UCOP Career Tracks Job Database - UC Agriculture and Natural

UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Job Family:
Job Function:
Job Title:
Job Level:
Job Function Summary:
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
General Services
Facilities Management
Fac Mgt Spec 1
Involves the management, long-range planning, organization, coordination, oversight and/or performance of multiple
operational activities and services for one or more buildings, including space planning, general maintenance, call center triage
and tracking of repair services, move planning and coordination, development of procedures, policies and communications
related to infrastructure and safety. (For Facilities Project Management, see Facilities Development/EH&S Job Field.)
Job Title
Job Code
Fac Mgt Spec 1
Career Path/Job
Bachelors degree in related area and/or
equivalent experience/training
Facilities Mgt Specialist 2
Generic Scope:
Entry-level professional with limited or no prior experience; learns to use professional concepts to resolve problems of limited scope
and complexity; works on developmental assignments that are initially routine in nature, requiring limited judgment and decision
Custom Scope:
Learns to use professional facilities management concepts. Applies organization policies and procedures to resolve routine issues.
Works on problems of limited scope. Follows standard practices and procedures in analyzing situations or data from which answers
can be readily obtained. May have contact with others but primarily internal to the department or unit.
Key Responsibilities:
Learns to coordinate maintenance, custodial, grounds and other service requests by Physical Plant Services as well as other outside
vendors or organizations for assigned facilities, including reconciliation of outstanding service requests. Learns to coordinate
maintenance and repair of departmental fleet vehicles and equipment. May serve as "Department Access Key Controller" as defined
by the UCPD Access Control Policy, maintaining accurate records of all access control activities, ensuring appropriate authority prior
to issuing keys, ordering replacement keys as needed. May act as Building Coordinator for organization emergency/disaster
preparedness for assigned values. Learns to conduct rounds to inspect areas for security, fire and accident hazards and takes
appropriate action as required, including reporting infractions of fire and building codes, building rules and other building irregularities
to management. Learns to assist with the development of the facilities management budget.
Knowledge Skills:
Achieves knowledge of facility maintenance practices and procedures along with safety and emergency preparedness. Effective
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
written and verbal communication skills. Must be knowledgeable in the use of standard organization computer applications, Word,
Excel and other common desktop applications. Demonstrates effective listening, interpersonal communication and problem-solving
skills to resolve inquiries, address concerns or problems and ensure cooperative and productive working relationships. Demonstrates
ability to work independently and as part of a team.
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Job Family:
Job Function:
Job Title:
Job Level:
Job Function Summary:
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
General Services
Facilities Management
Fac Mgt Spec 2
Involves the management, long-range planning, organization, coordination, oversight and/or performance of multiple
operational activities and services for one or more buildings, including space planning, general maintenance, call center triage
and tracking of repair services, move planning and coordination, development of procedures, policies and communications
related to infrastructure and safety. (For Facilities Project Management, see Facilities Development/EH&S Job Field.)
Job Title
Job Code
Fac Mgt Spec 2
Career Path/Job
Bachelors degree in related area and/or
equivalent experience/training
Facilities Mgt Specialist 3
Generic Scope:
Professional who applies acquired job skills, policies, and procedures to complete substantive assignments/projects/tasks of moderate
scope and complexity; exercises judgment within defined guidelines and practices to determine appropriate action.
Custom Scope:
Applies organization policies and procedures to resolve a variety of facilities management issues. Works on facilities management
problems of moderate scope where analysis of situations or data requires a review of a variety of factors.
