Name: The Outsiders Final Project Assigned: September 25, 2013

The Outsiders Final Project
Assigned: September 25, 2013
Selection due: Friday, September 27, 2013.
Due: October 10, 2013
Goal: Pick one project from the list that you would like to do as your final project to end The Outsiders.
Make sure, for the project you pick, that you are capable of handling the requirements.
Some projects are group-based. Make sure you pick group members who are reliable and will share the
work. You will be graded as a group. Groups may be no more than four people.
You must have your project/group approved before you begin working. Projects are due Thursday,
October 10. NO EXCEPTIONS! Early submissions are not allowed.
You will have time during testing week (October 1-4) to work on this project. You may bring supplies or
whatever you need for your project to class those days.
Project list:
1. Movie poster- create a movie poster (poster-board size) for The Outsiders that might hang in a
movie theater. You must include creative images, something that would interest movie-goers, a
review in quotes by a credible source (Siskel and Ebert weren’t around then) the actors, etc.
look at current movie posters for examples.
2. Compare/contrast violence in the book- research on the internet at least two papers criticizing
the amount of violence in The Outsiders. Then, write your own 5-paragraph essay stating
whether or not you agree with what you found. Use quotes from the novel to back yourself up
(textual evidence). You must use brainstorming, outline, rough draft, and final draft processes in
this project and submit the essays you found.
3. Letter to S.E. Hinton-write a letter to S.E. Hinton telling her exactly what you liked or disliked
about the novel and why. The letter must be at least one page long. Look up S.E. Hinton’s
address on the internet and include a correctly addressed envelope.
4. Newspaper obituaries-write obituaries for the people who die in The Outsiders using Microsoft
Publisher. Make the newspaper include headlines, pictures, etc. Use current obituaries as
examples on what to write for each character. You must fill the entire space and make the page
look like a newspaper (old, distressed).
5. Newspaper with main heading “Juvenile Delinquents Turn Heroes”- (pg 107) - imagine this title
being the front page of the local Tulsa newspaper. Create your own front page using Microsoft
Publisher. Write a story under the main headline; come up with other “mini” stories that might
be on the front page. Come up with a creative title for your newspaper. Use current newspapers
as examples. Your entire front page must be filled with stories. Remember: the Socs were
always trying to get their names in the paper, too…
6. Movie trailer (film) - GROUP- this group project requires you to video what you think might be a
good movie trailer for The Outsiders. You must include snippets of events that happen
throughout the book; have riveting monologue; etc. your group must act out the events for the
movie trailer. You must include a script with this project and how you pieced the events
together. Movie trailer must be at least 30 seconds long. You may use Windows Movie Maker to
piece your final trailer together.
7. Timeline of story events-make a sequential time chart (chronological) of the most important
events in the story. You can do the chart in any form (straight line, roller coaster, circle, etc.).
Hand in a typed list of events along with the chart.
8. Write chapter 13- The Next Chapter-what might happen after chapter 12? Write your own
chapter 13 including the characters, setting, time period (you could fast forward some years),
dialogue, and what happened after the book. Be sure to use page numbers and label your
9. Act out a scene (GROUP) - must have a script- act out and video a scene or scenes from the
novel. You will need to hand in a script for your film- NO live acts allowed!
10. Dinner with the characters (must have script, GROUP, film)-select two or more characters from
the novel and pretend to have them to your house for dinner. Video the meal and the
interaction. You can do this at your house with your group or use members of your family and
members of your group. This one could get really creative! You must submit a script for this
11. A different point of view- The Outsiders is told from Ponyboy’s point of view, but he is certainly
not the only major character in the book. Select another character from the novel and re-write a
scene or two from that person’s perspective.
12. Create a puzzle with scenes from the book- create a puzzle and on each puzzle piece, draw out
and decorate scenes from the novel. You must have at least 12 puzzle pieces. I will laminate
these for you once you cut out and design your pieces so we can use the puzzle!
13. Biography questions and answers with one character-imagine that you are interviewing one of
the characters from The Outsiders in order to write their biography. Write a list of questions (at
least 15), and answer those questions according to how that character would answer them. Use
questions and answers that you would ask the character for their biography. You could even film
asking the questions to the character (PAIR) in sort of a “Inside the Actor’s Studio” setting.
14. Something you have learned or has changed because of the book-The Outsiders has the
tendency to make us think differently about ourselves and others, especially in a school/group
setting. Write a 5-paragraph essay explaining how the novel has changed you, made you think
differently, or something you might have learned upon reading this novel. You must submit
brainstorm web, outline, rough draft, and final draft.
15. Mobile of characters, setting, plot, theme, conflict- create a mobile (thing that hangs above a
baby’s crib) of different aspects from The Outsiders. You may choose to detail the different
literary elements (characters, plot, conflict, theme, etc) or you may choose to exhibit different
scenes. You must have at least 7 pieces hanging from your mobile.
Outsiders Final Project Selection
Due: Friday, September 27, 2013. Must be approved my Ms. Moulder
Are you filming?__________________________________________
When is the final project due?______________________________
Ms. Moulder’s signature approving this selection/ date