Smithville High School Cheerleading/Mascot Constitution 2013-2014

Smithville High School
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Smithville High School
Cheerleading/Mascot Constitution
The purpose of cheerleading is to promote good sportsmanship, good citizenship, wholesome and
enthusiastic school spirit, and improve and maintain community/school relations. Being a cheerleader is
an honor and special privilege. Cheerleaders must be dedicated, responsible and reliable. Cheerleaders
should exemplify both individual and group behavior suitable to their position and in accordance with the
rules as stated in the SISD Student Code of Conduct. Due to these responsibilities, members of the
cheerleading squad will be expected to maintain a higher standard of behavior both on and off campus
and academic achievement than that of their peers.
The candidates will be scored by a panel of two or more judges, residing outside and not connected with
the school district. The election of cheerleaders/mascots will be conducted under the supervision of the
school administration.
Varsity –
The top ten (10) candidates with the highest scores from the incoming 10th, 11th, or 12th grades will
be chosen to the varsity squad. In the event that all 10 Varsity positions are not filled by
upperclassman, the squad position could be filled with the highest sub varsity score. (In the event
of a tie, another spot would be added.)
Junior Varsity –
The next six-ten (6-10) candidates with the highest scores from the incoming 9th, 10th, or 11th
grades will be chosen to the junior varsity squad. Incoming 12th grades students will not be
members of the junior varsity squad. The squad will have a minimum of 6 members and a
maximum of 10 members. All members must meet the score requirements.
Varsity Mascot The mascot will be selected from the incoming 10th, 11th or 12th grade.
JV Mascot The mascot will be selected from the incoming 9th, 10th, or 11th grade.
MalesThere may be up to 4 Varsity positions added for incoming 10th, 11th or 12th grade. There may be
up to 2 JV positions added for incoming 9th grade.
Captain/Co-Captain –
The head cheerleader(s) will be selected by the captain selection panel after tryouts. To be chosen
as Varsity Captain or Varsity Co-Captain, one must have been a member of a Varsity squad
previously. If there are no members that were on a Varsity squad the previously, then all members
are eligible for Captain and Co-Captain. Any member wishing to be a candidate for Captain or CoCaptain must complete the Captain Application process. The sponsor will distribute this
information. The sponsor(s) will select the JV Captain(s).
Team Tryout Procedures:
 Try out date will be determined by the High School Principal and Cheerleading Sponsors. The
date for 2013-2014 is April 15, 2013.
 Tryouts are closed to the general public. Tryouts are evaluated and judged by qualified judges and
the judge’s decision is final.
 Candidate evaluations will include the following:
o 40% administrative score sheet
o 60% judges score sheet
 Crowd appeal
 Projection and Motions
 Jumps (toe touch and two additional jumps)
 Cheer
 Gymnastic skills
 Dance Routine (Males- Individual stunt will replace dance routine)
 All candidates must be enrolled at either Smithville High School or Smithville Jr. High.
 All candidates must be academically eligible (passing all classes) at the time of tryouts.
 All candidates must have a minimum score of 65 to receive a place on either squad.
 Mascots will be required to participate in a prepared skit and possible impromptu skit and a series
of questions.
 The sponsors will select a mandatory cheer and dance to be used by all candidates during tryouts.
A toe touch jump is required and the candidates will choose two additional jumps to perform.
 Candidates and their parents/guardians must sign a statement agreeing that, if selected, they will
abide by all the rules and regulations set forth in the cheer constitution and will accept ALL
financial responsibility. A deposit of $200.00 must be made by Tuesday, April 9, 2013 in order
for applicant to tryout. If the applicant does not make the squad the deposit will be returned.
 All required tryout paperwork (and captain applications) must me turned in by given deadlines in
order to be eligible for tryouts. Late entries will not be accepted under any circumstances.
 If a cheerleader/mascot chooses to drop or is removed from being a cheerleader/mascot 2 weeks
prior to summer cheerleading camp, the sponsor reserves the right, but is not required, to fill the
position with the person who was the next highest on the judges’ list in the original try out. If a
vacancy arises after this time, the position will not be filled.
Expectations of SISD High School Cheerleaders:
**Once selected as a Smithville I.S.D. Cheerleader/Mascot all of the following duties and requirements
must be met.
