
12. Lecture: ERP of new generation
The contents
CRM - care of the consumer
Functional filling of the concept CRM
The main making CRM-systems
Planning of resources of the enterprise synchronized with the
requirements and expectations of the buyer
New consumer value
Building of new mutual relation: focus on the buyer, instead
of on a product
Overall objective - "integration" of the buyer
Use of open technologies
Methodology SCM: a key to the coordinated business
Control questions and tasks
" Business of business - not only to make the goods, but also to
win and to keep the buyer "
" To know the buyer is a new sight that it is necessary to do now
Peter Draker
12.1. CRM - care of the consumer
Within last several years we experience the present boom of the
concept of management of mutual relation with the client
(Customer Relationship Management - CRM). This concept today
became the important tool in hands of the businessman or owner
of own business caring about the future of the company. Concept
is simple: instead of care of the consumers - care of the
Consumer, and about each of them individually.
The collected and process able information on the client (history
of his purchases, tastes, need and preference) is used more
precisely to specify the offers to the concrete client, which he will
accept from the large share of probability. It is natural, that at
presence of constantly growing number of the "friendly" clients the
similar approach can be realized only on the basis of application
of modern information technologies.
12.2. Traditional marketing
In traditional marketing focused on consumer weight and realizing
the classical formula " a product - positioning - progress - the cost
/ price ", there is no necessity for interaction with the concrete
buyer, differentiation of concrete groups of the consumers,
definition of individual requirements of the clients. It would be
possible approve , as for the concept CRM the introduction of
new technologies is not represented obligatory.
The table 12.1. Comparison of the various marketing
1. Concept
1.1. Task
2. Identification
2.1. Identification of the client
2.2. Is impracticable
1.2. Traditional marketing
1.3. Concept CRM
2.3. Profile of the person of the
1.4. Technological decisions
2.4. Cookies and person of a
structure of the Web-client
3. Differentiation
3.1. Estimation of the client and his needs
3.2. Cluster differentiation
3.3. Analysis личностного of a level
3.4. Information проходка and analyst
4. Interaction
4.1. Creation of long-term mutual relation
4.2. Telephone Call-centre
4.3. Automated Call-centre
4.4. Internet - appendix and WAP-telephony
5. Person
5.1. Realization of requirements of the client
5.2. Sale / service
5.3. Automation of sales and marketing
5.4. ERP and electronic commerce
3.Concept CRM
3.Concept CRM
3.Concept CRM
The majority of corporate services and divisions - marketing,
planning of manufacture, client service of support, territorial
divisions of sales and service of service should be involved in
realization of the CRM-concept. The contacts to the client should
be carried out constantly in a straight line or to the
intermediary form. For reflection of ways of interaction with the
client in the concept CRM the special concept " a point of contact "
is entered.
12.3. Control system of interaction with the clients
Control system of interaction with the clients is target corporate
information CRM-system or subsystem which is included in ERPsystem. It is intended for improvement of service of the clients by
preservation of the information about the clients, history of mutual
relation with the clients, establishment and improvement of
business - procedures on the basis of the kept information and
subsequent estimation of their efficiency.
Its basic principles are those:
1. Presence of uniform storehouse of the information, whence all
items of information on all cases of interaction with the clients at
any moment are accessible;
2. Synchronization of management of multiple channels of
interaction (there are organizational procedures, which regulate
use of this system and information in each division of the
3. Constant analysis of the assembled information about the
clients and acceptance of the appropriate organizational decisions
- for example, "sorting" of the clients on the basis of their
importance for the company.
Thus, this approach means, that at any interaction with the
client on any channel , the complete information on all mutual
relation with the clients is accessible to the employee of
organization and the decision is accepted on its basis, and the
information on the decision, in turn, too is kept and is accessible
at all subsequent interactions.
12.4. Classification opportunities of CRM-system on
functions and levels of processing of the information
We classify opportunities of CRM-system on functions and
levels of processing of the information. On functions it is possible
to group blocks of processes: marketing, processing of the
applications and wishes, sales, service.
As separate components usually allocate:
1. Call-centres - centres of processing of entering calls. Originally
it were the calls, recently all channels of interaction here are
2. Classification by functions of processing of the information:
Operative function - registration and operative access to the
primary information on sections of a database:
2.1. Event,
2.2. Company,
2.3. Projects,
2.4. Contacts,
2.5. Documents and so on;
3. Analytical function - reporting on the primary data and most
important - deeper analysis of the information in various sections
(funnel of sales, analysis of results of marketing measures,
analysis of efficiency of sales in a section of products, segments
of the clients, regions and so on );
4. The cooperation function - organization of close interaction
with the ultimate users and clients, down to influence of the client
on internal processes of the company (interrogations for change
of qualities of a product or about service, Web-page for
observation by the clients of a condition of the order, notice on
SMS about transactions are carried out under the bank account,
opportunity for the client collects and to order in a mode of
real time, for example, automobile or computer from accessible
blocks and options etc.)