Key Responsibilities:
Coordinates, monitors and tracks all maintenance, custodial, grounds, and other service requests by Physical Plant Services as well as
other outside vendors or organizations for assigned facilities, including tracking completion of maintenance work and the ongoing
status of individual service requests. Acts as liaison between Physical Plant Services (PPCS) and assigned department(s), including
requests for facility services between PPCS and departments or unit in assigned area(s). Works with management to coordinate and
manage capital improvement projects with Capital Projects and actively participates on committees and/or meetings concerning
capital improvements to departmental facilities. Works with onsite contractors and other vendors to coordinate work schedules,
facilitate emergency access, and track progress of work. Acts as department equipment custodian through the equipment tracking
system(s) and conducts department inventory controls, including processing and maintaining records of equipment insurance
requests. Coordinates and carries out department signage, display, and promotional needs. Purchases supplies, conducts bid
proposals and supervises small-scale department renovation projects. Reviews facility project drawings or plans and reports building
need compliance, errors or omissions to management, organization personnel, and outside contractors. Acts as department
representative for department/organization special projects related to department facilities. Assists management in development of
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
annual facilities budget. Coordinates maintenance and repair of departmental fleet vehicles and equipment. May serve as
"Department Access Key Controller" as defined by the UCPD Access Control Policy, maintaining accurate records of all access control
activities, ensuring appropriate authority prior to issuing keys, ordering replacement keys as needed, recovering department keys
from departing personnel, reporting any failure to recover access control keys to department management and UCPD, and securely
storing unassigned keys in the department's UCPD-approved cabinets. May act as Building Coordinator for organization emergency/
disaster preparedness for assigned venues, serves as the communication liaison between organization service agencies and building
occupants, and prepares building response plans and coordinates education and planning in this area for all building occupants.
Conducts regular periodic rounds to inspect areas for security, fire and accident hazards and takes appropriate action as required,
including reporting infractions of fire and building codes, building rules and other building irregularities to management. May act as
representative of organization safety committee, organization building emergency committee, and organization ergonomic program,
and is responsible for departmental compliance with OSHA/EH&S regulations regarding state and organization policies and
procedures, and works to implement safety and emergency preparedness policies and procedures with staff, including maintaining
first aid supplies, fire extinguishers and other safety equipment. Maintains and supervises distribution, security and maintenance of
department radios.
Knowledge Skills:
Working knowledge of practices and procedures relating to facility maintenance. Working knowledge of practices and procedures of
safety and emergency preparedness. Skills to work under pressure of deadlines in a stressful environment. Working organizational
skills to work on multiple projects with competing deadlines, to establish goals and work load priorities, and to meet project deadlines
within budget and time constraints. Written communication skills to prepare a variety of correspondence, reports, policies and
procedures, and training documents. Active listening, interpersonal communication and problem-solving skills to effectively resolve
questions, concerns, issues or problems and ensure cooperative and productive working relationships. Skills to work independently
and as part of a team.
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Job Family:
Job Function:
Job Title:
Job Level:
Job Function Summary:
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
General Services
Facilities Management
Fac Mgt Spec 3
Involves the management, long-range planning, organization, coordination, oversight and/or performance of multiple
operational activities and services for one or more buildings, including space planning, general maintenance, call center triage
and tracking of repair services, move planning and coordination, development of procedures, policies and communications
related to infrastructure and safety. (For Facilities Project Management, see Facilities Development/EH&S Job Field.)
Job Title
Job Code
Fac Mgt Spec 3
Career Path/Job
Bachelors degree in related area and/or
equivalent experience/training
Facilities Mgt Specialist 4
Generic Scope:
Experienced professional who knows how to apply theory and put it into practice with in-depth understanding of the professional
field; independently performs the full range of responsibilities within the function; possesses broad job knowledge; analyzes
problems/issues of diverse scope and determines solutions.
Custom Scope:
Uses skills as a seasoned, experienced professional and implements and coordinates building management procedures and space
planning activities. Develops space allocation plans for management review, implements and makes recommendations for new and
revised procedures. Oversees various facilities-related operational activities. Has general knowledge about several operational
functions. Receives little instruction on daily work, general instructions on new assignments. May function as a lead and resource or
supervise support staff .
Key Responsibilities:
Serves as liaison with organization and external agencies regarding safety, access, maintenance, remodeling and construction
activities. Recommends facilities-related procedures and solutions, taking into account budgets, space allocation, staffing and
infrastructure design. Develops space allocation plans for management review. Coordinates work crew activities to minimize
disruption to building occupants. Maintains building related plans and procedures including access controls and security, emergency
preparedness, commonly-encountered hazardous materials storage and disposal, crime prevention activities, fire safety inspection
compliance and reporting. Works with internal and external agencies/contractors as needed in regards to existing contract terms or
to solicit new contracts. Assists department leadership with budget development for moves and minor building infra-structure
upgrades. Coordinates emergency repairs during and after work hours. Coordinates with multiple units throughout organization to
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
provide a safe and secure facilities environment.