 Members must be enrolled at Smithville High School
 Members are school representatives and should act accordingly. They should meet all
requirements of the SISD Code of Conduct, SHS Student Handbook and cheer constitution.
 A cheerleader is considered a leader at all times. Drug, tobacco and alcohol use and infractions of
school rules are not acceptable for any member of a high school cheerleading squad.
 Cheerleaders shall treat every appearance (game, pep rally, competition, etc.) as a performance.
Inability or refusal to perform certain routine tasks such as required jumps, tumbling, or stunts, or
repeated instances of memory mistakes during routines may result in the cheerleader being
removed from that specific performance.
 Have all required forms (insurance information & physicals) turned in by the first new member
A cheerleader must have her hair styled in such a way that it is off her face. It must look neat and
clean. If it isn't short enough to remain off her face at all times, it must be fastened back during
games and practices.
Work with sponsors, principals, faculty and student body to increase school spirit through pep
rallies, sign painting, appearances and various other activities as assigned.
Varsity will cheer at all Varsity football games, district-home and post season basketball games,
and any other designated events and help/participate at Cheer Booster Club events.
Junior Varsity will cheer at all JV home football games, sell programs at Varsity football games,
cheer district-home basketball games, and any other designated events and help/participate at
Cheer Booster Club events.
All cheerleaders are encouraged to attend summer cheerleading camp. The squad members are
responsible for paying their own camp fees and tuition.
A cheerleader must not allow outside activities to interfere with cheerleading duties. Academic
competition(s) in which the cheerleader is participating, however, take precedence over
cheerleading activities.
Set a good example of moral conduct and behavior at school and away from school during the
entire year.
Cheerleaders must attend one half day of school on the day of, or the day prior to a cheerleading
event in order to participate in that event.
Cheerleaders/Mascots are required to participate in community events such as parades,
fundraisers, appearances and various other activities.
If a problem arises, contact cheerleading sponsors for a parent conference. If not resolved, parent,
sponsors and administration will meet.
Expectations – Grades
 Pass all courses with a 70 or above each six weeks.
 A cheerleader failing a course will be ineligible to cheer for in accordance with UIL eligibility
guidelines ( During the period of
ineligibility the member will dress out and participate in all practices, but may not participate in
any pep rallies, games, or other performances. The member may not travel with the team to such
 If a student is ineligible due to failing grades for two six week grading periods in the same school
year, he or she will be removed from the squad. The six week grading periods do not need to be
 Grades given to the “cheer class” will be reflected by but not limited to attendance and punctuality
to practice and games, correct uniforms/practice clothes, infractions and excessive consequences.
Expectations - Uniforms
 Cheerleaders are responsible for purchasing and maintaining all necessary workout clothes,
uniforms, and accessories as required. All personal items should be labeled with the cheerleader’s
 When in uniform at school or in public, the proper cheerleading shoes, socks, hair and other
accessories shall be worn at all times.
 It is the discretion of the sponsor to determine the proper fit of the uniform.
 Uniforms must be clean, neat and in good repair at all times.
Uniforms or any parts of uniforms, including shoes, are to be worn only at cheerleading practices,
pep rallies, games or designated functions unless approved by the sponsor. This includes any part
of the cheerleading uniform such as warm ups, etc.
No jewelry of any kind is allowed while cheering or practicing.
The sponsor must approve any article of clothing worn with the uniform. All cheerleaders must
wear the additions. This includes socks, crops, pants, etc.
Cheerleaders will not lend out uniforms, sweats, letter jacket, etc. to someone who is not a
Expectations – Attendance
 Any cheerleader unable to perform because of an illness or injury shall appear at the event in full
uniform and sit in a designated area, unless the illness or injury warrants non-attendance as
determined by the sponsor. If an injury or illness hinders or limits a cheerleader’s performance
capabilities, that cheerleader is required to present a doctor’s note outlining performance
limitations or releasing the cheerleader to perform again.
 All members are required to attend all practices unless unforeseen or unusual circumstances arise
which prevent the cheerleader/mascot from being able to be present. Absence from any
cheerleader/mascot activity is unexcused except in the following circumstances:
o Personal illness or accident
o Illness, death, or funeral in the immediate family
o Special school activities that are approved in advance by the sponsor
o Mandatory court appearance
o Religious holiday
 Types of Practices
o Summer practices- will be scheduled in advance (unless additional practices are needed).
