PS-2013 1 Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) consolidated financial report PS-2013 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Page 1 PS-2013 2 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Table of contents 1. General information ................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1. Basic information about the Group ............................................................................................................................. 4 1.1.1. Basic information about the Parent Company ......................................................................................................... 4 1.1.2. The Group structure ................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1.3. Management Board and Supervisory Board members ............................................................................................ 7 2. Basis of preparation, presentation currency and roundings applied ......................................................................... 7 2.1. Basis of preparation of the condensed financial statements ...................................................................................... 7 2.2. Accounting policies ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.3. Application of International Financial Reporting Standards ........................................................................................ 8 2.4. Presentation currency and roundings applied ............................................................................................................. 9 2.5. Period of the Group’s activity ...................................................................................................................................... 9 2.6. Approval of financial statements ................................................................................................................................. 9 3. Financial statements of Apator Group ..................................................................................................................... 10 3.1. Statement of financial position .................................................................................................................................. 10 3.2. Statement of comprehensive income........................................................................................................................ 12 3.3. Statement of changes in equity ................................................................................................................................. 14 3.4. Statement of cash flows ............................................................................................................................................ 17 4. Use of estimates and judgements ............................................................................................................................ 19 5. Seasonality of operations ......................................................................................................................................... 19 6. Notes to the financial statements ............................................................................................................................ 20 6.1. Operating segments................................................................................................................................................... 20 6.2. Goodwill ..................................................................................................................................................................... 23 6.3. Property, plant and equipment ................................................................................................................................. 24 6.4. Inventories ................................................................................................................................................................. 26 6.5. Trade receivables and other receivables ................................................................................................................... 27 6.6. Share capital .............................................................................................................................................................. 27 6.7. Other capital .............................................................................................................................................................. 28 6.8. Loans and borrowings ................................................................................................................................................ 28 6.9. Provisions ................................................................................................................................................................... 29 6.10. Income tax ............................................................................................................................................................... 30 6.11. Finance income and expenses ................................................................................................................................. 31 6.12. Sale of subsidiary ..................................................................................................................................................... 32 6.13. Earnings per share ................................................................................................................................................... 32 Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 2 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 3 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 6.14. Explanatory notes to the statement of cash flows .................................................................................................. 32 6.15. Related parties ......................................................................................................................................................... 35 6.16. Contingent liabilities and other items not included in the statement of financial position .................................... 36 6.17. Personnel structure ................................................................................................................................................. 37 6.18. Changes in accounting policies and correction of error .......................................................................................... 38 6.19. Subsequent events .................................................................................................................................................. 38 7. Signatures ................................................................................................................................................................. 39 Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 3 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 4 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 1. General information 1.1. Basic information about the Group Apator Capital Group consists of the parent company – Apator S.A., its subsidiaries and joint ventures. 1.1.1. Basic information about the Parent Company The Parent Company Apator S.A. is seated in Toruń ul.Gdańska 4a/C4. It was established by the employees of liquidated state-owned entity Pomorskie Zakłady Aparatury Elektrycznej Apator in Toruń. It was registered in the District Court in Toruń, V Commercial Department on 14 January 1993 under the number RHB 1364. On 24 October 2001 the Parent Company was registered in the District Court in Toruń, VII Commercial Department of the National Court Register under the number 0000056456. The Parent Company operates in Poland under the regulations of Commercial Companies Code. Business activity of the Parent Company According to the Parent Company’s articles of association the Parent Company is primarily involved in manufacturing of switchgear and control equipment for electricity as well as sale of metering devices and systems. The Parent Company’s shares are quoted on the basic market classified as electric machines sector of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. 1.1.2. The Group structure In the first half of 2013 the Group consisted of Apator S.A. and the following subsidiaries and joint-ventures: a. b. Subsidiaries: Apator Control Sp. z o.o. (Toruń) – subsidiary of Apator S.A. Apator Mining Sp. z o.o. (Katowice) – subsidiary of Apator S.A. FAP Pafal S.A. (Świdnica) – subsidiary of Apator S.A. Apator Metrix S.A. (Tczew) – subsidiary of Apator S.A. Apator GmbH (Berlin, Germany) – subsidiary of Apator S.A. Apator Rector Sp. z o.o. (Zielona Góra) – subsidiary of Apator S.A. Apator Powogaz S.A. (Poznań) – subsidiary of Apator S.A. Apator Telemetria Sp. z o.o. (Słupsk) – subsidiary of Apator Pawogaz S.A. Apator Metroteks TOV (Kiev, Ukraine) – subsidiary of Apator Pawogaz S.A. Apator Metra s.r.o. (Sumperk, Czech Republic) – subsidiary of Apator Pawogaz S.A. Newind Sp. z o.o. (Wrocław) – subsidiary of Apator Rector Sp. z o.o. (until 31 May 2013) Joint-ventures: ZAO Apator Elektro (Moscow, Russia) – the Company was liquidated on 15 January 2013 OOO Apator Elektro (Moscow, Russia) ZAO Teplovodomer (Mytishi, Russia) – joint venture of Apator Powogaz S.A. George Wilson Industries Ltd. (Coventry, Great Britain) – joint venture of Apator Metrix S.A. