
Psychology is the science of ______________________________________________________________.
Psychology's goals are to _______________________________________________________ behaviour.
Psychologists answer questions about behaviour by applying the _______________________ and gathering
Psychology developed from ______________. The first psychological laboratory was established by
Wilhelm Wundt, who studied ________________________ and is considered the “father of psychology”.
The first school of thought in psychology was structuralism, a kind of "mental chemistry." Structuralism
was followed by the rise of functionalism, behaviourism, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalytic psychology,
and humanistic psychology.
Throughout its brief history, psychology has undergone many changes. For example, Wundt was convinced
that the human mind could best be understood by ______________________________________________
He went about demonstrating the validity of his belief by having individuals practice _________________.
When Wundt's theory became better known, there was widespread reaction to it. The Gestalt school
opposed the concept of limiting the understanding of humanity to a _______________________________.
The functionalists, inspired by the work of Charles Darwin, declared ______________________________,
to be the key to understanding the human mind. Watson and the behaviourists scoffed at the idea of
studying hypothetical constructs and calling it science.
Five main streams of thought in ________________________________ are behaviourism, humanism, the
psychodynamic approach, biopsychology, and cognitive psychology.
☺humanism focuses on the ______________________________________________________________
(Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers).
☺biological approach The view that behaviour is the result of physical processes, especially those relating
to ____________________________________________________________________________________.
☺psychodynamic approach A view developed by Freud emphasizing _____________________________
in explaining human thought, feelings, and behaviour.
☺behavioural approach A view based on the assumption that human behaviour is determined mainly by
what a person __________________________________________________________________________
(James Watson, Burrhus Frederic Skinner).
☺cognitive psychology focuses on how people _______________________________________________
information (Jerome Bruner, Ulric Neisser).
The training of psychologists differs from that of psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, counselors, and social
workers. Clinical and counseling psychologists specialize in doing ____________________________.
Other specialties are industrial-organizational, educational, consumer, school, developmental, engineering,
medical, environmental, forensic, psychometric, and experimental psychology.
Scientific investigation involves ___________________________________________________________
Many psychological investigations begin with _________________________________________, which is
informative despite its limitations. In the correlational method, the _________________________________
between two measures is investigated. Correlations allow predictions, but they do not demonstrate
____________________ show whether an independent variable has an effect on a dependent variable. This
allows cause-and-effect connections to be identified.
The clinical method employs detailed case studies of ___________________________. In the survey
method, people in a representative sample are asked ________________________. This provides
information on the behaviours of large groups of people.
A key element of ___________________________ is an ability to weigh the evidence bearing on a claim
and to evaluate the quality of that evidence.
Belief in various pseudo-psychologies is based in part on uncritical acceptance, the fallacy of positive
instances, and the Barnum effect.
Information in the popular media varies greatly in _____________________________________________.
It is wise to approach such information with skepticism regarding the ___________________________,
uncontrolled observation, correlation and causation, inferences, oversimplification, single examples, and
unrepeatable results.
Quick Quiz
Which psychologist is generally considered the "father of psychology?"
a) Freud
c) Watson
b) Titchener
d) Wundt
The most famous student of the first school of psychology was which of the following:
a) Freud
c) Watson
b) Titchener
d) Wundt
The first psychological laboratory was established under which school of thought in psychology:
a) psychoanalysis
c) behaviorism
b) structuralism
d) functionalism
4. When the new psychology of structuralism came to America, a more pragmatic approach, influenced by the work of Charles Darwin,
gained acceptance and was known as:
a) psychoanalysis
c) evolutionary
b) functionalism
d) behaviorism
5. Watson's basic ideas (mental processes are not observable and therefore not appropriate for the science of psychology) became
known as:
a) psychoanalysis
c) behaviorism
b) humanism
d) functionalism
Watson espoused the view that behavior is determined primarily by factors in the environment
a) True
b) False
Freud's theory of personality and his therapy for the treatment of psychological disorders share a common name. It is:
a) psychoanalysis
c) behaviorism
b) humanism
d) functionalism
According to Freud's theory, the __________________________________ is the most important determinant of behavior.
a) conscious
c) preconscious
b) subconscious
d) unconscious
Gestalt psychology emphasized the importance of:
a) analysis of the mind
b) introspection
10. The humanistic school of psychology has tended to emphasize:
a) the uniqueness of human beings
b) the human capacity for growth
c) the principles of perceptual organization
d) measurable behaviors
c) the human capacity for free choice
d) all of the above
11. The focus of this school of psychology is on mental processes, decision making, language, and perception:
a) cognitive
c) behaviorism
b) humanism
d) psychoanalysis
12. This psychological perspective focuses on biochemistry, genetics, and the brain:
a) cognitive perspective
c) behaviorist perspective
b) biological perspective
d) psychoanalytic perspective
13. Which of the following psychological perspectives spoke of concepts including the uniqueness of human beings and their capacity for
choice and growth?
a) behaviorism
c) humanistic
b) Gestalt
d) cognitive
_________ psychology focuses on mental processes such as memory, concept formation, and decision making.
c) functionalism
d) behavioral
______ is the approach to psychology that believed the-study of the mind and consciousness was not scientific.
c) functionalism
d) humanistic
Functionalism is known as the first American school of psychology and was interested in how the mind functioned to help humans
and animals adapt to their environment.
a) True
b) False
Structuralism was the name of the school of psychology developed by:
a) Freud
c) Watson
b) Wundt
d) Titchener
The _________ perspective in psychology would explain behavior through an understanding of the brain and the
central nervous system.
a) evolutionary
c) biological
b) functionalism
d) behavioral
Which of the following probably had the most influence on the evolutionary perspective in psychology?
a) Darwin
c) Wundt
b) Watson
d) Freud
20. The whole thus perceived is greater than the sum of its parts," is a quote you would most expect to hear from a … psychologist.
a) behavioral
c) Gestalt
b) cognitive
d) humanistic