E-VERIFICATION BASELINE MARKET SURVEY: April 2014 MARKET LOCATION QUESTIONNAIRE DASHBOARD Name ML01 Market Hub ML02 Market Location ML03 Market Location District 109 SECTION C: RETIAL SHOP INTERVIEW ENUMERATOR: Interview all shops starting with the largest shop (by ag-input sales) and work down. Ask to interview the store owner or manager. Seek the respondent’s consent by reading the informed consent paragraph. C01. Name of Retail shop ____________________________________________ C02. Has this shop sold any of these agricultural inputs: maize seed, herbicide, pesticide, fertilizer in the past 12 months? ________ YES…1 NO…2. If ‘NO’, end survey. 1- Respondent Details ENUMERATOR: Ask these questions of the individual you encounter in the shop. If this person is not the primary decision maker (owner/manager) please write down this person’s information, as well as the name and contact information of the primary decision maker. Then, contact the primary decision maker and attempt to set a time to interview that person to fill out the remainder of the questionnaire. Question Code Response C03. What is your name? C04. What is your position in this shop? SHOP POSITION CODE if C04 is not 1 or 2 then skip to C07. If C04 is 2, skip to C08. C05. What is the owner/manager’s name? C06. What is the phone number of the owner/manager? C07. What is your phone number? BUILDING SHOP POSITION MATERIAL CODE CODE Wood...........................1 Owner...................1 Mud.............................2 Manager.................2 Aluminum....................3 Spouse of owner....3 Bricks..........................4 Worker...................4 Cement.......................5 Other......................5 Other (please specify) 6 2- Shop Details ENUMERATOR: Ask these questions of the most knowledgeable person on these topics. Usually that is the manager or the owner. Question Code C08. Position of respondent SHOP POSITION CODE C09. In what year did you become the manager? C10. How many employees work in this shop including yourself? C11. Is this shop officially registered to sell agricultural inputs? (year) Other..........................7 Response Yes…1 No…..2 110 3Question Code C13. Does this shop have electricity? Yes…1 No…..2 >> C15 C14. How many power outages did this shop experience in a typical month over the last 12 months? C15. What is the primary building material of this shop? C16. What is the total selling area of this shop (in square meters)? 4- Structure of shop Response BUILDING MATERIAL CODE Products and Sales C17. In what year did this shop first start selling agricultural inputs? C18. Have you ever carried products with a scratch-off label so that the customer can check product quality? C19. In what year did you carry products with a scratch-off label? C20. Do you currently carry any products with a scratch-off label? C21. Are your sales of agricultural inputs Yes…1 No…..2 >> C21. Permanent-year round……………………..……..1 Temporary (some months, not consistent)…..…2 Seasonal (some months, consistent annually)...3 C22. What share of this shop’s total sales are made up of sales of agricultural inputs? 111 5- Decision-Maker Details. ENUMERATOR: Ask these questions of the individual who is the primary decision maker (possibly owner/manager) of this shop, in terms of deciding what products to stock and how to manage the store. Question Code C23. What is your name? C24. What is your position in this shop? C25. In what year did you become the manager? C26. What is your phone number? POSITION CODE C27. Enumerator: Were you able to interview the decision maker for the shop? C28. Can you read or write in any language? Yes…1 No…..2 C27. What is your level of education? EDUCATION CODE Yes…1 No…..2 Response MARITAL STATUS EDUCATION CODE CODE Never attended school..........1 Married........................1 Less than primary school......2 Divorced/Separated....2 Primary school......................3 Widowed.....................3 O levels.................................4 Never married.............4 A levels.................................5 Any univerisy .......................6 Universtiy degree..................7 C28. What is your age (in years)? C29. What is your gender Female ….1 Male ……..2 C30. What is your marital status? MARITAL STATUS CODE C31. How many members are there in your household? Yes…1 No…..2 Enumerator: For this survey, a household is defined as a group of people who live and eat together, share resources and form a common decision-making unit. 112 6- Banking and Credit Enumerator: Ask these questions of the most knowledgeable person on these topics. Usually that is the manager or the owner. INVENTORY CODE Question Code Computer based inventory software.......1 C32. Position of the respondent POSITION CODE Paper lists and counts...................................2 C33. Does this shop currently have any outstanding loans? C34. Does this shop purchase products on credit? C35. Does this shop have a bank account? C36. Is the bank account the same as that of the owner’s? C37. How do you keep track of your inventory? C44. Does the shop own this building? Yes…1 No…..2 Yes…1 No…..2 Yes…1 No…..2 >> C37. Yes…1 No…..2 INVENTORY CODE By sight (no record).......................................3 C45. Does the shop own this land? Response Do not keep track..........................................4 Other ............................................................97 Yes…1 No…..2 Yes…1 No…..2 113 MONTH CODE 7- Jan………….…..1 Feb……………..2 March……….….3 April…………….4 May……………..5 June…………….6 Products C46. Position of Respondent…………….. POSITION CODE _____ Products Did this shop stock this product anytime in second season 2013? Yes...1 No…2 Did this shop stock this product anytime in first season 2014? Yes...1 How many different brands/varieties have you carried anytime in first season 2014? What proportion of your sales of fertilizer is this product? C49. C50. 2nd season 2013 What month did sales start for [Product]? No…2 C47. 1 Maize seed 2 Glyphosate herbicide 3 Insecticide 4 NPK fertilizer 5 Urea fertilizer C48. C51a. What was the peak month of sales for [Product]? C51b. July…………….7 Aug…………….8 Sept……………9 Oct……………10 Nov…………...11 Dec…………...12 SHOP POSITION CODE Owner....................1 Manager.................2 Spouse of owner....3 Product details Worker...................4 1st season 2014 2nd season 2014 Other......................5 What month did sales start for [Product]? C51c. What was the What month will peak month of sales start for sales for [Product]? [Product]? C51d. C51e. UNIT CODE Kg...................1 Gram..............2 Litre................3 Pound.............4 What will be the peak month of sales for [Product]? C51f. 114 8- Product Varieties - MAIZE List all the varieties of [Product] you have in stock or have sold in the past year for this product. C52a – m 1 Other (enable if C48a = 997) C52b - m Do you know if this variety is an Open Pollenated Variety (OPV)/local variety, or if it is a hybrid / improved variety? Do you sell this variety by weight from opened bulk containers in this shop? OPV……….1 Hybrid…….2 Don’t know 3 Yes…1 No…..2 C53 – m C54 – m What was the market share of [product] for this variety? Container size(s) What container size(s) What is the did you have in stock for price for this variety in the past each size? year? (list all sizes for each variety that are Please use sold in a sealed the current package or container) or most recent price UNIT Quantity (UGX) CODE (Percent) C55 – m C56a – m C56b – m C56c – m Source(s) How many units did you sell of this size for this variety in 1st season 2014? C56d – m Name of source(s) where you purchased this product for this season (list all sources for this variety): C57a – m What kind of source is this? What is the location of this source? Retail shop……1 Distributor……..2 Another farmer..3 Wholesaler..