed across a known interval, say 0 to a - 1. 45 Simple approach Assign one processor for each bucket. 46 Partition sequence into m regions, one region for each processor. Each processor maintains p “small” buckets and separates the numbers in its region into its own small buckets. Small buckets then emptied into p final buckets for sorting, whichrequires each processor to send one small bucket to each of the other processors (bucket i to processor i). 47 Introduces new message-passing operation - all-to-all broadcast. 48 broadcast routine Sends data from each process to every other process 49 broadcast routine (cont) “all-to-all” routine actually transfers rows of an array to columns: Tranposes a matrix. 50 Contents Motivation of Parallel Computing Techniques Parallel Computing Techniques Message-passing computing Pipelined Computations Embarrassingly Parallel Computations Partitioning and Divide-and-Conquer Strategies Synchronous Computations Load Balancing and Termination Detection 51 Synchronous Computations Synchronous • Barrier • Barrier Implementation – Centralized Counter implementation – Tree Barrier Implementation – Butterfly Barrier Synchronized Computations • Fully synchronous – Data Parallel Computations – Synchronous Iteration(Synchronous Parallelism) • Locally synchronous – Heat Distribution Problem – Sequential Code – Parallel Code 52 Barrier A basic mechanism for synchronizing processes - inserted at the point in each process where it must wait. All processes can continue from this point when all the processes have reached it Processes reaching barrier at different times 53 Barrier Image 54 Barrier Implementation Centralized Counter implementation ( linear barrier) Tree Barrier Implementation. Butterfly Barrier Local Synchronization Deadlock 55 Centralized Counter implementation Have two phase • Arrival phase (trapping) • Departure phase(release) A process enters arrival phase and does not leave this phase until all processes have arrived in this phase Then processes move to departure phase and are released 56 Example code Master: for (i = 0; i < n; i++)/*count slaves as they reach barrier*/ recv(Pany); for (i = 0; i < n; i++)/* release slaves */ send(Pi); Slave processes: send(Pmaster); recv(Pmaster); 57 Tree Barrier Implementation Suppose 8 processes, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7: First stage: P1 sends message to P0; (when P1 reaches its barrier) P3 sends message to P2; (when P3 reaches its barrier) P5 sends message to P4; (when P5 reaches its barrier) P7 sends message to P6; (when P7 reaches its barrier) Second stage: P2 sends message to P0; (P2 & P3 reached their barrier) P6 sends message to P4; (P6 & P7 reached their barrier) Second stage: P4 sends message to P0; (P4, P5, P6, & P7 reached barrier) P0 terminates arrival phase;( when P0 reaches barrier & received message from P4) 58 Tree Barrier Implementation Release with a reverse tree construction. Tree barrier 59 Butterfly Barrier This would be used if data were exchanged between the processes 60 Local Synchronization Suppose a process Pi needs to be synchronized and to exchange data with process Pi-1 and process Pi+1 Not a perfect three-process barrier because process Pi-1 will only synchronize with Pi and continue as soon as Pi allows. Similarly,process Pi+1 only synchronizes with Pi. 61 Synchronized Computations Fully synchronous In fully synchronous, all processes involved in the computation must be synchronized. • Data Parallel Computations • Synchronous Iteration(Synchronous Parallelism) Locally synchronous In locally synchronous, processes only need to synchronize with a set of logically nearby processes, not all processes involved in the computation • Heat Distribution Problem • Sequential Code • Parallel Code 62 Data Parallel Computations Same operation performed on different data elements simultaneously (SIMD) Data parallel programming is very convenient for two reasons The first is its ease of programming (essentially only one program) The second is that it can scale easily to larger problems sizes 63 Synchronous Iteration Each iteration composed of several processes that start together at beginning of iteration. Next iteration cannot begin until all processes have finished previous iteration Using forall : for (j = 0; j < n; j++) /*for each synch. iteration */ forall (i = 0; i < N; i++) { /*N procs each using*/ body(i); /* specific value of i */ } 64 Synchronous Iteration Solving a General System of Linear Equations by Iteration Suppose the equations are of a general form with n equations and n unknowns where the unknowns are x0, x1, x2, … xn-1 (0 <= i < n). an-1,0x0 + an-1,1x1 + an-1,2x2 … + an-1,n-1xn-1 = bn-1 . . . . a2,0x0 + a2,1x1 + a2,2x2 … + a2,n-1xn-1 = b2 a1,0x0 + a1,1x1 + a1,2x2 … + a1,n-1xn-1 = b1 a0,0x0 + a0,1x1 + a0,2x2 … + a0,n-1xn-1 = b0 where the unknowns are x0, x1, x2, … xn-1 (0<= i < n). 