Performance Evaluation Training: Phase 1 Spring 2016 Background TWU determined that the current performance evaluation process should undergo a committee review to evaluate if the performance management plans are consistent and could be effectively and equitably linked to compensation. Two committees were formed to review the current program and make recommendations: – Professional & Administrative Committee – Classified Committee Committees’ Work Committee: Goals and Objectives To review current program and recommend to cabinet a streamlined evaluation process that could be used for a merit based performance review program. • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the current performance evaluation program. • Prepare drafts of revisions to the current performance evaluation form formats. • Design/revise the performance planning and evaluation process to incorporate the desired changes to the plan. • Present the proposed performance planning and evaluation program to HR staff and forwarded to the cabinet for final approval. Committee: What the Committees Were NOT Charged to Accomplish • Compensation – although we made recommendations regarding merit pay, we were not charged to address compensation in general nor specifics regarding merit pay • Job descriptions – although we understood that there were concerns with some job descriptions, we were not charged to modify nor recommend changes to job descriptions • Succession planning and career paths – although we were not charged to address either of these, we recognized the importance of each • Address the equality in evaluations • Determine the score for merit compensation Committee: Process Held a series of weekly/bi-weekly meetings with crosssectional committee. Reviewed the current TWU forms and forms from other institutions: • Tarleton State University, • University of North Texas, • Texas A&M University System, and • Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Developed the best forms and process considering feedback and consensus of opinion from committee members. Solicited feedback regarding forms and process from: • Anonymous survey, • Town Hall meeting, and • Staff Council. Committee: Response to Charge • Considered and incorporated, where appropriate, feedback into final DRAFT version of document for management consideration. • Revised evaluation forms using suggestions from committee and best formats from review of other college and university evaluation forms. • Coordinated process and output with the other sub-committee addressing review of classified employee documents. Committee: Survey • An employee performance review survey was distributed to all staff employees. • 13 questions were asked. • Responses were compiled and incorporated into the committees’ recommendations. Committee: Survey Respondents – – – – – – – – Professional and Administrative Staff Clerical Custodial, grounds-keeping, maintenance Health Care Professionals Commissioned Police Officers Do not know Total Campus • Denton 281 (87.8%) • Dallas 21 (6.6%) • Houston 18 (5.6%) • Total 320 (100% 223 78 11 10 1 5 328 (68%) (23.8%) (3.4%) (3%) (.3%) (1.5%) (100%) Committee: Survey Top 10 Comments on Current Performance System 1. No merit raises 2. No benefit 3. Too lengthy 4. Lack flexibility 5. Gives feedback 6. Too complex 7. Good if used effectively 8. Not been evaluated 9. Issue with goals 10. Too subjective Committee: What Employees Would Like to Change about the Current Performance Review System 1. Merit based pay 2. Customized evaluation 3. Nothing 4. Shorter 5. Meaningful 6. Merit based benefits 7. Two-way evaluation 8. Simplify 9. More frequent reviews 10. Merit based promotions Committee: Assumptions, Recommendations, Concerns • Review year will continue to coincide with calendar year • Evaluation due dates range from March through April to accommodate different departmental “life cycles” (recommendation) • Process be wholly electronic (recommendation) Committee: Assumptions, Recommendations, Concerns • Divisional supervisors allocate merit pay (recommendation) • Merit pay distributions be transparent by department not person (recommendation) • Supervisors be evaluated anonymously by supervisees (recommendation) Committee: Assumptions, Recommendations, Concerns • Training for supervisors to ensure appropriate evaluations and distribution of merit (recommendation and concern) • Training for employees to seek timely feedback and formal review and to better understand rationale for merit distribution (recommendation and concern) Committee: Recommendations Regarding Merit • Merit pay consideration to become a permanent item in the budget • Merit pay may be added to the base pay or as a one time payment (depending on reason for merit pay) • Additional paid time off – has been implemented as Recognition Pay Performance Evaluation System Phase 1 Goals Reminder • Prior review period: Old forms – January 2015 – December 2015 • Current review period: New forms – January 2016 – December 2016 Overview • Roles & Objectives • Linking Performance to Pay • Forms Overview • Performance Evaluation Steps • Set Goals • Summary Roles & Objectives Roles & Objectives Roles: • Supervisors, Employees, HR and IT share a role to implement the performance evaluation system developed by the committees. • HR and Supervisors share a role to provide education and training to employees. HR is responsible to provide training in the form of education and training sessions. Supervisors have a role to guide employees through the system where needed on a continuing basis. • Staff Council, the Performance Evaluation Committees, HR, IT, Supervisors and Employees share a role to monitor, evaluate and recommend as we move forward through the process. We may discover a way to improve processes as we move into subsequent review cycles. Roles & Objectives Presentation Objectives: • To provide supervisors and employees with an overview of the performance evaluation system developed by the committees. • Introduce the concept of linking pay to performance for future increases. • Provide the training and tools necessary so that employees and supervisor’s can work together to establish goals. Linking Performance to Pay Performance Pay • The University is committed to linking pay to performance. • The cabinet has made a commitment to adopt the committees’ recommendation for this evaluation period to designate a dollar amount to fund a performance increase. • Performance increases will be based on a pay for performance concept whereby increases are linked to the performance scoring system. • The amounts and method depends on the University’s financial position, which among other factors will depend greatly on state funding. • The University is in the process of reviewing the performance fund and methods of