Seedfolks Vocabulary Definitions

Seedfolks Vocabulary Definitions
* This list is a vocabulary reference tool.
Teachers should choose existing words and/or create additional words based on student needs.
Essential Vocabulary
Important vocabulary
Farmer- a person who grows food or raises animals
Plant- to put in the ground to grow
Lima Beans- a bean that has flat edible seeds
Vacant- not used; empty
Old- having lived a long time
Neighborhood- a section lived in by people who consider themselves neighbors
Countries- Nations, territories
Burying- putting something in the ground and covering it
Roots- the underground part of a plant that absorbs water and minerals, stores food, and holds the
plant in place
Died- to have stopped living
Pour- to flow or to cause to flow in a stream
Surprised- an emotion when something happens unexpectedly
Uncle- the brother of one's father or mother
Garden- a plot of ground where herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables are grown
Seeds- something that creates a new plant
Grandmother- the mother of one's father or mother
Goldenrod- an herb with yellow flowers
Tea- a drink made by soaking leaves in hot water
Garbage- discarded or useless material; trash
Teenager- a person in his or her teens
Business- the making, buying, and selling of goods and services
Pumpkin- round orange fruit
Lettuce- a vegetable that has crisp juicy leaves (used in salads)
Definitions adapted from
Seedfolks Vocabulary Definitions
* This list is a vocabulary reference tool.
Teachers should choose existing words and/or create additional words based on student needs.
Essential Vocabulary
Important vocabulary
Restaurant- a business place where meals or refreshments may be bought
Bike- a vehicle with two wheels behind one another, handlebars, a seat, and pedals that make it move
Money- something used to pay for goods and services
Lonely- feeling like you are by yourself
Hot Pepper- a small pepper with a spicy taste
Girlfriend- a female friend in a romantic relationship
Tomato- a large red vegetable
Steal- to take something that belongs to someone else without their permission
Nurse- a person trained to care for the sick
Wheelchair- a chair with wheels used by people who are sick, injured, or have certain disabilities
Different- not the same
Flower- part of a plant that has petals
Pregnant- having an unborn baby inside the body
Worried- feeling great concern
Program- activities in which a group of people do
Vegetables- leafy plants that are usually eaten as part of a meal
Rug- heavy fabric used as a floor covering
Eggplant- a purple egg-shaped vegetable
Festival- a celebration to honor a special occasion
Apologize- to say sorry
Seedfolks- people who start something new
Arthritis- inflammation of the joint
Spring- the season between winter and summer; the months March, April, and May
Definitions adapted from