October 11, 2012

WACUHO Executive Committee Transition Meeting
October 11-12
Call to order- 10:13am
Agenda Review: Additions, deletions, changes
 Willie cannot attend, hopefully by next phone meeting
Review and Approval of Minutes
 Tiffany motions to approve the June 1, 2012 minutes, Noah seconds. 7-0-0, motion passes.
Liaison Reports - alphabetical order by the 11th letter of the person's name
A. Staci Buchwald, President
 Need advice on foundation board member.
Ramona Hernandez, President- Elect
 Legislative affairs - direction for committee. Possibly need clarification of purpose. Possible
focus on comfort animals. Research articles that relate to our membership.
 Time & place - site bids, but not chairs. Need to review by-laws, put up as new business.
C. Kelly Cole, Newsletter
D. Mario Rodriguez, MAL- South
E. James Smith, Treasurer
F. Elizabeth Miller, Secretary
G. Tiffany Taylor, MAL- North
H. Tyler Miller, Vice President
I. Noah Kaloostian, MAL- Central
J. Jason Lu, Tech and Info Coordinator
I. Old Business
A. Scheduling Phone meetings
 November 29th 12-1:30pm
 Jan 27-29th at Cal Poly Pomona
 February 28th 12-1:30pm
 March 28th 12-1:30pm
B. Leadership Manual/ WIKI- Jason and Ramona
 Jason - made Leadership Manual (LM) into wiki text, and gave tour of wiki site. Main WACUHO
site links to wiki LM. Right now there are 2 versions of the LM online, which can be confusing.
o Can do a search for topics… i.e. RAP, president, ect.
o Comprehensive approach to LM.
o Holds on to history of edits.
o There is an ability to 'lock' pages so only admins can make edits. Jason created a
'contributor' role, and someone can add info, but it will highlight that it will not be the
most recent version of the manual. Only the president-elect can make changes to the
LM, with back-up of the Tech Coordinator.
o How does President-Elect know about changes? There is a place on the page that
shows a summary of any changes
o Everyone who submits must get approval, people must be assigned content
Ramona - President-Elect responsible for changes in LM, and would bring any changes to exec.
Repository of knowledge & place to get info.
o LM is a historical document.
o Some seasoned members why wonder why we are moving in this direction. Should
acknowledge the history of the LM. Need to avoid the 'why did we do that?' from
happening down the line. Add a notes section to add reasoning.
o Would like to do a WAVES article to introduce the wiki, how to use it, how to
contribute, approval process.
o Could be beneficial if an author with most knowledge creates the new info, and
Ramona approves it. Public would only see approved version, but could view the
history button to see the changes. The 'summary' area will become a place fro
notes/reasoning for the change.
o Will make the LM more dynamic and preserve history better.
 Staci - need to 'roll out' page in a more formal process. Create two different blogs about the
perspective about the new wiki… one from the 'super tech' and one from the 'um, not sure
about this'.
o Acknowledge this is a big step, the 'holy grail' of WACUHO. Be sure not to alienate or
make people feel removed from WACUHO.
 Tyler - this will require a by-law change, because it currently states the PE must update &
publish the LM on an annual basis.
o So for now we need to run dual LM's.
o Pull a PDF of the content and post on the web annually to fulfill that by-law (if change
does not happen).
o Possibly highlight the table of contents because it helps people feel more comfortable
that all the info is there.
o Can still see LM either on a PDF or through the wiki. Most members do not read LM,
don't mention the log-in right now. First focus on general information while it's going.
o Near end of year talk about how to update and share information.
o Call it a 'work in progress' currently, and tie it to by-law change? Say it's in beta.
o The three grumpy Muppet guys up in the corner… remember them.
 Staci
o How do we roll it out? How do we present it to the membership, especially those not
comfortable with technology?
o She is going to talk about the wiki in her next letter.
Assessment and Chair Survey- Tyler
 Last survey in 2006. Survey felt more like ballot propositions than a survey. Tyler created
possible questions for a new survey.
o CHO vs. Member survey - looking for thoughts & blessing.
o Ramona – include how involved is your department and/or staff.
o Noah - possibly do both surveys to see if there are any variances.
o Goal - satisfaction, to see where we should go with our efforts.
o Jason - add an open ended, general comments at the end.
o Other topics for Tyler to add?
 Include WACE issues? WACE section? Why/why not…. Is it a cost issue… would
you consider paying out of pocket. Do you regularly attend WACE?