12.5. Till 1993 the market CRM
Till 1993 the market CRM consists of two basic directions automation of the trade representatives (Sales Force
Automation - SFA) and the customer service (Customer
Service - CS). The primary purpose of the automated control
systems of territorial sales was, that the trade representatives
should can operate " points of contact " of the customer, and
also work with the plan of sales, coordinated with a calendar.
Then similar systems enriched by introduction of function of
management of opportunities, that, in practice, meant support of
tactics and methodology of sales, accepted in the company, and
also meant opportunity of interrelation with other divisions of the
company, for example, with a customer support service .
Till 2000 CRM-systems, as a rule, were "one side"- so-called "
managers of contacts ", system of support of marketing measures
or system for automation of service services.
The period with 2000 for 2005, Gartner Group connects to the
first wave of formation of joint business of the companies with the
consumers - joint commerce (Collaborative Commerce). It is
characterized by adjustment of interaction of the companies
with their constant partners through Internet. Such interaction
means granting to the external users of much wider access to the
corporate information and consequently it should be based on
principles of a guarantee of safety and trust to the partner, and
also on the coordinated rules of work.
12.7. 2005-2007 years became time of the second wave
Collaborative Commerce
2005-2007 years became time of the second wave of
Collaborative Commerce, based on the even greater openness
of ERP-systems. The leading manufacturers began to create the
user interfaces for the ERP-systems, the electronic trade
platforms B2C have appeared, it is formed the new infrastructure
for business dealing (for example it is formed, on the basis of
corporate Web-services in architecture .Net). In this case, as
against the first wave, the speech goes about interactions " many
- to much ". The enterprises will cooperate not only with the
constant partners, but also with all members of business community.
Practically all modern CRM-systems have received
opportunities both levels of processing and representation of the
information - processing and storage: data in collective
storehouses, development of bases of knowledge, Internetdecision for interactive interaction with the client by means of
corporate порталов. For an example it is possible to specify
the module " a Functional contour " Corporate portal " of
software Axapta (Microsoft Business Solutions) .
12.8. MS Axapta - scaled system for the average and large
MS Axapta is the scaled system for the average and large
enterprises, corporations and the holding structures, giving the
uniform integrated decision, which is directed on improve of
management and optimization of business.
Axapta is a powerful technological platform: its modules
are delivered with an open initial code, it includes integrated
environment of development (Morph X) and own object-guided
programming language (Х ++), optimized for a spelling of the
business - applications. With the help of the specified tools it is
possible both to modify existing business - logic, and to build new
This multifunctional ERP-decision covers business of the
company as a whole, including manufacture and distribution,
management of chains of deliveries (SCM) and projects,
financial management and means of the business - analysis,
management of mutual relation with the clients (CRM) and
management of the personnel. Powerful functions of system
reduces time and charges, spent on creation, expansion and
subsequent operation of the decision considerably.
12.9. Functional filling of the concept CRM
On classification of the Centre of study of information technologies
and organizations of the Californian University of CRM-system
can include the following set of functions:
1. Management of contacts - support of the information about
the client and history of contacts with him ; can include the
information on points circles of sales or periodicity of updating
клиентских of stocks by the production;
2. The management of activity - gives a calendar and business
diary for the trade representatives working " in a field ";
3.The management of communication - is expressed in the
independent program module, answering for transfer the
information with use of the modem or the mobile telephone, its
safety and replication;
3.The management of communication - is expressed in the
independent program module, answering for transfer the
information with use of the modem or the mobile telephone, its
safety and replication;
4.The forecasting - gives the information on the perspective
plans of sales, and also forecasts of research organizations or
data of marketing researches of divisions of the company;
5.Management of opportunities - management of the inducing
factors of attraction of the potential clients;
6. Management of the orders - reception of the information
about presence of the goods in a warehouse and accommodation
of the orders on delivery or production in an online-mode;
7. Management of the documentation - development and
introduction of the standards both adjusted reports and
information-promotional materials;
8.The analysis of sales - granting of analytical opportunities for
data processing about sales;
9. Configuration of a product - storage of the information about
alternative products and their price characteristics;
10. The encyclopedia of marketing - gives the updated
information on products, prices, publicities, results of researches
(напр. The factors rendering influence on acceptance of the
decision on purchase) and the information on the competitors.
12.10. Custom service
Custom the service acts on a stage as the factor of after selling
mutual relation with the client. Its purpose is the fast and
effective decision of external and internal problems of the client.
Giving the fast and exact scenario of the decision custom of
problems, the company can save the charges and increase
feeling of satisfaction of the client and his fidelity to the chosen
supplier and, as a consequence, - income.
