The Sea Floor Brain Warmers: • Q: Of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, which one contains the most water?? • A: Right! The Southern Hemisphere contains nearly 80% water by volume. • Q: Which ocean is the largest? The deepest? a. Arctic b. Pacific • A: Pacific • A: Pacific again! c. Atlantic d. Indian Figure 2.02 How did it all get this way? • Big bang leftovers! • Density played a major role. • How’s that work?? • Density = mass/volume • Lighter stuff stays on the top! Figure 2.03 Ocean Floor Facts • Ocean crust is composed of basalt. Basalt is common to the sea floor also. • Much of the crust which forms land masses is composed of granite. • Much of the ocean floor and crust differs in age too! (200 myo compared to 3.8 byo!!) • Why?? About what percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by ocean? 25% 25 % 25% 85 % 25% 71 % 25% 50 % A. 50% B. 71% C. 85% D. 25% Which is true? A. The Pacific ocean is deepest and smallest B. The Arctic ocean is shallowest and smallest C. The Atlantic ocean is deepest and largest D. The Indian ocean is shallowest and largest is sh a l.. . de e. .. is oc ea n ian eI nd Th Th eA tla nt ic oc ea n rc t ic eA Th oc ea n is s is co ce an ac ifi eP Th ha l de e l.. . p. .. 25% 25% 25% 25% Ocean Floor Structure • Sir Francis Bacon (1620) considered continents puzzle pieces. • Geological features (coal deposits) matched on opposite coasts. Figure 2.04 Ocean Floor Structure • Sir Francis Bacon (1620) considered contents puzzle pieces. • Geological features (coal deposits) matched on opposite coasts. • Alfred Wegner (1912) hypothesized continental drift. 180 mya Pangea Bound… • Continents may have been one piece which later broke apart, moved, and formed present day conditions. 150 mya 95 mya • How?? • Plate tectonics ocean floor movement. • Consists of faults (cracks) which form the mid ocean ridges (mountains). 45 mya 15 mya Figure 2.05 Current Mid-ocean ridges & trenches Figure 2.06 These locations are a significant source of geological activity! Figure 2.07 Figure 2.08 • Sea floor spreading occurs at mid-ocean ridges. • Magnetic anomalies occur here too! “Okay, Miss Collins. You’re using big words again!!” Magnetic anemone!! But seriously…. •Sea-floor spreading where the ocean floor moves away from the mid-ocean ridge records the magnetic fields of the earth. Figure 2.10 Locations and direction of seafloor spreading. Figure 2.11 Crust and mantle come together to form the lithosphere. Subduction, and resulting subduction zones, are where ocean floor plates flow beneath the mantle of the crust and are places of tectonic activity. Figure 2.12 Trenches and island arcs can be formed when two sections of ocean plates come together. Figure 2.13 Mt. Veniaminof, Alaska Some areas can be quite acitve!! Figure 2.14 When plates move sideways then there is a new formation called a shear-boundary. San Andreas Fault, CA Figure 2.15 Swirling vs. Pulling Convection suggests that continents move on a “soup” of rock, whereas slab pulling indicates that as rock cools, it sinks beneath the surface and “pulls” lithosphere into the depths (This is the currently accepted explanation.) Magnetic anomalies are bands of rock that run parallel to the mid-ocean ridge system. What do they provide evidence for? an th en se r is d Gr a ni te flo ea es Th ba .. . .. fo rm or w as at sf or m no e ca ed . .. oc ea n oc ea th e in ed Vo l Ba ct er ia liv A. Bacteria lived in the ocean floor millions of years ago B. Volcanoes form at ocean ridges. C. The sea floor was formed in layers D. Granite is denser than basalt .. . 25% 25% 25% 25% Continental plates are believed to move because of which of these causes? ... d ca li. .. an lt flu id ng fa u Th em an cr ac tle ka is lo be c.. . Pl at es it h os ph er e lin gl Co o w vo lc a ni c ro c kp us he .. . 25% 25% 25% 25% Ne A. New volcanic rock pushes them away from spreading centers. B. Cooling lithosphere becomes dense, sinks, and pulls a plate with it. C. Plates crack along fault lines. D. The mantle is fluid and carries plates along with it Figure 2.17 Ocean sediments often preserve organism which help scientist age the ocean floor. Lithogenous sediment contains minerals, while biogenous sediment contains fossil remains. Figure 2.19 Figure 2.20 Figure 2.21 Figure 2.22 Figure 2.23 Figure 2.24 The biologically richest area of the seafloor is A. The continental shelf. B. The continental slope. C. The plain. D. Deep-sea vents. E. The abyssal plain n ai pl by ss al ve nt s. Th ea se a De ep - ep Th slo ta l on t in en ec Th la pe . lf. sh e ta l on t in en ec Th in . 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Red clay is an example of biogenous sediment. Tr 50% se ue 50% Fa l A. True B. False A swimmer sees a shark. Some sharks are dangerous. The swimmer swims away from the shark based on this information. 25% 25% 25% 25% so ni n g he or y ea at er ed d de du c tiv m Us e Fo r re du ct ive in d Us e Te st e d a hy po t he s as on in g is A. Tested a hypothesis B. Used inductive reasoning C. Formed a theory D. Used deductive reasoning Which of the following is a valid scientific hypothesis? ab er in fo xf ac br a On e- sp ot se ns u ph i Do l bi tfi .. .. wa v w ep ke to al m or m es ha . r io rp et su pe si It i Do gs a .. s. 25% 25% 25% 25% re A. Dogs are superior pets. B. It is immoral to keep whales in captivity. C. Dolphins use brainwaves to communicate. D. One-spot foxface rabbitfish prefer green algae to red algae. Figure 2.25 Figure 2.26 Figure 2.27 Text Art 2.01 Text Art 2.02