 Concern about length. But this is our one shot per year.
 What hinders people from being involved… finances, interest
 What would increase your involvement… phone calls, website, etc. Maybe we
need to brainstorm options and offer that to membership in the survey.
Raffle off something to those who complete it? Use association request for
 If any other topics come to mind please share with Tyler.
D. Using the Forum- Staci
 Voting and Discussions
o President is the only one who can call for a vote. Then there needs to be a motion
made and a second. Next President will determine time frame for discussion period.
Then President creates a poll (call for vote) and people log in to vote.
o Initiate use by sending email.
 Expectations around use
o Important everyone is versed in using Forum. Have log-in, sign-in, use voting feature.
o Get in a mindset of checking it, especially if someone sends out an email alerting the
committee to log in. Check in at least weekly, more often when discussion/voting is
going on.
o We can see who responded, how, it's time stamped.
o Any more sensitive topics should be over the phone, and not in forum.
o Encourage committees to log in and start conversation.
with email
o If you aren't hearing from someone, try contacting them in another manner.
E. Other items?
 FAC Audit - James handed out FAC recommendation email, and summaries of 3 bids from
 Staci - We need to do an audit to comply with ACUHO-I issue. It's been bouncing around
for at least 2 years, and we need to make it happen.
 James - bids received by three companies, they are recommending we go with Marcia
Noone (current CPA for WACUHO). She has most understanding of our business and what
we do, she is aware of our history and has worked with us.
o Conflict of interest? Tim Trevin asked accounting professor, and found that it was not
considered a conflict according to accounting procedure.
 Ramona – look at difference between doing taxes and performing an audit. During an
audit, she looks more at our business practice and not just the numbers we send her for
tax. This check is not about looking at the books for errors, but rather checking our
 Although not the least expensive bid, has most experience and knows our system.
 To pay for audit, would vote to spend money on it as an association reserve request this
year, then it should be put in a budget cycle to occur every so many years.
 How many years to do it? Ramona - possibly wait until we have the findings back and then
decide, so we know what to put in the budget.
 Ramona motions to accept the FAC proposal to engage Marcia Noone to conduct an
external audit of the last fiscal year's books at a cost of approximately $9000. Tyler friendly amendment to add $9K as cost. James seconds.
o Discussion - Noah - more info on whether this is a conflict of interest because Marcia
Noone is our tax accountant. James, this is typical of small businesses and happens
a lot.
o Vote -7-0-0, motion passes.
 James will prepare association reserve request and it will be voted on via Forum.
New Business
A. Association and Programmatic Reserve Requests- James
 Do not have budget to review, so will go over requests and discuss, but not vote on until we
can see where we stand financially as far as the program reserve requests.
Association reserve request - Central RAP - requesting interpreting services in amount of
o Noah motions to approve reserve request from Central RAP in amount of $1200. Staci
- friendly to change support to 'approve'.
o Discussion - is the number this high. Where does it come from? It is from actuals from
past years.
o Tyler seconds. 7-0-0, motion passes.
 Program reserve request of $2000 from Southern RAP due to high rental fee of classrooms
and AV.
o Mario - discussion to cut down number of sessions, and not pay for parking. Was the
room rental unexpected? Did they not figure this into the budget in the first place?
Concern is why is this coming to light after their budget was approved.
o Tiffany motions to approve $2000 from program reserve funds for room facilities
rental at the host institution at Southern RAP. Noah seconds.
 Discussion - $2000 seems like a lot of money. SRAP got this amount last year due
to a room rental, and so wanted to request it this year.
 Role of advising RAP in building budget. Less of treasurer and more MAL, we can
all help guide.
 Vote - 3-3-1. Presidential tie-breaker. Staci votes yes. Motion passes.
Financial Review- James
 Cannot do at this time because information is needed from past treasurer.
ACUHO-I Agreement- Staci
 Staci will share with Exec via forum, where it will be open for review prior to a vote to
 Why is there a 'strange' relationship with ACUHO-I? What can we do to improve the
o WACUHO has challenged issues or raised questions. See similarities with
PACURH/NACURH. California rebellious attitude? More likely to challenge/speak up?
o BUT, are we making assumptions of what they think of us?
ACUHO- I Foundation Board rep- Staci
 Email from Frank Montana that he is stepping down.
 Foundation – their role is to raise money for programs and services.
 How are people selected? WACUHO sends recommendations to ACUHO-I.