Concrete definition of directions custom of service the CRMsystem is served with the following subsystems of management:
1. Management of the centre of processing access of the clients:
Provides the automated processing of the arrived inquiry;
2.It collects, generalizes, analyzes the responses of the clients
for an estimation execution of activity, check quality and
perfection of production;
3. Management of service on places:
3.1.Distributes, nominates and supervises the people with the
appropriate skills and materials for service of needs of the client;
3.2. Registers materials, charges and time connected to service of
the client;
3.3. Gives a history of mutual custom relation;
3.4. Offers the justified and checked up decisions by creation and
maintenance of base of knowledge;
The modern CRM-systems unite all tools, having relations to
contacts to the custom and supported by information
technologies: a control system of territorial sales, system custom
support, control system of marketing and sales, and also
management of contacts and activity.
12.11. Main making CRM-systems
The program decisions directed on perfection of administrative
processes at realization to the concept CRM, as a rule, include
the following modules:
1. Cooperating CRM-subsystems of the separate territorial
divisions of the distributed company;
2. Analytical and marketing program modules;
3. Electronic catalogues and management by them;
4. System of registration of the orders in a mode online with the
help of the appropriate Web-services, on-line exhibiting of the
accounts and opportunity to pay them with the help of credit cards
or " of electronic purses ".
As the specified program decisions, built in ERP-system and
continuing its external environment, are complex enough,
there are quite natural questions: " As far as the system is
effective? ", whether " the feedback from complex and expensive
information system is great? ", whether " It is necessary to spend
time for it, efforts and money? ". It is possible once again to
specify it, that focus of the concept CRM is the consumer. The
struggle for the custom makes essence of the market, and it will
proceed, while there are market relations.
From the point of view of economic benefit it is much more
cheaply to support mutual relation with the constant buyer, than
to find a little new:
1. According to a Pareto principle and on the basis of processing
custom of the orders and access it is possible to show, that about
eighty percents of the income of the company is provided
with twenty percents of its constant custom;
2. On sales of the industrial goods more than ten on the average
advertising access to the new potential buyers are required to
sell a commodity unit, and only 2-3 straight lines access to the
already existing loyal custom;
3.The increase of a share of the constant buyers at 5 % is
expressed in general increase of volumes of sales more than on
25 %;
4. To conclude the bargain with the already available client it
is easier and more cheaply, than to achieve same bargain with
the new buyer;
5.The average client, disappointed with the supplier, tells about
his sufferings to ten familiar.
One of the main problems at creation and support of similar
system of mutual relation is the task of maintenance of integrity
and safety of the information about the clients. The company
aspiring for more effective interaction with the client to collect a
maximum of the information on him , should take care of nondistribution of these data (Client Information Privacy).
2.12. Question of the collection of the information
The question of the collection of the information of private
character not so is simple, as it can seem from the first sight. Till
now there is no uniform opinion, on what information can be used
in the business - purposes, and what information use is
inadmissible, even if the client has given access to it.
The basic procedures required from the company for protection
private custom of the information, include:
1. Notice of the client on the purposes of the collection of the
information about him) and its subsequent use;
2. The refusal of the client of an establishment of mutual
relation of similar character, that, however, does not mean
reduction of his value for the company, in case of long and fruitful
mutual relation with him ;
3. Opportunity for the client of viewing of the information about
him and updating of the information which is not concerning
internal procedures of the company (system of ratings, comment
of the contact persons and so on);
4. Real protection against access of the extraneous persons to
the information of private character.
The measures, spent with the purposes of protection of the private
information on the client, raise a level of the confidential relations
between the company and its clients.
2.13. Process of introduction CRM
The process of introduction CRM requires long efforts on the part
of department of information technologies. Really, the application
CRM is a continuous process, therefore workers of ITdepartments should closely cooperate with business - divisions
(planning, marketing, orders, sale, delivery) to be ready to
constant support of system and to direct the efforts to
maintenance of uninterrupted functioning of the program
appendices and structures of the data.
At purchase of the ready decision always it is necessary to take
into account, what software of a class will ensure most rational
"continuation" of existing ERP-system in custom environment
(table 12.2).