…..4 Other…………..5 (name of town/city) C57b – m C57c – m 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 115 8- Product Brands - HERBICIDE List all the varieties/brands of [Product] you have in stock or have sold in the past year for this product. Other (enable if C48a = 997) Do you sell this product by weight from opened bulk containers in this shop? Yes…1 No…..2 C52a – h 1 C52b – h C54 – h What was the market share of [product] for this brand? Container size(s) What container size(s) What is the did you have in stock for price for this variety in the past each size? year? (list all sizes for each brand that are sold Please use in a sealed package or the current container) or most recent price UNIT Quantity (UGX) CODE (Percent) C55 – h C56a – h C56b – h C56c – h Source(s) How many units did you sell of this size for this /brand in 1st season 2014? C56d – h Name of source(s) where you purchased this product for this season (list all sources for this brand): C57a – h What kind of source is this? What is the location of this source? Retail shop……1 Distributor……..2 Another farmer..3 Wholesaler..…..4 Other…………..5 (name of town/city) C57b – h C57c – h 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 5 1 2 116 3 8- Product Brands – FERTILIZER List all the brands of [Product] you have in stock or have sold in the past year for this product. Other (enable if C48a = 997) Do you sell this product by weight from opened bulk containers in this shop? Yes…1 No…..2 C52a 1 C52b C54 What was the market share of [product] for this brand? Container size(s) What container size(s) What is the did you have in stock for price for this variety in the past each size? year? (list all sizes for each /brand that are Please use sold in a sealed the current package or container) or most recent price UNIT Quantity (UGX) CODE (Percent) C55 C56a C56b C56c Source(s) How many units did you sell of this size for this brand in 1st season 2014? C56d Name of source(s) where you purchased this product for this season (list all sources for this brand): C57a What kind of source is this? What is the location of this source? Retail shop……1 Distributor……..2 Another farmer..3 Wholesaler..…..4 Other…………..5 (name of town/city) C57b C57c 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 5 1 117 2 3 9- Farmer/Market Perceptions Question C58. Position of Respondent C59. What do you think are the three greatest problems faced by farmers in adopting agricultural inputs such as hybrid maize seeds, herbicides, and fertilizers? C60. Do you provide advice to farmers about which products to purchase? C61. Do you provide advice to farmers about what brands of products to purchase? C62. How do you decide which products to recommend? (Do not read responses. Check all that apply). Code POSITION CODE PROBLEM CODE Response a. b. c. First ______________ Second ____________ Third_______________ Yes…1 No…..2 Yes…1 No…..2 A. Products that are effective B. Products that are affordable to that customer C. Products that are new D. Products that are overstocked E. Other (please specify) _______________________ C63a. Which hybrid maize seed variety do you recommend most often? C63b. Other C64a. Which brand of glyphosate herbicide do you recommend most often? C64b. Other C65a. Which brand of fertilizer do you recommend most often? C65b. Other C66. How do you decide which products to stock? (Do not read responses. Check all that apply) MAIZE VARIETIE CODE C67. How do you decide who to purchase your products from? (Do not read responses. Check all that apply) A. B. C. D. GLYPHOSATE BRAND CODE FERTILIZER BRAND CODE A. Products that customers ask for B. Products we stocked last year C. Products that sold well last year D. Try to stock new products E. Price F. Profitability G. Other (please specify) ____________________________ Best price Convenience of acquiring products Established relationship/trust Other (please specify) 118 ____________________________ C68. How knowledgeable do you think farmers are about agricultural inputs and practices? Not at all knowledgeable……..1 Not too knowledgeable…........2 Somewhat knowledgeable…3 Knowledgeable………………4 Very knowledgeable………...5 C69. Do you give farmers advice on how to properly use agricultural inputs? Yes…1 No…..2 119 Appendix MAIZE VARIETIE CODES GLYPHOSATE BRAND CODES FERTILIZER BRAND CODES DH04 1 Longe 6H 19 Agro-sate 360 SL 1 Sweep W.S 19 Agroleaf/Agrloblen 1 DH06 2 Longe 7H 20 Coopersate 36%SL 2 Touchdown 20 Algifol TM 2 DK8031 3 Longe 8H 21 Glycel 41% SL 3 Touchdown 48%SL 21 Bio Zinc 3 FH500S 4 Longe 9H 22 Glyphosate 4 Twiga Glyphosate 22 Bio-Forge 4 FH6150 5 MM3 23 Glyphotox 5 Weed End 23 Bio-Potash 5 H10H 6 PAN 67 24 Glyweed 6 Weed Up 24 Biophos 6 H614 7 PAN67 25 Green Fire 7 Weed-Up 48% SL 25 Megacal 7 H614 8 Ssalongo 26 Helosate (Twigasate) 8 WeedFire 26 New Suryamin 8 H628 9 UH 5053 27 Kalach Extra 70 SG 9 Weedall 27 Sett Enhanced 9 H629 10 UH 6063 28 Kalachi 360 SL 10 Weedmaster 50%SL 28 Sugar Mover 10 H6H 11 UH5051 29 LB-Glyphosate 11 Willosate 36% 29 Vegimax 11 H7H 12 UH5052 30 Liphosate 12 Other 997 Other 997 KH500-43A 13 UH6303 31 Mamba 13 KH600-15A 14 YARA 41 32 Pin-Up 48% SL 14 Longe 10H 15 YARA 42 33 Round UP 36% SL 15 Longe 11H 16 YARA41 34 Round Up Turbo 16 Longe 4 17 YARA42 35 Roundfam 17 Longe 5 18 Other 997 Super Weeder 18 120 AGRICULTURAL INPUTS STUDY COMMUNITY LISTING EXERCISE: May 2014 DASHBOARD: Household Identification ComID. Computer Number Name A01. Market hub A02. Market location code A03a. District A03b. Subcounty A04. LC1 EnumID. Enumerator A05. Household Number Prefilled Prefilled Prefilled Prefilled Prefilled Prefilled Prefilled Code SECTION A: COVER Question A06a. Enter the correct name of the LC1 if it is incorrect in the list above A06b. Enter the correct name of the subcounty if it is incorrect or missing in the list above A07a. GPS – Latitude (N/S) A07a_1. GPS – Latitude degrees A07a_2. GPS – Latitude minutes (mm.mmm’) A07b_1. GPS – Longitude (E) degrees Name Code 1=N, 2=S B11 Code 77- Never attended A07b_2. GPS – Longitude (E) minutes (mm.mmm’) A07c. Accuracy (meters) 88- less than P1 A07d. Elevation (meters) A07e. Were you able to interview this household?? A07f. Why not? A08. What is the name of household head (Surname, First name)? A09. What is the common household name in the village? A10. Name of the Primary Respondent (Surname, First name) (Try to interview the household member who is the primary decision maker on agricultural activities for the household) 1..Yes>>A08 2..No Codes >>End of Survey if A07e=2 A07f Codes 1- P1 2- P2 1. Household refused interview 3- P3 4- P4 2. Household not available 5- P5 6- P6 3. Other 7- P7 8- Technical school 9- S1/Junior 1 10- S2/Junior 2 11- S3 12- S4 13- S5 14- S6 15- Tertiary after O-level 16- Tertiary after A-level 17- Some university or college 18- University degree or higher 121 Informed Consent We are conducting a short survey to learn about the activities of households in this community regarding farming and other activities. I would like to ask you some questions about your household. Your participation in this short interview is completely voluntary. Do you agree to take part in this survey? Yes…1 No…..2 A15. Consent given A16a. Date/time stamp SECTION B: HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION First, I would like to ask you some information about your household. For this survey, a household is defined as a group of people who live and eat together, share resources and form a common decision-making unit. A household member is anyone who met these criteria more than half of the time during the past 3 months. The household head is the individual who plays a leading role in household decision-making, particularly household economic activity and expenditures. B01. How many people currently live in this household? B03. Of the current household members, how many are less than 3 years old? B04. What is the respondent’s relationship to the household head? B05. Who is the person in this household who mainly makes decisions about agriculture, including purchasing inputs? (name) B06. Relationship of [B05 Name] to the household head? Household head Decision maker (B05) [disable if B06 =1] B07. Sex B08. 