Knowledge Skills:
Thorough knowledge in the areas of building space planning, codes, capacity, security, fire safety, organization and departmental
principles and procedures involved in risk assessment and evaluating risks as to likelihood and consequences. Thorough interpersonal
skills including good service orientation and effective problem solving. Thorough and effective skills to multi-task and prioritize daily
activities effectively. Knowledge of architectural or engineering concepts.
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Job Family:
Job Function:
Job Title:
Job Level:
Job Function Summary:
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
General Services
Facilities Management
Fac Mgt Spec 4
Involves the management, long-range planning, organization, coordination, oversight and/or performance of multiple
operational activities and services for one or more buildings, including space planning, general maintenance, call center triage
and tracking of repair services, move planning and coordination, development of procedures, policies and communications
related to infrastructure and safety. (For Facilities Project Management, see Facilities Development/EH&S Job Field.)
Job Title
Job Code
Fac Mgt Spec 4
Career Path/Job
Bachelors degree in related area and/or
equivalent experience/training
Generic Scope:
Technical leader with a high degree of knowledge in the overall field and recognized expertise in specific areas; problem-solving
frequently requires analysis of unique issues/problems without precedent and/or structure. May manage programs that include
formulating strategies and administering policies, processes, and resources; functions with a high degree of autonomy.
Custom Scope:
Uses advanced concepts to implement and coordinates building management procedures and space planning activities which require
specialized consideration such as laboratories with special circumstances (e.g., special ventilation, or use of hazardous materials) or
coordination of activities with multiple building occupants/departments. Facilitates and collaborates with management on the design
and planning for space allocation. Applies extensive knowledge of organization buildings, infrastructure, policies and procedures.
Determines methods and procedures on new assignments. May mentor and train peers and supporting staff members. May
supervise lower level professional or support staff.
Key Responsibilities:
Applies advanced concepts in serving as liaison with organization and external agencies regarding safety, access, maintenance,
remodeling and construction activities of multiple building occupants/departments and/or buildings with complex needs such as
research laboratories. Collaborates with department leadership on development of space planning; evaluates and advises on the
design and allocation. Reviews building management procedures and recommends changes; ensures currency, relevance and
adherence to internal and external regulatory requirements. Works with organization occupants to plan space that accommodates
non-routine systems and/or research or specialized equipment, and hazardous materials storage and disposal. Develops budgets for
management review to include moves with significant building infra-structure upgrades. Works with internal and external
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
agencies/contractors as needed in regards to existing contract terms or to solicit or negotiate contracts. Provides planning and
coordination for construction and alteration of projects on a continuing basis. Coordinates emergency repairs during and after work
hours. Coordinates with multiple units throughout organization to provide a safe and secure facilities environment.
Knowledge Skills:
Advanced knowledge in the areas of building space planning, codes, capacity, security, fire safety, organization and departmental
principles and procedures involved in risk assessment and evaluating risks as to likelihood and consequences. Advanced interpersonal
and communication skills. Advanced skills in working collaboratively and influencing others. Advanced knowledge and skill regarding
specialized research needs in space planning and advanced skill to effectively translate needs to professional architects and engineers.
Advanced skills to assess processes or services to make improvements and in project management. Advanced skill to multi-task and
effectively prioritize large project work. Advanced knowledge of architectural or engineering concepts.
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Job Family:
Job Function:
Job Title:
Job Level:
Job Function Summary:
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: February 22, 2013
General Services
Facilities Management
Fac Mgt Spec 5
Involves the management, long-range planning, organization, coordination, oversight and/or performance of multiple
operational activities and services for one or more buildings, including space planning, general maintenance, call center triage
and tracking of repair services, move planning and coordination, development of procedures, policies and communications
related to infrastructure and safety. (For Facilities Project Management, see Facilities Development/EH&S Job Field.)