1. Format of a CRMproduct
1.1. The box decision
1.2. Integrated
1.3. Module in ERPsystem
2. Cost
2.1. 5000-10000 rub. For a
2.2. 15000-50000 rub. For a
2.3. From 50000 rub. And is
1. Format of a CRMproduct
1.1 The box decision
1.2. Integrated decision
1.3. Module in ERP-system
3. Minuses
3.1. Weak integration with other
appendices, weak tuning, necessity
3.2. Weak presence in the Russian
3.3. High cost and terms of
introduction of system, which part
is the CRM-module
1. Format of a CRMproduct
1.1 The box decision
4. Pluses
4.1. Low cost of possession; ease
of introduction and training
1.2. Integrated decision
4.2. Building in all IT-structure of
the company, powerful functions;
flexible tuning under business processes
4.3. Absence of necessity of
integration with other appendices;
initially uniform information
environment for all divisions of the
1.3. Module in ERP-system
1. Format of a CRMproduct
1.1 The box decision
1.2. Integrated decision
1.3. Module in ERPsystem
5. Structure of the user
5.1. Company of small business.
Quantity of the managers - no more
than 5-10, small volumes of the
information, there is no necessity to
connect about a CRM-product by other
5.2. Company of average business.
Quantity of the managers - 10-500,
large flows of the information on the
clients, one of the requirements integration in IT-structure
5.3. Large industrial companies and
холдинги. Quantity of the managers thousand. The automation of all
processes, transparency of work of all
enterprise as a whole is necessary.
12.14. Investment in CRM
The investments in CRM are the investments in the long-term
relations with the clients, and the process of compensation of the
enclosed means will depend on, as far as effective model of
mutual relation "supplier - client" you will create. It is necessary
clearly to understand, that CRM is completely not cheap, simple
and fast, but always perspective decision.
By the end ХХ of century globalization of economy, deleting of
state borders, free moving of the goods growing competition,
occurrence of legislative bases in the field of quality of production
have resulted to satisfaction of demand and realization of
required quality.
For business there were new key questions: " Will the buyer
found the decision on purchase on what criterion ? ", “what
basis will the manufacturers compete? ", " Is it possible to
reduce unproductive costs on a new stage of a competition? "
12.15. New consumer value
The formula of a competition resulted the manufacturers of the
last decade in necessity, first of all, to focus attention on
improvement of quality of a product and reduction of its cost.
Per 1990 years the rigid competitive struggle was concentrated
around of manufacture without defects and deliveries " precisely
in time " (Just in Time - JIT), and its strengthening has forced
the manufacturers to search for the decisions on improvement
and acceleration of production. They directed the resources how
to make a product better, is cheaper and quickly, and how to
improve industrial efficiency
Today much things has changed. Adequately to answer
questions: whether " Do you know the buyer? Whether " and "
does you know precisely, that the buyer wants ? ", the careful
study of the buyers - their requirements and preferences is
required. The most successful manufacturers of last decade of
the last century have found out, that the information on the
concrete buyer and realities of the market is not so simple to
reduce together and is not so easily to apply to increase of
efficiency of business.
12.16. The tendencies of the market are complex and are
The basic difficulty, as has appeared, was, that the industrial
efficiency can be determined, is simulated, is measured and is
achieved, and the tendencies of the market are so complex ) and
are dynamical, that they are difficult enough for measuring, and
it is even more difficult - adequately to predict.
The industrial efficiency was result of the theory, practice and
experience of management of business of last decade. The
fastest and predicted way of improvement of industrial parameters
is an increase of value of a product for the consumer (new
opportunities of a science new technical decisions) and reduction
of cost of a product by reduction of costs or transformation of
manufacture (use new resorse saving and information
technologies) for creation of new value of a product.
The experience shows, that the industrial efficiency can give
short-term benefit, but in the long-term plan industrial methods
and the technologies can be picked quickly up and are repeated
by the competitors. Improvement of manufacture, wide circulation
of technologies and best practice of organization of business
make any technological superiority by the temporary factor of
The essence of a competition has changed : industrial efficiency
is not define the long-term success in the market .
But it is the old purpose - to involve new and to keep a the
interested buyers.
12.17. The criterion of a choice has changed
The criterion of a choice has changed, effective earlier factors price and quality - any more do not determine a choice. The
buyer searches not simply for goods – he searches for a
product, which satisfies to a specific set of the requirements in
concrete time.
The new tools are necessary for realization of the changed
requirements. As a result of it the new model of business planning of resources, synchronized with the buyer (Customer
Synchronized Relationship Planning - CSRP) has appeared
which in the large degree determines activity of the enterprise
on creation of a concrete product necessary " here and now " to
the concrete consumer.
The application of ERP-systems becomes the standard approach
to perfection of a control system of the enterprise. The
manufacturers, which hope to be a success at a growing
competition in the market, should actively use ERP simply to
correspond to industrial efficiency of the competitors.
12.18. Administrative systems of a MRP/ERP class
It is ever more and more manufacturers, the administrative
systems of a class MRP/ERP are introduced , but, they any
more do not give clean and long competitive advantage. The
production efficiency always remains by the important factor of
competitiveness, but now it is obviously not enough .
Use ERP practically is always focused on internal processes.
The ERP-technologies optimize operation of business, reception
of the orders, planning of manufacture, purchase of raw material
and furnishing products, manufacture, delivery, - that is in the
majority the internal operations. But if the competitive advantage
now is defined by dynamical creation and delivery of consumer
value, existing ERP-model is unsufficient. The manufacturers
should expand rules of game and include the new player - buyer
- on all extent of life cycle of a product.
