PSY 782 - Proposal - Gallaudet University

CGE Proposal for Revised Graduate Course
Approved by CGE 11/03/09
This proposal includes change(s) to the following item(s) (please check all that apply):
☐ course number
X course title
X course credits
X catalog description
☐ prerequisites/co-requisites
☐ other: _________
__Prepare the syllabus and proposal according to CGE guidelines (seek advice from CGE
Curriculum Committee if needed). NB: Proposals for changing an existing elective course into a
required course must be accompanied by a CGE proposal for Graduate Program Change,
explaining how the revised course will be integrated into the overall program structure.
Prepare the Course Record Form carefully to ensure that all information is recorded correctly
(e.g. exact title of course, grading basis, number of credits, course fee, if any) and matches the
contents of the proposal and syllabus. The Registrar’s Office feeds information directly from this
form into the University database.
Submit the proposal packet (proposal, syllabus, Course Record Form and Signature (Routing)
Form) to your department chair for signature.
If the proposed course is part of the PEP Unit, submit the proposal packet to PEP-C for review
and signature on the Signature (Routing) Form.
Once your department chair and (if necessary) PEP-C have signed off, submit the proposal
packet to the Assistant Dean for Curriculum, Policy, and Operations, who will track its progress
through the remaining steps of the proposal review. Please note that at each step of the review
process, the proposal may be returned to you for revisions.
Once the proposal reaches CGE, the Assistant Dean will contact you for an electronic version
of the most recent syllabus and proposal, to be posted on the CGE website. Please be sure to
always include the current date in the filenames of your proposal and syllabus (eg.
The deadline for courses to be offered in the next Academic Year and appear in the course
catalog is February 15 of the current year, or the next business day. If you have any questions
about the CGE review process, please contact the CGE chair.
Proposals for courses requiring PEP-C review must complete item 15.0 at the end of this
proposal form. Proposals for 500-level courses must explicitly address differences in
requirements for graduate and undergraduate students wherever relevant (usually items 6.0 - 9.0.
11.0 and 14.0).
CGE Proposal for Revised Graduate Course
Approved by CGE 11/03/09
All numbered items below must be addressed for course modification. For items that are not
undergoing change, type Not Applicable. Items 1.0 through 6.0 identify components that are
binding; that is, once the course is approved, these components can be changed only by
submission of a Proposal for Graduate Course Change to the CGE Curriculum Committee.
1.0 Department
2.0 Course Number
2.1 Specify the current course number (even if it is not being changed).
2.2 Specify the revised course number. If the revised number is at a different course level
(700-level, 800-level, etc.) than the original, provide a brief rationale for this change.
3.0 Course Title
3.1 Specify the current course title (even if it is not being changed).
Clinical Psychology Ethics and Practice II
3.2 Specify the revised course title and provide a brief rationale for this change.
Foundations of Clinical Skills
4.0 Course Credits
4.1 List the number of credits that this course currently carries (even if it is not being
4.2 Describe the proposed change in credits for this course and provide a brief rationale for
this change. Note: The standard computation of credit is one (1) semester-hour per 50
minutes of instruction per week for an equivalent of fifteen (15) course meetings.
This course has historically required more time from students than the 2 credits it
carried. Assigning 3 credits allows students the time to practice important foundation skills
in the applied area of clinical psychology. It will require meeting in class 3 hours per
week, plus extensive readings outside of class, viewing of instructional videotapes, and
preparation of clinical reports.
CGE Proposal for Revised Graduate Course
Approved by CGE 11/03/09
4.2 If the modified course will include non-classroom instruction or lab sessions, or if the
credit hours vary in some way from the standard, provide an explanation.
4.3 If the modified course will carry variable credit (e.g., 1-3 hours), explain how this will be
utilized and determined.
5.0 Formal (Catalog) Description
5.1 Provide the formal description for this course as it appears in the most current Graduate
Catalog (even if it is not being changed).