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 4 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 5 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Consolidated entities comprising the Group Company Headquarters Main business activity Appropriate Court/ Register Body Share in capital Consolidation method Comments Dictrict Court in Katowice, Commercial Department of the National Court Register; KRS 0000047770 100,00% Full method Subsidiary APATOR MINING Sp. z o.o. Katowice Manufacturing of switchgear and control equipment for electricity, electrical equipment, crane equipment, pumps and compressors and related services APATOR CONTROL Sp. z o.o. Toruń Manufacturing of switchgear and control equipment, electrical equipment and related services as well as R&D in technical sciences District Court in Toruń, VII Commercial Department of the National Court Register; KRS 0000016020 100,00% Full method Subsidiary APATOR METRIX S.A. Tczew Manufacturing of metering, control, navigation equipment and other devices District Court in Gdańsk, IX Commercial Department of the National Court Register; KRS 0000046259 100,00% Full method Subsidiary FAP „PAFAL” S.A. Świdnica Manufacturing of electrical and electronic control and metering equipment, trade activity, maintenance services District Court in Wrocław – Fabryczna in Wrocław, IX Commercial Department of the National Court Register; KRS 0000057162 100,00% Full method Subsidiary APATOR RECTOR Sp. z o.o. Zielona Góra IT, editing, printing and reproduction of recorded media District Court in Zielona Góra, VIII Commercial Department of the National Court Register; KRS 0000297413 70,00% Full method Subsidiary APATOR POWOGAZ S.A. Poznań Manufacturing of metering, control, navigation equipment and other machines of general use District Court in Poznań – Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, VIII Commercial Department of the National Court Register; KRS 0000028129 100,00% Full method Subsidiary APATOR GmbH Berlin Sales of prepaid electrical and electronic metering equipment HRB 123670B Charlottenburg 100,00% Full method Subsidiary Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 5 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 6 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Company Headquarters Main business activity Appropriate Court/ Register Body Share in capital Consolidation method Comments 50,00% Equity method Jointly-controlled entity 61,60% Full method Indirect subsidiary Indirect shares OOO APATOR ELEkTRO Moscow Russia Sales of electrical and electronic equipment APATOR TELEMETRIA Sp. z o.o. Słupsk Manufacturing of data receiving and transmitting equipment, software development APATOR METROTEKS TOV Kiev Ukraine Distribution of water and heat meters 61,00% Full method Indirect subsidiary Indirect shares ZAO „Teplovodomer” Mytishi Russia Production and sale of water and heat meters, certification, maintenance services 50,00% Equity method Indirect joint venture Indirect shares Manufacturing of systems for heat cost allocators, thermometers and thermostats 100,00% Full method Indirect subsidiary Indirect shares Manufacturing and sales of residential and industrial gas meters; smart metering for gas 50,00% Equity method Indirect jointventure Indirect shares APATOR METRA S.R.O. GEORGE WILSON INDUSTRIES Ltd Sumperk Czech Coventry UK District Court in Gdańsk – Północ in Gdańsk, VIII Commercial Department of the National Court Register; KRS 0000290726 Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 6 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 7 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements The Group changes in the first half of 2013 On 15 January 2013 ZAO Apator Elektro (joint venture of Apator S.A.) seated in Moscow (Russia) was liquidated. On 31 May 2013 an agreement for sale of shares of Newind Sp. z o.o. was signed between Apator Rector Sp. z o.o. and owners of non-controlling interests. According to the agreement, the selling price of all shares held by Apator Rector Sp. z o.o., representing 60% of the share capital, amounted to PLN 1,728 thousand. 1.1.3. Management Board and Supervisory Board members The Parent Company’s Management Board Andrzej Szostak – President of the Management Board (from 25 June 2013) Janusz Niedźwiecki – President of the Management Board (until 24 June 2013) Tomasz Habryka – Member of the Management Board Jerzy Kuś – Member of the Management Board The Parent Company’s Supervisory Board Janusz Niedźwiecki – Chairman of the Supervisory Board (from 25 June 2013) Mariusz Lewicki – Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board Janusz Marzygliński – Member of the Supervisory Board (Chairman of the Supervisory Board until 24 June 2013) Danuta Guzowska – Member of the Supervisory Board Krzysztof Kwiatkowski – Member of the Supervisory Board Marcin Murawski – Member of the Supervisory Board (from 25 June 2013) Ryszard Wojnowski – Member of the Supervisory Board (until 24 June 2013) Eryk Karski – Member of the Supervisory Board (until 24 June 2013) 2. Basis of preparation, presentation currency and roundings applied 2.1. Basis of preparation of the condensed financial statements The condensed consolidated interim financial statements of Apator Group as at and for the period ended 30 June 2013 have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”) adopted by the European Union. These condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not include all the information required for complete set of financial statements and should be read together with the financial statements of Apator Group as at and for the year ended 31 December 2012. The condensed consolidated interim financial statements of Apator Group cover the first half of the year 2013 and include comparative information for the year 2012 and the first half of the year 2012. The statement of comprehensive income includes information for the period from 1 April to 30 June 2013 and from 1 January to 30 June 2013. Moreover, the financial information for the year ended 31 December 2012 is also presented in these financial statements. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 7 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 8 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 2.2. Accounting policies The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis, except for the valuation of certain non-current assets (investment property) and financial instruments (derivatives), which are measured at fair value. The accounting policies applied in the condensed consolidated financial statements are the same as those applied in the financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2012, except for changes described in note 18. 2.3. Application of International Financial Reporting Standards FIRST TIME ADOPTION The following standards, amendments to standards and interpretations (adopted or being in the process of adoption by the European Union) are effective as at 1 January 2013: – Amendments to IFRS 7 “Financial instruments: disclosures – offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities” – effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2013 or later; – IFRS 13 “Fair value measurement” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2013 or later; – Amendments to IAS 1 „Presentation of financial statements: presentation of items of other comprehensive income” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 July 2012 or later; – Amendments to IAS 12 “Income taxes – deferred tax: recovery of underlying assets” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2013 or later; – Amendments to IAS 19 issued in year 2011 „Employee benefits” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2013 or later. The adoption of the above standards and interpretations did not result in significant changes either in the Group’s accounting policies or in the presentation of the financial statements, except for IAS 19. Effects of changes in IAS 19 have been described in section 6.18. STANDARDS AND INTERPRETATIONS NOT YET ADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION As of the date of these financial statements the following standards and interpretations are awaiting to be endorsed by the European Union: - Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 12 and IAS 27 “Investment entities” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2015 or later; - Amendments to IFRS 9 issued in 2009 and 2010 “Financial instruments” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2015 or later; - Amendments to IFRS 9 “Financial instruments” and IFRS 7 “Financial instruments: disclosures” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2015 or later; - Amendments to IAS 36 „Impairment of assets: recoverable amount disclosures for non-financial assets” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later; - IFRIC 21 „Levies” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later; - Amendments to IAS 39 “Financial instruments: recognition and measurement” - effective date for periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later. The Management is currently evaluating consequences and impact of the new standards implementation on the financial statements. However, no significant impact is expected. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 8 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 9 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements STANDARDS AND INTERPRETATIONS NOT APPLIED IN PREPARING THESE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As of the date of these financial statements there are standards and interpretations which were adopted by the European Union but are not yet effective: – IFRS 10 “Consolidated financial statements” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later; – IFRS 11 “Joint arrangements” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later; – IFRS 12 “Disclosure of interests in other entities” - effective date for periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later; – Amendments to IAS 27 issued in 2011 „Separate financial statements” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later; – Amendments to IAS 28 issued in 2011 „Investments in associates and joint ventures” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later; – Amendments to IAS 32 „Financial instruments: presentation – offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities” effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later; – Amendments to IFRS 10, IFRS 11 and IFRS 12 “Consolidated financial statements”, „Joint arrangements” and „Disclosure of interests In other entities: transition guidance” - effective date for annual periods beginning as at 1 January 2014 or later. The Management is currently evaluating consequences and impact of the above new standards implementation on the financial statements. However, no significant impact is expected. 2.4. Presentation currency and roundings applied The presentation currency of these condensed consolidated financial statements is Polish zloty (PLN), and all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise). 2.5. Period of the Group’s activity The Parent Company Apator S.A. and the consolidated entities were established for an indefinite period. The condensed consolidated financial statements were prepared under the assumption that the Group will continue to operate as a going concern for the foreseeable future, i.e. in a period of not less than 12 months after the end of the reporting period. 2.6. Approval of financial statements These condensed consolidated financial statements were approved and signed by the Parent Company’s Management Board on 22 August 2013. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 9 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 10 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 3. Financial statements of Apator Group 3.1. Statement of financial position As at DESCRIPTION NOTE 30.06.2013 unaudited 30.06.2012 restated* unaudited 31.12.2012 restated* Non-current assets 241 827 249 359 231 777 Intangible assets 5 641 4 400 3 628 Goodwill 2 63 567 66 248 64 019 Property, plant and equipment 3 137 616 139 183 135 804 Investment property 1 743 1 735 1 846 Equity accounted investments in associates 2 871 6 571 1 717 103 525 27 - 8 - 103 517 27 Long term loans 8 174 8 175 - - to related entities 8 174 8 175 - Long term receivables 378 1 590 1 783 - from other entities 378 1 590 1 783 41 61 69 21 693 20 871 22 884 248 541 255 089 240 992 96 193 94 053 101 236 112 762 102 711 100 960 - from related entities 16 748 2 982 6 293 - from other entities 96 014 99 729 94 667 530 63 88 5 202 5 535 3 991 11 865 6 026 2 867 1 172 - - 10 693 6 026 2 867 Other short term financial assets 1 053 1 003 333 - in other entities 1 053 1 003 333 17 850 43 719 17 253 3 086 1 979 2 837 - - 11 427 490 368 504 448 472 769 Other long term financial assets - in related entities - in other entities Long term prepayments Deferred tax assets Current assets Inventories 4 Trade receivables Current tax assets Receivables due to other taxes (excluding income tax) and other similar charges Other short term receivables - from related entities - from other entities Cash and cash equivalents Short term prepayments Assets held for sale TOTAL ASSETS * The restatement is presented in note 18. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 10 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 11 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements as at DESCRIPTION NOTE 30.06.2013 unaudited 30.06.2012 restated* unaudited 31.12.2012 restated* Equity 292 078 299 592 263 373 Equity attributable to owners of the Company 290 836 298 432 262 478 Share capital 6 3 311 3 311 3 511 Other capital 7 222 837 186 971 184 228 132 400 - Hedging reserve and foreign currency translation differences on consolidation (3 465) 961 (1 276) Retained earnings 68 021 106 789 76 015 - undistributed profit from prior years 38 216 23 699 26 241 - profit of the current period 29 805 94 893 49 774 - (11 803) - 1 242 1 160 895 198 290 204 856 209 396 42 993 45 364 55 228 10 383 12 887 20 701 23 880 25 425 20 735 1 270 - 2 495 Reserve of remeasurements of definied benefit plans - appropriation of the net profit during the current year Non-controlling interests Liabilities Non-current liabilities and provisions Long term loans and borrowings – other entities 8 Long term liabilities – other entities Deferred tax liabilities Long term liabilities due to employee benefits 9 7 460 7 012 11 297 Other long term provisions 9 - 40 - 155 297 159 492 154 168 28 280 42 833 42 845 56 494 66 263 48 416 - 1 - 56 494 66 262 48 416 Current tax liabilities 3 723 7 606 2 238 Liabilities due to other taxes (excluding income tax) and other similar charges 7 369 9 246 6 502 44 832 18 902 34 104 7 055 1 4 774 37 777 18 901 29 330 Current liabilities and provisions Short term loans and borrowings – other entities 8 Trade liabilities - to related entities - to other entities Other short term liabilities - to related entities - to other entities Short term liabilities due to employee benefits 9 10 073 10 348 7 654 Other short term provisions 9 4 526 4 294 5 409 - - 7 000 490 368 504 448 472 769 Liabilities held for sale TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES * The restatement is presented in note 18. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 11 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 12 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 3.2. Statement of comprehensive income for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.04.2013 from 01.01.2013 from 01.04.2012 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 30.06.2013 to 30.06.2012 to 30.06.2012 unaudited unaudited restated* unaudited restated* unaudited NOTE Revenue from sales 173 470 340 911 146 900 310 046 158 452 313 808 135 733 274 784 17 123 24 455 8 806 17 185 141 329 289 353 126 927 257 599 15 018 27 103 11 167 35 262 1 349 1 834 63 95 13 669 25 269 11 104 35 167 (121 223) (244 354) (100 669) (218 470) (109 381) (222 540) (89 233) (188 938) - to related entities (10 844) (15 083) (5 773) (10 917) - to other entities (98 537) (207 457) (83 460) (178 021) Cost of merchandise and raw materials sold (11 842) (21 814) (11 436) (29 532) (1 189) (1 650) (59) (87) (10 653) (20 164) (11 377) (29 445) 52 247 96 557 46 231 91 576 (7 795) (16 314) (7 026) (13 299) (19 682) (38 109) (19 582) (36 648) Profit on sales 24 770 42 134 19 623 41 629 Other operating income (expenses), including: (1 780) (1 977) (1 457) (1 270) 755 1 472 837 2 180 (2 535) (3 449) (2 294) (3 450) 5 151 250 456 22 995 40 308 18 416 40 815 (1 409) (1 661) (1 602) (3 861) 338 1 857 364 646 (1 747) (3 518) (1 966) (4 507) 21 586 38 647 16 814 36 954 1 Revenues from sales of finished products - to related entities - to other entities Revenues from sales of merchandise and raw materials - to related entities - to other entities Cost of sales Cost of finished products sold - to related entities - to other entities Gross profit on sales Selling and distribution expenses General and administrative expenses Other operating income Other operating expenses Share in profits/losses of associates measured using the equity method Result from operating activities Finance income (expenses),including: 11 Finance income Finance expenses Profit before tax Income tax expense 10 (3 374) (7 318) (2 641) (6 112) Deferred tax expense 10 (1 071) (1 219) 19 447 19 081 17 141 30 110 33 620 49 923 Net profit * The restatement is presented in note 18. