
Date _________________
Participation Self-Evaluation: Rate your participation for Calculus II ______:
Give yourself a grade in each category in the space provided based on the criteria.
________ 1. I raise my hand in class:
Multiple times each class—almost every time I am given the opportunity. I always wait until it’s my turn to speak.
Everyday. I never speak before raising my hand and being called on first.
Every once in a while and/or sometimes I speak before raising my hand and being called on.
I rarely raise my hand, and/or I often speak before raising my hand and being called on.
I have not raised my hand or have only spoken out of turn.
________ 2. I ask questions when I do not understand:
3: I always ask the teacher to explain an assignment if I do not understand. I never use “I did not understand the
assignment” as an excuse for not completing it. I am respectful in my approach to asking questions, and I do not waste
class time with my questions. OR—My grade reflects a deep understanding of the material and therefore no need to
ask many questions.
2: I sometimes ask questions when I do not understand , but I should ask more.
1: I ask questions once in a while, and/or most of my questions would have been avoided if I had listened more closely
to the teacher when he/she first explained the assignment.
0: I do not ask questions even though my performance reflects a lack of understanding, OR I often waste class time by
asking ask questions not related to the topic, or related questions which you don’t understand only because of your
absent from classes.
________ 3. I come to class prepared:
3: I am on time to class everyday. I always have all materials necessary for the class, and I immediately retrieve any
necessary materials when the teacher tells me to.
2: I have been late to class and/or I’m sometimes not fully prepared for class.
1: I’m frequently late and/or not prepared for class and/or the teacher often needs to repeat instructions to retrieve
necessary class materials before I do.
0: I come to class without the necessary materials pretty much on a daily basis
________ 4. I listen to the teacher. I am alert in class:
4: I am always alert in class. At any time I can be called upon, ready to participate. I am always facing forward and
pay no attention to distractions.
3: Once in a while I am not paying attention
2: Sometimes I am not paying attention. Sometimes I talk/whisper while the teacher is talking and/or I was unable to
answer a question because I was not paying attention.
1: I pay attention infrequently. On a few occasions have I been unable to successfully answer a question when called
on by the teacher because I was not paying attention.
0: I have interrupted the teacher and I have needed to be told to pay attention frequently. I do not ignore distractions
in the classroom, and I can be the source of them.
________ 5. I listen to other classmates when they speak:
3: I always listen to what my classmates have to say and I do not interrupt them. I always raise my hand and wait to
be called on before responding to a classmate.
2: For the most part, I have been respectful and do not respond to classmates unless I am called on by the teacher.
1: Although I at times listen to what my classmates say, I have repeatedly interrupted with my own comments without
being called on.
0: I do not value what my classmates have to say. I do not listen to what they have to say or disrespectfully respond.
________ 6. I exhibit appropriate behavior in the classroom:
The teacher has not had to speak to me about my behavior.
On occasion the teacher has had to speak to me about my behavior in class.
The teacher needs to address my behavior in class more than once a week.
The teacher needs to address my behavior in class nearly every day of the week.
________ 7. I use time wisely (appropriately and responsibly):
3: I always give my best effort on assignments and group work/projects. The teacher has not had to tell me to get
back on task.
2: Some work was not completed or could have been better if I gave a full effort. The teacher might have had to speak
with me about getting back on task.
1: Several of my assignments have not been completed or have been done poorly due to a lack of effort on my part. I
have been off-task on several assignments.
0: I am off-task almost every day. Most assignments have been incomplete or done poorly.
_________8. I take notes and I am organized.
4: I don’t need to be told to take notes. My notebook is neatly organized and ready to review/study at all times.
3: I take notes, but have had to be reminded at times to do so and/or most of my materials are organized.
2: I take notes sometimes and/or I have most of my materials but they are not in order.
1: I rarely take notes and/or I am missing many notes/handouts.
0: I never take notes. I do not keep a notebook.
Total Score ________ /27
Official grade given by the instructor __________________