This course sequence introduces clinical psychology doctoral students to professional practice in
clinical psychology. The two-semester sequence covers ethical and professional expectations and
guidelines, legal obligations of psychologists, and an overview of clinical practice settings and
the activities of psychologist in these settings and skills fundamental to clinical practice such as
clinical observation and interviewing. The first semester focuses primarily on adults, the second
on work with children and families. Cross-cultural issues in clinical practice are included in both
5.2 Provide the modified description for this course. Formal course descriptions must adhere
to length and style characteristics of college catalog listings, including pre-requisites, fees,
and any information regarding cross-listings if applicable. The description is to be written in
the third person and must appear exactly the same on the course syllabus as it does in the
catalog. If the changes to the course description are minimal, you may indicate text to be
deleted with strikeouts and text to be added with underlining.
This course focuses on clinical observations and interviewing skills, and is an introduction to the
practice of psychotherapy. The focus is on building skills for planning, initiating, conducting,
and evaluating therapeutic interventions with clients. Students will learn how to: conduct a
mental status evaluation; use semi-structured interviews; conduct open-ended interviews with
adults and children; and conduct behavioral observations. Emphasis is on the development of
skills necessary in the practice of clinical psychology.
6.0 Prerequisites
6.1 List the current prerequisites and/or co-requisites for this course (even if they are not
being changed).
Enrollment in the clinical psychology doctoral program.
List and provide a brief rationale for new prerequisites and/or co-requisites for this course.
6.2 If new prerequisites and/or co-requisites involve other departments of instruction,
provide evidence of acknowledgement and cooperation from these departments (eg.
letters of support).
CGE Proposal for Revised Graduate Course
Approved by CGE 11/03/09
7.0 Overlap with existing programs
If proposed course modification will lead to actual or apparent overlap with current course
offerings or impact other departments, provide evidence of consultation with those
departments (eg. letters stating that faculty of the other department has reviewed course
content of the proposed course and see no significant overlap).
No overlap is present and no other departments are affected by this change at it is solely for
student in the doctoral program in clinical psychology.
8.0 Grading System
If the grading system for this course is being changed from letter-grade to pass/fail, or vice
versa, provide a brief rationale.
9.0 Course Characteristics
9.1 If modification to this course will result in cross-listing (within one department or across
more than one department), provide a rationale for doing so and full documentation of steps
taken to assure such listings.
9.2 If this course is being modified to allow both undergraduate and graduate students,
provide a rationale for doing so and explain any differences in requirements for
undergraduate and graduate students.
9.3 If this course is being changed from an elective course to a required course or vice versa,
provide a rationale for doing so. Note: Proposals for changing an existing elective course to
a required course must be accompanied by a CGE proposal for Graduate Program Change.
9.4 Describe any shift in student-audience for this course. If substantial numbers of students
from outside the department are expected to enroll in this modified course, provide evidence
of support and cooperation from these departments in terms of enrollment and compatible
scheduling (eg. letters of support).
9.5 What is the anticipated starting date for the modified course? How frequently and in
which semester(s) will the modified course be offered in the future? How many sections of
this course will typically be offered simultaneously?
Fall 2013, offered every fall semester—one section.
CGE Proposal for Revised Graduate Course
Approved by CGE 11/03/09
Due to changes in course credit hours, students entering in the fall of 2013 will have 1
less credit hour expected in their overall program (100 credit-hours versus 101 currently).
10.0 Instructor
10.1 Briefly describe any modification to instructor competencies and qualifications to teach
this course, and provide a brief rationale.
No changes
10.2 Explain any modification to the typical arrangements for course instruction. Will the
course be taught by one particular faculty member? by various faculty? by a faculty team?
by department and/or non-departmental faculty?
No changes
11.0 Course Format and Procedures
Describe any modifications in how the course will be conducted, in terms of class meetings
and teaching procedures. For example, will the course be taught online only, or as a hybrid of
online and classroom meetings? Will the course incorporate lectures, discussions, lab
sessions, small-group or individualized instruction, practicum or field experiences, student
reports or projects, competency-based modules, or other types of instructional procedures?
Course will be a small-group class, as it currently is.
12.0 Evaluation of Course and Course Instructor
Describe any changes in how course instruction and the course itself will be evaluated,
including any long-term strategies for evaluating the course as part of the department
No changes from present.
13.0 Resources
Describe any immediate and future impact that modification of this course is likely to have
on the department's personnel, physical, and financial resources.
No additional resources are needed.
