Teacher Candidate Name: Date + Time of demo/class + Block/Room: Name + Grade of Course: Chelsea Zeman Faculty Advisor: Barbara Spilchuk Feb 11 – Apr 5 : Period 3: Rm 4 School Advisor: Catherine Pavlik Rationale: (connect unit with prior learning or experience, IRPs) This unit is designed to develop students’ understanding of the concept of promotion. Promotion is one of the four parts of the marketing mix and it is important for students to understand the role it plays in marketing. The unit focuses on project-based learning, where students are given the opportunity to explore the real-world challenge of promoting and selling a product. Goals: (IRPs) Select and develop a promotional mix for a product or service Produce budgets to address business problems Title of Unit: Curriculum Organizers: (IRPs) Accommodations: (student characteristics that need to be Promotion and Sales Unit Business Education: Marketing and Finance English Language Arts: Oral Language considered in teaching the unit) Students may be given additional time to complete worksheet assignments (at lunch, afterschool or for hw). PowerPoint slides may be given to students on IEPs to allow them to read. Additional help may also be provided after school or during lunch. Marketing Grade 9 LESSON TOPIC 1. Introduce Promotional Mix PBL SPECIFIC LESSON OBJECTIVES (SWBAT)(PLOs) PLO’s: Select and develop a promotional mix for a product or service. - Interact and collaborate in pairs and groups SWBAT: - Understand the ethics and importance of selling healthy foods at school TEACHING ACTIVITIES STUDENT ACTIVITIES (include Closing Activities) Opening “Do Now”: KWL about Promotional Mix. Give students 3 sticky post it notes to write on and get them to stick on board under the appropriate heading K,W, or L. - Explain project details – review Student Activity Workbook with students - Have Ss get in partners and take turns reading the Project rubric. -Ss get with a partner and read the rubric together -Students complete “Do Now” activity. - In pairs students create a list of what they think they will need to learn in order to complete this project. Then they will share with class and it will be written on poster paper. - Class discussion reviewing MATERIALS/ RESOURCES ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES + CRITERIA - Sticky notes - Set up chart on whiteboard for students to sign up their food item and sales date - Markers/felt pen - Field trip form for grocery store - Project rubric - Completion of “Do Now” KWL activity - Participation in creating Need to Know List - Participation in class discussion in reviewing guidelines for food and beverages sales in BC’s schools - Create “Need to Know List” for students to complete the project based learning inquiry question guidelines for food and beverages sales in BC’s schools - Teams brainstorm products - Briefly review guidelines for food and google search grocery and beverages sales in BC’s store websites and flyers schools (learned in previous classes). - Ss write their product and sale off date on the board in a list - Let Ss pick their project partner. so it is visible to everyone and Or pick by drawing names no duplicates (popsicle sticks) from a hat. - Set selling dates 2. Field trip to Grocery Store - PLO’s: Select and develop a promotional mix for a product or service. - Interact and collaborate in pairs and groups 3. Goal Setting - PLO’s: Select and develop a promotional mix for a product or service. - Interact and collaborate in pairs and groups - CLOSURE: Handout fieldtrip sheet for grocery store. Have students continue brainstorming their products. Take students to Grocery store. They are to pick a product that fits within the food guidelines Ss pick product at grocery store - Fieldtrip forms - Proper fieldtrip behaviour Opening: Blind goal setting activity - Students participate in blind goal setting activity Explain S.M.A.R.T. goals Discuss importance and benefits of goal setting - Class discussion – benefits of goal setting - Star worksheet for goals - Goals worksheet - Projector to watch video - Participation in class discussion (attention, focus, good listening skills) - - Ss create goals for their promotional mix project - Ss pick one goal to write in the gold star and to be placed on a classroom wall 4. Elements of Promotional Mix PLO’s: Select and develop a promotional mix for a product or service. - Interact and collaborate in pairs and groups SWBAT: - Describe the role of Promotion in business (its purpose) - Identify the 4 aspects of the Promotional Mix - Describe the methods of sales promotion - Demonstrate organizational skills - Opening: With a partner describe one type of sales promotion that they have used or participated in. Was it effective? Why? Share and discuss with class. - Activity: In pairs describe one type of sales promotion that you have used or participated in. Was it an effective method of sales promotion? Why? Share with class and discuss. - PowerPoint: Describe the 4 aspects of the promotional mix. (Sales promotion, advertising, personal selling, publicity/public relations) - PPT on methods of sales promotion - Describe the various methods of sales promotion (Coupons, Contests, Premiums, Samples, and Special Events) - Ss take notes from PPT on promotional mix information sheet - Projector and PPT slides - Laptops - Promotional mix worksheet for PPT notes - Participation in pair activity - Creativity of Promotional Team’s objective and design of poster - Completion of planning task list - Cooperation and contributions in group work - Student activity workbook - Laptops - Sample Sales Budget Handout - Completion of Sales budget - Focus, cooperation and contributions in group work - Partner Quiz: Ss think of one question they have on the topic of the lesson. It can be something they know the answer or want to know the answer. They ask their partner the question. - Exit Slip: Write in your own words why you think budgeting - Activity: Teams create their Promotional Objective and make a mini poster of it to be displayed on the wall - Work on Promotional Mix projects - Have Ss work on their promotional mix projects. 