65 Synchronous Iteration By rearranging the ith equation: ai,0x0 + ai,1x1 + ai,2x2 … + ai,n-1xn-1 = bi to xi = (1/ai,i)[bi-(ai,0x0+ai,1x1+ai,2x2…ai,i-1xi-1+ai ,i+1xi+1…+ai,n-1xn-1)] Or 66 Heat Distribution Problem An area has known temperatures along each of its edges. Find thetemperature distribution within. Divide area into fine mesh of points, hi,j. Temperature at an inside point taken to be average of temperatures of four neighboring points.. Temperature of each point by iterating the equation (0 < i < n, 0 < j < n) 67 Heat Distribution Problem 68 Sequential Code Using a fixed number of iterations for (iteration = 0; iteration < limit; iteration++) { for (i = 1; i < n; i++) for (j = 1; j < n; j++) g[i][j] = 0.25*(h[i-1][j]+h[i+1][j]+h[i][j-1] +h[i][j+1]); for (i = 1; i < n; i++)/* update points */ for (j = 1; j < n; j++) h[i][j] = g[i][j]; 69 Parallel Code With fixed number of iterations, Pi,j (except for the boundary points): for (iteration = 0; iteration < limit; iteration++) { g = 0.25 * (w + x + y + z); send(&g, Pi-1,j); /* non-blocking sends */ send(&g, Pi+1,j); Local send(&g, Pi,j-1); send(&g, Pi,j+1); Barrier recv(&w, Pi-1,j); /* synchronous receives */ recv(&x, Pi+1,j); recv(&y, Pi,j-1); recv(&z, Pi,j+1); } 70 Contents Motivation of Parallel Computing Techniques Parallel Computing Techniques Message-passing computing Pipelined Computations Embarrassingly Parallel Computations Partitioning and Divide-and-Conquer Strategies Synchronous Computations Load Balancing and Termination Detection 71 Load Balancing & Termination Detection Load Balancing & Termination Detection Content Load Balancing Used to distribute computations fairly across processors in order to obtain the highest possible execution speed Termination Detection Detecting when a computation has been completed. More difficult when the computation is distributed. 73 Load Balancing 74 Load Balancing & Termination Detection Load Balancing Static Load Balancing Load Baclancing can be attemped statically before the execution of any process. Dynamic Load Balancing Load Balancing can be attemped dynamically during the execution of the process. 75 Static Load Balancing Round robin algorithm — passes out tasks in sequential order of processes coming back to the first when all processes have been given a task Randomized algorithms — selects processes at random to take tasks Recursive bisection — recursively divides the problem into subproblems of equal computational effort while minimizing message passing Simulated annealing — an optimization technique Genetic algorithm — another optimization technique, described 76 Static Load Balancing Several fundamental flaws with static load balancing even if a mathematical solution exists: • Very difficult to estimate accurately the execution times of various parts of a program without actually executing the parts. • Communication delays that vary under different circumstances • Some problems have an indeterminate number of steps to reach their solution. 77 Dynamic Load Balancing Load Balancing Centralized Decentralized 78 Centralized dynamic load balancing Tasks handed out from a centralized location. Master-slave structure Master process(or) holds the collection of tasks to be performed. Tasks are sent to the slave processes. When a slave process completes one task, it requests another task from the master process. (Terms used : work pool, replicated worker, processor farm.) 79 Centralized dynamic load balancing 80 Termination Computation terminates when: • The task queue is empty and • Every process has made a request for another task without any new tasks being generated Not sufficient to terminate when task queue empty if one or more processes are still running if a running process may provide new tasks for task queue. 81 Decentralized dynamic load balancing 82 Fully Distributed Work Pool Processes to execute tasks from each other Task could be transferred by: - Receiver-initiated - Sender-initiated 83 Process Selection Algorithms for selecting a process: Round robin algorithm – process Pi requests tasks from process Px,where x is given by a counter that is incremented after each request, using modulo n arithmetic (n processes), excluding x = i. Random polling algorithm – process Pi requests tasks from process Px, where x is a number that is selected randomly between 0 and n- 1 (excluding i). 84 Distributed Termination Detection Algorithms Termination Conditions • Application-specific local termination conditions exist throughout the collection of processes, at time t. • There are no messages in transit between processes at time t. Second condition necessary because a message in transit might restart a terminated process. More difficult to recognize. The time that it takes for messages to travel between processes will not be known in advance. 85 Using Acknowledgment Messages Each process in one of two states: • Inactive - without any task to perform • Active Process that sent task to make it enter the active state becomes its “parent.” 86 Using Acknowledgment Messages When process receives a task, it immediately sends an acknowledgment message, except if the process it receives the taskfrom is its parent process. Only sends an acknowledgment message to its parent when it is ready to become inactive, i.e. when: • Its local termination condition exists (all tasks are completed, and It has transmitted all its acknowledgments for tasks it has received, and It has received all its acknowledgments for tasks it has sent out. • A process must become inactive before its parent process. When first process becomes idle, the computation can terminate 87 Load balancing/termination detection Example EX: Finding the shortest distance between two points on a graph. 88 References: Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers, Barry Wilkinson and MiChael Allen, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2005.