All cheerleaders/mascot must be at practice. Once the summer practice dates have been
presented, any absence after is unexcused (scheduling vacation, summer Blinn classes,
personal driver’s education, etc.).
o Daily before or after school Practices- All cheerleaders/mascot must be at the practices.
o Jobs, family vacations, driver's education, club sports & activities and competitive
cheerleading are not excused absences from practice.
 Be on time to any and all cheerleading/mascot practices. To be on time, you must be stretched and
ready to begin by the beginning of practice time. Do not leave practice until dismissed by the
A cheerleader/mascot ,who misses any practice is missing valuable time spent on learning, reviewing and
polishing routines. Most of cheerleading cannot be done without the complete squad. Cheerleading is a
team sport. When one member is missing, the practice is not as valuable or productive, and at times
cannot be held. Therefore, it is strongly urged that all appointments be scheduled at a time that does not
conflict with the practice times.
Expectations - Practices
 All practices are mandatory for all members.
 Occasional night and/or weekend practices may be necessary. Every effort will be made by the
sponsor to give at least one week prior notice of such practices.
 Soft drinks, jewelry, gum, or food are not allowed at practices.
Team members may not leave practice without thoroughly cleaning up the practice area including
mats, ice bags, clothing, etc.
Practices may not be held without the sponsor’s knowledge or without the sponsor’s supervision.
Cheerleaders may not stunt or tumble without a sponsor present.
Due to the strenuous nature of the activity, cheerleaders shall dress out daily and will participate in
a conditioning program that includes such activities as running, aerobics, weight lifting, stamina
jumps, tumbling, stunting, etc. Any braces or supports shall be worn to all practices. If at any time
a cheerleader loses the ability to perform a skill, he or she may be removed from the activity until
the skill is regained.
Monthly calendars will be provided to keep cheerleaders and parents informed of tentative
scheduled events and practice ahead of time.
Must be on time and in appropriate clothing. Cheerleading shoes are REQUIRED.
Practices will take place throughout the school year for each sport cheerleaders are required to
If you do not know the material learned in practice, you will not perform for the event.
Expectations- Games
 Those that can tumble, and feel up to it, may do so at any time other than while cheering.
Everyone who can tumble must do so at least once while the band is playing.
 After each cheer and chant each member must do at least one good jump.
 All members are to be in the line formation on the track when not doing a cheer / chant.
 Do not “clump” together and talk while on the track.
 Lead yells at ALL designated sporting events.
 No jewelry will be worn during games or practices.
 Cheerleaders will not talk to fans on sidelines or on cell phones during games.
 There will be no food or drink during the game (water is allowed). Cheerleaders are required to eat
before game, halftime, or after games.
 All personal needs must be taken care of during half time. This includes restroom, family
business, etc. Cheerleaders need to be back on the field when the clock reads two minutes prior to
the end of half time. Failure to be back at given time will result in being benched 3rd quarter.
Failure to be on time at prior to game will result in being benched 1st quarter.
 Every member will wear the COMPLETE uniform for each game, pep rally and any other
scheduled event.
 All cheerleaders should NOT under any circumstances leave the group without telling a sponsor.
 All cheerleaders are responsible for assigned duties before and after each game. These include
transporting equipment, hanging sidelines signs, selling programs and any other duties when
asked. They will NOT be allowed to leave until these duties are completed.
 Have a positive attitude and show respect to cheerleading sponsors and other members of the
squad by listening with consideration and displaying a willingness to follow instructions.
 All cheerleaders/mascot must ride to and from all away events on school provided transportation.
Cheerleaders/mascots are allowed to ride home with a parent one (1) time per sport. A parent
must fill out permission request and return 24 hours in advance, for the student to ride home with a
parent. There will be an electronic version available. Only in extreme emergencies will a student
be allowed to ride home with their parent.
 Travel to Junior Varsity out-of-town games is a privilege. The decision to travel to any out-of
town Junior Varsity game will be left up to the discretion of the cheer sponsor and administration.
Before and after the game:
 Before the game:
o Every cheerleader has a job. The time you are told to arrive, is the time designated to give
your time to do your job, warm-up and stretch.
o You should have your cheer bag with you at all games. In your cheer bag, you should
have your poms, pony tail holders/ bobby pins, cold weather cheer clothes, etc.