12.19. Industrial efficiency and creation of new consumer
The most powerful tools of production management and in the our
century are under construction on the basis of a nucleus ERP,
but are necessarily focused on integration with the buyers. The
system of effective planning of manufacture has two focuses - on
industrial efficiency and on creation of new consumer value. Such
value is created, because the methodology CSRP includes
complete life cycle - from definition necessary functions and
designing of the future product, in view of the requirements of the
customer, up to guarantee and to service after sale. This new
paradigm of planning also is " planning of resources synchronized
with the buyer " - CSRP.
Three key for business of a question: " What products will the
buyer require during a near future? ", " What improvement of
production will create competitive advantages? " And " If styles,
tastes and the preferences of the buyers vary with growing speed,
how it is possible to receive the critical information on the market?
" It is required to apply more and more effective technologies of
interaction with the consumer.
12.20. To integrate the requirements and expectations of the
buyers with business - planning
The answer is simple - to integrate the requirements and
expectations of the buyers with business - planning and system of
support of execution of activity of the company in a mode of real
The answer is simple - to integrate the requirements and
expectations of the buyers with business - planning and system of
support of execution of activity of the company in a mode of real
The methodology CSRP uses checked up, integrated functions of
ERP-systems and redirect industrial planning from manufacture to
the buyer. CSRP gives effective methods and appendices for
creation of products with the increased value for the buyer.
For introduction of CSRP-technology it is necessary:
1. To optimize industrial activity , having constructed an effective
industrial infrastructure on a basis ERP;
2. To integrate the buyer and divisions, focused on the buyer, of
organization with the basic planning and industrial divisions;
3. To introduce open technologies to create a technological
infrastructure, which can support integration of the buyers,
suppliers and appendices of production management.
12.21. First step in CSRP
First step in CSRP is to achieve industrial efficiency by
introduction of technology of planning of manufacture in view of
wishes of the consumer. It is especially important in branches,
where a style and tastes of the consumers, and also the
achievement of a science and fast development of technologies
dictate necessity of often change of models and nomenclature of
The examples can be served motor industry, microelectronics,
systems of communication, development of software,
achievement in area nano technologies and so on . Why then at
construction new paradigm the old methods are applied? Why
have not refused practice of use the standard ERP for the sake
of other new methods of business dealing?
There are two reasons.
The reason first. The approaches of production managements
based on ERP, work - and in a number of branches work not
bad. Planning of resources of the enterprise - repeatedly checked
up methodology, using a reliable set of applied tools, which was
successfully applied last two decades.
ERP works because connects performance of the basic
operations by business - logic and provides a repeated set
corrected also of procedures. The processing of the orders is
connected to planning of manufacture, and the scheduled needs
are automatically transferred to process of purchase and selling.
Cost of production and financial account automatically are
changed , and critical information on operations, profit of
production, results of activity of divisions and so on become
accessible in real time. The methodology is established regular,
is measured . After introduction of such methodology of business,
the process of its improvement can be determined, can be
executed and can be repeated on a predicted basis.
The reason second. The approach on base ERP is based on
action. The activity of the enterprise is determined by process of
manufacture. It is a good starting point for association of activity
of the buyers. It is especially correct, if the manufacturer has the
introduced ERP applications and processes, which are
focused on engineering " manufactures under the order ". If such
engineering is used in ERP, there is a real ability quickly to
create the unique list of components and appropriate industrial
procedures for performance of the unique order of the buyer.
12.22. Overall objective - "integration" of the buyer
The synchronization of inquiries both interests of the buyer and
departments of organization, focused on work with the buyer, with
the executive and planning centre of the company provides
ability to reveal favorable opportunities for creation of distinctions,
supporting a competition.
The requirement flexibly to correct manufacture for the account of
the requirements of the buyers inserts in real time in systems of
daily planning and manufactures forces the chiefs of the
enterprises to pay attention not only "HOW" to take into account
the critical grocery and market factors and "WHAT" to make, but
for "WHOM" to do it.
CSRP redefines practice of business, focusing it on market
activity, and changes demand, instead of on industrial activity,
planned month and more ago. Thus the business - processes are
synchronized not only with the requirements, but also with
expectations of the buyers.
The manufacturers, focusing activity on interaction with the buyer,
and not just on manufacture, can create advantages by
development of the system approach to an estimations:
1. What products to make;
2. What services to offer;
3. At what new markets to be aimed.
12.23. CSRP is a business - methodology
CSRP is a business - methodology, which transfers that part of
activity of the enterprise, which is focused on the buyer, in the
centre of a control system of business. The concept CSRP
establishes methodology of business dealing, based on the
current information on the buyer (requirement), and on the
forecasts of its expectation . CSRP moves together focus of the
enterprise from planning from needs of manufacture to planning
from the orders of the buyers.
