Volume 3_Final - Emory Goizueta Business School Intranet

Goizueta Business School
Full-Time MBA Newsletter
February 2010
Dean’s Corner
A Message from Associate Dean J.B.
Spring semesters in MBA programs always have a
much different feel than fall semesters. Graduating
students begin to transition to the next stages of
their lives. First year students return with the
confidence that comes from knowing the MBA
environment and the excitement associated with
taking elective courses. This combination of
second-years looking toward a future away from
Goizueta and first-years being able to settle in
more brings about a natural change in student
leadership in the months ahead. I look forward to
a smooth transition, the completion of some
student initiatives currently in process, and the
launch of new ideas. Among the things that drive a
school forward is the energy of its students and the
positive ideas and outcomes they leave behind.
Consistent with the theme of moving the school
forward I would like to share with you a couple of
positive developments that, at least initially,
students may not easily see. One is related to
faculty success and development. The other
pertains to strategic and tactical actions that all
organizations engage in to move themselves
Every top MBA program needs great faculty who
are thought leaders in their area of expertise.
Despite the difficult economic times facing
Goizueta and all universities, the school is actively
engaged in recruiting new faculty at all levels. This
year that process is not yet complete but we have
commitments from several extremely talented
professors who will be joining the faculty next year.
As one example, a world class senior professor will
be joining the accounting area. When well known
scholars move to Goizueta, the academic
community takes notice, and our school’s
reputation for faculty quality improves both in the
short-term and long-term.
Further, at the recent meetings of the American
Accounting Association, two research papers tied
for the honor of top paper in the area of managerial
accounting. One paper winning the honor was coauthored by Kristy Towry. The other paper winning
the honor was co-authored by Gary Hecht. Kristy
and Gary are just two examples of professors we
have at Goizueta who are not only thought leaders
in their academic discipline but who also deliver
excellence in the classroom. I know I run the risk
of seeming overly focused on one academic area,
but I would be remiss if I did not also mention that
Professor Greg Waymire in accounting is the
President-Elect of the American Accounting
Association. To be honored by one’s profession in
this way is quite an accomplishment for Greg, and
we all should thank him for the recognition and
prestige his leadership brings to the school.
Another illustration of important activity that may
not be evident is the work of an ad-hoc committee
that began this past summer. Doug Bowman, Eve
Rosenzweig, Julie Barefoot, Wendy Tsung, and I
have been analyzing elements of the entire MBA
process from admissions through career choice.
Additional faculty and leaders throughout the
school have joined us at times in our data and
process analysis. While our work continues on,
some recommendations from this analysis are
being implemented right now. For example,
Angela Bostick has just been promoted to
Assistant Dean of Marketing and Communications.
This is a new position at the school, where Angela
now has oversight of school-level branding and the
integration of program-specific marketing into
overall communication. Many of you know Angela
from the NYSE event and her Corporate Relations
activities. Further, we will be adding a PR
Specialist and a New Media Web Specialist in the
weeks ahead. I completely and enthusiastically
support Angela and this new initiative, and look
forward to sharing news of additional initiatives in
the future.
…………………..Continued on Next Page
Goizueta Business School
Full-Time MBA Newsletter
February 2010
Dean’s Corner
(Continued from Previous Page)
………The school and MBA program will benefit immensely from Angela’s attention to marketing and
communications. I believe we are doing what needs to be done to improve our MBA program each year. But,
we must remain active in the competitive world in which we find ourselves. Focused and smart marketing
helps ensure the world outside of Goizueta knows what we are accomplishing here. In the months ahead,
Angela, other members of the marketing team, and the Program Office are likely to ask for your help. Please
join us in our common efforts to continue to raise the profile of the Goizueta MBA.
Goizueta Traditions
Every newsletter, we highlight Goizueta traditions to provide a background on various programs throughout
the year and to get everyone excited about upcoming events!
