1. Obj. 4.02

Sports and Entertainment Marketing 1
Marion Howard, Instructor
Dress for Success is Thursday,
November 10, 2011 Dress for
Success is Thursday, November 10,
2011 Dress for Success is Thursday,
November 10, 2011!!!!
Dress for Success Guidelines
Objective 4.02:
The Student Will Be Able to:
(1) Explain the approach
(2) Determine the needs of the customer
(3) Explain product presentation and demonstration
(4) Overcome objections
(5) Explain closing the sale
(6) Explain suggestion selling
(7) Explain relationship marketing
Essential Question:
How would you apply the steps of a sale to a sports/entertainment product?
Answer the following questions:
1. What condition exist when Best Buy does not have enough copies of The Lion King video to
satisfy the demand of all its customers?
2, When a product is a necessity, demand is_?
3. The degree to which demand for a product is affected by its price is known as_?
4. Describe feature-benefit selling?
5. What are the three basic economic questions?
6. What type of economy exist when the government answers the three basic economic
7. A corporation that is taxed like a sole proprietorship and is limited to 35 or less shareholder is
8. What kind of competition does a discount theater use to attract customers?
9. Converting dough, tomato sauce, cheese and pepperoni into pizza is an example of which type
of utility?
10. What type of competition considers customer service, business reputation and business
location most important?
Save your warm-up in your documents folder. Using your E-pals email
account, email today's warm-up to me as an attachment.
Today's Activities:
1. Read the reading notes for Obj. 4.02.
2. Using the reading notes "Section A - Explain the Approach" as a resource, do the following
Write an example for each of the three approaches (greeting, service, merchandise) to
share with the class.
3. Skim Obj. 4.02 reading notes/content outline sections A-E. Each section represents a
"step" in the sales process. There are seven steps in the sales process. Now complete
ladder activity.
Objective 4.02:
The Student Will Be Able to:
(1) Explain the approach
(2) Determine the needs of the customer
(3) Explain product presentation and demonstration
(4) Overcome objections
(5) Explain closing the sale
(6) Explain suggestion selling
(7) Explain relationship marketing
Warm-Up: Go to elements and complete the warm-up.
1st Period Test ID: 8530722802
3rd Period Test ID: 8472322802
Today's Activities:
1. Obj. 4.02 - We will complete a cooperative activity (as a class)
on the steps of a sale.
Objective: 4.03
The Student Will Be Able to:
(1) understand the cash drawer
(2) complete a sales transaction
(3) identify types of retail sales
(4) explain the cost of merchandise sold
(5) explain the difference between profit and markup
The student will able to do this by applying what they have read
to a series of questions related to the sale of sports and
entertainment products.
Review Obj. 4.03 Reading Notes
2. You will copy all formulas to index cards.
Warm-Up: Go to: www.quizlet.com and complete the following:
1. "scatter" activity.
2. Flashcards activity
Objective: 4.03
The Student Will Be Able to:
(1) understand the cash drawer
(2) complete a sales transaction
(3) identify types of retail sales
(4) explain the cost of merchandise sold
(5) explain the difference between profit and markup
The student will able to do this by applying what they have read
to a series of questions related to the sale of sports and
entertainment products.
Today's Activities:
1. Copy all formulas to index cards
2. Using the formulas on your index cards, complete the math
Complete the following;
*Remember that Dress for Success is Tomorrow!!!!!
Warm-Up: Go to Quizlet and enter SEM 1 Obj. 4.02 in the search engine.
1. Review the flashcards for Obj. 4.02
2. Complete the scatter activity for Obj. 4.02
Objective: 4.03
The Student Will Be Able to:
(1) understand the cash drawer
(2) complete a sales transaction
(3) identify types of retail sales
(4) explain the cost of merchandise sold
(5) explain the difference between profit and markup
Today's Activities:
1. Complete the Marketing Math Worksheet below.
2. Complete the sales tax quiz below .
Go to quizlet and take the test: SEM 1 Obj 4.02
Using your epals account, email me your score. If your score is 100%, print a copy, put
your name and today's date on it and place it in the basket.
Today's Activities:
I will check your documents folder today. Please have assignments up to date for credit.
Warm-Up: Go to elements and take the quiz on Obj. 4.02. Test ID: 1st Period 8530723331
Test ID: 2nd Period 8472323331
Today's Activities:
1. Complete the Unit Project below:
Warm-Up: Go to elements and complete the warm-up. Test ID: 1st Period 8530723497
3rd Period 8472323497
Today's Activities:
1. Complete the Unit Project for Obj. 4.00 from yesterday. Be prepared to make your
presentation to the class.
PSAT Tests will be administered during 1st and 2nd Periods Today!!
3rd Period SEM 1 ONLY:
Today you may work on any unfinished work, take make-up tests, or any
other class related assignment that you need to work on!!!!!!!
