ANNEX II: TO CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SELECT FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES UNDER CYPEF PRSL Indicative PRSL Term Sheet Important Disclaimer This summary term sheet is for information purposes only. This document is an outline of the principal indicative terms and conditions for the product described herein, which are subject to change and non-exhaustive. This document is intended to provide a basis for discussions and does not constitute a recommendation, a solicitation, an offer or a binding commitment – either implicit or explicit – on the part of the European Investment Fund (EIF) (the “Relevant Entity”) and/or any other person to enter into one or more transaction(s). Any finance commitment by the Relevant Entity can only be made, inter alia, after appropriate approval, conclusion of legal due diligence and finalisation of the required legal documentation. The Relevant Entity does not act as adviser to you or owe you any fiduciary duty. The Relevant Entity does not make any representations or warranties (whether explicitly or implicitly) with respect to the information contained in this document. Portfolio Risk Sharing Loan 1 Structure The PRSL shall be available to financial intermediaries (“FIs”) at low interest rates enabling them to pass on their reduced funding costs directly to the SMEs. The risk sharing element means that FIs are able to share any risk on the SME loans by the risk sharing rate as described below. The origination, due diligence, documentation and servicing of the eligible SME loans shall be performed by the FI in accordance with its standard origination and servicing procedures. In this context, the FI shall have the sole direct client credit relationship with each SME. Eligible SME loans (according to pre-defined eligibility criteria on a loan-by-loan and portfolio level) will be automatically included in the portfolio, by way of submitting inclusion notices. In the situation of ex-ante financing, the CYPEF funds are provided to the FI in advance and in tranches, on the basis of actual utilisation. For as long as the CYPEF funds remain undrawn to eligible SMEs, those funds will be remunerated on the basis of a commercial deposit rate (calculated on the average outstanding amount of the quarter). Once funds are drawn to SMEs the CYPEF funds shall be remunerated on the basis of the SME pricing policy applied by CYPEF (based on the average outstanding SME portfolio amount of the quarter). The interest rate of the SME loan shall be the weighted average of (i) the rate charged by the FI, in accordance to its submitted offer, and (ii) the interest rate required by the CYPEF, which is set at 2.5% - unless further notified by EIF. The FI shall repay the PRSL to CYPEF on a periodic (normally quarterly) basis. A FI may not become a CYPEF repeat intermediary unless an amount equivalent to 75% of previous CYPEF commitments to the FI have been committed to SMEs. The PRSL is subject to EIB and national rules and requirements, a number of which are being indicatively presented in this Annex II. It should be noted however that more detailed information on actions necessary to ensure compliance of operations linked to the PRSL with all applicable rules and requirements (e.g. retention of documents, State aid rules, etc) will be provided to and discussed with the selected FIs during the contractual negotiations process. 1|Page ANNEX II: TO CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SELECT FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES UNDER CYPEF PRSL RiskSharing Rate Matched funding by the Financial Intermediary (1-Co financing rate) FI ‘Borrower’ Cyprus Entrepreu nership Fund PRSL (*) Covered Losses New Portfolio of Underlying Transactions Risk retained by the ‘Lender’ Risk retained by the ‘Borrower’ Funding of the Portfolio Portfolio Losses (*) funding according to the Co-financing rate 2 Summary description of CYPEF PRSL Indicative Summary of Transaction Terms When used in this section, the term “EIF” means EIF representing the Republic of Cyprus and acting on its behalf through CYPEF. Structure Funded financial instrument with a risk sharing element. Governing law and language The terms of the funded financial instrument shall be in the English language and shall be governed by the laws of England. Form Operational agreement for co-funding of an SME loan portfolio and risk sharing thereof. Limitation of liability Liability of EIF vis-à-vis the FI will be limited to the outstanding amount to such FI under the relevant Operational Agreement. Operational Agreement Agreement entered into between EIF and the FI under CYPEF PRSL. Co-financing rate The FI shall provide co-financing of 50% on a loan by loan basis. Risk sharing EIF and the FI will share the risk on each SME loan financed by the facility on a pari passu basis (i.e. EIF will cover 50% of the losses on an eligible SME loan). 