5. Finance: Budgeting PLO’s: - Produce budgets to address business problems SWBAT: - Understand the purpose of budgeting - Create an inventory and sales budget - As a class, brainstorm and list budget items for their promotional mix project; identifying income and expenditure amounts. - Discuss the importance of planning in business decision making and the role of budgeting in decision making -Explain inventory and sales budget assignment. - CLOSURE: Exit Slips / Partner Quiz - Ss create sales budget for their promotional product using excel - **Ss will have the next 2 classes to work on their budgets is important 6. Advertising Review PLO’s: Evaluate the social implications of advertising SWBAT: - Describe the role of advertising in business (its purpose) - Describe the various types of advertising - Understand the ethical responsibilities of advertising - Review what student’s learned and know about advertising - Class discussion on the purpose of advertising in business - Steps in creating effective marketing communication. Show short video on the advertising AIDA model – Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. https://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=dQADInp7-7Q - CLOSURE: Exit Slips & HW 7. Finance: Income Statement SWBAT: - Identify the key elements of an income statement - Define key income statement terms - Use an income statement to analyze the success of a business - Class discussion: Review of previous advertising unit and purpose of advertising - Group activity: In groups of 3-4 Ss come up with possible advantages and disadvantages of the six types of advertising medias.(Direct-to-home, Outof-home, Radio, Television, Newspaper, and Magazine) – students write them out on Chart paper - Small group discussion: Which type of advertising do they pay attention to most? Why? Compare responses with those of another small group. - Video: Introduction to the Income Statement https://www.youtube.com/watc h?v=2RupCSFcY7w - Come up with examples of each section of the Income Statement with CLAWSCO store. - PPT explaining the basic elements of the income statement (Revenue, Operating Expenses, and Net Profit). To help Ss understand, have them come up with examples for each section using Clawsco. - Class discussion analyzing CLAWSCO’s sample income statement. - Class discussion analyzing Clawsco’s income statements. Compare this year to prior year, net profit, expenses, revenue. - CLOSURE: Pair/Share - Ss complete handout – evaluate Clawsco’s income statement, which year was better and why. - Promotional Teams work on their sales budgets and Promotional Mix Project - Chart paper – disadvantages & advantages activity - Markers and Pens - Laptops - Advertising samples: Magazines, newspapers, posters, flyers, commercials for social implications activity - Overhead for video - Chart paper for group activity - Participation in class discussions - Participation and cooperation in group activities - Exit Slip: 3 W’s What did they learn today? So What is the relevancy, importance, usefulness of it, and Now What (how does this fit into what they are learning, does it affect their thinking?) - CLAWSCO’s income statement handout - Overhead for video - Brand Management PowerPoint slides to hand out at end of class - Completion of income statement handout - Participation in class discussion - Focus, cooperation and collaboration in group work for Promotional Mix Project - Pair/Share: tell the person next to you 2 things your learned today then the groups report to the rest of class. 8. Debrief/ Reflection & Developing Presentations 9. Presentations & Celebration PLO’s: Create effective - Explain the importance of business reflecting and debriefing their communications by mini event. What did they learn integrating a variety of from it, what would they do technologies differently if they were to do it SWBAT: again, etc. - Operate a Sales Promotion stand - Explain presentation details providing effective customer service and promotional activities - CLOSURE: Discuss next class’ - Analyze and reflect agenda, sequence of upon their presentations and how they will promotional mix be assessed. projects - Understand the importance of giving an effective business presentation i.e.: presentation delivery, visual display, audience manners - Develop teamwork skills and confidence PLO’s: Create effective - Observe and evaluate business communications Promotional Team presentations by integrating a variety of Assess the business attitude technologies (respectful of presenters) of SWBAT: students listening during - Develop effective presentations presentation skills in - If extra time after all smaller group presentations are over divide settings to help build class into small groups and play their confidence for Jeopardy game – a review of the larger audiences and entire unit for future CLOSURE: Ask class what are presentations some things that they learned from their peer’s presentations - In their Promotional Team groups Ss complete their follow-up/debrief sheets from their student activity workbooks. - Ss complete their personal goals reflection sheet from their student activity workbooks. - Ss work on their PowerPoint presentations - Promotional Teams present their Promotional Mix to the rest of class - Students will provide sandwich feedback to their peers after presentations - Follow-up/Debrief Worksheet from Student Activity Workbook - Personal goals reflection Worksheet from Student Activity Workbook - Laptops for Ss to work on PowerPoint presentations - Completion of follow-up/debrief worksheets - Completion of personal goals reflection worksheet - Focus, cooperation and collaboration in group work for Promotional Mix PowerPoint Presentation - Overhead - Marking sheets - Jeopardy game on review of unit - Assess group presentations (based on presentation rubrics)