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 12 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 13 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.04.2013 from 01.01.2013 from 01.04.2012 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 30.06.2013 to 30.06.2012 to 30.06.2012 unaudited unaudited restated* unaudited restated* unaudited NOTE Other comprehensive income Other comprehensive income, net (3 504) (4 686) (932) 3 714 294 376 (134) (348) (3 530) (4 794) (798) 4 062 (268) (268) - - Total comprehensive income 13 637 25 424 32 688 53 637 Net profit, attributable to: 17 141 30 110 33 620 49 923 Owners of the Company 16 941 29 805 33 490 49 774 Non-controlling interests 200 305 130 149 13 637 25 424 32 688 53 637 Owners of the Company 13 435 25 111 32 548 53 489 Non-controlling interests 202 313 140 148 - basic 0,57 1,01 1,13 1,69 - diluted 0,57 1,01 1,13 1,69 29 507 028 29 507 028 29 507 028 29 507 028 Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss in the future Foreign currency translation differences – foreign operations Net result on hedging including tax effect Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss Net actuarial gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans including tax effect Total comprehensive income, attributable to: Earnings per share: Weighted average number of shares * The restatement is presented in note 18. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 13 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 14 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 3.3. Statement of changes in equity Equity attributable to owners of the Company DESCRIPTION Share capital Hedging reserve and foreign currency translation differences on consolidation Reserve of remeasurement of defined benefits plans Other capital Retained earnings Total Non-controlling interests TOTAL EQUITY 3 511 165 106 - (4 991) 66 968 230 594 5 873 236 467 Restatement of opening balance - - - - 4 331 4 331 (4 732) (401) Restated balance as at 01.01.2012 3 511 165 106 - (4 991) 71 299 234 925 1 141 236 066 Cash flows hedges - - - 5 015 - 5 015 - 5 015 Net foreign currency translation differences - - - (347) - (347) (1) (348) Tax on other comprehensive income - - - (953) - (953) - (953) Net profit for the period from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012 - - - - 49 774 49 774 149 49 923 - - - 3 715 49 774 53 489 148 53 637 Dividends - - - - (24 756) (24 756) (173) (24 929) Profit distribution to other capital - 24 807 - - (24 807) - - - Loss coverage from other capital - (5 685) - - 5 685 - - - Acquisition of additional shares in subsidiary - - - - (1 180) (1 180) (221) (1 401) 3 511 184 228 - (1 276) 76 015 262 478 895 263 373 Balance as at 01.01.2012 Changes in equity for the period from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012 Comprehensive income for the period from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012 Balance as at 30.06.2012 Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 14 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 15 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Equity attributable to owners of the Company DESCRIPTION Share capital Balance as at 01.01.2012 Hedging reserve and foreign currency translation differences on consolidation Reserve of remeasurement of defined benefits plans Other capital Retained earnings Total Non-controlling interests TOTAL EQUITY 3 511 165 106 - (4 991) 66 968 230 594 5 873 236 467 Restatement of opening balance - - - - 4 331 4 331 (4 732) (401) Restated balance as at 01.01.2012 3 511 165 106 - (4 991) 71 299 234 925 1 141 236 066 Profits on revaluation - - 494 - - 494 - 494 Cash flows hedges - - - 8 139 - 8 139 - 8 139 Net foreign currency translation differences - - - (641) - (641) (14) (655) Tax on other comprehensive income - - (94) (1 546) - (1 640) - (1 640) Net profit for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012 - - - - 94 893 94 893 427 95 320 - - 400 5 952 94 893 101 245 413 101 658 Dividends - - - - (24 755) (24 755) (173) (24 928) Advances for dividend paid - - - - (11 803) (11 803) - (11 803) Redemption of treasury shares (200) 1 624 - - (1 624) (200) - (200) Redemption of treasury shares - 200 - - - 200 - 200 Distribution of the net profit to other capital - 25 726 - - (25 726) - - - Loss coverage from other capital - (5 685) - - 5 685 - - - Acquisition of additional interests in subsidiary - - - - (1 180) (1 180) (221) (1 401) 3 311 186 971 400 961 106 789 298 432 1 160 299 592 Changes in equity for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012 Comprehensive income for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012 Balance as at 31.12.2012 Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 15 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 16 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Equity attributable to owners of the Company DESCRIPTION Share capital Balance as at 01.01.2013 Hedging reserve and foreign currency translation differences on consolidation Reserve of remeasurement of defined benefits plans Other capital Retained earnings Total Non-controlling interests TOTAL EQUITY 3 311 186 971 400 961 106 789 298 432 1 160 299 592 Losses on revaluation - - (331) - - (331) - (331) Cash flows hedges - - - (5 919) - (5 919) - (5 919) Net foreign currency translation differences - - - 368 - 368 8 376 Tax on other comprehensive income - - 63 1 125 - 1 188 - 1 188 Net profit for the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013 - - - - 29 805 29 805 305 30 110 - - (268) (4 426) 29 805 25 111 313 25 424 Dividends - - - - (44 510) (44 510) (231) (44 741) Advances for dividend paid - - - - 11 803 11 803 - 11 803 Distribution of the net profit to other capital - 35 866 - - (35 866) - - - 3 311 222 837 132 (3 465) 68 021 290 836 1 242 292 078 Changes in equity for the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013 Comprehensive income for the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013 Balance as at 30.06.2013 Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 16 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 17 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 3.4. Statement of cash flows for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 unaudited to 30.06.2012 restated* unaudited NOTES Cash flows from operating activities Profit before tax 38 647 36 954 Adjustments for: 11 937 9 119 748 687 9 550 7 986 (65) - (268) (198) (1 205) - (140) - (88) (314) Interest expense 1 275 2 135 Share in the (profit) loss of joint ventures (151) (456) (88) (31) 2 369 (690) 50 584 46 073 Amortisation of intangible assets Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Impairment losses on property, plant and equipment Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Adjusted result on sale of subsidiary 14 Gains on revaluation of investment property to fair value Gains on change in fair value of derivatives Interest income Other adjustments 14 Cash generated from operating activities before changes in working capital Changes in inventory 14 (2 212) (9 649) Changes in receivables 14 (28 686) 26 561 Changes in liabilities 14 854 (17 545) Changes in provisions and liabilities due to employee benefits 14 235 (671) Changes in prepayments 14 (1 231) (1 619) Other adjustments 14 1 020 228 20 564 43 378 (11 293) (6 040) 9 271 37 338 (1 822) (366) - 60 (11 347) (19 823) 723 760 (1) - Cash generated from operating activities Income taxes paid Net cash from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Acquisition of intangible assets Proceeds from sale of intangible assets Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Acquisition of available-for-sale financial assets Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 17 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 18 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 unaudited to 30.06.2012 restated* unaudited NOTES Proceeds from sale of available-for-sale financial assets 4 - 132 177 - (1 402) (278) - 801 - (1 922) (1 829) (13 710) (22 423) Proceeds from loans and borrowings 13 055 34 421 Repayment of loans and borrowings (30 443) (50 329) Interest paid (1 104) (1 990) Dividends paid (1 756) (2 728) Payment of finance lease liabilities (1 059) (1 005) (123) (121) Net cash from financing activities (21 430) (21 752) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (25 869) (6 837) Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 43 719 24 090 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 17 850 17 253 Proceeds from sale of held-for-sale financial assets Acquisition of subsidiary Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired Dividend received Other proceeds/(payments) 14 Net cash from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Other proceeds/ (payments) 14 * The restatement is presented in note 18. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 18 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 19 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 4. Use of estimates and judgements Significant judgements and estimates made by the Management of Apator Group in applying accounting policies and the key sources of information used to determine the estimates are consistent with those applied in the complete set of annual financial statements of Apator Group as at and for the year ended 31 December 2012, except for those described in note 18. 5. Seasonality of operations Due to manufacturing of investment goods, the revenues of the Group are subject to seasonal fluctuations. Demand for the products of Apator Group is at its highest level in the third and fourth quarter of each year. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 19 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 20 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 6. Notes to the financial statements 6.1. Operating segments The Apator Group has two key reportable segments within electric machines sector: metering and switchgear. The Group provides comprehensive services in the field of metering and reading of power utilities and provides the equipment to safe connection and disconnection of electrical circuits. In presenting information on the basis of geography, Apator Group identified three areas of activity (which are not geographic segments): Home country – domestic sales; Export – sales outside the European Union; Union – sales to countries included in the European Union. In the Apator Group there is no concentration of sales revenues. The main customers of Apator Group are energy companies. Metering equipment DESCRIPTION Switchgear equipment Unallocated amounts Other Total Financial results by operating segments for the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013 Total revenue 245 089 64 938 30 884 - 340 911 220 467 63 271 30 884 - 314 622 24 622 1 667 - - 26 289 (180 949) (51 069) (28 650) - (260 668) (165 376) (49 909) (28 650) - (243 935) (15 573) (1 160) - - (16 733) Operating segment profit 64 140 13 869 2 234 - 80 243 Unallocated expenses - - - (40 086) (40 086) Share of profit of equity accounted investees - - - 151 151 64 140 13 869 2 234 (39 935) 40 308 Finance income - - - 1 857 1 857 - interest revenue - - - 827 827 Finance expenses - - - (3 518) (3 518) - interest expense - - - (1 284) (1 284) Profit/(loss) before tax 64 140 13 869 2 234 (41 596) 38 647 Income tax expense - - - (8 537) (8 537) Non-controlling interests - - - (305) (305) 64 140 13 869 2 234 (50 438) 29 805 External revenues Sales to related parties Total expenses External expenses Expenses to related parties Profit/(loss) from operating activities Net profit (loss) attributable to owners of the Parent Company Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 20 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 21 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Metering equipment DESCRIPTION Switchgear equipment Unallocated amounts Other Total Other segment information as at 30.06.2013 Total assets, including: 304 004 68 092 1 344 116 928 490 368 81 890 14 146 - - 96 036 3 448 1 434 - - 4 882 Goodwill 63 492 75 - - 63 567 Inventories 75 294 20 899 - - 96 193 Trade receivables 79 880 31 538 1 344 - 112 762 - - - 116 928 116 928 Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Unallocated assets Financial results by operating segments for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012 Total revenue 424 822 151 119 92 883 - 668 824 388 932 146 113 92 883 - 627 928 35 890 5 006 - - 40 896 (312 237) (118 448) (84 512) - (515 197) (287 792) (114 129) (84 512) - (486 433) (24 445) (4 319) - - (28 764) Operating segment profit 112 585 32 671 8 371 - 153 627 Unallocated expenses - - - (57 835) (57 835) Share of profit of equity accounted investees - - - 2 206 2 206 112 585 32 671 8 371 (55 629) 97 998 Finance income - - - 3 505 3 505 - interest revenue - - - 1 165 1 165 Finance expenses - - - (9 839) (9 839) - interest expense - - - (3 473) (3 473) Profit/(loss) before tax 112 585 32 671 8 371 (61 963) 91 664 Income tax expense - - - 3 656 3 656 Non-controlling interests - - - (427) (427) 112 585 32 671 8 371 (58 734) 94 893 279 789 63 208 20 822 140 629 504 448 82 610 13 113 1 226 - 96 949 2 807 931 120 - 3 858 Goodwill 62 884 75 3 289 - 66 248 Inventories 75 079 18 902 72 - 94 053 Trade receivables 56 409 30 187 16 115 - 102 711 - - - 140 629 140 629 External revenues Sales to related parties Total expenses External expenses Expenses to related parties Profit/(loss) from operating activities Net profit (loss) attributable to owners of the Parent Company Other segment information as at 31.12.2012 Total assets, including: Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Unallocated assets Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 21 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 22 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Metering equipment DESCRIPTION Switchgear equipment Unallocated amounts Other Total Financial results by operating segments for the period from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012 Total revenue 211 457 69 041 29 548 - 310 046 197 464 65 754 29 548 - 292 766 13 993 3 287 - - 17 280 (153 542) (52 726) (25 501) - (231 769) (144 988) (50 276) (25 501) - (220 765) (8 554) (2 450) - - (11 004) Operating segment profit 57 915 16 315 4 047 - 78 277 Unallocated expenses - - - (37 918) (37 918) Share of profit of equity accounted investees - - - 456 456 57 915 16 315 4 047 (37 462) 40 815 Finance income - - - 646 646 - interest revenue - - - 446 446 Finance expenses - - - (4 507) (4 507) - interest expense - - - (1 463) (1 463) Profit/(loss) before tax 57 915 16 315 4 047 (41 323) 36 954 Income tax expense - - - 12 969 12 969 Non-controlling interests - - - (149) (149) 57 915 16 315 4 047 (28 503) 49 774 279 571 64 725 11 655 116 818 472 769 73 391 12 341 1 373 - 87 105 1 616 1 008 7 - 2 631 Goodwill 60 655 75 3 289 - 64 019 Inventories 77 327 22 439 1 470 - 101 236 Trade receivables 66 582 28 862 5 516 - 100 960 - - - 116 818 116 818 External revenues Sales to related parties Total expenses External expenses Expenses to related parties Profit/(loss) from operating activities Net profit (loss) attributable to owners of the Parent Company Other segment information as at 30.06.2012 Total assets, including: Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Unallocated assets Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 22 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 23 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Geographical information DESCRIPTION Domestic Export Union Total Revenue from sales of geographical segments for the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013 Total revenue External revenue Sales to related parties 180 386 68 547 91 978 340 911 180 386 42 577 91 659 314 622 - 25 970 319 26 289 Revenue from sales of geographical segments for the period from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012 Total revenue External revenue Sales to related parties 428 011 105 309 135 504 668 824 428 011 64 413 135 504 627 928 - 40 896 - 40 896 Revenue from sales of geographical segments for the period from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2012 Total revenue External revenue Sales to related parties 191 042 42 352 76 652 310 046 191 042 25 072 76 652 292 766 - 17 280 17 280 6.2. Goodwill Goodwill is presented in the table below. as at NAME OF SUBSIDIARY 30.06.2013 31.12.2012 30.06.2012 Apator Control Sp. z o.o. 75 75 75 Apator Rector Sp. z o.o. 42 735 42 164 39 883 - 3 289 3 289 17 855 17 855 17 855 1 832 1 832 1 832 Apator Metra s.r.o. 681 665 679 Apator Metroteks 389 368 406 63 567 66 248 64 019 Newind Sp. z o.o. Apator Powogaz S.A. Apator Telemetria Sp. z o.o. Net goodwill Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 23 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 24 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the period DESCRIPTION Gross goodwill at the beginning of the period from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 31.12.2012 to 30.06.2012 66 583 64 089 64 089 (3 289) - - Increase due to adjustments resulting from the subsequent recognition 571 2 568 288 Net exchange differences arising from the conversion of the financial statements to presentation currency 37 (74) (23) 63 902 66 583 64 354 Impairment at the beginning of the period (335) (335) (335) Impairment at the end of the period (335) (335) (335) 63 567 66 248 64 019 Sale of shares Gross goodwill at the end of the period Net goodwill at the end of the period 6.3. Property, plant and equipment During the six-month