Exam 2 Review CMN 310 (100 Points Total) NOTE: Only material in bold will be on this Exam. Terms: Be able to accurately define these terms according to class lectures. Agon Narrative Dialectic Polis Oikos Sophist Dissoi Logoi Skepticism Relativism Humanism Dunamis Technê Topoi Pnyx Ethos Pathos Logos Epideictic Forensic Deliberative Paideia Prudence Kairos Aretê Hellenism traditio* Loci Sapientia Eloquentia Res publica Five Canons: (invention, arrangement, style, memory, delivery). Vita activa Vita contemplativa T Pax Romana Roman Empire Autocracy Declamation “the good man speaking well” “Decline of rhetoric” Rhetoric as a school-art Hymns to logos Civitas Saeculum libido dominandi Universitas Scholasticism ars praedicandi ars dictaminis Trivium Courtier Sprezzatura Early-Modernity Renaissance ad fontes Humanitas Poesis Copia Vernacular Figures: Know the significance of these figures in the history of rhetoric, including their dates and locations, their view or understanding of the nature of rhetoric, their major ideas, and their conceptual relationship to each other. Gorgias Cicero Christine de Pizan Protagoras Quintilian Erasmus Socrates Augustine Plato Castiglione Aristotle SEE BACK! *Including three traditions of rhetoric teaching in the Hellenistic world. PART ONE of the Exam will consist of “fill in the blank” questions using a word bank. You will get 10 fill-in-the blank questions, worth 4 points each, for a total of 40 points. Words in the word bank will be drawn from the “Terms” and “Figures” lists above, you will only use a word/name once, and there will be more words in the word bank than there will be questions. PART TWO of the Exam will be multiple-choice based on the “Terms” and “Figures” lists above. There will be 10 multiple-choice questions, worth 3 points each, for a total of 30 points. PART THREE of the Exam will be short answer. Be prepared to answer three of the following questions in a 7-10 sentence paragraph. Answers should cover all the important points stressed in lectures. Each question will be worth 10 points, for a total of 30 points. 1) What was Hellenism? What brought it about? 2) Describe Cicero’s “ideal orator.” 3) What did Quintilian mean when he called rhetoric an “active art” and why was it significant in his historical context? 4) After his conversion, Augustine reconceptualized the nature and purpose of rhetoric both for the church and the state. What were the major features of his reconceptualization? 5) Compare and contrast Castiglione’s concept of sprezzatura with Erasmus’s concept of copia. 6) One slogan in the Renaissance was “ad fontes!” Why was this not just another attempt to get us to abandon the contemporary world and go back to the days of old?