1=M 2=F Age B09. Marital status B10. Can [Name] read and write in any language? 1=Yes 2=No>>B10B B10A. What is [Name]’s primary written language ? >>B11 (Codes) B10B. What is [Name]’s primary spoken language ? (Codes) B11. Education level (Highest grade completed) B12. During the last 12 months, what was [NAME]’s main economic activity 12345678910111213141516- (Codes) B04 & B06Code household head spouse son/daughter son/daughter-in-law grandson/granddaughter parent brother/sister nephew/niece nephew/niece of wife cousin of head brother/sister-in-law parent-in-law cousin of wife other relative shambaboy/maid other, no relation B09 Code 12345- 12345678- B12 Code Own agriculture (incl. crop production and animal husbandry) Agricultural employment (someone else’s land) Non-agricultural employment Non-agricultural selfemployment School Housework None Other single married (monogamous) married (polygamous) divorced or separated widowed 122 SECTION C1: FARMING AND INPUT USE Enumerator: These questions should be asked of the person who makes the decisions regarding agriculture and agricultural input purchases (person named in B05) if possible. C01 Question Response option During the past two cropping seasons (Season 1 2014 and Season 2 2013), did any member of your household cultivate any crops for household consumption or sale? Why did your household not cultivate any crops in the past two cropping seasons? >>NEXT SECTION Yes….1 >> C03 No…...2 No access to land................1 Other economic activities.....2 Bad weather.........................3 Illness in family.....................4 Other economic shock.........5 Season 1, 2014….............. 1 Season 2, 2013…………… 2 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 When was the last season that your household cultivated any crops? What is the total land area that your household cultivated during [the last season that your household cultivated any crops (C03)]? During the past two cropping seasons, did your household cultivate any maize? Response C06 Code (acres) Yes No 1 2 What are the three most important crops that your household cultivated in [the last season that your household cultivated any crops (C03)], in terms of total area cultivated? (List crops in order of most area cultivated, second most area cultivated, third most area cultivated. If less than 3 crops are cultivated, select “None”) a) b) c) ________________ ________________ ________________ SECTION C2: PRODUCTS PRODUCT Did your household purchase any [PRODUCT] in the past two cropping seasons (Season 1 2014 or Season 2 2013)? Yes...1 >> C10a No…2 Don’t know...9 C08 1 Maize seed 2 Glyphosate herbicide 3 Inorganic fertilizer If no, why not? Was the maize seed that you Too expensive.............................1 purchased Not available in nearby markets..2 conventional/local, Don’t trust the quality..................3 hybrid or some of Don’t need to use this product....4 each type? Don’t know how to use................5 No money...................................6 (check all that Believe that product will harm soil apply) fertility..........................................7 Other...........................................8 Conventional....1 Hybrid...............2 Don’t know........9 C09 C10 What type of inroganic fertilizer did your household purchase? (check all that apply) NPK....1 Urea....2 DAP....3 Other...4 C11 Where was this product most frequently purchased for use in the past two cropping seasons (Season 1 2014 and Season 2 2013)? Retail shop……..1 Distributor……....2 Another farmer....3 Informal ag inputs dealer……………4 Wholesaler..…….5 Other…………….6 C12 1- Millet 2- Maize 3- Sorghum 4- Cassava 5- Sweet potatoes 6- Irish Potatoes 7- Beans 8- Rice 9- Onions 10- Tomatoes 11- Cowpeas 12- Field peas 13- Pigeon peas 14- Cotton 15- Eggplant 16- Cabbage 17- Carrots 18- Simsim 19- Chilies 20- Cashewnuts 21- Groundnut What is the location of this source? Were you usually satisfied with the This village……………………………1 quality of the Another village in this district………..2 [PRODUCT] you The market location trading center…3 purchased from The nearest trading center…………..4 this source? The district trading center……………5 Another district center……………..…6 Kampala……………………………….7 Other………………………….………..8 Yes...1 >> NEXT PRODUCT No…2 22- Sugarcane 23- Tobacco 24- Pumpkin 25- Malakwang 26- Ginger 27- Cooking bananas 28- Dessert bananas 29- Brewing bananas 30- Coffee 31- Vanilla 32- Yams 33- Cowpea leaves 34- Greengram 35- Sunflower 36- Soyabenas 91- Other 1 92- Other 2 93- Other 3 94 –None 1 95- None 2 If no, why not? Did not germinate……1 (Maize only) Yield lower than expected………………2 Quality not what was expected……….……...3 Too expensive………..4 Vulnerable to pests......5 (Maize only) Vulnerable to drought…6 (Maize only) Other……………………7 C13 C14 C15 123 SECTION D: PHONE USE Enumerator: These questions should be asked of the person who mainly makes decisions about agriculture, including agricultural input purchases (person named in B05) if possible. D01 Question Does [Name in B05] have his/her own mobile phone? D02a Does [Name in B05] have access to any other working mobile phone? D02b Does [Name in B05] have access to a working mobile phone? D03 How many working mobile phone does [Name in B05] own or have access to? Response options Yes…1 No…2 >>D02b Yes…1 >>D03 No…2 Yes…1 No…2 >>D04 Number D04 Does anyone else in this household have access to any other working mobile phones? Yes…1 No…2 Response Now I would like to ask you some questions about phones that [Name in B05] owns or has access to. (disable if D01 = 2 and D02b==2)). ID PHONE NUMBER D05. Please list the phone numbers that he/she uses most frequently, in order of frequency of use (up to 3) Enumerator: Enter 999999999 if the respondent cannot recall the phone number or does not know it. (0) 1 2 D05a. If the respondent refused to provide the phone number, list the reason. Privacy………………..1 Does not want unsolicited calls/SMS..2 Phone owner not in this household………........3 Phone not working…..4 Cannot find phone number……………….5 D06. Phone number verification Enumerator (test call or own number test): Please validate the phone number by flashing the phone or verifying the number on the phone directly using the codes at the bottom of the table. Document the verification used Flash: heard the phone ring or saw the missed call………1 Verified number on the phone by entering * or # code…..2 Phone not currently working…3 Saw the phone, but unable to verify…4 Phone was not present….5 Network not available….6 Other….7 D07. Who owns this phone? [Name in B05]………1 Another member in this household….…..2 A neighbor……….....3 A family member in the village………...…4 A friend in the village……………….5 Another person outside the village…6 D08. How often does he/she use this number? Every day…………1 At least 4 times/week……….2 At least 1 time/week but less than 4 times/week……….3 At least 1 time/month……….4 Less than 1 time per month……………..5 Never-----------------6 D09a. Does he/she ever use this number to send SMS messages? Yes…1 No…2 Don’t know…9 D09b. Does he/she ever use this number to receive SMS messages? Yes…1 No…2 Don’t know…9 D11. Would he/she be willing to receive promotional messages on this phone line for new agricultural products available in nearby shops? Yes…1 No…2 Primary phone number Secondary phone number Phone number verification code: Use *135* 8# for MTN Use *120# for Airtel/Warid Use #999# for UTL Use *100*9# for Orange 124 SECTION E: END Question A13. Team leader A14. Language of interview A16b. Date/time stamp Response A14 Code 1- Luganda 2- Lusoga 3- Lugisu 4- Swahili 5- Runyakitara 6- Lugwere 7- Ateso 8- Rukonjo 9- English 10- Other 125 E-Verification Community Listing Exercise: May-June 2014 Worksheet for village pair validation TL name: ________________________________ MH name: ________________________________ ML name: _______________________________ PAIR: Village1 name: ____________________ Village2 name: ___________________________ Are these two villages at least 3 km apart from one another? Is there any other reason that one of these two villages could not be included in the study such as a disaster like disease outbreak or natural disaster? Yes No >> go to next pair Yes >> go to next pair No Ask a village leader the following questions in each village. Use the response codes below to provide a categorical response. Subtract the response code of village 2 from the response code of village 2. Validation questions Response codes 1 Number of households 2 Percent of households growing maize 3 Distance to ML Less than 50….