 ACUHO-I rep mentioned that they were interested in seeing if David Stephen (CSU Chico)
could have role.
 Discussion:
o Could be David Stephens or another recommendation.
 Tyler - We have created waves because of the conference and social, maybe this
can be a mea culpa way of going with their recommendation.
 Tyler - motion to approve David Stephen as our ACUHO-I Foundation representative. 7-0-0.
Motion passes.
Placement Committee Name change- Tiffany
 Chairs checked with historians and found that placement committee was formed in light of
how people used to job search.
 Tyler makes a motion to change the name of the Placement Committee to the Career
Development Committee.
o Discussion - need to reword and restructure their wording for the LM.
o Vote. 7-0-0. Motion passes.
WACE Chairs Check In and Updates- Maggie and Staci (Friday at 9:30)
 Quick overview & questions by Maggie
o Main goal was to get a budget together for Exec. Had to stretch committee budget to
make it work, especially with food and AV costs, but overall feel good.
Program committee struggling- speakers have not materialized (dates, speaker fees, etc). Still
no break-outs on Wednesday, so there is a lot of pressure for the Wed speaker since it will
have high attendance. Wednesday speaker still not there.
 Wednesday speaker - Vernon Wall (diversity/social justice). He is locked in, but
some negotiation on speaker fees. Other possible: Linda Croyle, Barry Posner - he
is unavailable, Brenee Brown.
 It would be okay to ask for a program reserve request for the speaker. Since no
sessions, it would benefit the association to have an awesome speaker on
Wednesday that will incentivize people to stay through the end of the conference.
 WACE 2.013 Upgraded: Search. Connect. Share.
 Ask Ben & Jorge to do a WAVES article announcing Vernon Wall as a speaker, to build
WACE 2013 Budget Review
 Only general budget provided.
 Either opening or closing off site. One event at Santa Clara due to cost of hotel and space
 What about San Jose State? Parking is much cheaper at university. $26/day at Fairmont.
Is there reciprocity with CSU permits?
 Questions for co-chairs:
 Are comp-ed rooms back in the contract? Under lodging for speakers it is noted as $0.
o Yes. Maggie has email confirmation. One comp-ed room per 50 paid nights.
 Who are the keynotes, and where are they from? (Travel)
o Vernon Wall is from DC - speaker fee $3500 plus travel and lodging.
o Linda Croil from UCSB area?
o Still in negotiation, so are estimating.
 $375 registration fees - can it be higher?
o Phillipe and Maggie went back and forth. Hesitant to go higher because of the
upcoming election and forecasted budget cuts if propositions do not pass
(UC/CSU). Last year was $350, and did not want to increase a lot. The $400 level
was a bar they were not sure they were ready to pass. They are open to it.
o Very good point with the election, great reflection and recognition of our
 $9000 for association reserve - what is that for?
o Corporate partners breakfast and exhibitors reception. Both numbers came in
higher than expected, and so included association reserve.
o Consider asking for exhibitors reception from corporate partners? Maggie needs
to check with Frank about contributions from CP, and get more details. Is
potential for more money from CP, they jut need to verify.
 Signage - what does it entail?
o Challenge at Fairmont is that there aren't screens in the rooms, and the layout of
the locations. The committees felt it was important. Chairs brought number
down from what committees requested, they felt it was initially high as well.
They believe they can bring it down.
 This amount is only for directional and room signs. Included easel rentals,
which at the Fairmont is high. Possibly campuses can help bringing them to
cut costs.
 Can exhibitor registration fees be increased? We know it hasn't been increased in
several years… why same.
o Was not a point of discussion, just kept the same.
Some of the same concerns about the economy and if it is the right time to raise
it, be sensitive to budget concerns.
o Also considering parking costs, since it adds to overall costs.
 Why $1000 for hearing impaired? Why is it part of an expense, is it part of association
reserve request.
o Just brought it over from last year's budget.
o It could be part of an associations reserve requests, since it covers
accommodations. Throw it to the speaker fee.
 Only $550 for printing - what does that encompass?
 Who is responsible for social media
 Who will be point person for registration, who will checks go to?
 Thoughts on parking situation - are there cheaper options?
 Discussion: Ramona makes a motion to approve the WACE 2013 budget. James second. 7-00. Motion passes.
WACUHO Presidential Blog- Staci
 With the first edition of the WAVES, president will start a blog. Is a way to engage the
membership. Includes shoulder-tapping people to be a guest blogger.