2|Page ANNEX II: TO CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SELECT FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES UNDER CYPEF PRSL State aid compliance The financial instrument, due to the favourable pricing charged on the loan portion supported by CYPEF funds (see section “Pricing and Collateral Requirements” below), is being implemented within the scope of the de minimis regulations. In this respect, all CYPEF PRSL loans granted need to take into consideration the criteria, restrictions and monitoring obligations (including but not limited to the responsibility for calculating and communicating to the SMEs the Gross Grant Equivalent (“GGE”)) set by the following regulations, as they are amended or replaced from time to time: a) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid (Official Journal of the European Union L 352 24.12.2013 L 352 p.1) and; b) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1408/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid in the agriculture sector (Official Journal of the European Union L 352 24.12.2013 L 352 p.9), c) De Minimis regulation linked to aid in the fisheries sector – All relevant info to be communicated at a later stage as such regulation is currently being finalised. Attention is also explicitly drawn to Cumulation provisions and requirements described in Articles 5 of the abovementioned Regulations. Additionally, all CYPEF PRSL loans, prior to their granting, need to comply with the procedure set out in the national legislation concerning de minimis aid, namely the State Aid Control Regulations of 2009 and 2012 (Public Instrument 364/2009 and Public Instrument 501/2012) which are available in an unofficial consolidated form at the official website of the Commissioner for State Aid Control – click here or use the following link: penDocument. Eligible SMEs and transactions 1 Eligible entities are autonomous small and medium sized enterprises (“SMEs”)1 with fewer than 250 employees2 at the time of the signature of the loan agreement. In general, SMEs are considered autonomous if: I. less than 25% of their equity or equivalent is owned by another enterprise or individual; or II. 25% or more of the equity or equivalent is owned by another enterprise or individual, but the group employs fewer than 250 persons on a consolidated basis*; or III. 25% or more of the equity or equivalent is owned by a public body, AND the public body is a local authority with an annual budget of less than EUR 10m and in an area of the authority’s administration which has fewer than 5000 inhabitants; or 3|Page ANNEX II: TO CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SELECT FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES UNDER CYPEF PRSL Eligible SMEs must be registered3, established and operating in Cyprus. For the avoidance of doubt, self-employed entrepreneurs registered under the Cyprus Social Insurance Scheme will be also allowed to benefit from CYPEF financing. Any economic activity to be financed under the CYPEF needs to be performed within the area effectively controlled by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus4. Financial holding companies, whose sole economic activity is to hold and to manage portfolio of equity participations and/or investments in other companies are not eligible for CYPEF financing. The final beneficiary (i.e. SME) shall not be subject to collective insolvency proceedings nor fulfil the criteria under its domestic law for being placed in collective insolvency proceedings at the request of its creditors. EIB excluded sectors SMEs active in any sectors are eligible for inclusion in the PRSL portfolio except where an SME has the majority of its business (measured on the basis of annual turnover) in one or more of the following sectors/activities: a) b) c) IV. production of weapons and ammunition, arms, military or police equipment or infrastructures, and equipment or infrastructure which result in limiting people’s individual rights and freedom (i.e. prisons, detention centres of any form) or in violation of human rights; gambling and related equipment; tobacco manufacturing, processing, or distribution; up to 50% of the equity or equivalent is owned by companies or institutions in line with the exceptions detailed in Annex of the Commission recommendation 2003/361/EC of 6 May 2003, article 3, paragraph 2 (i.e. venture capital funds or “business angels”, provided that they invest less than EUR 1.25m in the same company, universities or nonprofit research centres, institutional investors (e.g. pension funds, insurances) including regional development funds). *To calculate the number of employees in case of non-autonomous companies, the number of employees of the upstream or downstream company has to be added. In case of partner enterprises (a company holds between 25% and 50% of another company’s equity): the number of employees of the SME financed is to be aggregated with the number of employees of the partner enterprise by applying the percentage of participation in the latter. In case of linked enterprises (a company holds more than 50% of another company’s equity): the number of employees of the SME financed is to be aggregated with the number of employees of the linked enterprise by adding the total number of employees of the latter. The aggregation has to comprise all partner enterprises situated immediately upstream or downstream of the SME financed, and all linked enterprises. 2Full time equivalent. 3Companies shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of the Company Law in force in Cyprus and according to the requirements of the Registrar of companies and Official Receiver. 