Statutory Supervision of Midwives Local Supervising Authority Standards for England London Local Supervising Authority Audit Tool TRUST: DATE OF AUDIT: The LSA audit tool is divided into four domains. In line with NMC good governance practices, each domain is benchmarked against the Local Supervising Authority Standards for Statutory Supervision of Midwives in England (LSA, 2005), which informs the framework for the London audit process. For more information on the LSA standards on the Statutory Supervision of Midwives, visit To complete this audit tool, all electronic evidence that is submitted should be embedded against each relevant domain along with text to provide relevant / explanatory comments. If evidence is available in hard copy format, this will be viewed on the day of the audit visit. The completed London LSA audit tool needs to be submitted to Kevin Saunders at least 2 weeks before the date for your LSA audit. Please refer to the Guidance for Supervisors of Midwives for completing the London LSA tool, which includes information on preparing for the LSA audit and instructions for embedding electronic documents. Both the London LSA tool and the Guidance document are available on the 1 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 LSA AUDIT: GUIDANCE CRITERIA FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF RATING OF SUPERVISORY TEAMS INTRODUCTION The following criteria, based on the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s ‘Midwives Rules and Standards’ (2012) are designed to help teams understand what contributes to the final rating of their team against the LSA domains when they are assessed at their annual audit. It supports understanding of what ‘good’ may look like, and gives clear guidance on how excellent statutory supervision in action will enhance midwifery practice, women’s experiences of care and delivery of a safe high quality service. Each domain will be rated Green, Amber or Red according to the strength of the evidence seen. In allocating a rating the author of the report will be acting in collaboration with all of those who attended the audit and reviewed any evidence. It is anticipated that teams may present a mixture of evidence across the spectrum from strong to weak, and therefore the rating will be based on where the majority of evidence lies. If, however, there is difficulty meeting a statutory requirement, for example supervisory ratios, then this will determine the RAG rating for that domain. There are some key principles across all the domains about what good evidence might look like and these are presented below. This is followed by domain specific guidance. Please note the criteria for evidence is not an exhaustive list and supervisors are free to submit evidence that they feel is relevant and supportive of the team activity for the year. These criteria will be used to create a summary dashboard for each organisation that will include the RAG rating for each domain, the SoM ratio, the Midwife to Birth ratio and vacancy rate. 2 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 PRESENTATION OF EVIDENCE FOR THE LSA – CORE PRINCIPLES STRONG MODERATE WEAK Evidence is sent to the LSA in good time There is a variety of evidence across the domains with little repetition or a small amount of appropriate cross-referencing The evidence is laid out clearly in the domains with good explanation It is clear when supervisors have acted as supervisors and the impact that they have had The evidence has been co-ordinated and reviewed before presentation to the LSA It is apparent the whole team are involved in the work of the team Evidence is presented just in time or slightly late There is reasonable variety although some evidence may be relied on a number of times Some evidence is hard to assess or is not explained but the majority is understandable Supervisors work is mostly apparent although sometimes there is overlap with their substantive post Some members of the team are involved in the evidence to a greater degree than others Team are aware of challenges and have an action plan to address them Evidence is presented late There is over reliance on certain pieces of evidence or there are large amounts of repetitive evidence There is no explanation of the evidence within the domain documents and much of it is hard to assess It is unclear what supervisory input has been or why the evidence is present There is a lack of co-ordination of evidence The evidence relies on a few motivated individuals There is no evidence of an action plan to address challenges 3 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Domain 1: The Interface of Statutory Supervision of Midwives and Clinical Governance Supervisors of Midwives support midwives in providing a safe environment for the practice of evidence based midwifery Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment including their comments and submitted evidence Measurement LSA verification and comments Met Requires Improvement Not Met 1a) Evidence of SOM team representation at clinical governance meetings – a selection of minutes from the following: maternity risk Labour Ward forum MSLC 1b) Evidence of an up to date strategy for statutory supervision of midwives 1c) Evidence of an action plan to address the recommendations of the last LSA audit SOM representation demonstrated at 75 100% of all clinical governance meetings SOM representation demonstrated at 50-74% of all clinical governance meetings SOM representation demonstrated at less that 50% of all clinical governance meetings Up to date SOM strategy available SOM strategy is not up to date SOM strategy not presented Action plan presented regarding the recommendations from the previous LSA audit Action plan not presented 1d) Evidence that statutory supervision of midwives is featured in The interface between risk management Supervision of Action plan presented but does not address all the recommendations of the previous LSA audit Supervision of midwives is mentioned in the Trust Risk Supervision of midwives is not featured in the Trust Risk 4 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment including their comments and submitted evidence Measurement LSA verification and comments Met Requires Improvement the Trust Risk management strategy midwives is accurately described