…1 50 – 100 ………..2 100 – 200 ………3 200 – 400 ………4 More than 400….5 0 – 30 percent ….1 31 – 60 percent…2 61 – 80 percent…3 81 – 90 percent…4 91 – 100 percent..5 Less than 1 km…..1 1 – 3 km…………2 3 – 5 km…………3 More than 5 km…4 Village 1 Village 2 Difference between villages Absolute value of the results (Village 1) – (Village 2) = (Village 1) – (Village 2) = (Village 1) – (Village 2) = Determine if any of the following conditions apply to the pair based on the results column in the table above: Is the result of line 1 equal to or greater than 4? Yes >> go to next pair No >> Is the result of line 2 equal to or greater than 4? Yes >> go to next pair No >> Is the result of line 3 equal to or greater than 3? Yes >> go to next pair No >> The result of any two lines (any two out of 1, 2, or 3) are each greater than or equal to 2? Yes >> go to next pair No >> Did you successfully confirm that PAIR 1 is a good match? Yes >> start CLE No >> start a new worksheet with the next pair 126 IFPRI UGANDA AGRICULTURAL INPUTS STUDY BASELINE SURVEY HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE JULY – AUGUST 2014 SECTION A1: DASHBOARD Sample Identification Name A01. Market hub A02. Market location code A03. District A04. Subcounty A05. LC1 enumID. Name/code of enumerator A06. Household Number Prefilled Prefilled Prefilled Prefilled Prefilled TRACKING SAMPLING (A13) If a sampled household cannot be interviewed, enter HHID above, list reason 1234567- Prefilled SECTION A2: HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFICATION AND LOCATION Question Response A07. Enter the correct name of the LC1 if it is incorrect in A05 A08. Enter the correct name of the subcounty if it is incorrect or missing in A04. A12. Was the sampled household able to be interviewed? A13. Why was it not possible to interview the household A14. Language of conducting the interview A15. What is the religion of the household head? A16. Name/code of team leader A17. Date of first interview. This must be filled in for the program to work properly! A18. Date of second interview A19. Reason for second interview Household moved outside sample area Refused interview Household dissolved and not available Found but not available for interview Household known, but in another LC1 Household does not exist, wrong in CLE Other Question A11a. GPS – Latitude (N/S) A11a_1. GPS – Latitude degrees A11a_2. GPS – Latitude minutes A11b_1. GPS – Longitude (E) degrees A11b_2. GPS – Longitude (E) minutes A11c. Accuracy (meters) A11d. Elevation (meters) A09. What is the name of household head (Surname, First name)? Enumerator: Enter the correct name of the household head if it is incorrect in the label. A10. What is the common household name in the village? Enumerator: Enter the correct common household name if it is incorrect in the label. SECTION A3: INTERVIEW DETAILS Question 111213141567- Response Code Yes…1>>A14 No…2 (Language Code) 1-Catholic, 2-Anglican, 3-Muslim, 4-Other Christian, 5-Other (get time) 1 – Problem with Surveybe program, 2 – Respondent not available, 3 – Interview not completed on first visit, 4 – Call back interview to resolve missing or inconsistent data. 127 Language Code (A14) Luganda 8Rukonjo Lusoga 9English Lugisu 10- Alur Swahili 11- Runyarwanda Runyakitara 12- Other Lugwere Ateso Response Code N=1, S=2 Response Response INFORMED CONSENT FORM: ENGLISH Before beginning the survey with each household, the enumerator must introduce the survey to the household head and/or spouse and obtain their consent to participate. Please make it clear to them that their participation in the survey is voluntary. The introduction to the survey should be read directly from the questionnaire. The following is a guide for the introduction and consent form. This is not a literal translation of the local language versions presented in the questionnaire. Informed Consent Form We are a research team evaluating a project that is just beginning in Central, Western, and Eastern Uganda. We are conducting a survey to learn about the economic condition and well-being of families in Uganda, and especially about agriculture. We conducted a census survey in May and June 2014 where we interviewed your household. As part of the same study, we are visiting some of the same households again. We would like to invite your household to participate in this new survey round. If you agree to participate, members of our team will interview your household on three separate occasions. During these interviews we will ask about your farming practices, sources of income, food consumption, the health and diet of your children, and other topics related to your household’s general living situation. The total amount of time we request for your household’s participation for this interview is about 1.5-2 hours. The first interview would take place today. There is no risk associated with your household’s participation in this study. This study will benefit the people of Uganda by helping to identify good practices in agriculture. Your participation in this project is completely voluntary. You may decide not to participate at any time – now or even during the study. If there are any questions that you don’t feel comfortable answering, then you don’t have to answer. You will not be penalized in any way if you decide not to participate, or to stop participating. You and your household members are allowed to ask questions at any time about the study. You can do so before you agree to participate, or at any time during your participation. The information you provide will not be given to anyone in your community or to anyone else not involved with research related to this study. Your names will be kept separate from the data collected so that only general information about everyone in the project can be studied and reported. If you agree to participate in this study, we can provide you with a copy of this letter if you would like. We can also provide you with names and contact information of the people involved in running the study in case you have questions in the future. Please ask the respondent if they consent to participate in the study: (check one) Your participation in this survey is voluntary. Have you understood the information I gave you and do you agree that you and members of your household will participate in the interviews and other activities I have just described? YES NO If the household gives consent to all of the data collection please check YES. If the household does not give consent to all of the data collection, check NO, stop the interview and inform your team leader. Team leaders will discuss the reason for this refusal and decide whether a partial data collection, for some instruments, is possible for this household. Date and time stamp 128 CONTENTS SECTION A1 A2 A3 Consent B C D1 D2 E F1 F1A G1 G1A F2 G2 G3 Q H S I J K L M1 M2 M3b N O Q1a R Q2 TOPIC PAGE Household Identification Household GPS Location Interview Details Consent Household Composition Land Area and Tenure Crop Choice: First Season 2014 Crop Choice: Second Season 2013 Maize Plot Area, First Season 2014 Agricultural Production: Major Crops on all plots, First season 2014 Agricultural Production: Maize production on selected representative plot, First Season 2014 Agricultural Inputs: On all Plots, First Season 2014 Agricultural Inputs: On selected representative plot, First Season 2014 Agricultural Production: Major Crops on all plots, Second Season 2013 Agricultural Inputs: On all Plots, Second Season 2013 