Revised Schedule Week 9: Social Lives and Social Media Apr 8/9— The Social Network Apr 10/11— The Social Network, cont. Week 10: Social Lives and Social Media Apr 15/16— ED, 288-290 Zadie Smith, “Generation Why?” PRINT OUT ARTICLE 1. What is Smith’s major criticism of Facebook, its creator, and its users? 2. On what grounds does Smith criticize The Social Network? Apr 17/18— Pew Internet & American Life Project (ED 291-293) danah boyd, “Social Network Site Taste Test: MySpace or Facebook” (ED 293295) HW: Reflect and Write (293): 4th question; (295): 4th question Week 11: Social Lives and Social Media Apr 22/23— Clive Thompson, “I’m So Totally, Digitally Close to You” (ED 296-303) The Onion, “MySpace Outage Leaves Millions Friendless” (ED 303-305) HW: Reflect and Write (303): 1st and 2nd questions; (305): 1st and 3rd questions Apr 24/25— Kevin Ashton, “You Didn’t Make the Harlem Shake Go Viral—Corporations Did” PRINT OUT ARTICLE HW: What are the larger implications of Ashton’s argument in terms of sociality in the web and activism? Week 12: Rhetoric in Practice Apr 29/30— Steven Johnson, “How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live” (ED 305-310) Art Silverblatt, “Twitter as Newspeak” (ED 311-312) Evgeny Morozov, “From Slactavism to Activism” (ED 313-317) Envision in Depth, 108-109 HW: Write a two-page dialogue between the three pieces we read today using Envision in Depth 108-109 as a model. May 1/2— They Say/I Say Working Draft Due Print and Bring in They Say/I Say Peer Review Sheet Week 13: Rhetoric in Practice May 6/7— Library Visit MAY 5: Withdrawal Deadline (drop with “W”) May 8/9— ED, 74-92, 147-154 They Say/I Say Essay Due THIRD SUPPLEMENTAL LEARNING WORKSHOP MUST BE COMPLETED Week 14: Rhetoric in Practice May 13/14— ED, 93-113 Proposal Due Bring in 3 Examples of Your Chosen Genre Select the source you like the most and write 1-page about what the piece does successfully. May 15/16— ED, 114-146 HW: Writing Projects 1 and 2 (ED 146) Bring in 2 Sources Week 15: Rhetoric in Practice May 20/21— ED, 181-191 Bring in 2 Annotations May 22/23— Rhetoric in Practice Draft Due Print Out and Bring Peer Review Sheet FOURTH SUPPLEMENTAL LEARNING WORKSHOP MUST BE COMPLETED Week 16: Rhetoric in Practice May 27/28— Revision Day May 29/30— Course Review Rhetoric in Practice Project Due