Job Title
Job Code
Fac Mgt Spec 5
Career Path/Job
Bachelors degree in related area and/or
equivalent experience/training
Facilities Supervisor 1/
Facilities Supervisor 2
Generic Scope:
Recognized organization-wide expert. Has significant impact and influence on organizational policy and program development.
Regularly leads projects of critical importance to the organization; these projects carry substantial consequences of success or failure.
May direct programs with organization-wide impact that include formulating strategies and administering policies, processes, and
resources. Significant barriers to entry exist at this level. Leader with a high degree of knowledge in the overall field and recognized
expertise in specific areas; problem-solving frequently requires analysis of unique issues/problems without precedent and/or
structure. May manage programs that include formulating strategies and administering policies, processes, and resources; functions
with a high degree of autonomy.
Custom Scope:
Expert in using advanced concepts to implement and coordinate building management procedures and space planning activities which
require specialized consideration such as laboratories with special circumstances (e.g., special ventilation, or use of hazardous
materials) or coordination of activities with multiple building occupants/departments. Facilitates and collaborates with management
on the design and planning for space allocation. Applies extensive knowledge of organization buildings, infrastructure, policies and
procedures. Determines methods and procedures on new assignments. May mentor and train peers and supporting staff members.
May supervise lower level professional or support staff.
Key Responsibilities:
Regularly leads and guides senior managers on facilities projects impacting the entire organization. As a recognized expert, provides
strategic guidance to senior managers. Regularly leads and conducts complex and varied analyses of issues or concepts with broad
impact on facilities management. Uses expert knowledge in serving as liaison with organization and external agencies regarding
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: February 22, 2013
safety, access, maintenance, remodeling and construction activities of multiple building occupants/departments and/or buildings with
complex needs such as research laboratories. Collaborates with department leadership on development of space planning; evaluates
and advises on the design and allocation. Reviews building management procedures and recommends changes; ensures currency,
relevance and adherence to internal and external regulatory requirements. Works with organization occupants to plan space that
accommodates non-routine systems and/or research or specialized equipment, and hazardous materials storage and disposal.
Develops budgets for management review to include moves with significant building infra-structure upgrades. Works with internal and
external agencies/contractors as needed in regards to existing contract terms or to solicit or negotiate contracts. Provides planning
and coordination for construction and alteration of projects on a continuing basis. Coordinates emergency repairs during and after
work hours. Coordinates with multiple units throughout the organization to provide a safe and secure facilities environment. Provides
direction and guidance to others within the unit .
Knowledge Skills:
Expert knowledge in the areas of building space planning, codes, capacity, security, fire safety, organization and departmental
principles and procedures involved in risk assessment and evaluating risks as to likelihood and consequences. Highly developed
interpersonal and communication skills. Demonstrated ability and skills in working collaboratively and influencing others. Expert
knowledge and skill for specialized research needs in space planning and highly developed skills to effectively translate needs to
professional architects and engineers. Expert ability to assess processes or services to make improvements in project management.
Highly developed skills to multi-task and effectively prioritize large project work. Expert knowledge of architectural or engineering
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Job Family:
Job Function:
Job Title:
Job Level:
Job Function Summary:
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
General Services
Facilities Management
Supervisory & Managerial
Fac Supv 1
Supervisor 1
Involves the management, long-range planning, organization, coordination, oversight and/or performance of multiple
operational activities and services for one or more buildings, including space planning, general maintenance, call center triage
and tracking of repair services, move planning and coordination, development of procedures, policies and communications
related to infrastructure and safety. (For Facilities Project Management, see Facilities Development/EH&S Job Field.)
Job Title
Job Code
Fac Supv 1
Career Path/Job
Bachelors degree in related area and/or
equivalent experience/training
Facilities Manager 1
Generic Scope:
Provides immediate supervision to a unit or group of operational or technical employees. A portion of time may be spent performing
individual tasks related to the unit; however, supervisory activities must constitute a primary part of the job. Supervises unit
operations to ensure compliance with departmental or organizational policies, procedures, and defined internal controls. Ensures
accountability and stewardship of department resources (operational, financial, and human) in compliance with departmental
standards and procedures.
Custom Scope:
Receives work assignments that are subject to a moderate level of control and review. Directs subordinates providing building
maintenance activities to include basic plumbing and pipefitting, carpentry, painting and plastering, service of machinery, electrical
maintenance and custodial. Includes call center triage and tracking of repair services.
