The Garland Handbook of Latin American Music

The Garland Handbook
of Latin American Music
Part Three: Nations and Musical
Traditions, South America,
Cultural Heritage
Contemporary musical traditions parallel those of other indigenous communities
throughout Latin America
• Type of instruments
• Relationship between instruments, contexts, genres, and beliefs
• Use of music
means of facilitating transformation (physical and/or spiritual) and communication in ritual
i.e., the Kultrún
Influence minimal
Presence in contemporary Argentine music culture primarily influence of AfroBrazilian religious traditions
• i.e., Umbanda and Batuque
Influence most prevalent in contexts and genres introduced by, or derived from
Roman Catholic Church
• Contemporary celebrations and rituals reflect unique development of Catholic Church in
Latin America
Contexts include: Saint-day celebrations (Patronal festivals), holy week, funeral rituals
Contemporary Argentine Musical
Secular genres
Reflect greater social processes also evident in other parts of Latin
• Also particular socio-historical, political circumstances surrounding
emergence and development (i.e., migration, public policy, etc.)
Nationally and internationally recognized secular genres
• Music and dance genre (late nineteenth century)
Ensemble epitomized by bandoneón
• Small button accordion (or concertina, of German influence)
• Development influenced by new contexts, audiences, and technological
advancements (film and radio)
• Resurgence in 1970s and 1980s parallels recovery of tango as a dance
Note: consider significance of dance in secular musical traditions throughout Latin
Contemporary Argentine Musical
Nationally and internationally recognized secular genres
Folkloric music
• Reflects both revivalist and nationalist interests
Response to experience of urban immigration, also foreign musical influences and
political circumstances
• Development spurred by emerging contexts (i.e., festivals and peñas), and
the activity of itinerant artists and researchers
• Include both traditional rural genres and contemporary songs inspired by, or
based on them
• Development reflects shifting historical social and political dynamics in
• Also reflects advances in technology and role of media
• Until recently, primary source of social and political expression for
disenfranchised youth
• Incorporates diverse musical elements from various international popular
Music, Politics, and Identity
Argentine folkloric and popular music, and national identity
Throughout Latin America, social, historical, economic, and political
events and developments inform and shape musical traditions and
social identities
Consider how such events and economic developments have impacted
musical traditions in Argentina (especially folkloric and popular music)
Questons for discussion
• How did more recent immigrant communities and urban migration contribute
to the development and popularity of folkloric music? What economic factors
• How does the development of Argentine rock reflect the changing social and
political dynamics in Argentina?
• What role did technology and the media play in Argentine rock’s national and
international success?
• How did public policy impact the development of Argentine folkloric and
popular music?
• How might the development of these genres compare with that of popular
music elsewhere in Latin America or elsewhere?