To celebrate Black History month, Goizueta students host a Black History Month Potluck. The day will
include a lively step show, bone marrow drive, loads of entertainment, and of course, delicious food! It’s an
excellent opportunity to celebrate history and culture. This year’s Black History Month Potluck will be on
Thursday, February 18, 2010. Look for more information on food sign-ups and volunteering from Darien
Goizueta Business School
Full-Time MBA Newsletter
February 2010
Program Office
Highlights from the Program Office
Association of Corporate Growth (ACG) Cup Case Competition
On Saturday, January 23, 2010, four GBS teams competed in round one of the Association of Corporate
Growth (ACG) Cup Case Competition. ACG Cup participants present valuation, capital markets, and M&A
strategies to a panel of judges consisting of Atlanta-area professionals. The winning team for this round will go
on to compete for the regional title on Saturday, March 20, 2010, here at Goizueta. We are proud of and
congratulate our winning team: Kate Calligaro, Joe Edelstein, Lindsay Edwards, Michael McCullar, and Kevin
Zwade Marshall: Emory University Humanitarian
Emory University will recognize one of our own, Zwade Marshall (MBA11), on February
9, 2010, as an Emory University Humanitarian. Candidates are nominated and selected
on their "qualities of honesty, integrity, courage and responsibility." Per his nomination,
Zwade "is a co-founder of the School of Medicine Pipeline program, and was
instrumental in identifying the Atlanta Public School partner South Atlanta High
School. At South Atlanta, approximately 91 percent of the students live below the federal
poverty guidelines; many of these students come to school with limited expectations for
their academic success...Zwade has worked tirelessly with youth at the school to bring
about positive transformation in their lives." Currently Zwade is a joint degree student in
the Goizueta Business School and Emory University School of Medicine. We
congratulate Zwade on this outstanding recognition and are proud of his
Planning Ahead: The 2010-11 Academic Calendar (MBA 2011s)
As you are making plans for your summer internships and travel, Sunday, August 29th is the date you should
plan on being back in Atlanta and ready to engage in full-time student life again. Beginning the next day,
Monday August 30th at approximately 8am, all MBA11 students begin LEAD Week activities. LEAD Week is
a four-day long experiential leadership workshop. It is a graduation requirement for all MBA11 students, and
will be the kick-off for the BUS 691 Leader Development course that all second year MBA students take as part
of the leadership curriculum. You should plan on being busy with LEAD Week activities from approximately
8am - 6pm every day during August 30-September 2, 2010.
You will need to make arrangements to have your internship work completed, and to return to Atlanta by
Sunday, August 29th. Please do not make flight arrangements that return you to Atlanta after 8am on August
30th, as it will cause you to miss LEAD Week activities and that will prevent you from fulfilling your LEAD Week
graduation requirement. Included below is a list of the important dates on the 2010-11 MBA academic
calendar. If you have any questions about this at all, please contact anyone in the MBA Program Office. We will
be happy to help answer your questions.
Fall 2010 Academic Calendar (for 2011s)
Aug 30-Sep 2 LEAD Week
Sep 6
Labor Day Holiday (School Closed)
Sep 7
MBA11 classes begin
Oct 11-12
MBA11 Reading Days (No Classes)
Nov 24-26
Thanksgiving Recess (No Classes)
Dec 2
Last Day of MBA Classes
Dec 6-10
MBA Final Exams
Spring 2011 Academic Calendar (for 2011s)
Jan 12
MBA11 & MBA12 classes begin
Jan 17
MLK holiday (School Closed)
Feb 24 - Mar 4
Mid-Semester Modules
Mar 7-11
Spring Break
Apr 21
Last Day of MBA Classes
Apr 25-29
MBA Final Exams
May 9
MBA11 Graduation Day (a Monday)
Goizueta Business School
Full-Time MBA Newsletter
February 2010
Admissions Announcements
Overview of Admissions Events
Super Saturdays
Admissions held its last Super Saturday event of the
year on January 23rd, and hosted 85 eager
prospective students. Thanks to all of the
ambassadors who supported us this year at each of
our events. Over 250 students visited us and
walked away with a better understanding of our
community and the rigor of our MBA Program. We
have received numerous responses from candidates
remarking on the warmth and energy they felt from
our students, faculty and staff. Thank you!
Welcome Weekend
Mark your calendars for Welcome Weekend 2010!
This year's event will take place March 26th and
27th. Your chairs, D Miller and Glynnis Conlin, as
well as their student committees, have been busy
planning the admissions office's biggest gig of the
year. We have a lot of exciting programming
planned and look forward meeting our incoming
CMC Updates
Key Info and Dates from the CMC
Chicago Alumni and Prospective Student Event
Over the holiday, members of the Goizueta
community were in Chicago for an intimate
reception at the Chicago Club, hosted by Alan Lacy,
77MBA, former CEO of Sears. It was a wonderful
opportunity for prospective students in the Chicago
area to interact with Goizueta alumni, faculty and
staff. Julie Barefoot, Doug Bowman, J.B. Kurish,
Manish Tripathi, Sriram Venkataraman, Samantha
Renfro, and Stefan Sleep all attended.
Welcome back! We trust that you got some welldeserved rest over the break. Now that everyone
is back on campus, things are in full swing in the
CMC with spring recruiting. Over the next couple
of months, we will host a number of companies on
campus who will be recruiting for internship and
full-time positions. Moreover, we will continue to
add new job postings to GO. Please make sure
that you continue to check the CMC class
conferences in First Class on a regular basis.