Key Responsibilities:
Plans, directs, supervises, coordinates the work activities and evaluates work flow of the call center representatives, or the daily
operational building maintenance workers and activities at a facility or groups of facilities. Develops and maintains performance
metrics and standards to ensure excellent service is extended to building, grounds, other maintenance issues and service calls, routine
or emergency, are being handled promptly and according to established processes. Monitors performance of staff members
according to established monitoring standards. Sets work schedules and project priorities; selects, trains and supervises staff.
Recognizes operational and facilities related processes and recommends improvements. Ensures that emergency repairs are handled
appropriately. May coordinate the activities of security, emergency firefighting equipment, radar, closed-circuit TV and
communications systems. Establishes regular security inspections and coordinates with firefighting and civil law-enforcement
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
agencies and also provides or coordinates routine inspection of facilities and equipment. Maintains facility-wide preventative
maintenance program and also administers emergency preparedness for department or unit.
Knowledge Skills:
Working knowledge of policies and procedures relative to facilities maintenance, equipment, customer service, dispatch, building
maintenance, safety and emergency preparedness. Good interpersonal skills, including active listening, critical thinking, ability to
multi-task effectively, persuasion/negotiation, mentoring, leadership/supervision, problem solving, operations analysis and quality
control analysis. Working knowledge in supervising facility maintenance and improvements along with building maintenance work to
include one or more of the following: basic plumbing and pipefitting, carpentry, painting and plastering, service of machinery,
electrical maintenance and custodial.
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Job Family:
Job Function:
Job Title:
Job Level:
Job Function Summary:
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: August 24, 2012
General Services
Facilities Management
Supervisory & Managerial
Fac Supv 2
Supervisor 2
Involves the management, long-range planning, organization, coordination, oversight and/or performance of multiple
operational activities and services for one or more buildings, including space planning, general maintenance, call center triage
and tracking of repair services, move planning and coordination, development of procedures, policies and communications
related to infrastructure and safety. (For Facilities Project Management, see Facilities Development/EH&S Job Field.)
Job Title
Job Code
Fac Supv 2
Career Path/Job
Bachelors degree in related area and/or
equivalent experience/training
Facilities Manager 1
Generic Scope:
Provides direct supervision typically to professionals or skilled technical employees. Functions as advisor to unit and administration.
Analyzes and resolves problems, interprets policies (e.g., fiscal management, HR, contracts and grants, resource management in
defined areas) and demonstrates solid subject matter knowledge. Exercises judgment within defined procedures and policies to
determine appropriate action. Supervises staff to assure accountability and stewardship of department resources (operational,
financial, and human) in compliance with departmental goals and objectives.
Custom Scope:
Receives assignments in the form of objectives with goals and the process by which to meet goals. Responsible for supervising all
building maintenance activities. May oversee and participate in more complex maintenance projects. Provides direction according to
established policies and management guidance.
Key Responsibilities:
Participates in the creation, maintenance and reporting of building maintenance, call center and other operational building
maintenance processes. Participates in the development and monitoring of policies and procedures related to facility maintance and
customer service. Supervises the work of a department. Responsible for quality and quantity of work. Recommends hiring of new
employees, transfers, promotions, salary actions, terminations, performance management and budget recommendations. May
manage systems and procedures to protect departmental assets. Responsible for all emergency building repairs and response.
Develops and implements regular security and maintenance schedules and inspections.
Knowledge Skills:
Solid knowledge of policies and procedures relative to facilities maintenance, equipment, customer service, dispatch, building
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: August 24, 2012
maintenance, safety and emergency preparedness. Demonstrated interpersonal skills, including active listening, critical thinking,
ability to multi-task effectively, persuasion/negotiation, mentoring, leadership/supervision, problem solving, operations analysis and
quality control analysis. Solid knowledge in supervising facility maintenance and improvements along with building maintenance work
to include one or more of the following: basic plumbing and pipefitting, carpentry, painting and plastering, service of machinery,
electrical maintenance and custodial.