distribution. There will be additional communication and training when approved by the Cabinet and Board of Regents. Performance Pay • The performance fund has been designated to distribute the funds based on individual performance. Therefore, performance increases in this upcoming cycle will be tied to the performance scoring system and not across the board. • The next performance increase will be based on the annual review period from January, 2016 – December, 2016 and projected to be paid early 2017. New Forms Overview New Forms Overview Similarities: • There will continue to be separate forms for Classified staff employees and Professional & Administrative staff employees. • Employees will continue to complete a Self-Appraisal Form and a Performance Review Form. Goals will continue to be completed for all staff employees. New Forms Overview Changes: • The Committees’ developed simpler Self-Appraisal and Performance Evaluation forms. • Forms will be available on the Pioneer Portal in web format. Paper format is optional for facilities staff members. • The new system no longer uses weighting of the 2 evaluation sections. • Supervisors are no longer required to set priority levels for questions. Goals are not individually scored; questions in the performance review address goal performance. New Forms Overview: Self Appraisal New Forms Overview: Self Appraisal New Forms Overview: Self Appraisal Highlights: Accomplishments and contributions Duties outside scope of position Professional development activities New Forms Overview: Self Appraisal Goals: Details to follow New Forms Overview: Self Appraisal Goals: Details to follow New Forms Overview: Performance Review New Forms Overview: Performance Review New Forms Overview: Performance Review Additional Performance Competencies: Police Officers Custodians, Groundskeepers and Maintenance Staff Supervisor Responsibilties New Forms Overview: Performance Review Goals: Details to follow Performance Evaluation Steps Performance Evaluation Steps 1. Set Goals (Employee & Supervisor) • Supervisors and employees meet to establish mutually agreed upon goals and complete Goals and Development Form. 2. Conduct Informal Meetings (Employee & Supervisor) • Throughout the year meet with the employee on a regular basis to discuss progress and areas where additional attention is needed. 3. Complete Self Appraisal Form (Employee) 4. Complete Performance Review Form (Supervisor) 5. Performance Review Meeting (Employee & Supervisor) Step 1: Set Goals Step 1: Set Goals • Goals: Are statements of the important outcomes you are working to accomplish. May include both Performance Goals and Development Goals. Step 1: Set Goals • Why Set Goals? • To set specific expectations of what work should be done. • To create clear, measurable performance standards. • To make the connection between an individual employee's work, department and University goals. Step 1: Set Goals What is the difference between Performance and Development Goals? Step 1: Set Goals • Performance Goals: Set objectives for the current review period. Relate to the department's overall mission. Include clearly defined expectations for success. Step 1: Set Goals • Development Goals: Help employees and managers plan for an individual's development with an eye toward future needs. Help employees develop a new set of skills and knowledge base in order to grow into a new area of responsibility. Should be learning-oriented. Step 1: Set Goals • SMART Goals – The SMART acronym can help managers and employees share the same understanding of goals set during performance review conversations. Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Based Step 1: Set Goals • When creating goals, answer the following questions to be sure that you are following the SMART approach: What is specific about the goal? Is the goal measurable? (How will you know the goal has been achieved?) Is the goal achievable? Is the goal relevant to performance expectations or professional development? Is the goal time-based? (How often will this task be done? Or, by when will this goal be accomplished?) Step 1: Set Goals • Performance Goal Examples: Manage the department budget to stay within appropriations and accomplish 85% of service results by the end of the fiscal year. By December 1, 2016, implement a new performance review system for University staff using clearly defined processes and guidelines so employees and managers can more competently evaluate performance and develop their careers. Coach and support my direct reports resulting in them reporting that I provided them with clear expectations, meaningful feedback and fair performance evaluations by the end of the fiscal year. Step 1: Set Goals • Development Goals Utilize by November 1, 2016, complete an advanced Excel training course to upgrade my skills so I can prepare budget reconciliation reports with an analysis of trends By November 1, 2016, facilitate and complete the office cross-training project to develop procedures for all units to ensure all critical functions are covered during absences. By November, 2016, complete course work and attain a certification to enhance job related skills and assist in accomplishing performance goals. Step 1: Set Goals (Classified Form) The following slides are screenshots of the web forms to be completed for goals. Links to the goals forms will be available soon. Step 1: Set Goals (Classified Form) Step 1: Set Goals (Classified Form) Step 1: Set Goals (P&A Form) Step 1: Set Goals (P&A Form) Step 1: Set Goals (P&A Form) Step 1: Set Goals (Classified and P&A) Step 2: Conduct Informal Meetings Step 2: Conduct Informal Meetings • Throughout the year meet with the employee on a regular basis to discuss progress and areas where additional attention is needed. Current projects and activities. Current level of performance and ways to increase it to the next level. Any performance deficiencies so that there will be no surprises on the performance review. Status of performance and development goals. Document changes in expectations due to modifications in work process or job duties. Next Steps Next Steps: The next steps in the performance evaluation system will be addressed in Phase 2 training. These steps will include: • • • How to complete the Self Appraisal Form How to complete the Performance Review Form Pay for Performance calculation and distribution method. Summary Summary • There will be additional training sessions to assist employees and supervisors. • Performance calculation and distribution methods will be communicated in Phase 2 training. • The goals forms will be accessible on SharePoint; a link to the goals form will be sent out soon. • The web versions of the self appraisal and performance review forms are in the process of being placed on the new system. Thank you !