management strategy 1e) Evidence that there is SOM interface with the development and dissemination of new guidelines New guidelines published over the year demonstrate involvement of a SOM in both development and dissemination 1f) Evidence that the SOM team have been involved in audit activities including: Record keeping Administration and storage of controlled drugs Midwifery practice Evidence presented that SOM team is involved in all aspects of audit – record keeping Administration and storage of CDs Midwifery practice management strategy but not correctly described New guidelines published over the year have SOM involvement in either development or dissemination (not both) Evidence that one audit has been completed over the year 1g) Evidence presented to demonstrate SOM effectiveness in ensuring safe practice Evidence that the SOM team have raised concerns to their employer regarding resources and equipment and There is some evidence that SOMs have raised concerns to their employer regarding There is no evidence that such matters have been escalated to the employer Not Met There is no evidence that the SOM team have been involved in the development or dissemination of new guidelines over the last year There is no evidence that the SoM team have been involved in audit as expected over the last year 5 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment including their comments and submitted evidence Measurement LSA verification and comments Met Requires Improvement with respect to escalating concerns regarding lack of equipment and resources 1h) There is evidence presented that there are clear processes for reviewing concerns regarding midwifery practice that there are clear outcomes as a result resources and equipment but there has been no follow up or practice change as a result Evidence is not clear regarding the process for SOM team to review all incidents and complaints regarding midwifery practice 1i) Evidence presented that the SOM team undertake SOM investigations (as per rule 10 MRS 2012, NMC 2012) Evidence that FTP spread sheet and LSA database are maintained and up to date Evidence that FTP spread sheet and LSA database are not maintained and up to date No FTP spread sheet has been presented 75 – 100% SOM investigations have been completed within 45 days 50 - 74% of SOM investigations have been completed in 45 days Less that 50% of SOM investigations have been completed in 45 days SOM investigations are completed as per guidance (within 45 days) Evidence that there is a clear process for SOM team to review all incidents and complaints which highlight concerns regarding midwifery practice Not Met There is no evidence that there is a process in place to review incidents and complaints regarding midwifery practice concerns 6 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment including their comments and submitted evidence Measurement LSA verification and comments Met Requires Improvement Not Met outcomes such a LSA practice programmes and local action plans are managed appropriately LSA database has been maintained by each SOM involved a SOM investigation 50% of all SOM investigations over the last year have been inputted on to LSA database Less than 50% of all SOM investigations over the last year have been inputted on to the LSA database Investigations are allocated fairly amongst the SOM team Investigations are fairly allocated amongst the SOM team The majority of SOM investigations have been allocated to the same SOMs A small proportion of the team are undertaking more than 50% of all SOM investigations Draft SOM investigation reports are edited by the relevant LSA support SOM All draft SOM investigation reports have been reviewed by the relevant LSA support midwife LSA support midwife reviewing majority of SOM investigation reports LSA support midwife reviewing less than half of all SOM investigation reports There is evidence that SOMs are involved in all incidents where there are concerns regarding midwifery practice in the Risk Management Less that 50% of incidents reviewed by Risk Management team include a SOM in the process to review midwifery practice No evidence exists of a SOM involved in any Risk Management investigations 1j) Evidence that SOMs provide expertise regarding review of midwifery practice concerns in relation to Trust clinical 7 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment including their comments and submitted evidence Measurement LSA verification and comments governance processes 1k) Evidence that all members of the SOM team have attended an update or training over the year regarding undertaking a SOM investigation Met process 75 -100% SOM team presented in their PREP that they have attended a FTP update / master class Requires Improvement Not Met 50 - 74% SOM team presented in their PREP that they have attended a FTP update / master class Less than 50% SOM team presented in their PREP that they have attended a FTP update / master class 8 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Domain 2: The Profile and Effectiveness of Statutory Supervision of Midwives Supervisors of Midwives are directly accountable to the Local Supervising Authority for all matters relating to the statutory supervision of midwives and a local framework exists to support the statutory function Criteria to be audited SoM team selfassessment including their comments and submitted evidence 2a) Evidence to demonstrate that SOMs are responsible for ensuring that the LSA database is updated and maintained The LSA audit team will review this evidence on the LSA database as part of the audit process LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met SoM to Midwife ratio of 1:15 or less Ratio of SoM to Midwife > 1:15 and up to 1:19 Ratio of SOM to midwife is > 1:20 Every midwife in the maternity unit has a named SOM Every midwife has a current ITP There are < 5 midwives who do not have a named SOM There is 1 midwife who does not have a current ITP There are >5 midwives who do not have a named SOM There are > 5 midwives who do not have a current ITP Every midwife has had an annual review in the last 12 months within the maternity unit There are < 5 midwives in the maternity unit whose annual reviews are out of date 99 – 80% of SOM team completed PREP activities on database as well as their