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Job Family:
Job Function:
Job Title:
Job Level:
Job Function Summary:
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
General Services
Facilities Management
Supervisory & Managerial
Fac Mgr 1
Manager 1
Involves the management, long-range planning, organization, coordination, oversight and/or performance of multiple
operational activities and services for one or more buildings, including space planning, general maintenance, call center triage
and tracking of repair services, move planning and coordination, development of procedures, policies and communications
related to infrastructure and safety. (For Facilities Project Management, see Facilities Development/EH&S Job Field.)
Job Title
Job Code
Fac Mgr 1
Career Path/Job
Bachelors degree in related area and/or
equivalent experience/training
Facilities Manager 2
Generic Scope:
Spends the majority of time (50% or more) achieving organizational objectives through the coordinated achievements of subordinate
staff. Establishes departmental goals and objectives, functions with autonomy. Manages the accountability and stewardship of human,
financial, and often physical resources in compliance with departmental and organizational goals and objectives. Ensures subordinate
supervisors and professionals adhere to defined internal controls. Manages systems and procedures to protect departmental assets.
Custom Scope:
Received assignments in the form of objectives and determines how to use resources to meet schedules and goals. Formulates
implements, and monitors facilities management policies and programs. Develops plans to meet objectives and deliver results.
Manages fiscal, physical and personnel resources and may manage multiple facilities and personnel.
Key Responsibilities:
Enforces, reviews, and interprets space planning and allocation assignments for a large building or group of buildings. Works with the
organization occupancy and facilities building project planners to coordinate the planning, design, and implementation of general and
specialized facilities, new buildings, and modifications (general or specialty labs). Ensures the organization occupancy needs are met.
Ensures project requirements are defined, building management contract and contract changes are negotiated, operating budgets
established and financial terms conditions of contract are identified. Monitors adherence to master plans, budgets and schedules.
Identifies problems and develops solutions, such as allocation of resources or changing project scope. Establishes and oversees health
and safety standards. Selects, develops and evaluates staff. Ensures all systems, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection
meet University and organization standards.
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Knowledge Skills:
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
Strong skills to facilitate and collaborate with various internal and external constituencies on long- and short-term facilities planning
and management. Strong analytical, research and report preparation skills to meet regulatory and budgetary reporting requirements.
Broad knowledge in the areas of facilities management, space planning and allocation, security, fire and safety and emergency
preparedness. Strong skills in management, regulatory compliance and operations planning. Strong skills in leadership, motivation of
staff and team-building. Strong skills in verbal and written communications. Experience and knowledge to inspect construction in
progress of general and specialty structures, read, sketch and interpret plans and specifications.
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Job Family:
Job Function:
Job Title:
Job Level:
Job Function Summary:
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
General Services
Facilities Management
Supervisory & Managerial
Fac Mgr 2
Manager 2
Involves the management, long-range planning, organization, coordination, oversight and/or performance of multiple
operational activities and services for one or more buildings, including space planning, general maintenance, call center triage
and tracking of repair services, move planning and coordination, development of procedures, policies and communications
related to infrastructure and safety. (For Facilities Project Management, see Facilities Development/EH&S Job Field.)
Job Title
Job Code
Fac Mgr 2
Career Path/Job
Bachelors degree and/or equivalent
experience/training in architecture,
engineering, urban design, city planning or
landscape architecture and license or
certificate to practice in at least one of the
above professions.
Facilities Manager 3
Generic Scope:
Oversees through subordinate Managers a large department or multiple smaller units, OR manages a highly specialized technical
function/team. Has significant responsibility to achieve broadly stated goals through subordinate Managers. Determines objectives,
directs programs, develops strategies and policies, manages human, financial, and physical resources, and functions with a high
degree of autonomy. Proactively assesses risk to establish systems and procedures to protect organizational assets. Determines
strategies for a program with organization-wide impact.
Custom Scope:
Establishes objectives and work plans, and delegates assignments to subordinate professionals or managers. Reviews and approves
recommendations for facilities management and related programs. Responsible for managing, preparing, administering, and directing
facilities management resources. Involved in developing, modifying and executing policies that affect immediate operation(s).
Erroneous decisions or failure to achieve goals results in additional costs and personnel, and serious delays in overall schedules.