 Staci needs help: being willing to write, find people willing to participate.
 Ideas: At least 4 WACUHO members on Semester at Sea currently, Tyler taking care of Res Life
Geek while Ryan McRae is in Afghanistan.
 Should not be seen as a competition for WAVES. WAVES more historical and features, and blog
more news and updates. People can comment, so it's more interactive.
 We have to address all ages of Muppets.
 Good way to get information out to the membership in an informal way. More formal
communication needed for items such as by-law changes, award winners, etc.
 Be clear about the purpose of all our methods of communication: website, blogs, forum,
Facebook, Twitter.
 Start with baby steps then move forward, make sure we have the capacity to handle all the
new forms of communication.
 May need to consider the role of the Newsletter editor.
 Review the blog in January.
RAPs use of Facebook and Social Media
 Security issues using Facebook as host of RAP info (i.e. - RegOnline link). MACUHO had a
stalking issue.
 How do we post our tax id policy? Does a Facebook page publicize the diversity statement,
affirmative action, refund policy, etc. - things needed on all registration area?
 RegOnline is secure, and all our required notices are posted on there, and emailed with receipt.
 There is a time issue, it takes a while to get a website up and running, but Facebook can get
basic info out quickly.
 Change to Wordpress web page would help with this issue. BUT - younger staff and students
will be going to Facebook first.
 Current policy is that websites must get approval, but we have 'rogue' Facebook pages for
RAP's that do not get approval.
 Currently the Chairs are the monitors of the Facebook pages. This should probably be made a
 We need to shore up our policies around social media.
 If our name is attached to something, there should be oversight.
 Are we trying to fix something that isn't broken? Possibly add this to committee chair
 We need to hold each other (exec) accountable to our liaison ships. More/better training
with MAL's since the RAPs are the first events that come up where this is an issue.
Noah - is there a requirement to have a web page? No. Put link to RegOnline on WACHO
home page?
WACE bid process – see below notes on Time & Place Committee
Website content management systems proposal - Jason
 Website in current form has over 20,000 files and 2,000 folders. Coated in Dream Weaver,
which is limiting because it ties licenses to certain computers.
 Recommends switching to WordPress Blogging Engine.
 Is a lot easier for the Tech Coordinator. This page would allow members/committees to have
additional pages (such as for RAPs, WTI, etc) that they can create themselves without a lot of
tech knowledge.
 Once move to new site, can archive all old information in an area that is password protected.
 Staci/Tyler - this medium is easy to use and update, much more intuitive than current website.
 Kelly - can WAVES be done on same system? ...yes…
 Tyler - WAVES may become a thing of the past, it may become a blog one day.
 James - what about design on website? What should our image be, and consider marketing it
to seasoned members.
 Next steps
o Is it accessible? Staci will test it with someone who uses a reader, and see if it works.
o Put under old business so we can move on it in January
Time & Place Committee  Once upon a time there was a bid process. Two or three institutions would go out and find all
info and present to WACUHO exec on why they should be selected. This is what is in the LM
about this process.
 In 2000's things started to switch, where there were challenges with attendance and financial
issues. There was shoulder-tapping to find institutions who are able/willing to host.
 Ramona - What do we do? Shoulder tap, find folks, then support them. Feels time & place
should be a resource, mentor, guide.
 Tyler - used to be institutions hosting, now it seems all that weight is being put on two co-chairs.
Maybe need to look at what is not working, why institutions are not stepping up.
 Staci - has heard that shoulder tapping is about who you know, but not who is interested. May
be some who are interested, but don't know how to step up.
 Maybe move away from a host institution to a host region.
 Need info on how to put a bid together from Time & Place.
Review and Confirm Important Dates – Staci
A. Executive Committee Task Calendar
B. Program and Event Dates
C. Waves Deadlines – Kelly
D. To Do Lists – Liz
E. Other
Future Agenda Items
A. Meeting dates/locations
 November 29th 12-1:30pm
 Jan 27-29th at Cal Poly Pomona
 February 28th 12-1:30pm
 March 28th 12-1:30pm
Executive Travel Reimbursements
 Tyler motions to adjourn meeting, Noah second 7-0-0. Meeting adjourned at 12pm.