period ended 30 June 2013 the most significant expenditure related to property, plant and equipment included investments in machinery and equipment. There were no indicators of impairment of property, plant and equipment. Property, plant and equipment is presented in the table below. as at DESCRIPTION 30.06.2013 31.12.2012 30.06.2012 Land and buildings 76 342 76 766 80 157 Machinery and equipment 32 937 31 930 25 780 4 825 5 249 5 161 20 564 21 905 19 296 2 247 3 129 4 549 701 204 861 137 616 139 183 135 804 Vehicles Other property, plant and equipment Construction in progress Prepayments for property, plant and equipment Total Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 24 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 25 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements DESCRIPTION Net book value as at 01.01.2013 Land and buildings Machinery and equipment Vehicles Other property, plant and equipment Construction in progress Prepayments for property, plant and equipment 3 129 204 139 183 - (1 114) TOTAL 76 766 31 930 5 249 21 905 Change due to sale of the entity (4) (37) (1 069) (4) Purchases 87 5 242 408 1 684 - - 7 421 590 155 4 345 - - 1 094 Additions due to finance lease - - 1 218 - - - 1 218 Additions due to prepayments for property, plant and equipment and due to assets under construction - - - - 6 994 1 939 8 933 Disposals - (1 038) (501) 118 - - (1 421) (16) (107) (584) (256) - - (963) Settlement of prepayments for property, plant and equipment and assets under construction - - - - (7 876) (1 442) (9 318) Other impairment - 1 - 64 - - 65 (1 232) (3 875) (943) (3 500) - - (9 550) Disposals (reduction of accumulated depreciation) - 487 456 (45) - - 898 Liquidation (reduction of accumulated depreciation) 16 107 584 256 - - 963 - 1 - - - - 1 Other changes – gross 145 96 5 (3) - - 243 Other changes – depreciation (10) (25) (2) - - - (37) Net book value as at 30.06.2013 76 342 32 937 4 825 20 564 2 247 701 137 616 Improvements Liquidation Depreciation Net exchange differences arising on the conversion of the financial statements to presentation currency - Properties located in the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone in Ostaszewo are subject to mortgage in the amount of PLN 37,000 thousand and are pledged as collateral for the Parent Company’s loan from Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. The property located in Tczew is subject to mortgage in the amount of PLN 23,250 thousand and is pledged as collateral for the loan from Bank Millenium S.A. The property of Apator Mining Sp. z o.o. located in Katowice is subject to mortgage in the amount of PLN 6,500 thousand and is pledged as collateral for the loan from ING Bank Śląski S.A. Properties of Apator Pawogaz S.A. located in Poznań are subject to ordinary mortgage in the amount of EUR 2 million and open-end mortgage in the amount of EUR 1 million and are pledged as collateral for the loan from Raiffeisen Bank Polska S.A. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 25 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 26 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Properties of Apator Pawogaz S.A. located in Pniewy are subject to compulsory mortgage for subsidiary to the amount of PLN 117 thousand and are pledged as collateral for liability to district governor of Szamotuły due to conversion of the perpetual usufruct right of land to the ownership. 6.4. Inventories Inventories are presented in the table below. as at DESCRIPTION 30.06.2013 31.12.2012 30.06.2012 Raw materials 39 147 39 290 43 103 Work in progress 26 431 27 307 26 545 Finished goods 25 893 23 172 24 115 Merchandise 2 248 1 749 3 280 Prepayments for deliveries 2 474 2 535 4 193 96 193 94 053 101 236 Total inventories Write-downs of inventories are presented below. for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 31.12.2012 to 30.06.2012 Total inventory write-downs Write-downs at the beginning of the period Increase – recognition of write-downs in profit and loss Decrease- reversal of unused amounts Net exchange differences arising on the conversion of the financial statements to presentation currency Write-downs at the end of the period 4 668 4 385 4 385 843 2 466 1 443 (893) (2 165) (1 510) 35 (18) (14) 4 653 4 668 4 304 Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 26 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 27 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 6.5. Trade receivables and other receivables Allowances for receivables are presented in the table below. for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 31.12.2012 to 30.06.2012 Total of allowances for receivables Allowances at the beginning of the period 5 464 3 919 3 919 354 3 681 1 431 Released – reversal of unused amounts (273) (1 811) (1 292) Used – receivables written off (367) (291) (100) 17 (34) (19) 5 195 5 464 3 939 Increased – recognition of allowance in profit or loss Net exchange differences arising on the conversion of the financial statements to presentation currency Allowances at the end of the period 6.6. Share capital The structure of shareholders as at 30 June 2013 is presented in the table below. Name and surname Apator Mining sp. z o. o. Registered shares Bearer shares Total number of shares Voting rights Percentage of share capital Percentage of voting rights 0 3 600 000 3 600 000 3 600 000 10,87% 6,39% 1 164 669 876 331 2 041 000 5 535 007 6,16% 9,82% Tadeusz Sosgórnik 993 102 907 401 1 900 503 4 879 809 5,74% 8,66% Danuta Guzowska 954 214 566 065 1 520 279 4 382 921 4,59% 7,78% Zbigniew Jaworski 760 848 573 021 1 333 869 3 616 413 4,03% 6,42% Janusz Marzygliński 818 092 229 565 1 047 657 3 501 933 3,16% 6,21% 0 2 905 628 2 905 628 2 905 628 8,78% 5,15% Other 3 063 205 15 694 887 18 758 092 27 947 707 56,66% 49,58% Total 7 754 130 25 352 898 33 107 028 56 369 418 100% 100% Mariusz Lewicki AVIVA OFE Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 27 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 28 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 6.7. Other capital Other capital is presented in the table below. as at DESCRIPTION 30.06.2013 Share Premium Other reserve capital Treasury shares Reserve capital Total of other capital 31.12.2012 15 142 15 142 207 219 171 353 (3 524) (3 524) 4 000 4 000 222 837 186 971 6.8. Loans and borrowings Bank loans and borrowings are presented below. as at DESCRIPTION 30.06.2013 Long term loans and borrowings 31.12.2012 10 383 12 887 contractual cash flows from 1 to 2 years 3 093 1 222 contractual cash flow from 2 to 5 years 7 290 11 665 contractual cash flow more than 5 years - - Short term loans and borrowings 28 280 42 833 Total of loans and borrowings, including 38 663 55 720 38 663 55 720 - from other entities The Capital Group uses mainly overdrafts, with interest-bearing based on WIBOR rate plus margin. During the reporting period companies from the Apator Group had complied with the obligations of the loan agreements. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 28 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 29 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 6.9. Provisions Povisions are presented in the table below. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PROVISIONS RETIREMENT BENEFITS, JUBILEE BONUSES RESTRUCTURING PROVISION (benefits) 8 727 OTHER PROVISIONS PROVISIONS IN RESPECT OF UNCOMPLETED IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES CONTRACTS (PENALTIES, COMPENSATION) PROVISION FOR UNREALIZED MARGIN ON SALES TO ASSOCIATE BONUSES ANNUAL LEAVE TOTAL WARRANTIES 1 323 4 751 2 559 17 360 3 864 206 156 108 4 334 - - - - - (40) (1 912) - - (1 952) 451 - 1 968 1 610 4 029 1 204 1 912 23 - 3 139 - - - - - - - (120) (72) (192) Provisions used during the period (41) - (4 161) - (4 202) (806) - - - (806) Remeasurement of provision presented in other comprehensive income 331 - - - 331 - - - - - Net exchange differences arising on the conversion of the financial statements to presentation currency - - 4 11 15 3 - - - 3 9 468 1 323 2 562 4 180 17 533 4 225 206 59 36 4 526 - long term provisions 7 460 - - - 7 460 - - - - - - short term provisions 2 008 1 323 2 562 4 180 10 073 4 225 206 59 36 4 526 DESCRIPTION Provisions as at 01.01.2013 Change from the sale of shares Provisions raised during the period Provisions reversed during the period Provisions as at 30.06.2013, including: Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 29 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) OTHER TOTAL PS-2013 30 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 6.10. Income tax Income tax is presented in the table below. for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 30.06.2012 Statement of comprehensive income Income tax expense 7 318 6 112 7 324 6 112 (6) - 1 219 (19 081) Arisen and reversed temporary differences (119) 1 102 Tax relief from the special economic zone 1 338 (20 183) 8 537 (12 969) (1 188) 953 (1 125) 953 (63) - (1 188) 953 Current income tax expense Adjustment for tax charge related to previous years Deferred tax expense Change in deferred tax presented in separate statement of comprehensive income Statement of changes in equity Deferred income tax Net deferred income tax from hedging transactions Other Change in deferred tax presented in equity On 28 December 2010 the Parent Company received Permission no. 69/PSSE to operate in the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone (PSEZ). As a result the Parent Company recognized deferred tax asset due to tax relief from the special Economic Zone possible to be used. The deferred tax asset amounted to PLN 20,357 thousand at the recognition (tax asset as at 30 June 2013 amounted to PLN 18,668 thousand). Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 30 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 31 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Effective tax rate is presented in the table. for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 30.06.2012 Profit before tax 38 647 36 954 Income tax based on appropriate tax rates 7 335 7 022 Adjustments: 1 201 (19 991) Tax exempt income (permanent differences) 175 (541) Tax from non-deductible expenses (permanent differences) 858 523 Tax from intra-group transactions (permanent differences) (115) - Tax from positions not included in financial result for the period (111) - - (20 183) Adjustments to tax losses from previous years (54) 210 Other deductible expenses 449 - 8 537 (12 969) 22,09% -35,09% Deferred tax asset from the activity in PSEZ Income tax presented in separate statement of comprehensive income Effective tax rate 6.11. Finance income and expenses Finance income and expenses are presented in the table. for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 30.06.2012 Finance income 1 857 646 Interests on cash on bank accounts 420 - Gains on foreign currency transaction (including derivatives) 928 149 Other income 509 497 (3 518) (4 507) Interests expense on loans and borrowings (1 135) (1 301) Sale of subsidiary Newind Sp. z o.o. (1 284) - Foreign exchange losses (334) (2 532) Other expenses (765) (674) (1 661) (3 861) Finance expenses Net finance income (expenses) Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 31 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 32 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 6.12. Sale of subsidiary On 31 May 2013 there was a contract signed concerning sale of Newind Sp. z o.o. shares between Apator Rector Sp. z o.o. and existing owners of non-controlling shares. For the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013 Description Gain on disposal of shares of subsidiary Newind Sp. z o.o. 1 728 Cost of sale of subsidiary Newind Sp. z o.o., including: (3 012) - net assets of subsidiary (1 989) - goodwill (3 289) - liabilities due to put option 2 243 - other adjustments 23 Result on sales of subsidiary Newind Sp. z o.o. (1 284) 6.13. Earnings per share Earnings per share were calculated by dividing the net profit by the number of shares held by entities outside the Apator Group. The calculation of net profit is presented below the statement of comprehensive income in point 3.2. 6.14. Explanatory notes to the statement of cash flows Apator Group prepares the statement of cash flows using the indirect method, in which the profit is corrected for effects of non-cash transactions, changes in inventories, receivables, liabilities and other items classified to financing and investing activities. The table below explains differences between changes in statement of financial position and changes in statement of cash flows. for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 30.06.2012 Change in inventories Change in inventories (2 140) (9 649) (72) - (2 212) (9 649) 1 212 205 Change in trade receivables (10 051) 22 744 Change in current tax assets (467) 284 Adjustment for inventories of entity excluded from consolidation Change presented in statement of cash flows Change in receivables Change in long term receivables Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 32 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 33 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 30.06.2012 Change in receivables due to taxes and other similar charges (excluding income tax) 333 3 706 (5 839) 319 (15 587) - 1 172 - 467 (284) 73 (184) 1 (229) (28 686) 26 561 Change in long term liabilities (1 545) (182) Change in trade liabilities (9 769) (10 940) Change in current tax liabilities (3 883) (207) Change in liabilities due to taxes and other similar charges (excluding income tax) (1 877) (2 615) Change in other liabilities 25 930 7 924 Adjustment for liabilities of entity excluded from consolidation 20 080 - (571) (288) (31 082) (22 130) (490) (530) (4 660) 5 153 Adjustment for current tax liabilities 3 469 207 Adjustment for capital expediture liabilities 5 251 6 063 1 - 854 (17 545) Change in long term provisions for employee benefits 448 163 Change in other long term provisions (40) (324) (275) (1 531) Change in other short term provisions 232 1 021 Adjustment for provisions of entity excluded from consolidation 201 - (331) - 235 (671) Change in other receivables Adjustment for receivables of entity excluded from consolidation Adjustment for dividend receivable Adjustment for current tax assets Adjustment for capital expenditure receivables Other changes Change presented in statement of cash flows Change in liabilities Adjustment for liabilities due to put option Adjustment for dividend liabilities Adjustment for finance lease liabilities Adjustment for liabilities due to derivative instruments Other changes Change presented in statement of cash flows Change in provisions Change in short term provisions for employee benefits Other changes Change presented in statement of cash flows Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 33 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 34 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 30.06.2012 Change in prepayments Change in long term prepayments Change in short term prepayments Adjustment for prepayments of entity excluded from consolidation Change presented in statement of cash flows 20 (38) (1 107) (1 581) (144) - (1 231) (1 619) for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 30.06.2012 Other adjustments (1) in cash flows from operating activities Liquidation of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 143 50 - (4) (115) 411 Impairment of shares (1) - Commissions and fees from bank loans and borrowings 14 12 1 674 (561) Foreign exchange differences from consolidation 164 (108) Other 490 (490) 2 369 (690) Receivables paid with bills of exchange 1 198 170 Conversion of finished goods to property, plant and equipment (250) (58) 72 116 1 020 228 Settlement of grant (Profit) loss on settlement of derivative instruments Unrealized margin on inventories in joint ventures Total Other adjustments (2) in cash flows from operating activities Unrealized margin on sale to joint ventures presented in provisions Total for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 30.06.2012 Other proceeds (disbursements) from investing activities Prepayments for assets under construction Prepayments for intangible assets Proceeds and expenses relating to derivatives and options Payment of commissions and other costs relating to sale and liquidation of property, plant and equipment (1 896) (1 131) (3) (103) (16) (588) (5) (6) Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 34 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 35 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Other (2) (1) (1 922) (1 829) Lease interest (91) (71) Commissions and fees from bank loans and borrowings (32) (50) (123) (121) Total Other proceeds (disbursements) from financing activities Total Explanation to result on sale of subsidiary for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013 Result on sale of subsidiary 1 284 Adjustment for working capital of entity excluded from consolidation (2 489) Adjusted result on sale of subsidiary presented in statement of cash flows (1 205) 6.15. Related parties Key management personnel compensation is presented in the table below. for the period DESCRIPTION from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 31.12.2012 to 30.06.2012 Short term employee benefits 6 852 11 952 4 937 Post-employment benefits 178 13 15 Other long term benefits 530 107 95 7 560 12 072 5 047 Total Transactions with related parties and outstanding balances are presented in the table below. Apator Electro Sp.z o.o. DESCRIPTION Teplovodome r S.A. George Wilson Industries Ltd. OTHER RELATED PARTIES TOTAL Transactions in the period from 01.01.2013 to 30.06.2013 Sale of goods and services * Sale of merchandise and raw materials 568 23 627 260 - 24 455 1 099 676 59 - 1 834 - - - 42 42 1 021 15 