4It is noted that, according to the Protocol 10 of the Accession Treaty of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic to the European Union, the application of Community Acquis shall be suspended in those areas of the Republic of Cyprus in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus does not exercise effective control. In addition, according to the Protocol 3 of the above mentioned Treaty, the Sovereign Base Areas of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in Cyprus, are not included in the eligible areas 4|Page ANNEX II: TO CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SELECT FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES UNDER CYPEF PRSL d) e) f) g) h) activities involving live animals for experimental and scientific purposes insofar as compliance with the "Council of Europe’s Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes" cannot be guaranteed; activities which give rise to environmental impacts that are not largely mitigated and/or compensated; sectors considered ethically or morally controversial or which are forbidden by national law, e.g. research on human cloning; pure real estate development activity; pure financial activities e.g. trading in financial instruments. Additional excluded sectors -De minimis excluded sectors For loans granted within the context of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013, sectors and/or activities stipulated in Article 1 of such regulation are not eligible. For loans granted within the context of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1408/2013 of 18 December 2013, to undertakings active in the primary production of agricultural products, sectors and/or activities stipulated in Article 1 of such regulation are not eligible. Eligible purposes and forms of SME financing The financing of all investments and expenditure incurred in the context of the development of SMEs shall be eligible, except as set out below: a. financing to SMEs under purely financial transactions; b. financing to SMEs for real estate development including financing the purchase, (or construction or renovation) of real estate with the purpose of selling or renting the building to a third party (i.e. not part of the same group of companies)3; c. the financing of consumer finance; d. the financing of business taxes such as Value Added Tax (VAT) shall only be eligible if they are non-recoverable; e. the financing of the purchase of land4; f. the financing costs related to the acquisition of licences, quotas, production rights and other rights awarded by public bodies; g. the financing of the acquisition of enterprises; h. the financing of generation change (i.e. retirement of the previous owner) or staff-related enterprise transmission, allowing for a Financing the purchase of assets other than real estate (e.g. construction equipment), with the purpose of renting them to third parties, is however eligible. 4 The financing of land purchase is excluded unless it is technically essential for the investments. Financing of purchase of farmland is entirely excluded. 3 5|Page ANNEX II: TO CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SELECT FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES UNDER CYPEF PRSL continuation in economic activity of the respective enterprise where (i) either buyer or the entity to be sold are not SMEs at the time of the financing agreement, or (ii) the total financing need for the operation exceeds EUR 1m (excluding own funds) Subject to the restrictions set out above, investments and expenditure which may be considered for financing include: 1. The purchase, renovation or extension of tangible assets; 2. Investment in intangible assets, i.e.: Development, planning and financing costs during the construction phase of a tangible asset; R&D expenses (fees, development costs and gross salaries directly associated with the research, development, and innovation components of the activity); Building up of distribution networks in domestic or other markets inside the EU (asset and/or trademark acquisition, operational costs and labour costs). 3. Generation change; 4. Medium and long term working capital needs as further set out below. Working capital Financing to SMEs with a view to providing SMEs a stable working capital base allowing such SMEs to finance liabilities associated with their trading cycle, as part of their normal activities5 shall be eligible, provided that: - the financing made available to the SME to finance working capital has a term of at least two years; and - it reflects a long-term funding need by that SME Both amortising loans and revolving facilities (i.e. credit lines) are eligible forms of financing under CYPEF PRSL. Loan re-financing Refinancing is defined as the action of financing an existing loan that has not reached legal maturity. PRSL may support loan re-financing for an amount up to 15% of the Maximum Loan Portfolio. Loan re-financing would aim to improve financing conditions to the SMEs and would help strengthen their cash flows. To support loan re-financing while properly managing the underlying credit risk, the following eligibility framework shall be applied: re-financing shall not be allowed (i) for loans which are more than sixty (60) days past due or (ii) in NPL or default status within applicable national banking rules; SME loans to be re-financed shall be subject to a new credit Categories financed can include, amongst others, the funds required to pay for raw materials and other manufacturing inputs, inventories and overheads, funding to finance trade receivables and non-consumer sales receivables. The utilisation of the working capital line may fluctuate upwards and downwards during its minimum 2 year lifetime. 