Submission Deadline
Submission Deadline
Sent to Staci for
Sent to
October 17
October 24
October 29
Winter WAVES
January 21
January 25
January 30
February 4
March 11
March 15
March 20
March 25
Spring WAVES
April 29
May 3
May 8
May 13
To Do's:
 Tyler - explore writing by-law change for wiki LM
 Ramona - wiki-LM article in WAVES
 James - association reserve request for audit
 Jason - contact Mary Tregogni and ask her to beta test the web site design for accessibility
 Staci - post ACUHO-I agreement on Forum for all to review
 Ramona - outreach to Dr. David Stephen regarding ACUHO-I Foundation post and his thoughts
 Staci - start presidential blog.
 Staci - add to November phone meeting agenda
o Preparing orientation for chairs
o Get Willie for meeting to discuss strategic plan
o Discuss time & place - chair/location
o Website review redesign (old business)
 Staci - add to January meeting agenda
o Discuss marketing position (Kelly)
o Discuss presidential blog success
 All - submit waves article by October 17th
 Tyler - assessment make survey and send to committees
 James - more accurate snapshot of financial situation
 All - check Forum regularly, encourage committees to utilize it.
 Mario - send hotel & time information by November meeting
Important Dates and Information
Executive Committee Transition Meeting
(Incoming Execs Only)
May 31 and June 1
Santa Clara University
Pre-Conference Mtg
June 1
(Transition Outgoing and Incoming Exec Committees)
Santa Clara University
WACUHO Exec Transition Meeting- Phone
Phone conf call.
Equity & Diversity Awareness
Island RAP
Northern RAP
November 17
UC Santa Cruz
Central RAP
November 10
Southern RAP
November 17
UC Irvine
Exec. Phone Conf. Call
Fall Exec Meeting
October 11-12
CSU Channel Islands
Exec. Phone Conf. Call
November 29, 2012
Winter Exec Meeting
January 27-29, 2013
Cal Poly Pomona
Exec. Phone Conf. Call
February 28, 2013
Exec. Phone Conf. Call
March 28, 2013
Spring Exec Meeting
April 6, 2013
San Jose, CA
PACURH No Frills
2013 WACUHO Annual Conference and Exposition
April 7-10
San Jose, CA
June 1-4, 2013
Univ. of Colorado, Boulder
2013 ACPA Annual Convention
March 4-8
Las Vegas, NV
2013 ACUHO-I Convention and Exposition
June 15-18
Minneapolis, MN
2013 NASPA/ACUHO-I Placement Exchange
March 16-20
Orlando, FL
2013 NASPA Annual Conference
March 10-14, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
2013 NASPA/ACUHO-I Placement Exchange
March 8 – 11, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
2014 WACUHO Annual Conference
2014 ACPA Annual Convention
2014 ACUHO-I Annual Conference & Exposition
2014 NASPA Annual Conference
2015 ACPA Annual Convention
2015 NASPA Annual Conference
2015 ACUHO-I Convention and Exposition
WACUHO Committee Liaisons 2012 - 2013
Academic Relations
Honora Knopp
Annual Conference
Maggie Malagon
Philippe Cumia
Apartment and Community Living
Daniel Schniedermeier
Happy Cimenski-Almogela
Awards and Recognition
Ramona Hernandez
Tyler Miller
Central RAP
Jacob Hanley
Megan Fox
Conference Services
Branden Petitt
Corporate Relations
Frank Montana
Equality & Diversity Awareness
Piya Bose
Britany Cashatt
Exhibits and Displays
Vinnie Hama
Mako Ushihara
Inactive… N/A
Finance Advisory Board
Robert Stephens
Inactive… N/A
Happy Cimenski- Almogela
Alex Belisario
Chad Myers
David Bracamontes
Island RAP
Judicial Affairs & Student Conduct
Sarah Lasnik
Chrissy Bender
Legislative Affairs
Chris Williams
New Professionals
Kris Mcpeak
Josh O’Connor
Dana Pysz
Northern RAP
Pacific Management Institute
Juls White
Danny Hyche
Alvin Yoo
Yoo Mi Choi
Kafele Khalfani
Jorge Arroyo
Religious and Spiritual Issues
Mark Brice
Francisco Grajales
Small, Private Institutions
Christine Paul
Southern RAP
Cassandra Morton
Joathan Higgins
Strategic Planning
Substance Abuse
Inactive… N/A
Support Services
Cindy Derrico
Chelsea Navarro
Technology and Info Systems
Joaquin Becerra
Nicholas Howell
Time and Place
Laura Dorfman
Western Training Institute
Western Regional Student Affairs Day