The activity on industrial planning not simply extends, and will
be reorganized with inclusion of inquiries of the buyers,
transferred from divisions to organization, focused on work with
the clients. For example, the process of processing of the orders
is redefined. The processing of the orders extends, and instead
of simple function of input of the order the functions of marketing
and sale are integrated. The process " Formation of the orders "
now does not begin with the actually order – it begins with
prospects of sale.
The managers of sales do not form the general orders. They
together with the buyers and on their workplace form the orders,
determining requirements of the buyer, which are dynamically
translated in the concrete requirements to products and their
manufacture by the current moment. The configuration technology
of the order allows to check up I realization of the order, before
it is placed.
The processing of the orders extends and includes the
information on prospects. The working control systems of contacts
are integrated with process of creation of the orders and
industrial planning to give the information on required resources,
before the order is placed.
The tendencies of the market, demand for products and
information on the offers of the competitors are connected to to
key business - process of the enterprise.
12.24. The target price creation tool
The static price models are replaced with the target price
creation tool , which allows if necessary to determine cost of
each product for each buyer. The accuracy and profit of products
are increased.
The CSRP-technology redefines service of the buyers and
expands it for limits of usual telephone support and distribution of
the information about the accounts. At use of model CSRP the
policy of realization of products and services for satisfaction of
the common and concrete consumer preferences becomes base
policy of the enterprise. The centre of technical support of the
buyers answers for finishing of the critical information about the
buyers up to the executive centres of organization.
12.25. The application of support of the users are integrated
The application of support of the users are integrated with the
key application of planning, manufacture and management. The
critical information on the buyers and goods beforehand is
delivered to divisions answering for manufacture, sale,
researches and development, and also other divisions.
The modern technologies of development of target Web-services
expand support of the buyers, including removed, round-theclock, independently adjusted help and consulting system,
working through corporate portal. The executive systems,
connected to them, automatically integrate and take into
account inquiries, increasing an opportunity faster to give the
buyers the answers to inquiries and services.
The centres of sales become also centres of support of the users
with a strong feedback. The integration of planning with
processing of the orders, sales both management provides
knowledge and infrastructure for transformation of support of the
buyers into activity on sale, providing the channel for progress of
new and accompanying products and services.
The methodology CSRP gives effective methods and
applications for creation of production modified under the concrete
buyer. The basic mechanisms of this technological decision is the
presence of the configurator module of production (Product
Configurator), and extended adjustable management of the
industrial diagrams in conditions of the limited capacities and time
intervals (Advanced Planning and Scheduling - APS).
The configurator consist of not only business - logic and rules
of formation of the specifications of the order, but also consist of
structure of the equipment and possible technological routes.
depending on various conditions. All operations are supplied with
several variants of time and cost readjustment of the equipment
and actually of performance - depending on formation of the
certain technological route.
The data prepare by the managers of the appropriate level and
are entered in system at its adjustment. Thus it is possible to
trace not only linear connections such as " if...... That ", but also
more complex ratio and logic interrelations are calculated with
the help of the device statistical and аппроксимирующих of the
approximating functions.
12.26. The configurator
The configurator allows operatively and precisely to estimate
cost of the order on the concrete goods for the concrete
consumer, and with the account not only separate options, but
also features of technological process, specially developed for
performance of the given order. It is important, that the module
allows to start a product in manufacture immediately after end of
the configurator process , coordination of the specification and
price with the customer.
The manager of a department of sales accepting the application,
can not know about all technological ratio between industrial
procedures, materials and components, used at the configurator
order. However into his competence enters as soon as possible
to accept the order and to estimate its real cost price.
The realization of the original configuration, ordered by the buyer,
demands an opportunity to operate industrial technology
considerably more flexibly, than it was earlier. In particular, the
realization of the CSRP-approach requires transition to creation
and updating of the industrial plans directly after formation of each
new specification. Such approach can not be realized with the
help of standard systems MRP/ERP (as it was already specified,
this methodology is based on the obligatory multi stages planning
and "ready" the plans rather difficultly to change, as they "are
fastened" on all processes of manufacture and resource
For realization of instant updating of the industrial plans in the
methodology CSRP configurator of production (ASP-module)
directly is connected to the module of the extended planning and
dispatching management, which uses essentially new
"mathematics" for account both optimization of the industrial
diagrams and optimum loading of the equipment. As against
methodology, based on the standard MRP II, in which the account
of the coordinated industrial diagrams is made in a mode Off
Line, the methodology CSRP on the configurator base and
module ASP allows to calculate some variants of the industrial
diagram in a mode On Line at the moment of acceptance of the
order, with an estimation of possible expenses on concrete
resources and retuning of the equipment.