activity sheet on the LSA database There are >5 midwives in the maternity unit who annual reviews are out of date Every SOM has completed their PREP activities on the database as well as their monthly activity sheet on LSA database <80% of SOM team have completed PREP activities on database as well as their activity sheet on the LSA database 9 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team selfassessment including their comments and submitted evidence 2b) Evidence to demonstrate resources to support effective statutory supervision of midwives LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met SOM on call list demonstrates that all members of the SOM participates in the on call rota Review of activity sheets demonstrate that all SOMs have designated time per month for supervisory activities SoM on call list demonstrates that 1 SOM does not participate in on call rota 2 or more SOMs do not participate in the on call rota Review of activity sheets demonstrate that 99% to 80% of SOMs have designated time per month for supervisory activities There is occasional administrative support for the SoM Team There is an area for SOMs to use for supervisory activities but not available at all times Not every student cohort has a named SOM Review of activity sheets demonstrate that <80% of SOMs have designated time per month for supervisory activities There is designated administrative support for the SOM team There is a designated area for SOMs to use for supervisory activities Every student midwife cohort has a named SOM Not Met There is no administrative support for the SoM Team There is NO designated area for SOMs to use for supervisory activities None of the cohorts of student midwives has a named SOM 10 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team selfassessment including their comments and submitted evidence 2 c) Evidence to demonstrate SoMs are involved in networking activities LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met Arrangements for changing named SOM are evident and midwives are aware Arrangements for changing named SOM are evident but midwives are not aware Every SOM has attended a sector meeting in the last year 75% or above SOMs have attended a sector meeting in the last year There are no arrangements for changing named SOM are evident and midwives are not aware < 75% of SOMs have attended a sector meeting in the last year SOM team can demonstrate communication with London LSA Every SOM has attended a conference in the last 2 years 2 d) Evidence of an action plan, following the LSA audit, which includes evidence of progress and achievement of actions There is an up to date action plan – with evidence of progress and achievement of actions SOM team do not communicate with London LSA Less than half of SOM team have attended a LSA conference in the last year There is an action plan but no evidence of progress and achievement of actions No SOM have attended a LSA conference in the last year There is NO an action plan but no evidence of progress and achievement of actions 11 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team selfassessment including their comments and submitted evidence 2 e) Evidence to demonstrate SoMs are following LSA guidance in relation to nomination, selection, appointment of future SoMs and succession planning in order to achieve the ratio of 1:15 (supervisor to midwife) 2 f) Evidence to demonstrate proactive and supportive supervisory initiatives: LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met Nomination, selection and appointment of future SOMs occur as per LSA guidance Nomination, selection and appointment of future SOMs does not occur as per LSA guidance There is a robust succession plan demonstrated There is not a robust succession plan demonstrated SoM team create regular and varied opportunities for midwives to reflect on practice Reflective sessions are offered by the team on an ad hoc basis. Reflective sessions offered on ad hoc basis prior to the audit date Any local action plans have been signed off in the LSA database Any local action plans have not been signed off in the LSA database There is an absence of supportive action plans 12 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team selfassessment including their comments and submitted evidence Please include any other local examples to demonstrate proactive supervisory initiatives LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met Student Midwives have a SoM, have had a significant meeting (maybe in a group situation) and are aware of how to contact both their own and an oncall supervisor if required Student midwives have a cohort SoM know who it is but have not had a significant meeting with her/him, and are aware of how to contact a supervisor if required Student midwives cannot identify their named SoM have not met with them, and are unclear about contacting a SoM 13 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Domain 3: Team Working, Leadership and Development Supervisors of Midwives provide professional leadership and nurture potential leaders Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment, including their comments and submitted evidence LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met Attendance at SOM meetings There is a minimum of 75% attendance at SoM team meetings over the year by each SoM Attendance at SoM team meetings averages 60 – 80% Attendance at SoM team meetings is sporadic by many team members. Any meeting is cancelled because of not being quorate Equitable SOM caseloads (cross ref 2a) There is equity in caseloads with variation between supervisors caseloads not exceeding six midwives Caseloads are unevenly spread with variation in up to 10 midwives seen. Plans to address this are in place Caseloads show wide variation with no plan in place to improve equity 3 a) Evidence of effective and equitable teamwork 14 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment, including their comments and submitted evidence LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met FTP investigation spread sheet to demonstrate equity in allocation of investigation workload (Cross ref 1d) The investigation workload is evenly spread throughout the team Investigation workload is mainly spread out, some SoMs not undertaking investigations