 After the game/ pep rally:
o No one is dismissed until the track/court is clean and the equipment is put away. The
sponsors will dismiss you.
o If you are staying for a game following your own game (for example, JV after selling
programs or basketball games), you must change out of your cheer uniform and wear your
school attire. You are not to wear your uniform.
 Meet with sponsors to develop and plan pep rallies.
 Develop a schedule for each practice.
 Decide which dance routines, cheers, chants, and stunts will be worked on that week.
 Call out cheers and stunts at all events.
 Responsible for maintaining a good working relationship between the sponsor and the other squad
 In charge of teaching cheers, dance, stunts, etc.
 Needs to make all cheerleaders/mascots aware of all practices and performances.
 Is responsible for all equipment, props, etc. that is needed for game day.
 See that all equipment, props, etc. are ready to be put on the bus when going out of town.
 See that all cheerleaders/mascot have duties and that they are done.
 The Co-Captain is there to assist the Captain in all that needs to be done.
 Work with cheerleaders and provide a supportive role.
 Participate in all practice sessions and assigned games.
 Use game antics and pantomime to increase spirit.
 Incorporate mascot into cheers, stunts, and dances whenever possible.
 Participate in summer activities, camp, pep rallies, and all community events (in uniform) required
of cheerleaders.
 All cheerleaders are expected to participate in all fundraising events, including Cheer Booster
Club sponsored fundraisers.
 There will be a minimum requirement of sales during all fundraisers. This amount will be decided
by the sponsors and all participants will be notified prior to sales.
 Each cheerleader will have an account. Some fundraisers will be divided equally among all
participants, and others will be based on the amount sold by each individual. If for whatever
reason you do not attend a fundraiser, you will not get a share of the profits.
 The purpose of fundraising is for the good of the squad. Fundraising is a very important part of our
program and must be given 100% effort by each member in order for it to be successful.
Infractions and Consequences:
 Behavior can range from minor infractions to major infractions. As there are too many behavioral
instances to list, all sponsors have the right to amend rules to fit the specific situation and may
adjust rules due to lack of respect and attitudes from members. All following infractions may/can
result in disciplinary consequences, suspension or dismissal depending on the nature and severity
of the infraction. Consequences can range from running miles, jumps, volcanoes, or suspension
for part/all of a game. If infractions become excessive, the consequences will increase and it
will be reflected in the grade.
o Minor infractions include but not limited to
Tardiness at afternoon practice. (1 per 5 minutes tardy)(For every 5 minutes late, you run
an extra mile. Ex: 1-5 minutes = 1 mile, 6-10 minutes late = 2 miles, etc.) **Failure to
run extra miles results in non-participation until miles are run)
Chewing gum at any activity or in uniform.
Disrespect towards sponsor, team members, teachers (but not limited to)
Inappropriate practice uniform (hair, jewelry, missing cheer shoes, etc.)
Forgotten poms or accessories (wearing wrong items to school or contests)
Not giving your all, or having bad attitudes at any activity
Cheering with jewelry or nail polish of any sort
Hair must be pulled back into a ponytail (including “wings” and “wispies”) at summer
camp, practices, pep rallies, games and designated events. If it isn't short enough to remain
off her face at all times, it must be fastened back during games and practices.
Using your cell phone without permission from the sponsor
Eating during the game outside of halftime
Not wearing cheer attire to school for game days (Cheerleaders are expected to dress alike)
Lunch d-hall
o Medium infractions include but are not limited to:
Inappropriate game day uniform (hair, jewelry, missing cheer shoes, etc.)
Public display affection in uniform, including before or after games (but not limited to)
Rudeness or inappropriate behavior to teammates ~ facial sarcasm, disrespectful remark
Uncooperative behavior ~ ignoring specific requests from sponsor/captain
Lewd conduct (dirty dancing, vulgar movements, and/or gestures, etc.)
Failure to provide punctual transportation following any scheduled activity (Twenty
minutes from dismissal of events.)