Key Responsibilities:
Provides leadership, direction and expertise to department, projects or decentralized facilities management and construction
activities. Responsible for the coordination, planning and implementation of all general or specialty facility and capital projects with
minimal oversight from Capital Projects and also serves as the primary contact with Capital Projects. Makes discretionary decisions on
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
behalf of the department's behalf, reviewing extra costs, attending the owner-contractor-architect weekly meetings, etc. Manages
multiple projects on behalf of multiple facilities which may be administrative, specialty research labs, or teaching labs. Has oversight
for facility development, building safety, hazardous materials, waste management and space. Ensures all systems, mechanical,
electrical, plumbing and fire protection meet University and organization standards. Conveys the design requirements and intent to
those responsible for the design in specialized labs, sites and specialized and general buildings. Assumes full responsibility for staffing,
budgets, costs and human resource-related activities pertaining to department staff members.
Knowledge Skills:
Able to facilitate and collaborate with various internal and external constituencies on strategic long and short term facilities planning,
management and building construction. Advanced knowledge of engineering and/or architectural design and concepts. Leadership
skills to mentor and develop professional staff. Thorough knowledge of industry best practices.
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Job Family:
Job Function:
Job Title:
Job Level:
Job Function Summary:
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
General Services
Facilities Management
Supervisory & Managerial
Fac Mgr 3
Manager 3
Involves the management, long-range planning, organization, coordination, oversight and/or performance of multiple
operational activities and services for one or more buildings, including space planning, general maintenance, call center triage
and tracking of repair services, move planning and coordination, development of procedures, policies and communications
related to infrastructure and safety. (For Facilities Project Management, see Facilities Development/EH&S Job Field.)
Job Title
Job Code
Fac Mgr 3
Bachelors degree in related area and/or
equivalent experience/training
Career Path/Job
Generic Scope:
Oversees through subordinate Managers a large, complex organization with multiple functional disciplines/occupations, OR manages a
program, regardless of size, that has critical impact upon the organization. Has significant responsibility for formulating and
administering policies and programs, manages significant human, financial, and physical resources, and functions with a very high
degree of autonomy. Oversees through subordinate Managers the accountability and stewardship of department resources and the
development of systems and procedures to protect organizational assets.
Custom Scope:
Participates with other senior managers to establish strategic plans and objectives. Makes final decisions on administrative or
operational matters and ensures operations' effective achievement of objectives. Responsible for managing and directing a large
department or organization-wide program(s). Reviews and approves recommendations for operational planning and control.
Erroneous decisions will have a serious impact on the overall success of department, division, or organization.
Key Responsibilities:
Provides leadership, direction and expertise to department(s) for achievement of objectives (operational and budget processes, staff
FTE, finance, human resources and space planning). Manages the activities of facilities operations management through many
subordinate managers having overall responsibility for functional programs. Advises senior management on controversial situations,
customer negotiations, or influencing and persuading other senior level managers. Leads a team of managers in a large department or
that is distributed across multiple departments, requiring coordination of efforts. Instills strong management practices among
subordinate managers and also creates an inclusive work environment. Mentor staff in the areas of professional development,
management and performance. Provides oversight of a broad array of construction, renovation and capital improvement projects,
UCOP Career Tracks Job Database
Published: March 16, 2016
Version: October 8, 2008
and monitors those projects for compliance, costs and quality control inspections to ensure adherence to contract specifications and
industry standards. Provides oversight in the assessment and strategic planning of all assigned areas, and visionary leadership for
shaping mid to long term projections while soliciting ideas from staff and university stakeholders. Serves as a major resource and
property management expert. Provides oversight of multiple-trade, custodial and maintenance services provided by organization
staff, outside contractors and vendors.
Knowledge Skills:
Advanced knowledge of organization, system-wide and governmental policies and procedures and any related applicable laws and
regulations. Advanced to expert knowledge of engineering and/or architectural design and concepts. Leadership skills to mentor and
develop management staff. Strong knowledge of financial principles to analyze financial, operational and budgetary data. Broad
knowledge of management, marketing, construction and maintenance principles, budgeting and codes and statutes.