because of conflict with substantive post. Investigations are generally done by a few members of the team Facilitated away day to develop SOM team The team have attended an away day with at least 90% of SoMs in attendance. There are clear outputs from the day Team away day with 70 – 90% attendance by SoMs. Outputs from the day are present but not well defined No team away day, or is poorly attended (<70%) and few or no outputs apparent from day The SOM team is an example of effective teamwork and transfer these skills to ensuring high quality multidisciplinary team work Meetings are run effectively i.e. defined agenda, actions, decision making, run to time, process for agenda and minute taking and distribution, terms of reference agreed and kept to Meetings run reasonably well, there is an agenda and minutes which are distributed. Actions may not be clear or followed up to ensure completion. Terms of reference are not Meetings are not well run. Minutes and agenda are managed in an ad hoc way. Actions are not followed up and meetings are not described as productive by the majority of the team. Teams should include any other evidence that shows team 15 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment, including their comments and submitted evidence LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met well known by the team functioning in a cohesive and effective manner to support midwifery practice and services 3b) Examples to include the demonstration and development of leadership skills SoM involvement in identifying and encouraging future SoMs to undertake the preparation of Supervisors of Midwives course Cross ref with 2e SoM involvement in providing mentorship, support and preceptorship for student midwives, student SoMs and newly qualified SoMs and post qualifying midwives Teams show awareness of recruitment needs and are constantly talent spotting and developing midwives Teams recruit in an adhoc way when need is pressing Teams struggle to recruit and show few initiatives in developing staff SoM team are engaged in strategies to support Midwives, students, student SoMs and newly qualified midwives in practice and in understanding Team are involved in teaching and support strategies for midwives, students, student SoMs and newly qualified midwives but may not reach all Teaching and support strategies are are limited to midwives mandatory training sessions 16 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment, including their comments and submitted evidence LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met supervision groups, or that many from any one group Strategies include developing skills in working with women at risk of knowing less (English is not their first language), vulnerable women, keeping normality in the face of complexity Leadership on SOM initiatives across the Trust SoM team demonstrate active leadership in a variety of initiatives to improve the quality of the service as Supervisors rather than in substantive roles. Can Not Met Strategies tend to be restricted to classroom teaching sessions Team demonstrate leadership in initiatives, but this is limited in range and unclear with respect to substantive posts. Results may not be very well presented Team leadership is limited to initiatives that are dependent on SoMs substantive post. Lacks range no evidence of results 17 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment, including their comments and submitted evidence LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met demonstrate results of such work. Representation from SOM team to Trust Board to present Annual Report Members of the SoM team, other than the HoM present the teams annual report, which incorporates the LSA audit recommendation s and findings, to the Trust board Annual report or the LSA audit report are presented to the board may be by the HoM. There is no presentation to the Trust Board Representation on LSA wide projects/initiatives which could include: -Conference planning -Piloting new tools -Task specific working parties -Hosting Network Meetings SoM team are actively engaged with the LSA in attending and supporting at least two events/teaching/i nitiatives. (Some may be by email). SoM team attend LSA conference and other LSA teaching opportunities. Minimal feedback/contrib ution to initiative development Team attend LSA conference, engagement with LSA outside of this is limited Team should Include other local examples of team working & Midwives are able to recognise and value the contribution that Midwives understand and believe that SoMs are active Midwives have little sense of the contribution that SoMs make to 18 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment, including their comments and submitted evidence LSA verification and comments Leadership development Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met their SoM team make to the life of the unit in the unit but are not able to clearly describe the contribution they make to the life of the unit the life of the unit and any initiatives that the team have involved in There is SoM representation on at least two AEI meetings SoM team attend one AEI meeting may be in substantive role No SoMs attend any AEI meeting SoMs teach on student Midwife course each year Supervisors may have some input on student midwives course Supervisors do not teach student midwives 3c) Evidence to demonstrate SoM interface with AEIs, examples could include: SoM involvement in curriculum development and curriculum review of education programmes Teaching/assessing initiatives to support student midwives in the supervisory framework 19 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Domain 4: Supervision of Midwives and Interface with Users Supervisors of Midwives are available to offer guidance and support to women accessing a midwifery service that is evidence based in the provision of women centred care Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment, including their comments and submitted evidence LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met The SoM team are ambassadors for treating women with kindness and respect and advocating for women’s voices to drive service delivery at every opportunity and are leading work on developing this across the service The SoM team will work well