569 158 - 16 748 Sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Trade receivables Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 35 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 36 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements Apator Electro Sp.z o.o. DESCRIPTION Teplovodome r S.A. George Wilson Industries Ltd. OTHER RELATED PARTIES TOTAL Other receivables - 1 172 - - 1 172 Interest received from granted loans - - 144 - 144 Loans granted - - 8 174 - 8 174 164 - 4 - 168 Trade liabilities - - 1 - 1 Other liabilities - - - 7 055 7 055 Purchase of goods, services, merchandise and raw materials * including adjustment relating to unrealized margin on sale of joint ventures 6.16. Contingent liabilities and other items not included in the statement of financial position CONTINGENCIES On 28.06.2013, the District Court in Ostrava issued a sentence ordering Apator Metra s.r.o. to pay to former shareholder of Metra Šumperk - Jaroslav Macháček the amount of CZK 16.6 million (as the alignment of prices of redeemed shares). In the financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2013, there was a provision recognized for court proceedings and interest costs in the total amount of CZK 6 million. Currently the Company has been waiting for the sentence justification and after its analysis, the Company will decide about of the appeal submission. In case of no appeal proceedings when the sentence becomes binding, Apator Metra s.r.o. will pay the former shareholder the compensation, whereas Apator Powogaz S.A. will receive a partial refund price paid for shares of Metra (EUR 833.3 thousand), which amount had been deposited at the notary until the final settlement of the dispute with the former shareholder of Metra Šumperk Jaroslav Macháček. OTHER ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION As at 30 June 2013 Apator Group held open guarantees granted by: 1. Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.: For performance bond in the amount of PLN 30 thousand till 19 September 2015; TU Hermes S.A.: 2. 3. 4. 5. For performance bond in the amount of PLN 3,180 thousand till 31 December 2017; Guarantee for repairing defects and faults in the amount of PLN 300 thousand till 31 December 2014. Raiffeisen Bank S.A.: For bid bond in the amount of EUR 582 thousand till 24 July 2013; For performance bond in the amount of PLN 2,081 thousand till 31 December 2012. Bank Millenium S.A.: For bid bond in the amount of PLN 159 thousand till 30 January 2014; For performance bond in the amount of PLN 105 thousand till 31 August 2014. InterRisk Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń S.A.: Guarantee for repairing defects and faults in the amount of PLN 344 thousand till 8 January 2021; For bid bond in the amount of PLN 45 thousand till 3 July 2013; Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 36 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 37 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 6. 7. 8. 9. For performance bond in the amount of PLN 452 thousand till 24 December 2015. Hestia S.A.: Guarantee for repairing defects and faults in the amount of PLN 69 thousand till 4 October 2013; For bid bond with the amount of PLN 148 thousand till 31 December 2013; For performance bond in the amount of PLN 724 thousand till 3 January 2014. BZ WBK S.A.: For performance bond in the amount of PLN 1,424 thousand till 28 February 2014. Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych S.A.: For performance bond in the amount of PLN 249 thousand till 31 January 2014. PZU S.A.: For performance bond and guarantee for repairing defects and faults in the amount of PLN 75 thousand till 30 January 2014. Moreover, as at 30 June 2013, The Parent Company Apator S.A. held open guarantee for repairing products’ defects in the amount of PLN 826.5 thousand granted by Marbud S.A. till 29 March 2015. According to the contract signed on 25 April 2013 with Apator Control Sp. z o.o., Apator S.A. granted performance bond in relation to a contract between Apator Control Sp. z o.o. and ArcelorMittal Poland S.A. The maximum value of the bond amounted to PLN 24.8 million and covered the total value of the contract. The bond was granted for the period from 25 April 2013 till 22 March 2014. On 5 September 2012 Apator Rector Sp. z o.o. signed an investment agreement with shareholders of GWI Ltd., NIG (GUERNSEY) LIMITED, according to which after next three financial years starting from 2016 (within 25 working days following the shareholders' meeting approving the annual financial statements of the company) Apator Metrix Sp. z o.o. has the right to acquire remaining 50% of the shares of the company GWI Ltd. (call option), which means that the shareholders of the GWI Ltd. had irrevocably committed to disposal of the shares to Apator Metrix Sp. z o.o. Furthermore, shareholders of GWI Ltd. are entitled to sell to Apator Metrix Sp. z o.o. the remaining 50% of the shares on the same terms (under the assumptions that gross profit of the GWI Ltd. reaches at least GBP 1 million), which means that Apator Metrix Sp. z o.o. had irrevocably committed to disposal of the shares from the shareholders of the GWI Ltd. The price depends on the results of GWI Ltd. in years 2016-2018. 6.17. Personnel structure Employment in Apator Group is presented in the table below. for the period DESCRIPTION Average employment in persons for the period Non-administrative employees Administrative employees Employment at the end of reporting period Non-administrative employees Administrative employees from 01.01.2013 from 01.01.2012 from 01.01.2012 to 30.06.2013 to 31.12.2012 to 30.06.2012 1 972 2 005 1 955 1 212 1 218 1 194 759 787 761 2 010 1 992 2 025 1 228 1 185 1 253 782 807 772 Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 37 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 38 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements The average employment in Apator Group for first half-year of 2013 decreased by 33 persons in comparison to 2012. 6.18. Changes in accounting policies and correction of error Apator Group applied new IAS 19 ‘Employee benefits” in the financial statements as at and for the period ended 31 December 2012. As a result, Apator Group recognized part of the cost of defined benefit plans, in particular remeasurements of the defined benefit liability, in other comprehensive income. As a result of the above mentioned change the Group recognized profit amounting to PLN 493 thousand adjusted for tax effect amounting to PLN 93 thousand in comprehensive income. The Group adjusted the comparative data for the first half-year of 2012, due to error made in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012 concerning the recognition of put option on purchase of additional shares in subsidiaries from non-controlling shareholders interests. The Group reassessed conditions of contracts relating to put options and concluded that non-controlling interests should be presented as liabilities in accordance with the expected acquisition method. Detailed description of changes was presented in annual consolidated financial statements for 2012. Apator Group implemented changes in the presentation of the statement of financial position and of the statement of comprehensive income for the period ended 30 June 2012. Description of changes: Change in presentation of deferred tax asset and provision (offset) for the amount of PLN 6,052 thousand. Change in presentation of dividend liabilities for the amount of PLN 4,774 thousand (presented as liability due to related parties, according to the identification of related parties). Change in presentation (offset) of other operating income and expenses for the amount of PLN 13 thousand and finance income and expenses for the amount of PLN 75 thousand. Implemented changes helped to improve the true and fair view of the financial situation of the Group. The changes did not influence the net result and equity for the period ended 30 June 2012. 6.19. Subsequent events There were no significant subsequent events after 30 June 2013 identified. Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 38 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN) PS-2013 39 Condensed consolidated interim financial statements 7. Signatures Signatures of the Management Board 2013-08-22 Andrzej Szostak President of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer 2013-08-22 Tomasz Habryka Member of the Management Board, Managing Director 2013-08-22 Jerzy Kuś Member of the Management Board, Metering System and Equipment Director Signature of the person responsible for financial records 2013-08-22 Janina Karaszewska – Zandrowicz Chief Financial Officer Name of the Group: Apator Group Reporting period: 01.01.2013 – 30.06.2013 Roundings applied: all amounts are presented in thousands of Polish zloty (unless stated otherwise) Page 39 Presentation currency: Polish zloty (PLN)