Please make good use of your time!!!!! THIS
Warm-Up: Go to quizlet and complete the scatter game. Enter SEM 1 Obj. 4.03
in the search engine.
Today's Activities:
1. Complete the power point presentations on Unit 4.0 Project "Rolling Hills
Golf Club"
2. Students will present their individual power point slides on Unit 4.0 project.
Warm-Up: Go to quizlet and review the flashcards for SEM 1 Obj. 4.02 for the
warm-up for today.
Today's Activities:
1. Students will continue to present their individual power point slides on Unit 4.0 Project.
Students who did not finish on yesterday will finish today. ALL POWERPOINT
Warm-Up: Go to quizlet and (1) review the flashcards for SEM 1 Obj. 4.03. Then, complete the
test for SEM 1 Obj 4.03. The goal is to make 100% on the test
Today's Activities:
1. Using a product of your choice, you will create a skit on the first and second steps of a sale.
Please make two copies of the skit, one for you and one for the other person who will perform
the skit with you.
Email me a copy of the skit.
2. You and one other person (classmate of your choice) will perform a role play from the skit
you created in the above activity.
Warm-Up: Students who did not present their skits yesterday will do so for the warm-Up.
Today's Activities:
Using the skit that you developed yesterday, you will now expand the skit to include the 3rd and
4th steps of a sale.
Email me your updated skits. Be sure to put "10-18-11Updated Skit" in the subject Line. Be
prepared to role-play your skit with a classmate (your choice).
Warm-Up: Prepare to present your expanded skits that include steps 3 and 4 today. You will
email me your skits (If you have not already done so) during the warm-up time.
Today's Activities:
1. Selected students (randomly selected) will Role-Play their skits with a classmate of their
choice. These skits include steps 1-4 of a sale.
2. Students will complete their skits to include steps 5-7. At this point the skits will include the
complete selling process, steps 1-7. You should email me your skits using the directions below:
Warm-up: go to quizlet and complete the space race game for SEM Obj. 4.02. Email me your
Today's Activities:
1. Students will complete the selling role-play below: You will have 10 minutes to prepare for
the role-play and 10 minutes to complete the role-play. Students will be called on at random to
perform the role-play.
Warm-up: We will start our review for the mid-term exam. You will need to pair up with a
partner to answer the questions on the mid term Study Guide.
Today's Activities:
With your partner, answer as many questions on the mid-term study guide as possible. You will
get one (1 pt.) for each correct answer.
Warm-up and Today's Activities: Go to elements and complete the SEM 1 Mid Term Review
1 Practice test. There are 86 questions on the test
1st Period Test ID: 8530725250
3rd Period Test ID: 8472325356
The goal is to make at least 80%. You may re-take the test if you don't meet the goal.
After you meet the goal of 80%, you may complete any unfinished work in your documents
folder for credit.
1. Please clear your desktops of all material including personal items.
2. Turn all cell phones off and put them away.
3. You will go to elements and take the exam.
1st Period Test ID:8531525432
3rd Period Test ID: 8472325356
4. If you have a question, please raise your hand.
When you have finished your exam, please sit quietly in your seat until the exam period is
Do your best on the exam!!!!!
Extra Credit Opportunity!!!!!!!!!!
If you did not do as well as you should/could have on the Mid-Term Exam, you may do the
following to increase your score:
1. Write a five-paragraph essay on three objectives or three things you have learned this
semester and turn it in for credit.
2. Choose 5 assignments that you did this quarter, that you did really well on and email
them to me as extra credit.
Put in the subject line "Mid-Term Extra Credit"
Warm-Up and Today's Activities:
1. Update your documents folder.
2. Complete any unfinished work.
3. Choose 10 assignments from your documents folder that you would like to have included
in your grade. Be sure that they are completed and correctly done.
These 10 assignments will comprise your assignment grade for this quarter. Choose
wisely. Email me your assignments. Put in the email subject line "Quarter Assignments."
Be sure to properly label your work with your name, date, Objective and the activity
number or title of activity.
4. Write a 5 paragraph essay on each Competency we have covered this quarter (1.00, 2.00, 3.00,
4.00). These essays will help increase your grade for this quarter! Take advantage of this
Warm-Up and Today's Activities:
1. Be sure that you have emailed me the 10 selected assignments from your documents folder
that you want to have for your assignment grade
for this quarter. My epals email is full, so use this alternate email address to send your
assignments to: marion4163@yahoo.com
2. Put in the subject line "Quarter Assignments."
3. Be sure that you have properly labeled all your work.
4. Finish your 5 paragraph essays on each of the four competencies that we have covered this
quarter (1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00). These essays will
help increase your grades. This is an excellent opportunity for you to show what you know. You
may use the reading notes as a resource.
5. Please do your best!
1st Quarter Ends