5 6|Page ANNEX II: TO CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SELECT FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES UNDER CYPEF PRSL assessment and their financial sustainability (borrower and loan purpose if applicable) shall be verified, which would include collateral revaluation (if any); SME Loan Maturity Refinanced loans shall benefit from lower interest rates. In addition they may benefit from longer maturities (compared to the remaining loan maturity of the existing loan) and/or increase of loan amount. Refinanced loans that benefit only from interest rate reduction must be initially signed not longer than 18 months since the date of the re-financing agreement and should have a minimum remaining maturity (under the re-financed agreement) of 24 months; Existing collateral arrangements shall not be worsened on refinanced loans; Amortising loans shall not be changed to credit lines and/or overdraft facilities when re-financed. SME loans should have a minimum and a maximum term of 2 and 12 years respectively. Notwithstanding the above, the term of investment loans granted by FIs to SMEs should not exceed the economic and technical life of the financed project. SME loan and Amount The principal amount of an SME loan included in the portfolio (which can be included for its full principal amount and not for portion thereof) shall not be greater than the amount that would cause the Gross Grant Equivalent (“GGE”) with respect to the final beneficiary to exceed thresholds allowed under the applicable de minimis regulation. Such thresholds are indicatively presented below: a) EC regulation 1407/2013 – Aggregate GGE to a single undertaking shall not exceed EUR 200 000 over any period of three fiscal years, except to a single undertaking performing road freight transport for hire or reward in which case the threshold is reduced to EUR 100 000 over any period of three fiscal years. b) EC regulation 1408/2013 – Aggregate GGE to a single undertaking shall not exceed EUR 15 000 over any period of three fiscal years. Note: The cumulative amount of de minimis aid granted by the Republic of Cyprus to undertakings active in the primary production of agricultural product over any period of 3 fiscal years shall not exceed EUR 7 060 000. Not more than 30% of the Maximum Loan Portfolio (as defined below) may be committed to SME loans of an individual principal amount exceeding EUR 600,000. Currency of SME loans 7|Page An SME loan must be denominated in EUR. ANNEX II: TO CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SELECT FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES UNDER CYPEF PRSL SME Portfolio Criteria The Operational Agreement will include the definition of SME Portfolio Criteria (e.g. maximum single industry concentrations (expressed by NACE code – Rev.2. Division), maximum limits for bullet and/or balloon loans, etc.), aimed at ensuring a certain risk profile of the PRSL. Combination with other EU/National schemes and/or other EIB financing facilities A project that has already been financed by another EU/National Scheme can also benefit from CYPEF financing, to the extent that the two sources of funding do not pre-finance or re-finance each other. The sum of the CYPEF loan and funding from other EU/National sources cannot exceed 100% of the project cost. A CYPEF PRSL loan may be also combined with other EIB financing facilities, subject to the same abovementioned rules. However, according to current rules, the CYPEF PRSL loan shall be considered as EIB resources for the purpose of measuring additionality when the fulfilment of the additionality condition is required under such EIB loans. Maximum Loan Portfolio The maximum aggregate notional amount of newly originated SME loans that may be co-financed by the EIF and the FI and covered by the PRSL, as agreed in the Operational Agreement. Availability Period Typically up to 24 months from the date of signature of the Operational Agreement. Origination Model Newly originated SME loans to be covered by the PRSL are included in the PRSL portfolio subject to pre-set loan inclusion criteria defined on a loan by loan basis. Risk sharing arrangements Cover of losses on a loan by loan and pari passu basis by EIF and the FI. EIF’s repayment claim under the Operational Agreement will be reduced accordingly. Loss Cover EIF will cover losses incurred by the FI on the SME loans co-financed by the PRSL calculated under the risk sharing arrangement. At any time, the EIF’s liability for coverage of such losses shall not exceed the outstanding principal amount under the relevant Operational Agreement at such time. Defaulted SME loans definition Defaulted SME loans definition shall include SME loan default, SME loan acceleration and SME loan restructuring. Disbursement under the Operational Agreement Disbursement to the FI in several tranches, either ex ante or ex post, on a periodic basis, based on actual utilisation. Decision on whether funding will be provided to the FI ex ante or ex post will be taken by EIF on the basis of EIF’s assessment regarding the credit ability of the selected FI (as concluded during the evaluation/due diligence process). 