14.0 Alignment of proposed course goals with those of academic program
14.1 Program mission statement
The Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology has as its ultimate mission increasing the number
of psychologists with appropriate training in both the practice of psychology and understanding
deaf and hard of hearing people and their families. In a unique ASL/English Bilingual setting,
our aim is to train psychologists who 1) have an understanding of the science of psychology and
its research and analytic methods; 2) are skilled in the theory, methods, and research of practice
in clinical psychology; and 3) are knowledgeable about the languages and cultures of deaf, hard
CGE Proposal for Revised Graduate Course
Approved by CGE 11/03/09
of hearing, and hearing people and appreciate their great diversity. By way of this training, the
scientific knowledge base of psychology and Deaf people will expand through the research and
scholarly work of graduate students, program graduates, and faculty.
14.2 Program Student Learning Outcomes
List the student learning outcomes for your academic program.
1. Graduates will have an understanding of the Science of Psychology and of
Research/analytic methods.
1.1 Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of methods & content in core areas
of psychology, including human development, biological aspects, social aspects,
cognitive, & affective aspects, and the history of the discipline.
1.2 Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of techniques of research and data analysis to
be able to critique, to plan, and to conduct research projects.
2. Graduates will be familiar with research, theory, and methods of practice in clinical
2.1 Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of both normal and pathological
2.2 Graduates will demonstrate clinical assessment skills and will be able to apply
theoretical, clinical, and research-based information to practical assessment questions.
2.3 Graduates will demonstrate skills in psychotherapy and psychological interventions
and be able to apply clinical, theoretical, and research-based knowledge to psychotherapy
2.4 Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of ethical and professional problems and their
2.5 Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge of cultures other than their own
and be able to apply clinical information to multicultural settings.
3. Graduates will be competent to work with Deaf and Hard of Hearing as well as
hearing clients
3.1 Graduates will demonstrate the communication skills needed for effective clinical
services to deaf and hard of hearing clients.
3.2 Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of deaf people and implications for
individual, family, and community life.
3.3 Graduates will demonstrate competency in clinical services with both deaf and
hearing individuals.
14.3 Course Student Learning Outcomes
List the Student Learning Outcomes for the modified course. Then in table format, using
the template provided below, list the learning outcomes and show how the course and
program SLOs align by placing checks in the appropriate cells.
1. The student will be able to demonstrate introductory level skills in observing behavior in
clinical situations or settings.
2. The student will be able to demonstrate skills in designing and conducting clinical
interviews, including both structured and unstructured with adults and children.
CGE Proposal for Revised Graduate Course
Approved by CGE 11/03/09
3. The student will be able to demonstrate skills in reporting (i.e., written and verbal)
clinical information obtained during the clinical interview process.
4. The student will be able to demonstrate introductory level competency in therapeutic
critical thinking.
5. Develop and demonstrate an introductory understanding of cultural competency, as well
as culturally sensitive/appropriate skills and practices for work with diverse populations,
particularly Deaf populations.
14.4 Learning Opportunities
Briefly describe the Learning Opportunities (e.g., assignments, projects, activities, reports,
field experiences, etc.) designed to achieve the course Student Learning Outcomes. List them
in table format, using the template provided below, and state how they will be assessed
(e.g., what assessment methods will be used?).
14.5 Assessment Methods
Attach assessment tools used in this course (include grading scales, rubrics, checklists, etc.)
to the syllabi accompanying this proposal. Do not attach them to the proposal itself.
2.2, 2.3,
readings; in
class skills
Assessment of
The student will be able
to demonstrate skills in
designing and
conducting clinical
interviews, including
both structured and
unstructured with adults
and children.
2.2, 2.3,
n in class
l trips.
Skills-practice rubric;
Attendance in class and
monitoring of
The student will be able
to demonstrate skills in
reporting (i.e., written
and verbal) clinical
information obtained
during the clinical
n; two
Written report rubric.
The student will be able
to demonstrate
introductory level skills
in observing behavior in
clinical situations or
Skills practice rubric;
Interviews rubric;
CGE Proposal for Revised Graduate Course
Approved by CGE 11/03/09
interview process.
The student will be able
to demonstrate
introductory level
competency in
therapeutic critical
2.5, 3.3
Develop and
demonstrate an
understanding of
cultural competency, as
well as culturally
skills and practices for
work with diverse
populations, particularly
Deaf populations.
n; in-class
Skills-practice rubric;
Presentation rubric.
Monitoring of class
n; in-class
Skills-practice rubric;
Presentation rubric.
Monitoring of class