Failure to attend a cheerleading obligation without providing prior notice to the sponsor
Unexcused absence from practice
Failure to be on time to Friday AM practice
Failure to be on time at prior to a game
Failure to be back at given time at halftime or between games
o Major Infractions include but are not limited to:
Blatant violation of a school rule (ISS assignment, ASD, discipline referral)
Misconduct/poor attitude
Suspension from school
Smoking, drinking, drug usage *additional consequences apply
Unexcused absence from a game
o Minor infractions –could result in but are not limited to
 Verbal warning, running miles, jumps, volcanoes
 Will be completed at the end of practice, if applicable, by next performance
o Medium infractions – could result in but are not limited to
 Running miles, jumps, volcanoes, suspension from part/whole game
 Will be completed at the end of practice, if applicable, by next performance
o Major infractions – could result in but are not limited to
 Suspension from whole game, dismissal from squad
 Any cheerleader may be removed for disciplinary reasons at any time. The principal and sponsor
will make this decision.
 Any member whose behavior has resulted in DAEP or 2 visits to ISS may result in suspension or
 Any member who resigns from the squad or dismissed from the squad will not be able to tryout
the following year. In order to officially quit the squad, a member must submit a letter of
resignation to the cheer sponsor and a parent/cheerleader/cheer sponsor conference will be
o If a cheerleader quits or is removed from the program before the school year’s end,
eligibility for tryouts for the following year will be at the sponsors’ discretion.
 Any drinking, smoking or drug use is reason for dismissal.
 Any online postings (including MySpace, Face book, YouTube, etc...) will be monitored and
inappropriate activity will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, up to and including dismissal
from the squad.
Service Requirements:
Cheerleaders will be required to participate in community service projects to receive a letter. They will
participate in 20 total hours per year, from at least 4 separate events. Failure to do community service will
be reflected in class grades, eligibility for Varsity letters, and tryouts for the upcoming year. If all hours
are not completed two weeks before tryout week, the member will not be allowed to try out.
In order for a member to receive a Varsity letter, the cheerleader must be on the Varsity Cheerleading
squad. He or she must participate in all practices and games. There must be no unexcused absences,
demerit probations, and the member must have all community service hours completed. Also, the member
must remain eligible in cheerleading for one year from August to June. The member must perform in
ALL football and assigned basketball games, pep rallies, parades, out-of-town performances, competition
and community service. The sponsor must approve all Varsity Letters prior to ordering of the letter
Share the Talent Philosophy (Smithville High School Student Handbook Addendum)
The following guidelines will be used by school and programs administrators, UIL event coaches and
sponsors, and program and club advisors to assure maximum opportunity for all students to participate in
a wide range of curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities.
 Students will be encouraged to participate in activities of interest to them.
 SISD staff will facilitate student participation in multiple activities through coordination of event
schedules and provision for support services.
 When two events conflict, SISD staff will assist students in following these participation
o District UIL Competition
o Non-District Competition
o Scheduled Calendar Events
o Regular Event Practice
 When direct conflict between two activities of equal priority occurs, the student will make the
decision regarding the event in which to participate.
 No direct or indirect penalty will fall upon any student in making such a choice.
 In those cases when students choose not to adhere to “Share the Talent” priorities then club, team,
or other organizational guidelines that penalize students may apply.
Constitution Changes:
 Changes of this constitution may be made through a recommendation by the sponsor and with
approval from the principal.
 The constitution is subject to change at any time by the principal for justifiable cause.
 Anything not specifically covered in the constitution will be decided on by the sponsor with the
help of the administration.
 The sponsor will be the first consultant for the interpretation of the Constitution. All cheerleaders
and mascot questions and concerns must be addressed first with the sponsor during the regularly
scheduled school hours.
Important Dates:
Mandatory Parent Meeting March 25, 2013
 6:30 pm
 SHS Library
Administration Score Sheet due
 Before 3:35pm on April 5, 2013 (Friday)
o SJH front office (if you are a current 8th grader)
o SHS front office (if you are a current 9th, 10th, or 11th grader)
Tryout practices April 8-10, 2013 (Monday-Wednesday)
 4:00-5:30pm
 SHS gym
Tryout deposit and forms $200 due by April 9, 2013. (Tuesday)
o This will be refunded if the applicant does not make the squad.
Tryout day April 15, 2013 (Monday)
 4:30 pm
 SHS gym
Captain Interviews- TBA
Uniform fitting day April 23, 2013 (Tuesday)
 3:45 pm
 SHS Room 102
Physical forms and insurance forms due- June 4, 2013
Summer practice I (camp preparation) TentativeCamp- July 18-21, 2013 - Texas A&M, College Station, Texas
Summer practice II (football/pep rally preparation) Tentative-