8|Page ANNEX II: TO CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SELECT FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES UNDER CYPEF PRSL In case of non or partial build-up of the SME loan portfolio, prepayment clauses shall apply. Financial covenants and counterparty risk mitigants On the basis of EIF's assessment of the counterparty risk of the selected FI (as concluded during the evaluation/due diligence process), EIF will request appropriate financial covenants and undertakings by the selected FI under the Operational Agreement. EIF reserves the right to determine the collateral or risk mitigants to be provided by the selected FI under the Operational Agreement, including but not limited, subject to local law requirements, rating triggers, pledges or negative pledges and assignment of receivables deriving from the SME loans. Repayment of the financial instrument under the Operational Agreement – for funds disbursed to SMEs Repayments would occur on a on a periodic (normally quarterly) basis typically mirroring (i) principal repayments (on a pro rata basis on the basis of the co-financing rate) and (ii) any recovered amount (according to the risk sharing rate), of the underlying SME loans. Other interest due In respect of any interest period, the FI shall pay interest at a deposit interest rate, as agreed with EIF under the Operational Agreement, applied to the difference between i) the outstanding principal amount of the Financial Instrument and ii) the portion of the aggregate outstanding principal amount of SME Loans co-financed by the Financial Instrument. Loss Recoveries The FI shall take recovery actions (including enforcement of any security) in relation to each defaulted SME loan co-financed by the PRSL in accordance with its internal guidelines and procedures. EIF’s repayment claim will be reduced/written-off in proportion to the losses occurring on the SME loans (according to the risk sharing- rate). Recoveries with respect to losses on such SME loans by the FI shall be shared between EIF and the FI according to the risk sharing arrangement. Pricing and Collateral Requirements SME loans provided under the Facility will be offered to Eligible SMEs on the basis of the pricing (on its funded part of the SME loan) and collateral policy submitted by the selected FI. The CYPEF will charge 2.5% - unless further notified by EIF - on the amounts lent to the FI for as long as these amounts are on-lent to SMEs. Financial Advantage The Financial Advantage is the level of reduction of the interest rate charged by the FI, as a result of CYPEF’s favourable pricing and any reduction of interest rate proposed by the FI on its funded portion of the SME loan. The Financial Advantage made possible due to the PRSL should be identified at the time of signature of the SME loan agreement and communicated to the benefiting SME. Reporting FIs shall provide EIF with information on a periodic (normally semi-annual) basis in a standardised form and scope, which will be defined by EIF. In addition, a monthly KPI report (aggregate information with regards to applications received, approvals, signatures, disbursements and rejections) 9|Page ANNEX II: TO CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SELECT FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES UNDER CYPEF PRSL will need to be submitted by the FI. Indicative reporting templates for these two reports are provided, for information, along this Call. Monitoring and Audit FIs and SMEs shall agree to, inter alia, allow persons designated by the RoC, the EIF, the EIB, including representatives of the European Court of Auditors, as well as persons designated by other EU institutions or bodies when so required by the relevant mandatory provisions of EU law: De minimis monitoring requirements To visit and inspect their offices, sites, installations, and works (as applicable) and conduct such checks as they may deem necessary; To interview their representatives and not obstruct contacts with any other involved/affected person and To review their accounts, books and records and to take copies of related documents to the extent permitted by law. Prior to the granting of a loan: a) the SME shall be informed in writing of the prospective amount of the aid expressed as a GGE and of its de minimis character, making express reference to Regulation 1407/2013 or 1408/2013 accordingly ,and b) The Financial Intermediary shall obtain a declaration from the SME in written form about any other de minimis received. Publicity 10 | P a g e FIs shall undertake to carry out the following marketing and publicity actions: Reference CYPEF in the product labelling – e.g. “Entrepreneurship Fund – Co-financed loans”; Promote CYPEF and CYPEF PRSL through its website, also describing key terms and conditions; Include on the FI’s website an information page on EIB’s activity in favor of SMEs, including the eligibility criteria and a reference to the advantageous conditions offered by EIB – Relevant text will be provided by EIF at contractual negotiations stage; Inform each SME of the RoC’s (through CYPEF) and EIB’s support and of the Financial Advantage stemming from CYPEF and EIB involvement in the PRSL. The Financial Advantage should be clearly estimated and transparently represented to the SME by including in each SME loan certain wording – Relevant text will be provided by EIF at contractual negotiations stage; Provide to the EIF/EIB its address, a contact name for a person who can reply to potential requests for financing from SMEs and the coordinates of such person – this information will be used on the website/webpages maintained by EIB and EIF in order to allow SMEs to quickly identify the partner banks through which the SMEs may have access to CYPEF funds. Undertake additional publicity measures in order to communicate and promote the CYPEF products to the interested SMEs. FIs are ANNEX II: TO CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO SELECT FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES UNDER CYPEF PRSL required to specify additional, intended, publicity measures in their expression of interest and these should include inter alia: promotional billboards and leaflets (inside its branches) and publications in the newspapers and press. 11 | P a g e