Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Identification of polymorphic microsatellite markers in oil palm By D.Ramajayam, P. Naveen Kumar, RK Mathur, G Ravichandran and G. Satyanarayana ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi-534450, West Godavari District, A.P., India Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Introduction • African oil palm has the highest productivity amongst cultivated oleaginous crops with a global average yield of 3.5 tons of oil per ha (Potential yield is 11-18t/ha). • Per hectare of crop land, oil palm plantations give 3-8 times more oil than any other oil crop. • Alone is capable to fulfill the growing world demand for vegetable oils of 240 million tons by 2050 (Corley, 2009) • Oil palm cultivation is one of the most profitable land use in the humid tropics (Sayer et al., 2012) • In 2014, Palm oil was valued as a vegetable oil with the lowest production costs by the international commodities market, e.g. US$700 & US$850 per metric ton of oil palm and rapeseed oil, respectively (http://www.indexmundi.com) Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Commercial Assay kit for identification of three fruit farms in oil palm MPOB owns the intellectual property (IP) rights to the discovery through patents filed in Malaysia (PI 2013700413) and the US (61,847,853,USA) Rajinder Singh et al., 2014 Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Introduction • Oil yield of tenera is up to 30% higher than dura • Determination of exact fruit form is possible only after 2-3 years of field planting • Dura contamination is possible in commercial seed garden which has to be tolerated at least for 25 years • Oil palm breeder has to maintain unwanted fruit farms until the bunches are produced to distinguish them in the following crossing programmes – Production and evaluation of maternal lines (dura) • In the tenera selfed or tenere x tenera crosses – Production and evaluation of paternal lines (pisifera) • Teneras are either selfed , crossed (tenere x tenera) or crossed to pisifera (tenera x pisifera) Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR World production of oil palm planting materials [DxP, Clones, Bi-/Semi-clones and Interspecific hybrids] World production of oil palm planting materials Type of planting materials Million Planting materials/year DxP 315.0 Clones 3.5 (~ 1%) Bi-clones/Semi-clones seeds 1.0 Interspecific hybrids 2.5 Grand Total 321.5 Kushairi et al (2010) Clonal oil palm planting materials is expected to grow to 5 million by 2010 from 11 commercial tissue culture laboratories but the requirement is 40 million ramets by 2017. Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Mutert, E and Fairhurst, TH (1999) Oil palm clones: Productivity enhancement for the future, Better Crops International, 13(1): 45-47. DxP without dura contamination Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Objective • To identify polymorphic microsatellite markers in oil palm with a special reference to different fruit forms • Why microsatellites? – high distribution of loci within the genome – High PIC and reproducibility – Co-dominant and amenable for PCR Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Methodology • Genomic DNA was extracted from spear leaves using kit (Mol Bio Himedia, HipurATM Plant Genomic DNA Miniprep Purification Kit) • DNA quantification and quality was ascertained by Nano Drop ND1000 spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies Inc.) and gel electrophoresis on 0.8% agarose gel • The PCR reaction was done in 25µl mixture using Ampli Taq Gold(R) 360 Master Mix (Applied Biosystems) • The PCR was performed in the thermal cycler (Eppendorf Master Cycler Nexux Gradient) with initial denaturation for 5 min. at 95 °C; 35 cycles denaturation of 30s at 95 °C, annealing for 30 s at 50-55 °C and extending for 60s at 72 °C followed by final extension for 10 min at 72 °C and keep it α at 4 °C • Gel documentation using Biorad • Polymorphic DNA fragments were scored as present/absent in dura, tenera and pisifera samples Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Methodology (Conti..) Chromos ome No 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 SSR Locus sequence (F) sequence (R) bp (F) mEgCIR3639 ACGTTTTGGCAACTCTC ACTCCCCTCTTTGACAT 17 CATCCCATTTCCCTCTT mEgCIR3750 GATGTTGCCGCTGTTTG 17 mEgCIR0782 CGTTCATCCCACCACCTTTC GCTGCGAGGCCACTGATAC 20 CCTACCACAACCCCAGTCTC mEgCIR0905 CACCACATGAAGCAAGCAGT 20 mEgCIR2440 TTCCAGAAGCTAAACGAATGAC GCGGACAGTGCGAAGAGAGT 22 mEgCIR3732 ATTTTATTTGGCTTGGTATA ACTTTTCTATCTAATTCTTGAAGAT 20 mEgCIR3363 CTTGACAATACCCTGAGTAGTAG GCTGTGCCTATCGGACTT 23 mEgCIR1773 ATGACCTAAAAATAAAATCTCAT ACAGATCATGCTTGCTCACA 23 mEgCIR2422 GCCCTCCCTCAACTCAAAAA ATGGTGTCTGGGACTCTGAGTA 20 mEgCIR0783 GAATGTGGCTGTAAATGCTGAGTG AAGCCGCATGGACAACTCTAGTAA 24 mEgCIR3869 CCAATGCAGGGGACATT GAAGCCAGTGGAAAGATAGT 17 mEgCIR3543 GTTCCCTGACCATCTTTGAG GTCGGCGATTGATTAGATTC 20 mEgCIR3358 CCAAGGAACAACATAGA GTTCCCATCCTATTAGAC 17 mEgCIR3260 AGGGCAAGTCATGTTTC TATAAGGGCGAGGTATT 17 mEgCIR3301 GCACTTGGTGGTTATGA AGCTGCTGATGGATATC 17 mEgCIR3544 AGCAGGGCAAGAGCAATACT TTCAGCAGCAGGAAACATC 20 mEgCIR0425 AGCAAGAGCAAGAGCAGAACT CTTGGGGGCTTCGCTATC 21 mEgCIR3698 AAGCCACCAGGATCATC GTCATTGCCACCTCTAACT 17 bp (R) 17 17 19 20 20 25 18 20 22 24 20 20 18 17 17 19 18 19 Ta 52 52 56 52 52 52 52 52 52 58 52 52 52 52 52 52 58 52 Amplifi cation 278 149 187 231 182 194 195 322 248 296 178 232 208 221 140 188 232 182 Oil palm SSR primers isolated by CIRAD (http://tropgenedb.cirad.fr/oilpalm/publications.html) were used. (Billotte et al. 2015) Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Methodology (Conti..) Chromos ome No 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 13 SSR Locus sequence (F) sequence (R) bp (F) mEgCIR2423 TCCAAGTAGCAAATGATGAC TGCCCTGAAACCCTTGA 20 mEgCIR3535 AGTTTGAGCTAGTGGTGTC ACAGGGTTCTTTGTCTACT 19 mEgCIR3439 ACTTGTAAACCCTCTTCTCA GTTTCATTACTTGGCTTCTG 20 mEgCIR3716 GCAGACATGGCAGCAAAAAG GGGGATGTTCCTGGATATCA 20 mEgCIR3886 TTCTAGGGTCTATCAAAGTCATAAG AGCCACCACCACCATCTACT 25 mEgCIR2387 TTGGTGAGCCATTTGCTACA CCTCCTTCCACCCCTCTACT 20 mEgCIR2575 GGGACTTCGCAAACTGTAGCA CGGTGGCGTATGGTGGATT 21 mEgCIR0408 TTGCGGCCCATCGTAATC TCCCTGCAGTGTCCCTCTTT 18 mEgCIR3282 GTAACAGCATCCACACTAAC GCAGGACAGGAGTAATGAGT 20 mEgCIR3788 TTGTATGACCAAAGACAGC AGCGCAACATCAGACTA 19 mEgCIR1713 GCTGAAGATGAAATTGATGTA TTCAGGTCCACTTTCATTTA 21 mEgCIR0257 GCAGCTAGTCACCTGAAC GACGAGACTGGAAAGATG 18 mEgCIR3672 AAAGCCATTCCAGACTAC CTCATAGCCTTTGTTGTGT 18 mEgCIR2427 GAAGGGGCATTGGATTT TACCTATTACAGCGAGAGTG 17 mEgCIR0779 AATGCAGACCAAGCTAATCATATAC GTTCAGGTGATGGTGACTCAGATAG 25 mEgCIR2380 TTGGGATGCAAAATTCA ACAGTAACCCATTGAGACTA 17 mEgCIR3402 GGGCTTTCATTTTCCACTAT GCTCAACCTCATCCACAC 20 mEgCIR3555 CATCAGAGCCTTCAAACTAC AGCCTGAATTGCCTCTC 20 bp (R) 17 19 20 20 20 20 19 20 20 17 20 18 19 20 25 20 18 17 Ta 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 58 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 Amplifi cation 342 167 