Agricultural Inputs: Perceptions of quality and counterfeiting Preferences and Beliefs– Qualitative Community Participation and Other Activities Social Networks: Advice Network Current Assets, by gender Non-agricultural employment Credit Farming Knowledge and Sources of Information Food Consumption and Expenditures Food Away from Home and Consumption Habits Food Consumption of Children Age 6-35 months Non-food Consumption and Expenditures Shocks Preferences and Beliefs - Qualitative: Secondary agricultural decision maker Land Area Measurement Maize Plots Preferences and Beliefs – Quantitative 129 1 1 1 2 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 23 25 27 29 30 31 34 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 CODES AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR SECTIONS B1, B2 and B3 CODE 1 (B03, B22, B23, B24) 12345678910111213141599- household head spouse son/daughter son/daughter-in-law grandson/granddaughter parent brother/sister nephew/niece nephew/niece of wife cousin of head brother/sister-in-law parent-in-law cousin of wife other relative shambaboy/maid other, no relation CODE 2 (B16, B28) CODE 3 (B19, B30) 1- single 2- married (monogamous marriage) 3- married (polygamous marriage) 4- divorced or separated 5- widowed 77881819202122232425262728293031323334353698- CODE 4 (B23, B25) 1- Own agriculture (incl. farming on fields operated by household, livestock, piggery, etc) 2- Agricultural employment (someone else’s land) 3- Non-agricultural employment 4- Non-agricultural self-employment 4567- School Housework Other None Never attended <P1 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 Technical school S1/Junior 1 S2/Junior 2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Tertiary after O-level Tertiary after A-level Some university University degree or higher Technical or trade school Don’t know Ages in months as of July 2014, calculated from month and year of birth Months January-01 February-02 2011 2012 30 29 2013 18 17 2014 6 5 16 15 14 13 12 11 4 3 2 1 0 10 9 8 7 March-03 April-04 May-05 June-06 July-07 August-08 36 35 28 27 26 25 24 23 September-09 October-10 November-11 December-12 34 33 32 31 22 21 20 19 161718192067- Language Code (B28) Luganda 8Rukonjo Lusoga 9English Lugisu 10- Alur Swahili 11- Runyarwanda Runyakitara 12- Other Lugwere Ateso DEFINITION OF A HOUSEHOLD: For this survey, a household is defined as a group of people who live and eat together, share resources and form a common decision-making unit. DEFINITION OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS: For this survey, a household member is an individual who belongs to the household as defined above who has lived with the household for at least six of the last twelve months. The individual should spend the majority of their time living/sleeping with the household. Also, new entrants into the household who are likely permanent new members but who entered less than 6 months ago are also included as household members, including newborn children, adopted children, and newly married spouses of members. 130 B1. HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Respondent ID Code: First, we would like to ask you about each member of your household. (First list the household head, then the spouse, their children and then other household members.) I D Name Sex C O D E Relationship to household head Age (in completed years) Marital Status If less than 30 years old: (B04>13) Is [NAME] currently in school? Can [NAME] read and write in any language? What is the highest grade that [NAME] completed in school? During the last 6 months (since January 2014)… (B04>14) …did [NAME] work in agriculture on land operated by this house-hold? …did [NAME] work at a job that paid a salary or wages? … did [NAME] work at nonagricultural selfemployment? 1- Yes 2- No B07 CODE 3 1- Yes 2- No B09 1- Yes 2- No B10 1- Yes 2- No B11 (B04<30) B01 1- M 2- F B02 CODE 1 B03 CODE 2 B04 B05 1- Yes 2- No B06 B08 …what activity did [NAME] spend the most time in? CODE 4 B12 Agricultural decision makers in the household Question B25. Who is the person in this household who mainly makes decisions about agriculture, including purchasing inputs? Response codes (dropdown form HH roster of household members 14 and older) B26. Enumerator: Is [Name of B25] the same person as [prefill decision maker from CLE] 1- Yes, >>28 2- No 1- The person listed in the CLE was not correct 2- The main decision maker has changed since June 3- Other (language code) 1- Yes 2- No >> B31 (dropdown form HH roster of household members 14 and older) B27. This is a different person than your household identified as the main agricultural decision maker when we visited your household in June. What is the reason for this different response? B28. What is the primary spoken language of [Name of B24]? B29. Do any other household members help make decisions about agriculture, including purchasing inputs? B30. Who are the other people in the household who make decisions about agriculture in this household? (List up to two other members, in order of their influence in these decisions.) B31. Is [Primary agricultural decision maker – B25] available to participate in part of this interview? B32. Is [NAME of secondary agricultural decision maker – B30a] available to participate in part of this interview? 131 1212- Yes No Yes No Response a. b. B2. HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS AGE 0-3 YEARS Respondent ID Code: Now, we would like to ask you a few questions about each member of your household under 4 years old. PREFILLED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE ID Name Sex Relationship to CODE household head B01 1- M 2- F B02 B03 Age B04 What is [NAME’S] birthdate? DD B16 MM B17 YY B18 Enter sources of [NAME’S] birthdate CODE B19 B19 Ages 0-3 years only This means that What is [NAME] is [NAME’S] [calculated correct age months] month’s in months? old. Is that correct? 1- Yes 2- No B20 (if B20 = 1, enter calculated months. If B20 = 2 B21 Who is the biological mother of [NAME] Who is the biological father of [NAME] Who is the primary caretaker of [NAME] ENTER ID CODE (dropdown) 77- deceased 88- not a resident B22 ENTER ID CODE (dropdown) 77- deceased 88- not a resident B23 ENTER ID CODE (dropdown) B24 CODE B19 1234567- Birth certificate Child health card /immunization card Stamped book Other written record Event calendar Mother’s recall Other HH member’s recall Page | 132 CODES FOR SECTION C CODE 1 (C07) 12345678- FROM HOUSEHOLD HEAD’S RELATIVES FROM SPOUSE’S RELATIVES GIVEN BY FRIENDS GIVEN BY AUTHORITIES WALKED IN PURCHASED BORROWED/RENTED OTHER CODE 2 (C08) 12345- CUSTOMARY MAILO LAND LEASE HOLD FREE HOLD OTHER CODE 3 (C09) 1- NONE 2- LAND TITLE 3- CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 4- SALES AGREEMENT 5- OTHER 999- N/A CODE 4 (C10) 1- YES, UNRESTRICTED 2- YES, WITH APPROVAL 3- NO 999- N/A Page | 133 C. LAND AREA AND TENURE Now we want to ask you questions about the agricultural land that your household had access to during the last 2 farming seasons. C01 During the last 2 farming seasons (First Season 2014 and Second Season 2013), how many land parcels did your household have access to (owned, rented, borrowed)? DEFINITION OF A PARCEL: For this survey, a parcel is a continuous piece of land under one ownership status. Enumerator: Create parcel name to use to refer to this parcel (e.g. “hill parcel”) Parcel ID ENUMERATOR: Start with the largest parcel, proceeding to the smallest. What is the area of this parcel? How far is this parcel from your home? UNIT CODE 1- acre 2- sq. meter 3- hectare 4- square feet DIST CODE 1- meters 2- km 3- miles PARCEL NAME AREA UNIT C02 C04 C04u DISTANCE DISTANCE CODE C05 C05u Did your household have access to this parcel in January 2014? 12- Yes No C06 How did your household obtain this parcel? Under what land tenure system does your household operate this parcel? What means does your household have of securing this parcel? Does your household have the right to sell this parcel? CODE 1 CODE 2 CODE 3 CODE 4 C07 C08 C09 C10 Does this parcel have access to channel irrigation? 