with women when opportunities present themselves and try to advocate for women’s views on some projects The SoM team work with women effectively when asked to, tend not to advocate for women’s views in project work/service development 4a) Examples should include: SOMs are ambassadors for treating women with kindness and respect and lead on improvements in partnerships with service users and management Contacts between SoMs, Midwives and Women are not all led by Supervisors but show midwives and women find Contacts between SoM’s and women and midwives tend to be initiated by SoM’s Team have limited evidence of contacts with women and midwives 20 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment, including their comments and submitted evidence SoM involvement with the user forums such as the MSLC The SOM team actively recruit for their user forums such as the MSLC SoM are accessible to women, e.g. web link, user strategy, user information LSA verification and comments Measurement Met the team accessible and approachable The SoM team have a minimum 90% attendance at MSLC meetings and are active contributors eg sharing their LSA audit and annual report and seeking MSLC contributions The SoM team are actively involved in recruitment for the MSLC or other user groups SoM team uses a variety of ways to publicise the team and their contact methods, to women and their families, NMC leaflet is widely distributed Partially Met Not Met SoM team attend the MSLC on 75 – 90% of occasions. Contribution is limited SoM team attend less than 50 % of MSLC meetings SoM team are occasionally helpful to MSLC recruitment SoM team do not participate in MSLC recruitment SoM team have posters up and information on the website. NMC leaflet is available in ad hoc way The team are not well publicised in the unit and women have a mixed experience of getting hold of a supervisor, NMC leaflet is not available Web information is present, not 21 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment, including their comments and submitted evidence LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Supervisors are easy to find on the Trust web pages and have a range of welcoming information available to women including when to call, how to call and links to a variety of useful information Examples of SOM advocacy for women for example, care planning and supporting women’s choices including place of birth SOMs are proactive in the promotion of SoM team demonstrate multiple examples of involvement in supporting women’s choices including care planning and multi-disciplinary working, may include place of birth, vulnerable women etc The team have a strategy and action plan Partially Met necessarily easy to find and limited in content. Contact details are clear and when to call Not Met Information about services on the web is poor quality, limited and hard to find Limited examples presented of care planning and supporting women’s choices Team do not present examples of supporting women’s choices or participation in care planning Team support normal birth and are engaged Team support normal birth but evidence of 22 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment, including their comments and submitted evidence Normal Birth LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met around supporting normal birth, show leadership in the area, and are looking at ways to facilitate midwifery led care. with some activity, but have limited strategy and leadership activity limited or absent or unclear in relation to substantive role Environments for care are orientated to the needs of service users and are flexible even when high levels of intervention are required Some environments are womencentred, others less so and there are plans to address those that need development Environment for care is medical and institutionally orientated, inflexible and there are no plans for change 4 b) Evidence to demonstrate SoM activities in response to user surveys/views and action plans, any other evidence Service Users views are sought out to drive service development The SoM team collect information about service users views and formulate an action plan on the basis of this Service users views are sought out but there is lack of action on the results Service users input is collected by the Trust, SoM’s are aware of this and may support it but the team do not make use of the data 23 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment, including their comments and submitted evidence LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met SoMs have been able to access the views of seldom heard and vulnerable groups of women. Service users who are hard to reach are actively sought out for their input Service users who are harder to reach are not well represented in such activities/ feedback There is no attempt to reach a variety of users of the service Users’ input has been accessed during the development of SoM strategy and guidelines The SoM team act to engage users in service developments including guidelines, leaflets, refurbishment, re-organisation etc Service users input is sought on some occasions to support service developments but tends to be limited Service users input is collected by the Trust, SoM’s are aware of this and may support it but the team do not make use of the data No reference or acknowledgeme nt is made of the lay auditors contribution to previous audits Women and families are generally not informed when an investigation into their care is undertaken 4c) Supervisory investigations should include the offer to the family of obtaining their account of their experience The lay auditors report is included in the team strategy Women whose care is subject to investigation are all offered the opportunity to contribute to the process and are fedback to The Lay auditors report is not specifically attended to in the teams strategy Some families are contacted when their care is subject to investigation but this is not monitored and they may not be 24 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015 Criteria to be audited SoM team self assessment, including their comments and submitted evidence LSA verification and comments Measurement Met Partially Met Not Met asked if they wish to contribute 25 London LSA Audit Tool Criteria Revised November 2015