Interviews and MBA Events
Members of the Admissions Committee are busy
this month on the road conducting interviews and
attending MBA recruiting events. We have travelled
extensively to meet and interview interested
candidates. This month we will have visited
Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington
DC, Boston, Shanghai, Beijing, Mumbai, New Delhi
and Bangalore.
On January 22, 2010, we kicked -off the first
workshop in our spring programming series which
is designed to provide you with additional
professional development and career search
resources. See below for upcoming workshops
topics and dates. As we continue to reach out to
companies this semester to access additional
opportunities, please make sure that you continue
to communicate any updates on your job search or
change in career focus to your CMC coach.
Upcoming Admissions Events
As we go through the spring recruiting season,
remember that community is one of Goizueta’s
greatest assets. In addition to working with the
CMC, utilize each other to prepare and share best
practices. Continue to reach out to members of
the Goizueta family such as alumni, faculty, staff
and friends of the school. The entire community is
vested in your success! We look forward to
working with you this semester!
One Year Admitted Student Brunch
The admissions office is hosting a One-Year
Admitted Student Brunch on February 21st. This is
an opportunity for those admitted to the One-Year
Program, and live in the Atlanta area, to meet each
other, as well as members of our community in an
intimate setting prior to Welcome Weekend.
…………………………….Continued on Next Page
Goizueta Business School
Full-Time MBA Newsletter
February 2010
CMC Updates
….Continued from Previous Page
Key CMC Dates
February 4
International Job Search Strategies (Second Years)
February 19
International Job Search Strategies (First Years)
March 23
Immigration Attorney Presentation
March 26
Southeast MBA Schools Interview Forum
April 16
Internship Success
A Word from the VP of Student
Kristi Ludwig
Hello GBSers! This year we have had great successes with
attendance at our student activities during the fall. The biggest
highlights of the semester were coordinated by various students: the
most attended semi-formal ever with 315 people at the Fox (thanks
Vipul and Chirag), the first student/faculty kegs (thanks K. Ankrom),
the first Holidays Around the World kegs (thanks Ying), the first
Wine/Art auction kegs (thanks Parul and Ronke), the first GBS
planned Sky-Diving Trip (thanks Ashley W), and of course the
traditional International Potluck (thanks JD) and Section Feud
(thanks first yr reps). These events would not happen without
students acting on the needs and wants for student activities and jump
starting the planning process. Thanks to all of those involved with last
semester’s activity events. If there are any events that you think
would be great to start up or organize for the spring (like White Water
rafting trips, karaoke nights, 80’s bowling, etc), let the SAB know and
we can look at dates for you to start planning!
Why are Student Activities important?
Looking at graduating student responses over the past decade, it has
become apparent that Goizueta’s main value proposition is
Community and Leadership. Principled leaders are involved and
get to know those they work and study with. Understanding the
students within the Goizueta community help strength the network that
helps Emory students set along their respective career paths. Most of
student comings to Emory state in their admissions surveys that GBS
is appealing because of its intimate community, where everyone
knows each other and is able to learn in a safe environment. If this is
true, then Student Activities become a vital component to student
experience within the walls of Goizueta. I, along with the rest of the
Student Activities Board, encourage ALL students to jump even
further into the Emory community this semester and truly experience
Principled Leadership and Community with involvement in student
activities. ………………………………………Continued on Next Page
Goizueta Business School
Full-Time MBA Newsletter
February 2010
A Word from the VP of Student
Activities: (Continued)
Please note the major upcoming events and dates
for this semester and make sure to get involved!
Fall 2010 Student Activities
Every Thursday:
Kegs in the Courtyard (4:307pm)
February 18
Black History Month Potluck
February 20
Around the World at Post
Briarcliff Apartments
50 Days Party (MBA 2010s)
March 19
Goizueta Games Day (like MBA
March 20
Goizueta Gives Fundraiser
March 26-27
GBS Welcome Weekend
April 8
GMA Beverage Marketing
Competition (Kegs)
GBS Formal
April 15
G.A.M.E.S. Coffee House!
Slope Day (Kegs)
This year’s theme is “Leadership Through
Innovation: The New Healthcare Era.” Keynote
speakers will include Michael Young, President
and CEO of Grady Health System and Ron
Strachan, CIO of WellStar Health System.
Executives from the following companies will be in
attendance: Price Waterhouse Coopers,
McKesson, Ciba Vision, Wellpoint, Deloitte
Consulting, SunTrust, Intel and many more. Some
events will be broadcast live on the web as well.