Thus, the planning of manufacture and all activity is redefined
and becomes planning of the orders of the buyers for
organization of dynamical manufacture.
12.27. Benefit of the successful CSRP application
Benefits of the successful CSRP application is an increase of
quality of the goods, decrease of time of delivery, increase of
value of products for the buyer and so on. In result – decrease
of industrial costs, creation of an infrastructure adapted to
creation of products, satisfying need of the buyer, improvement
of a feedback with the buyers and maintenance of the best
services for the buyers.
The bright example can be served by the company on sale of
computers, which offers the buyers itself конфигурировать
computer system how it is necessary. After that the delivery in any
specified place is made within 24 hours. Other example - the
configuration of the automobile, yacht, plane from sets furnishing,
which is possible to find in the catalogues of firms and in a mode
online to generate the order. The automated system will
calculate the necessary moment and to the necessary time will
submit on the assembly conveyor a necessary detail.
At use of model of business CSRP traditional business processes are reconsidered in a direction of service of the
buyers and creation of products satisfying to the buyers needs
.The introduction of the CSRP-applications pushes the chiefs of
the enterprise to changes. Internal focus of traditional industrial
structures segmented on departments and functions, moves on
the consumer.
The production efficiency Is a not traditionally estimated, which
provides temporary competitive advantages, - it is faster ability to
create products satisfying current requirements of the buyer and
best service. Ability to create instant consumer value, at the
expense of carry of focus with the scheduled common
manufacture on the satisfaction of the concrete consumer results
in growth of the incomes and steady competitive advantage.
12.28. Use of open technologies
The modern open technologies and the thirty years experience of
development of complex information systems do that the
projects CSRP is realized and practical.
Manufacture, management, sales, service of the buyers,
maintenance service and others, the business - functions, focused
on the buyer, can be carried out by the appropriate divisions with
application of the software developed specially for these divisions.
The program CSRP-applications can give and receive critical
for business the information from the central system based on a
ERP nucleus and used by other divisions of organization.
The program decisions of IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, PeopleSoft
and other software manufacturers on the basis of modern
computing architecture, using powerful multinuclear processors
Intel, allow to create the integrated flexible infrastructures under
needs of the concrete enterprises for realization of business "
under the order " (Business On Demand).
12.29. List of the manufacturers of modern systems CRM and
As an example the list including some manufacturers of modern
systems CRM and CSRP is resulted below:
1. Applix Inc. -;
2. Interact Commerce Corporation -;
3. Nortel Networks -;
4. Oncontact Software -;
5. ONYX Software -;
6. PeopleSoft Inc. -;
7. Pivotal Corporation -;
8. Point Information Systems -;
9. Remedy Corporation -;
10. SAP AG -;
11. Siebel System, Inc. -;
12. Staffware -;
13. Software AG -;
14. Worldtrak Corporation -;
15. YOUcentric, Inc. -
12.30. Methodology SCM (Supply Chain Management) : a key
to the coordinated business
The changes of modern business, growing quantity of the offers
in the markets and "legibility" of the consumer have resulted a
management of the companies in understanding of necessity of
increase of consumer value of a product at the expense of
essential reduction of non-productive expenses. Besides, as
experience of mathematical modeling of productions has shown,
a real reserve of decrease of general expenses is the
optimum organization of movement of raw material and
furnishing products for processing and assembly.
In this connection, the traditional logistic and administrative
operations by the order, delivery, warehousing, delivery of
manufacture (management of warehouse stocks), complemented
by the requirements of technologies " In time to order " (Order In
Time) and " In time to make " (Kanban), became a basis of
methodology " Precisely in time " (Just In Time).
The manufacture - registration cards of the orders, named "
Kanban “, absolutely precisely write and order quantity of the
products on assembly point of a production cycle, in which these
products are should be put.
The introduction of technology " Is exact in time " is focused on
the following key moments:
1. Precise planning of necessary volume of financially - industrial
2. Achievement of an optimum level of stocks on all sites of
3. Reduction or complete exception of idle times;
4. Reduction of the size of parties of purchased or made
production and increased maneuverability of parties;
5. Reduction of time of transfer, processing, delivery of production;
6.The item of information up to a minimum of the size of the
warehouse areas and quantity of operations.