247 200 187 243 269 193 245 173 252 286 159 116 238 177 241 136 Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Methodology (Conti..) Chromos ome No 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 SSR Locus mEgCIR3213 mEgCIR3890 mEgCIR2407 mEgCIR3711 mEgCIR3622 mEgCIR0555 mEgCIR3641 mEgCIR3739 mEgCIR3400 mEgCIR3362 mEgCIR3587 mEgCIR2813 mEgCIR0446 mEgCIR0894 sequence (F) GCTCTTTGTATTTCCTGGTTC GTGCAGATGCAGATTATATG TGCCGAGGTGCAAGAAGATT GTCTCATGTGGCTACCTCTC GCCAGTTAGGAATACAA TACCATCACTGACCAATAAC TGGGAAGGTGCTCTCAT CAGCCAGTAAGAGCCAAGTC CAATTCCAGCGTCACTATAG CCCATCATCTGCTCAGGATAGAC TTGTTTCGTGCATGTGT GCTTTGTTGCAGTTTGACTA CCCCTTCGAATCCACTAT TGCTTCTTGTCCTTGATACA sequence (R) AGCAGCAAACCCTACTAACT CCTTTAGAATTGCCGTATC ACTATGCCACCCTTCTGAAGTA AGGCTCCCTGCTTTTAAGT GTCACGCATTTTTCTTG GTCTTTCTTGCTAACTACAC GGCTCCACATAATTTCTAC CTCCAACATTGAGGAGACTAG AGTGGCAGTGGAAAAACAGT ACCCTCTCCTCTTGGGAAGA AGGAAGAAGGCTGACAT GTTTAGGATGTTGCGTGAT CAAATCCGACAAATCAAC CCACGTCTACGAAATGATAA bp (F) 21 20 20 20 17 20 17 20 20 23 17 20 18 20 bp (R) 20 19 22 17 17 20 19 21 20 20 17 19 18 20 Ta 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 Amplifi cation 97 154 187 175 142 226 184 207 148 151 217 210 202 186 Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Results P’ D’ D D D D P P P P T T EgSSR18 P’ D’ D D D D P P P P T T EgSSR19 P’ D’ D D D D P P P P T T EgSSR22 Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Results (Conti..) P’ D’ D D D D P P P P T T EgSSR29 P’ D’ D D D D P P P P T T EgSSR53 P’ D’ D D D D P P P P T T EgSSR31 P’ D’ D D D D P P P P T T EgSSR54 Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Results (Conti..) P’ D’ D D D D P P P P T T EgSSR3 P’ D’ D D D D P P P P T T EgSSR5 Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Results (Conti..) P’ D’ D D D D P P P P T T EgSSR67 P’ D’ D D D D P P P P T T EgSSR68 Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Results (Conti..) Chromos ome No 1 1 4 4 4 6 6 9 9 11 11 SSR Locus mEgCIR3750 mEgCIR0905 mEgCIR3260 mEgCIR3301 mEgCIR3698 mEgCIR3439 mEgCIR3716 mEgCIR3788 mEgCIR1713 mEgCIR2380 mEgCIR3402 sequence (F) GATGTTGCCGCTGTTTG CACCACATGAAGCAAGCAGT AGGGCAAGTCATGTTTC GCACTTGGTGGTTATGA AAGCCACCAGGATCATC ACTTGTAAACCCTCTTCTCA GCAGACATGGCAGCAAAAAG TTGTATGACCAAAGACAGC GCTGAAGATGAAATTGATGTA TTGGGATGCAAAATTCA GGGCTTTCATTTTCCACTAT sequence (R) CATCCCATTTCCCTCTT CCTACCACAACCCCAGTCTC TATAAGGGCGAGGTATT AGCTGCTGATGGATATC GTCATTGCCACCTCTAACT GTTTCATTACTTGGCTTCTG GGGGATGTTCCTGGATATCA AGCGCAACATCAGACTA TTCAGGTCCACTTTCATTTA ACAGTAACCCATTGAGACTA GCTCAACCTCATCCACAC bp (F) 17 20 17 17 17 20 20 19 21 17 20 bp (R) 17 20 17 17 19 20 20 17 20 20 18 Ta 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 Amplifi cation 149 231 221 140 182 247 200 173 252 177 241 •SSR loci with 100% similarity were 41 •Polymorphic SSR loci which differentiated the tenera either from dura/pisifera were 11 Dr. D. Ramajayam, Senior Scientist (Horti.-Fruit Science),ICAR-IIOPR Practical utility • Useful in genetic diversity studies, linkage map and QTL analysis of oil palm. • The technology developed will ensures supply of only hybrid tenera to the farmers by eliminating dura contamination in the nursery • It reduces the cost of development of new cultivars and improve efficiency of breeding programme • It is highly useful for the different enforcement agencies to check the quality of imported or indigenous planting materials • In the long run, the developed technology will improve the productivity within the existing acreage.