Thermohaline circulation Geosc040, Lecture 9 The Ocean-Atmosphere Connection, Feb9, 2016 Winds & Surface Currents Somewhere Beyond The Sea, Sinatra Ocean Avenue Yellowcard Thanks to Caitlyn N. and Alexandra B. On-line Assignments 4 & 5 due this week OLA 4 = OLA 5, Make sure to get 100% on 5. You have two attempts. Highest score counts • OLA 6 due on Feb 16th • Homework 2 is due 23 Feb See web for Extra Credit Opportunities “Strange” Doings… Coriolis acceleration ac where Ω is the angular velocity (magnitude equal to the rotation rate ω) and v is the velocity of the object in the rotating system The Coriolis acceleration may be multiplied by the mass of the relevant object to produce the Coriolis force: Fc = m ac See: Coriolis Considerations N E W S In the northern hemisphere: Coriolis Effect (“Force”) moves things to the RIGHT of their initial trajectory Initial trajectory Actual direction of travel North Atlantic Gyre Effect of winds and coriolis Variation of Coriolis with latitude causes differences between Eastern and Western Boundary Currents The Gulf Stream is an example of a Western Boundary Current formed in this way So is the E. Australian Current Gyres and Sea-surface Topography The Hill is a balance between Coriolis and Pressure Sea-Surface Height Differences Differences of up to 1 meter maintained by wind Notice the pileup of water in Western Pacific “warm pool” Also note the pileup around Bermuda in the N. Atlantic “gyre” Sea-Surface Height Differences Differences of up to 30 cm maintained by ocean currents Notice the elevated surface height for the East Australian Current Today’s in-class iClicker exercises: A) Full credit if you answer 75% or more of the questions B) If there are 10 questions and you answer at least 8 of them you’ll get full credit for today (100%) C) If you answer the question correctly you’ll get a bonus point, up to a maximum of 105% for today’s in-class exercise D) All of the above (this is the correct answer, choose D!) The Sea Around Us My Job in Geosc040 100 Thomas… • Wait for clicker questions • Help is on the way! CLASS More “Strange” Doings In order to comprehend the pattern of surface circulation produced by the global wind systems (responding to pressure differences), we need to introduce another issue: The Ekman Spiral Let’s now examine how winds drive surface ocean circulation Wind Surface Wind moves surface water (friction) Velocity of water decreases with depth because of friction between water molecules Effects of friction on Surface Currents In the northern hemisphere water at the sea surface moves to the right of the wind direction Wind currents drive ocean surface currents Energy from wind transferred to water by friction Then, due to the Coriolis Effect: Overall, the Ocean’s surface waters (recall pycnocline and deep water) move, on average, 90o to the wind direction How do global wind patterns influence ocean surface currents? 60 30 0 In the southern hemisphere water at the sea surface moves to the left of the wind direction Consider a hypothetical ocean with straight coastlines 30 60 Consider a hypothetical ocean with straight coastlines Blue arrows show local wind direction at the sea surface 60 30 Now, think about local current direction of ocean surface water (yellow arrows) 0 30 60 Ocean currents form large GYRES These are a product of wind direction, the Coriolis effect, and Ekman spiral. 60 30 0 30 60 Ocean Surface Currents Western Boundary Currents Wind-driven circulation Gulf Stream, Kuroshio, Labrador, Kamchatka (Oyashio) Eastern Boundary Currents How does this work? Canary, California Coriolis : Impacts atmospheric circulation and ocean currents ThermoHaline Circulation in 4 easy pieces: Heating, Wind, Currents, Coriolis, Coriolis acceleration ac Variation of Coriolis with latitude causes differences between Eastern and Western Boundary Currents Heat Transfer: Is that all there is to it? OK, warm water flows toward the poles, but How does heat actually get transferred?? Two mechanisms: 1) Sensible heat transfer to atmosphere 2) Latent heat transfer (remember: evaporationprecipitation?) Sensible Heat Transfer By Conduction: • Depends on temperature contrast between ocean surface and atmosphere • Significant only over western boundary currents Sensible Heat Flux to Atmosphere Evaporation and Latent Heat Transfer Rate of Evaporation is related to: • temperature of water mass (higher T, higher Evap) • relative humidity of overlying air (lower RH, higher Evap) • windspeed (higher W, higher Evap) “Sea Smoke” Latent Heat Flux: Evaporation (forming water vapor) at sea surface Very important in heat transfer from ocean to atmosphere Very important for Hurricanes Again to the Deep Let’s return to consideration of deepwater mass circulation How does heat transport work to produce deepwater circulation? What is the pattern of deepwater movement through the ocean? How long, on average does this passage take? Ocean Water Temperatures Average temperature curves for three general latitudinal zones: Polar, Temperate, and Tropical Surface water masses are warmest in the tropics, coldest at the poles, as expected Below about 1000-1500 meters temperatures are uniformly low Global "Thermohaline" Circulation Circulation of ocean water driven by temperature and salinity differences The Ocean "Conveyor Belt" The "Conveyor" system is a very generalized view of the work done by surface and deep circulation in mass and heat transfer. Sinking of cold dense waters at high latitude Return of warm surface waters to replace them Details of the “Conveyor” in the N. Atlantic Red/orange--warm surface currents; blue/yellow--cool deep Global "Thermohaline" Circulation Circulation of ocean water driven by temperature and salinity differences General Principles of Ocean Circulation • Solar energy drives differential heating of the Earth's surface • This differential heating produces convection in the atmosphere, which, in turn produces winds • Ocean surface currents are driven primarily by the global wind system • Deep-water circulation is driven by temperature and salinity contrasts between water masses • These two systems work together to transfer mass and heat over the surface of the earth • The ocean does about 30 to 50% of the heat transport from low to high latitudes Ocean's Role in Energy Transfer and Climate Regulation Five key factors & processes 1) Reflection and Adsorption of Energy 2) Heat Redistribution 3) Heat Transfer to Atmosphere 4) Ocean is the main source of Water Vapor 5) Ocean is a reservoir (Longer-term "sink”) for carbon dioxide