The executive panels will address the following
• Trade-offs in Healthcare
• Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship
• Social Media and Direct to Consumer
• Technology Breakthroughs
• Disruptive Business Models
This year’s forum will host Goizueta Healthcare
Association’s first National MBA Case Competition,
titled “Leadership in Healthcare.” Teams from top
business programs around the country will be
competing in this inaugural event. Remember to
register today and bring someone along.
Clubs & Events: In the Spotlight
Goizueta’s Healthcare Association Hosts the
Sixth Annual National Healthcare Forum
Clubs & Events: In the Spotlight
Black History Month Celebrations
America’s healthcare industry offers abundant
opportunities to business students from any
functional perspective. Thus, to gain insight from
and exposure to leading professionals in the
industry, make plans to attend the Sixth Annual
National Healthcare Forum, hosted by Goizueta’s
Healthcare Association. The event will take place
on Feb. 11-Feb. 12, 2010. Click on the following
link for detailed information and to register:
As a part of the Black History Month Celebrations,
the Goizueta Business School will feature "The
Journey There and Back: America's 44th
President." This documentary was filmed by
Emory graduate students and staff (Corey Dortch,
Jenny Heil, Danny Janzen, John Roberson) and
was sponsored by a grant through Emory
University's Transforming Community Project. We
hope to see you at the film presentation and
discussion on Thursday, February 18 at 11:30am.
Additionally, the Black History Month Potluck is
February 18, 2010. Look for more information
from Darien Henry.
Goizueta Business School
Full-Time MBA Newsletter
February 2010
Clubs & Events: In the Spotlight
Volunteer for the Teen Leadership Summit
Teen Leadership Summit is an annual event put on
by MBA students at Emory's Goizueta Business
School through Goizueta Gives. This year, the
Summit is on Saturday, February 6, 2010. It's a
day-long event with 150 of Georgia's
underprivileged, but highest performing high school
students who are affiliated with the non-profit group
21st Century Leaders. The students participate in
one of three tracks - personal leadership, servant
leadership, and a business case competition. Each
of these tracks are planned and staffed by MBA
students. Last year's programming included a
scavenger hunt at the Carter Center, a business
case about cell phones (judged by current
professors), and a team-building session that
included an improv comedian.
Clubs & Events: In the Spotlight
Graduation Events
Graduation is right around the corner, and there
will be lots to celebrate. Full-time MBA Graduation
occurs Monday, May 10, 2009. The complete
calendar of graduation events is below. For more
information, please visit
http://www.bus.emory.edu/graduation .
2010 Spring Graduation Events
May 8
Goizueta Business School Fulltime MBA Graduation
Celebration and Reception
(5:30-9:30 pm)
May 10
Emory Graduation includes Emory
University Ceremony, MBA
Graduation Brunch, and MBA
Processional and Diploma
Ceremony (7:15 am-12:45 pm)
Clubs & Events: In the Spotlight
Honor Council Elections in March!
Every Spring the entire student body (Full-time,
Evening, Executive) elects new members to
represent us on the Honor Council. This is a great
way to have your community served by the people
you think best. The Honor Council is responsible for
promoting awareness of the Honor Code and a
community of trust, integrity and respect. Please
consider serving on the Honor Council and
encourage classmates who you think would be good
representatives to run for an open position! More
election information will follow in March.
Clubs & Events: In the Spotlight
GBA Elections
GBA Election Dates
February 3
GBA Election Information
(6 - 7 PM, Room W525)
Feb. 22-Mar.15 Nominations Period
March 16
Position Papers Due
March 18
GBA Election Speeches
March 19-22
GBA Election Voting
Goizueta Business School
Full-Time MBA Newsletter
February 2010
Calendar Corner
A Highlight of Key Events
Note: The Master Calendar has been color
coded to make viewing and searching easier!
In addition to the dates listed in this newsletter,
please visit the Master Calendar in First Class
for detailed information on company
presentations, club events, social activities, and
all other important dates pertaining to the FullTime Program.
Selected Events & Dates (through Mid-March):
GBA Election Information Session
February 3, 2010
Teen Leadership Summit
February 6, 2010
National Healthcare Forum
February 11-12, 2010
“The Journey There and Back” Documentary
February 18, 2010
Black History Month Potluck
February 18, 2010
Around the World at Post Briarcliff Apartments February 20, 2010
One-Year Admitted Student Brunch
February 21, 2010
50 Days Party
March18, 2010
Goizueta Games Day (like MBA Olympics)
March 19, 2010
GBA Election Voting
March 19-22, 2010
Goizueta Gives Fundraiser Night
March 20, 2010
Welcome Weekend
March 26-27,2010
Room W525
Part of Black History Month
MBA Class of 2010