At introduction of this technology it is necessary to provide faults
of deliveries of the suppliers, opportunity of breakage of the
equipment, change of structure of the personnel and so on. For
this purpose in production are included:
1. Detailed inspection both support of machines and equipment;
2. Interchangeability of the workers - the workers should be able
to work on several workplaces and to carry out some industrial
3. Requirement to the suppliers on guaranteed deliveries,
requirement бездефектных of deliveries and сборок;
4. Use of simple and clear registration systems (kanbancard).
These technologies were developed in middle 1980s years and
were applied basically at the compact enterprises with a precise
work cycle. The automation of management of production cycles
on the basis of MRP/ERP-systems has filled technology "
Precisely in time " with the new contents and has allowed to
apply it to the distributed enterprises of a wide spectrum of
directions of activity. The automated management complex
logistic processes on the basis of mathematical models
describing algorithms of interaction of the external and internal
suppliers, circuit and trajectory of movement of material assets,
has received the name management of chains of deliveries
(Supply Chain Management). The information systems, with
which the management is carried out, began to refer to as
The deliveries "fastened" in complex chains, must not only
increase expenses in units of chains, but also add real value at
each stage of movement. In this connection the SCM-strategy is
bidirectional - it covers as delivery of raw material and furnishing
products on the enterprise, and it covers delivery " is exact in time
" of a ready product on the market.
12.31. Basic principles of the concept SCM (Supply Chain
It is possible to allocate seven basic principles of the concept
1. Attentively to watch market demand and to make planning,
basing on them;
2. To study spatial - temporary distribution of sales and to segment
the consumers on the basis of need for the goods and services;
3. Equally to focus logistic a network on the supplier and client;
4. Strategically to plan deliveries;
5. To develop strategy of chains of movement of material
6. Actively to use methods of attraction of new channels of
7. To use methods of linear programming, mathematical
modeling and information technologies for increase of
accuracy of the forecast and development of the network
diagrams of deliveries and optimum routes of movement.
SCM-systems, no less than the systems CRM and CSRP,
"continue" standard corporate ERP-system on external
environment , forming the in aggregate extended control system
of the enterprise ERP II.
Such integrated system allows to realize a base rule of strategy
SCM: " to deliver the necessary goods - in the necessary place in exact in time - with low costs - with the necessary service for
the client ".
The technological and program SCM-decisions are rather various,
however most claimed now are the complex decisions
constructed by a principle of open systems for interface to a
standard ERP-nucleus. For an example we shall result such
decision, realized by the company Lowson Software on a platform
IBM System i .
This decision includes the following specialized modules:
1. Planning chains of deliveries (Supply Chain Planner - SCP);
2. Planning demand (Demand Planner - DMP);
3. Operational planning (Multi-Site Planner - MSP);
4. Optimization of financial result (Yield Optimizer - YOP);
5. Extended planning of manufacture (Advanced Production
Planner - APP).
12.32. Control system of chains of deliveries " on base
Microsoft Dynamics NAV (earlier - Axapta)
The similar decision " the control System of chains of deliveries "
on base Microsoft Dynamics NAV (earlier - Axapta) represents a
complex of the integrated appilcations, including in sphere of
management of warehouses, distribution, manufacture, system of
the automated data gathering (ADCS) and has functions,
connected with the price creation and electronic commerce.
The basic characteristics of the decision are:
1. Complex approach to management of chains of deliveries:
integration distributer and industrial blocks, system of the
automated data gathering, functions price creation and electronic
2. Optimization and perfection warehouse logistic and all
processes on a warehouse;
3. Support of discrete manufacture: volumetric - calendar
planning and industrial forecasting, flexible definition of policy of
4. Modeling effective business - processes and various
parameters of production;
5. Increase profit at the expense of reduction of costs and
effective cooperation with the partners, including through Internet.
12.33. Effective management of the deliveries chain
The effective management of a chain of deliveries allows to
increase the incomes at the expense of maintenance of stocks of
the goods on necessary for maintenance of demand a level, - in
result the sales are increased, the necessity discont of the
goods for sale of stocks is reduced. It results also in decrease
of the charges on transportation, storage of the goods, additional
labour expenses at the expense of optimum planning of
operational objects and stocks.
The correct management of deliveries is, first of all, money saved
, so, opportunity of the additional investments attracted from a
company overround . The SCM-systems help to reduce quantity
of turnaround means "frozen" in commodity stocks, and thus to
improve a level of given service. The tools of forecasting of
demand both planning of chains of internal and external deliveries
provide a really necessary level of a commodity stock, take into
account presence slowly and quickly round goods, prove
advertising activity, seasonal increase / reduction of demand,
optimum terms of deliveries and expect so on. And, at last, they
allow better to use actives of the industrial enterprises, and also
retail and network marketing companies at the expense of
optimum planning and accommodation of the goods in available
space of warehouses and shops.
12.34. Control questions and tasks
In what essence of displacement of focus at use of technologies
In what essence of technology CSRP?
Result benefits of technologies CRM and CSRP.
What tools includes the modern CRM-system?
Why the technology CSRP is built on the basis of ERPtechnologies?
What such the SCM-concept and what basic principles underlie its
How the SCM-subsystem continues standard ERP-system on
external environment ?
At the expense of that the technologies CRM, CSRP and SCM
raise competitiveness of the enterprise?