
MT311 Java Application
Development and Programming
Li Tak Sing(李德成)
Exception Handling
Exception is a runtime error.
When a run time error appears, an exception
is thrown.
For example, when you run the following
Integer i=null;
an exception would be thrown because you
are trying to invoke a method of a null object.
Exception Handling
In fact the following message would be
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at lecture15_11_2005.Main.main(
This is the default exception handling, i.e., to
print out a message showing where the
exception is thrown and what type of
exception is thrown.
Exception Handling
If you want to handle an exception differently,
then you can use the try-catch block.
Consider the following code:
try {
Integer i=null;
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("an error occurs");
try ... catch
The above statements state that try the
statements in the try block. Then if an
exception is thrown and it is of type
Exception, then, run the statements in the
catch block.
Checked and unchecked
There are two kinds of exceptions, namely
checked and unchecked.
Checked exceptions are all subclass of
Exception. Unchecked exceptions are
subclass of either Error or RuntimeException.
Error refers to errors of the Java system itself
and therefore we cannot handle it.
RuntimeException are those that errors that
can happen anywhere in a program when a
program is executed.
Unchecked Exception
For example, NullPointerException can
happen anywhere in the program when you
are using an object variable.
For this kind of errors, Java does not require
you to handle it. Of course, you may still
choose to handle it. If you do not handle an
unchecked error and that error occurs, the
default handler will be used which is to stop
the program and display a message about
this error.
Unchecked Exception
So both the following codes are correct:
public void method() {
public void method() {
try {
Integer i=null;
Integer i=null;
catch () {
the 'throw' keyword
In the last exception, the
NullPointerException was generated when
the Java runtime system discovered an error.
In fact, we can create any exception
anywhere we want by using the 'throw' key
the 'throw' keyword
Consider the following program:
if (....) {
throw new NullPointerException();
This statement will throw the
NullPointerException when the condition is
Checked exceptions
All subclasses of Exception other than those
of RuntimeError's are checked Exception.
Unlike unchecked errors which can occur
nearly everywhere in a program, checked
errors usually occur at only a few points in a
Checked Exceptions
Unlike unchecked exceptions, you must
handle all checked exceptions. There are
two ways to handle a checked exception in a
method, either you handle it locally or you
have the exception handled by the caller of
the method.
Checked Exceptions
For example, an IOException refers to an
exception that occurs during an IOException
which is a checked exception. So if you have
code like this:
public void method() {
if (...) throw new IOException();
the compiler would report an error saying
that you did not handle the IOException.
Handling a checked exception
To handle a checked exception locally, you
must include the statements that would
generate that exception inside a try-catch
public void method() {
try {
if (...) throw new IOException();
catch (IOException e) {
Letting the caller to handle the
Another way to handle an exception is to let
the caller to handle it. In this case, you must
declare the method would throw such
exception using the 'throws' keyword:
Letting the caller to handle the
public void method() throws IOException {
if (...) throw new IOException();
Now, there is no need to include a try-catch
block here because the exception should
now be handled by whatever method that
called this one
Letting the caller to handle an
So the caller of the above method now itself
has two choices, either to handle it locally or
to have it handled by its own caller by using
the 'throws' keyword.
public class ABC {
public void method1() throws IOException {
throw new IOException();
public void method2() throws IOException {
public void method3() throws IOException {
public void method4() {
try { method3(); }
catch (IOException e) { .....}
Checked Exception
If you study the documents for methods that
would handle IO, security, etc, then you will
see that most of these methods use the
'throws' keyword to tell you that they may
throw certain exceptions when problems
occur. So if you want to use these methods,
you must either handle these exception
locally using the try-catch block or you use
the 'throws' keyword yourself to let the caller
of the method you just wrote to handle it.
Checked Exception
Assume that you want to open a file to read
the content, then you can write:
public void String readFile(String filename) {
try {
FileReader reader=new FileReader(....);
return result;
catch (IOException e) {
return null; //an error occurs and therefore a null is returned
Checked Exception
Or you can write the method like this:
public void String readFile(String filename) throws IOException {
FileReader reader=new FileReader(....);
return result;
Checked Exception
In the former case, the user of the method do
not have to handle any exception. Actually,
the user of the method would not know that
there might or might not have errors. In the
latter case, the user has to handle any
possible error generated in the method or it
itself has to use the 'throws' keyword to let
the caller to handle it.
So be careful about the difference
of 'throw' and 'throws'
'throw' is an action. This is to actually throw
an exception:
throw new IOException(); //an IOException is thrown
'throws' is a declaration. This is to declare
that a method may throw such exception:
public void method() throws IOException() // this method may
// throw IOException, so the caller of this method must handle it
Therefore, you can create your own
exception and then throw it wherever you
Creating your own exceptions
Now, assume that you are writing a method
to calculate the amount of interest you are
going to pay for a given amount of principal,
interest rate and the year of loan. So the
method look like this:
static public double interest(double principal, double rate, double
length) {...}
Creating your own exception
Obviously, the result of the method would be
meaningless if either the principal, the
interest rate or the length of loan is negative.
Therefore we create three exceptions, known
as NegativePrincipal, NegativeRate,
Creating your own exceptions
public class NegativePrincipal extends Exception {
public class NegativeRate extends Exception {
public class NegativeLength extends Exception {
Creating your own exception
static public double interest(double principal, double rate, double
length) throws NegativePrincipal, NegativeRate, NegativeLength
if (principal<0) throw new NegativePrincipal();
So the user the method may look like this:
try {
double interest=interest(1,-2,3);
System.out.println("the interest is "+interest);
catch (NegativePrincipal e) {
System.out.println("the principal is negative");
catch (NegativeRate e) {
System.out.println("the rate is negative");
catch (NegativeLength e) {
System.out.println("the length is negative");
Calling the method
Many catch blocks
If a try block is ended with more than one
catch block, then each of the catch block will
be tried until there is a match.
try {
double interest=interest(1,-2,3);
System.out.println("the interest is "+interest);
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("an exception has been thrown");
catch (NegativePrincipal e) {
System.out.println("the principal is negative");
catch (NegativeRate e) {
System.out.println("the rate is negative");
catch (NegativeLength e) {
System.out.println("the length is negative");
the finally block
A try block can also be ended with a finally
If a try block has a finally block, then the
code will be executed after the code in the try
block has been executed or after the code in
a catch block is executed if an exception has
been thrown.
This means that the code in the finally block
will always be executed even if the following
things happen:
the return statement is executed inside the try
block or a catch block
an exception is thrown inside the try block
public static void method(int i) {
try {
System.out.println("position 1");
if (i==1) {
throw new IOException();
System.out.println("position 2");
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("position 3");
finally {
System.out.println("position 4");
The output of the calling of the method:
position 1
position 3
position 4
The output of the calling of the method:
position 1
position 2
position 4
public static int method(int i) {
try {
System.out.println("position 1");
if (i==1) {
throw new IOException();
else if (i==2) {
return 2;
System.out.println("position 2");
return 3;
catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("position 3");
return 4;
finally {
System.out.println("position 4");
the output of the following calls:
position 1
position 3
position 4
position 1
position 4
position 1
position 2
position 4