12- Yes No What is the soil quality of this parcel? 12345- Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor If you were to buy this parcel, how much would you pay? (exclude the area containing a home and other structures) USH C11 C12 C13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Page | 134 D1. CROP CHOICE – First Season 2014 Now we want to ask you questions about parcels that your household had under own production in the first season 2014 (January 2014 — July 2014). D00a. What was the most recent season during which your household cultivated any crops? D01a. Did your household cultivate any maize in first season 2014? 12312- First season 2014 Second season 2013 Before second season 2013 Yes No >>Parcel roster Note: IfD00==1, all production modules should be answered for 1st season 2014 and 2nd season 2013. If D00==2, skip D1, F1A, F2A, second set of questions in sections G1 and G2. If D00==3, skip to section I. D01b. On how many parcels did your household cultivate any maize in first season 2014? a. During first season 2014, was this parcel under own production? Parcel ID FIRST SEASON 2014 PARCEL NAME 12- Yes No b,c. What was the area cultivated on this parcel? 1- Acre 2- Sq. Mete 3- Hectare 4- Sq. feet Y/N AREA UNIT D03a D03b D03c Did your household grow any maize on [PARCEL NAME] in first season 2014? 12- Yes No D04 a. During first season 2014, what crops were under cultivation on this parcel? b. For each crop, what area was under production? Record maize area first if maize was cultivated on this parcel, then record up to 4 other crops cultivated on this parcel. If no maize was cultivated on this parcel, record the five most important crops in terms of area cultivated. See CROP CODES. [Use the same area unit as unit in D03c.] AREA 1- Acre 2- Sq. Mete 3- Hectare 4- Sq. feet Did you use herbicid e on this parcel during first season 2014? Did you use fertilize r on this parcel during first season 2014? Enumerator: For each question, record up to two household member IDs. Ask that they list first the person who played the leading role,and put that person in the first column. During the first season of 2014 …who in the household decided what to grow on this parcel? …who in the household spent the most time working on this parcel? ID Code ID Code ID Code ID Code D13a D13b CROP AREA CROP AREA CROP AREA CROP AREA CROP AREA 1- Yes 2- No 1- Yes 2- No D05a_1 D05b_1 D05a_2 D05b_2 D05a_3 D05b_3 D05a_4 D05b_4 D05a_5 D05b_5 D10 D11 D12a D12b 1 2 3 CROP CODES 1- MILLET 3- SORGHUM 4- CASSAVA 6- IRISH POTATOES 7- BEANS 8- RICE 9- ONIONS 10- TOMATOES 11- COWPEAS 12- FIELD PEAS 13- PIGEON PEAS 14- COTTON 15- EGGPLANT 16- CABBAGE 17- CARROTS 18- SIMSIM 19- CHILIES 20- CASHEWNUTS 21- GROUNDNUT 22- SUGAR CANE 23- TOBACCO 24- PUMPKIN 25- MALAKWANG 26- GINGER 27- COOKING BANANAS 28- DESSERT BANANAS 29- BREWING BANANAS 30- COFFEE 31- VANILLA 32- YAMS 33- COWPEA LEAVES 34- GREENGRAM 35- SUNFLOWER 36- SOYA BEANS 51- MAIZE (HYBRID) 52- MAIZE (CONVENTIONAL) 53- MAIZE (TYPE NOT KNOWN) 54- WHITE FLESH SWEET POTATO 55- ORANGE FLESH SWEET POTATO 56- YELLOW FLESH SWEET POTATO 91- OTHER Page | 135 D2. CROP CHOICE – Second Season 2013 Now we want to ask you questions about parcels that your household had under own production in second season 2013 (Aug 2013 — Dec 2013). D00b. Did your household cultivate any crops in second season 2013? Yes…1 No….2 Yes…1 No….2 D14a. Did your household cultivate any maize in second season 2013? D14b. On how many parcels did your household grow any maize in first season 2014? a. During second season 2013, was this parcel under own production? (prefilled from C02) 12- Parcel ID SECOND SEASON 2013 PARCEL NAME Yes No b,c. What was the area cultivated on this parcel? 1- Acre 2- Sq. Mete 3- Hectare 4- Sq. feet Y/N AREA UNIT D15a D15b D15c Did your household grow any maize on [PARCEL NAME] in second season 2013? 34- Yes No D16 a. During second season 2013, what crops were under cultivation on this parcel? b. For each crop, what area was under production? Record maize area first if maize was cultivated on this parcel, then record up to 4 other crops cultivated on this parcel. If no maize was cultivated on this parcel, record the five most important crops in terms of area cultivated. See CROP CODES. [Use the same area unit as unit in D03c.] AREA 1- Acre 2- Sq. Mete 3- Hectare 4- Sq. feet CROP AREA CROP AREA CROP AREA CROP AREA CROP AREA D17a_1 D17b_1 D17a_2 D17b_2 D17a_3 D17b_3 D17a_4 D17b_4 D17a_5 D17b_5 Did you use herbicide on this parcel during second season 2013? Did you use fertilizer on this parcel during second season 2013? 12- 12- Yes No D22 Yes No D23 Enumerator: For each question, record up to two household member IDs. Ask that they list first the person who played the leading role,and put that person in the first column. During the second season of 2013 …who in the household decided what to grow on this parcel? …who in the household spent the most time working on this parcel? ID Code ID Code ID Code ID Code D24a D24b D25a D25b 1 2 3 CROP CODES 1- MILLET 3- SORGHUM 4- CASSAVA 6- IRISH POTATOES 7- BEANS 8- RICE 9- ONIONS 10- TOMATOES 11- COWPEAS 12- FIELD PEAS 13- PIGEON PEAS 14- COTTON 15- EGGPLANT 16- CABBAGE 17- CARROTS 18- SIMSIM 19- CHILIES 20- CASHEWNUTS 21- GROUNDNUT 22- SUGAR CANE 23- TOBACCO 24- PUMPKIN 25- MALAKWANG 26- GINGER 27- COOKING BANANAS 28- DESSERT BANANAS 29- BREWING BANANAS 30- COFFEE 31- VANILLA 32- YAMS 33- COWPEA LEAVES 34- GREENGRAM 35- SUNFLOWER 36- SOYA BEANS 51- MAIZE (HYBRID) 52- MAIZE (CONVENTIONAL) 53- MAIZE (TYPE NOT KNOWN) 54- WHITE FLESH SWEET POTATO 55- ORANGE FLESH SWEET POTATO 56- YELLOW FLESH SWEET POTATO 91- OTHER Page | 136 E. MAIZE PLOT AREA RECALL – First Season 2014 Enumerator: Ask the respondent to report the area of each PLOT on which maize was cultivated in these parcels. At the end of the survey you will record the area of one of these plots using a GPS unit. PARCEL ID (prefilled from parcels with D01a=1) PLOT NAME (PlotID generated by program) Enumerator: Create plot name to use to refer to this plot (e.g. “large maize plot”) E02 Please tell us the area of each of your PLOTS on which any maize was cultivated in first season 2014 on [PARCEL NAME]. (AREA AS RECALLED BY THE FARMER) UNIT CODE: acre.........1 meter sq.....2 hectare......3 square feet..4 AREA E04a UNIT E04b MAIZE plots only Is the plot intercropped with other crops or types (hybrid/conv entional) of maize? What are the three most important other crops grown on this plot in terms of area cultivated (not including any types of maize)? Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop 3 Area planted (report area in same unit as used in E04c). What area was planted under [CROP] on this plot in first season 2014? Hybrid maize Conventional maize Maize (Don’t know type) AREA E06a AREA E06b AREA E06c Crop 1 Crop 2 Crop 3 Has your household harvested any maize yet from this plot that was planted in first season 2014? Yes...1 No....2 Yes...1 No....2 >>E07 E05a E05b E05c E05d AREA E06d AREA E06e AREA E06f E07 CROP CODES 1- MILLET 3- SORGHUM 4- CASSAVA 6- IRISH POTATOES 7- BEANS 8- RICE 9- ONIONS 10- TOMATOES 11- COWPEAS 12- FIELD PEAS 13- PIGEON PEAS 14- COTTON 15- EGGPLANT 16- CABBAGE 17- CARROTS 18- SIMSIM 19- CHILIES 20- CASHEWNUTS 21- GROUNDNUT 22- SUGAR CANE 23- TOBACCO 24- PUMPKIN 25- MALAKWANG 26- GINGER 27- COOKING BANANAS F1. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION: MAJOR CROPS ON ALL PLOTS – First Season 2014 28- DESSERT BANANAS 29- BREWING BANANAS 30- COFFEE 31- VANILLA 32- YAMS 33- COWPEA LEAVES 34- GREENGRAM 35- SUNFLOWER 36- SOYA BEANS 51- MAIZE (HYBRID) 52- MAIZE (CONVENTIONAL) 53- MAIZE (TYPE NOT KNOWN) 54- WHITE FLESH SWEET POTATO 55- ORANGE FLESH SWEET POTATO 56- YELLOW FLESH SWEET POTATO 91- OTHER Respondent ID: Page | 137 Enumerator: Collect data on up to 6 crops, ranked by area, grown during first season 2014. (Use crop choice information from Section E to identify the 6 main crops. Include maize even if maize was not one of the main 6 crops based on area.) Please tell me about the main (6) crops including maize your household grew over first season 2014 (January – July 2014). FIRST SEASON 2014 Crop Code Was this a partial harvest? If yes, what proportion is still in the field? (Enumerator: Record the total from all plots for each state of harvest for each crop) (January— July 2014) CROP How much of [CROP] did your household harvest? F01 Qty. Unit State If not yet harvested. ...888 >>next crop UNIT CODE 1 Fresh 2 Dried 3Threshed F02q F02u F02s Did you sell any of the [CROP]? How much of [CROP] did your household sell? (Record the total from all plots) Yes…1 No…2 >>F05 1 More than half 2 Half 3 Less than half Yes…1 No…2 (>> next crop) Qty. F03 F04 F05 F06q What was the total value of the [CROP] that your household sold? Units State UNIT CODE 1 Fresh 2 Dried 3Threshed USH F06u F06s F07 CROP CODES 1- MILLET 3- SORGHUM 4- CASSAVA 6- IRISH POTATOES 7- BEANS 8- RICE 9- ONIONS 10- TOMATOES 11- COWPEAS 12- FIELD PEAS 13- PIGEON PEAS 14- COTTON 15- EGGPLANT 16- CABBAGE 17- CARROTS 18- SIMSIM 19- CHILIES 20- CASHEWNUTS 21- GROUNDNUT 22- SUGAR CANE 23- TOBACCO 24- PUMPKIN 25- MALAKWANG 26- GINGER 27- COOKING BANANAS 28- DESSERT BANANAS 29- BREWING BANANAS 30- COFFEE 31- VANILLA 32- YAMS 33- COWPEA LEAVES 34- GREENGRAM 35- SUNFLOWER F1A. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION: PRODUCTION ON SELECTED REPRESENTITIVE MAIZE PLOT – First Season 2014 UNIT CODES 12111213141516171819202122232425262728515253- KG NUMBER 100 KG SACKS 50 KG SACKS 25 KG SACKS 20 L TIN 5 L TIN 20 L CAN 10 L CAN 5 L CAN 3 L CAN 1 L CAN 20L BASKET/BASIN 10L BASKET/BASIN BIG BUNCH (12 CLUSTERS) MED BUNCH (8 CLUSTERS) SMALL BUNCH (5 CLUSTER) 2L JUG/MUG 1L JUG/MUG ½L JUG/MUG BIG BUNDLE MED BUNDLE SMALL BUNDLE 36- SOYA BEANS 51- MAIZE (HYBRID) 52- MAIZE (CONVENTIONAL) 53- MAIZE (TYPE NOT KNOWN) 54- WHITE FLESH SWEET POTATO 55- ORANGE FLESH SWEET POTATO 56- YELLOW FLESH SWEET POTATO 91- OTHER Respondent ID: Page | 138 Now we want to specifically ask you about production and sales on [REPRESENTITIVE PLOT] on which you grew maize in First Season 2014. CROP In which month did you first plant [CROP] on [PLOT NAME] in first season 2014? F01 51 52 53 Hybrid maize Conventional maize Maize (type unknown) Other crop (crop code) Other crop (crop code) CROP F8 Did you sell [CROP] harvest from [PLOT NAME] in first season 2014? Did you harvest any [CROP] from [PLOT NAME] in first season 2014? 12- Yes No>>next crop F9 F13 Hybrid maize 51 Conventional maize 52 Maize (type unknown) 53 Was this a If yes, what proportion partial harvest? is still in the field? 1(for each state of harvest for each crop) 2Quantity F10q Units State UNIT CODE 12- F10u How much [CROP] did your households sell in TOTAL from [PLOT NAME] Yes 1No >> F13 23- Yes No >>next crop F14q 3F10s F11 F12 FILL OUT ONE COLUMN ONLY Who did you sell to? 123456- Units State Price per unit UNIT CODE 1- Fresh 2- Dried 3- Threshed F14s Total value received for quantity sold F15a F15b F14u More than half Half Less than half Fresh Dried Threshed (for each state of harvest for each crop) Quant 12- How much [CROP] did you harvest from [PLOT NAME] in total this season? Neighbor/family Informal/Bicycle trader Market trader Retail shop Farmer group Other UNIT CODES 12111213141516171819202122232425262728515253- KG NUMBER 100 KG SACKS 50 KG SACKS 25 KG SACKS 20 L TIN 5 L TIN 20 L CAN 10 L CAN 5 L CAN 3 L CAN 1 L CAN 20L BASKET/BASIN 10L BASKET/BASIN BIG BUNCH (12 CLUSTERS) MED BUNCH (8 CLUSTERS) SMALL BUNCH (5 CLUSTER) 2L JUG/MUG 1L JUG/MUG ½L JUG/MUG BIG BUNDLE MED BUNDLE SMALL BUNDLE F17 Other crop (crop code) Other crop (crop code) Page | 139 G1. AGRICULTURAL INPUTS ON ALL PLOTS – First Season 2014 We would like to collect information on the inputs your household used on all plots. We are interested in all inputs used on your household’s plots. Enumerator: Use a separate line for each variety/brand of each input. INPUTS FOR ALL PLOTS DURING FIRST SEASON 2014... (up to 3 varieties/brands for maize seed, herbicide, fertilizer) Is this brand a …how much Input ...did you use …what was the glyphosate [INPUT] did you Code any [INPUT] variety/ brand of on your plots? [INPUT]? (non-selective) use? herbicide? 1- Yes (Enumerator: 2- No enter labor >> Next input 1- Yes 98 - DK quantity as a 2- No total of all labor 9- D/K time for all workers.) Qty G01 G02 Conventional/local seeds 101 Hybrid seeds 102 Hired Labor 103 (pre-filled F1A52) (pre-filled F1A51) Exchange labor or festive labor 104 Inorganic fertilizer 105 Organic fertilizer 106 Herbicides 107 Pesticides 108 Plowing (animals or mechanized) 109 Irrigation 110 Other 111 G03 G03a G04q ...did you …what purchase quantity of [INPUT]? [INPUT] that you used was purchased? 1- Yes (same unit at 2- No G04t) >> G08 ...how much did you pay in total for [INPUT] applied to maize plots? USH Where was What is the [INPUT] location of most this source? frequently purchased? CODE 1 CODE 2 G08 G09 Unit G04u G05 G06 G07 CODE 1 123456- Retail shop Distributor Another farmer Informal ag inputs dealer Wholesaler Other UNIT CODES Labor units: 1- Hours 2- Days 3- Weeks 4- Months Units for 101, 102, 105-108 1- KG 2- NUMBER 11- 100 KG SACKS 12- 50 KG SACKS 13- 25 KG SACKS 14- 20 L TIN 15- 5 L TIN 16- 20 L CAN 17- 10 L CAN 18- 5 L CAN 19- 3 L CAN 20- 1 L CAN 21- 20L BASKET/BASIN 22- 10L BASKET/BASIN 23- BIG BUNCH (12 CLUSTERS) 24- MED BUNCH (8 CLUSTERS) 25- SMALL BUNCH (5 CLUSTER) 26- 2L JUG/MUG 27- 1L JUG/MUG 28- ½L JUG/MUG 51- BIG BUNDLE 52- MED BUNDLE 53- SMALL BUNDLE CODE 2 (G09) 12345678- From this village From a nearby village From [ML of village] From a different trading center within [MH of village] From the [MH of village] town From outside [ MH of village] From Kampala From Kenya Page | 140 G1A. AGRICULTURAL INPUTS ON SELECTED REPRESENTITIVE PLOT – First Season 2014 Now we want to specifically ask you about input use on [REPRESENTITIVE PLOT] in First Season 2014. Enumerator: Use a separate line for each variety/brand of each input. DURING FIRST SEASON 2014... (up to 3 varieties/brands for maize seed, herbicide, fertilizer) INPUTS FOR [REPRESENTITIVE PLOT] Input ...did you use any [INPUT] …what was the on your plots? variety/ brand of Code [INPUT]? 1- Yes 2- No >> Next input 98 - DK Is this brand a …how much glyphosate (non- [INPUT] did you selective) use? herbicide? (Enumerator: enter labor 1- Yes quantity as a total 2- No of all labor time 9- D/K for all workers.) Qty Conventional seeds Hybrid seeds Hired Labor Exchange labor or festive labor Inorganic fertilizer Organic fertilizer Herbicides Pesticides Plowing (animals or mechanized) Irrigation Other G01 101 G10 G11 G11a G12q ...did you …what purchase quantity of [INPUT]? [INPUT] that you used was purchased? 1- Yes (same unit at 2- No G04t) >> G08 ...how much did you pay in total for [INPUT] applied to maize plots? Where was What is the [INPUT] location of most this source? frequently purchased? USH CODE 1 CODE 2 G16 G17 Unit G12u G13 G14 G15 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 CODE 1 123456- Retail shop Distributor Another farmer Informal ag inputs dealer Wholesaler Other UNIT CODES Labor units: 1- Hours 2- Days 3- Weeks 4- Months Units for 101, 102, 105-108 1- KG 2- NUMBER 11- 100 KG SACKS 12- 50 KG SACKS 13- 25 KG SACKS 14- 20 L TIN 15- 5 L TIN 16- 20 L CAN 17- 10 L CAN 18- 5 L CAN 19- 3 L CAN 20- 1 L CAN 21- 20L BASKET/BASIN 22- 10L BASKET/BASIN 23- BIG BUNCH (12 CLUSTERS) 24- MED BUNCH (8 CLUSTERS) 25- SMALL BUNCH (5 CLUSTER) 26- 2L JUG/MUG 27- 1L JUG/MUG 28- ½L JUG/MUG 51- BIG BUNDLE 52- MED BUNDLE 53- SMALL BUNDLE CODE 2 (G09) 12345678- From this village From a nearby village From [ML of village] From a different trading center within [MH of village] From [MH of village] town From outside [ MH of village] From Kampala From Kenya Page | 141 F2. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION: MAJOR CROPS ON ALL PLOTS – Second Season 2013 Respondent ID: Enumerator: Collect data on up to 6 crops, ranked by area, grown during first season 2014. (Use crop choice information from Section E to identify the 6 main crops. Include maize even if maize was not one of the main 6 crops based on area.) Please tell me about the main (6) crops including maize your household grew over second season 2013 (August – Decembers 2013). SECOND SEASON 2013 Crop Code How much of [CROP] did your household harvest? If yes, what proportion is still in the field? Did you sell any of the [CROP]? (Enumerator: Record the total from all plots for each state of harvest for each crop) (August – December 2013) Quant . CROP Was this a partial harvest? F18 F19q Unit State UNIT CODE 1- Fresh 2- Dried 3- Threshed F19s F19u How much of [CROP] did your household sell? (Record the total from all plots) 1- Yes 2- No >>F22 123- F20 F21 More than half Half Less than half 1- Yes 2- No >> next crop Qty. F22 F23q Units State UNIT CODE 1- Fresh 2- Dried 3- Threshed F23s F23u CROP CODES 1- MILLET 3- SORGHUM 4- CASSAVA 6- IRISH POTATOES 7- BEANS 8- RICE 9- ONIONS 10- TOMATOES 11- COWPEAS 12- FIELD PEAS 13- PIGEON PEAS 14- COTTON 15- EGGPLANT 16- CABBAGE 17- CARROTS 18- SIMSIM 19- CHILIES 20- CASHEWNUTS 21- GROUNDNUT 22- SUGAR CANE 23- TOBACCO 24- PUMPKIN 25- MALAKWANG 26- GINGER 27- COOKING BANANAS 28- DESSERT BANANAS 29- BREWING BANANAS 30- COFFEE 31- VANILLA 32- YAMS 33- COWPEA LEAVES 34- GREENGRAM 35- SUNFLOWER What was the total value of the [CROP] that your household sold? USH F24 UNIT CODES 12111213141516171819202122232425262728515253- KG NUMBER 100 KG SACKS 50 KG SACKS 25 KG SACKS 20 L TIN 5 L TIN 20 L CAN 10 L CAN 5 L CAN 3 L CAN 1 L CAN 20L BASKET/BASIN 10L BASKET/BASIN BIG BUNCH (12 CLUSTERS) MED BUNCH (8 CLUSTERS) SMALL BUNCH (5 CLUSTER) 2L JUG/MUG 1L JUG/MUG ½L JUG/MUG BIG BUNDLE MED BUNDLE SMALL BUNDLE 36- SOYA BEANS 51- MAIZE (HYBRID) 52- MAIZE (CONVENTIONAL) 53- MAIZE (TYPE NOT KNOWN) 54- WHITE FLESH SWEET POTATO 55- ORANGE FLESH SWEET POTATO 56- YELLOW FLESH SWEET POTATO 91- OTHER Page | 142 G2. AGRICULTURAL INPUTS ON ALL PLOTS – Second Season 2013 We would like to collect information on the inputs your household used on all plots. We are interested in all inputs used on your household’s plots. Enumerator: Use a separate line for each variety/brand of each input. DURING SECOND SEASON 2013... (up to 3 varieties/brands for maize seed, herbicide, fertilizer) INPUTS FOR ALL PLOTS Input ...did you use any …what was Code [INPUT] on your the variety/ plots? brand of [INPUT]? 1- Yes 2- No >> Next input 98 - DK Is this brand a …how much glyphosate [INPUT] did (non-selective) you use? herbicide? (Enumerator: enter labor quantity as a total of all 1- Yes labor time for 2- No all workers.) 9- D/K Qty G01 Conventional seeds 101 Hybrid seeds 102 Hired Labor 103 G18 G19 G19a ...did you purchase [INPUT]? …what quantity of [INPUT] that you used was purchased? (same unit at G04t) 1- Yes 2- No >> G08 ...how much did you pay in total for [INPUT] applied to maize plots? USH Where was [INPUT] most frequently purchased? What is the location of this source? CODE 2 CODE 1 Unit G20q G20u G21 G22 G23 G24 G25 Exchange labor or festive labor 104 Inorganic fertilizer 105 Organic fertilizer 106 Herbicides 107 Pesticides 108 Plowing (animals or mechanized) Irrigation 109 Other 111 110 CODE 1 123456- Retail shop Distributor Another farmer Informal ag inputs dealer Wholesaler Other UNIT CODES Labor units: 1- Hours 2- Days 3- Weeks 4- Months Units for 101, 102, 105-108 1- KG 2- NUMBER 11- 100 KG SACKS 12- 50 KG SACKS 13- 25 KG SACKS 14- 20 L TIN 15- 5 L TIN 16- 20 L CAN 17- 10 L CAN 18- 5 L CAN 19- 3 L CAN 20- 1 L CAN 21- 20L BASKET/BASIN 22- 10L BASKET/BASIN 23- BIG BUNCH (12 CLUSTERS) 24- MED BUNCH (8 CLUSTERS) 25- SMALL BUNCH (5 CLUSTER) 26- 2L JUG/MUG 27- 1L JUG/MUG 28- ½L JUG/MUG 51- BIG BUNDLE 52- MED BUNDLE 53- SMALL BUNDLE CODE 2 12345678- From this village From a nearby village From [ML of village] From a different trading center within [MH of village] From the [MH of village] town From outside [ MH of village] From Kampala From Kenya Page | 143 G3. AGRICULTURAL INPUTS: PERCEPTIONS ON QUALITY AND COUNTERFEITING Respondent ID: [CONFIDENTIAL AND REMOVED] Page | 144 Q1. PREFERENCES AND BELIEFS Respondent ID: [CONFIDENTIAL AND REMOVED] Page | 145 H. PARTICIPATION IN FARMER GROUPS AND OTHER ACTIVITES H00 Is any household member a member of a farmer group? What are the names of all farmer groups in which any member of your household is a member? Enumerator: Write the name of each farmer group in the order they are given. Which household members are the most active participants in this farmer group? List ID Codes for up to two household members in the order given. 12Is any member of your household currently a leader in this farmer group? 12FARMER GROUP NAME ID CODE 1 ID CODE 2 H01 H02a H02b H03 Yes No >> H07 Which household member is currently a leader in this farmer group? (list up to 2 members) How many farmer group meetings or activities have members of your household attended in the past 3 months? What is the main activity of this farmer group? CODE 1 CODE 1 1- Yes No >>H05 MEMBER ID 1 H04a MEMBER ID 2 H04b NUMBER H05 H06 Promoting production of a commercial crop 2- Promoting production of a non-commercial crop 3- Obtaining information from extensionists 4- Sharing farming advice 5- Sharing marketing advice 6- Sharing labor 7- Social activities 8- Other farm activities 9- Other non-farm activities 10- Other (specify) Page | 146 Positions Held in the Community H07 Does any member of your household hold a position in the community either in leadership, government or as business leader? 12- Yes No >> H09 Which household members hold a position the community? What role does [NAME] hold in the community? Enumerator: Write the ID CODE and NAME of each household member that holds a position in the community. 12345678910H09 (Allowed up to six names.) ID CODE NAME H08 LC Chairperson Other LC leadership position NGO extension worker Government extension worker Health worker School head or teacher Business leader Religious leader Other political leader Other Page | 147 S. SOCIAL NETWORKS: ADVICE NETWORK Respondent ID: [CONFIDENTIAL AND REMOVED] Page | 148 I. CURRENT ASSETS Respondent ID: Enumerator: The primary respondent for this section is the household member most knowledgeable about the assets the household owns. Other household members can assist in the recall. Record the ID CODE of the respondent and indicate if the spouse of the respondent is present during the interview. I00 Is the spouse present? 1. 2. 3. Yes No Respondent has no spouse We now want to learn about the assets you and your household members own and the equipment you have for agricultural production. ASSET CODE CONVERSION FACTORS 1 HECTARE = 2.47 ACRES 1 METRE SQ = 0.000245 ACRE ASSET I01 001 002 003 004 005 006 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 101 102 How many [ASSET] does your household own? IF 0 >> NEXT ASSET What is the current value of the total quantity of [ASSET] your household owns? (That is, if you bought them now in the current condition, how much would you have to pay ….?) QUANTITY I02 USH I03 What percentage of the total value of [ASSET]... ...jointly belongs to the household head and his/her spouse(s)? ...belongs only to the household head? ...belongs only to a spouse of the household head? 12345I04 12345I05 12345I06 All(>>Next asset) More than half Half Less than half None All More than half Half Less than half None All More than half Half Less than half None HOUSEHOLD ASSETS House (where members of your household cook, eat or sleep) Other buildings (such as, free standing latrines, bathing areas, storage facilities, etc) Furniture (tables, beds, chairs, cupboards/sideboards, stools, etc) Furnishings (such as carpets, mats, mattresses, nets, curtains, etc.) Household appliances (such as kettle, clothes press, stove, lamps, etc.) Radio (cassette player, mp3 player, small radios, etc) Other electronic equipment and accessories (such as TV, etc.) Car battery Bicycle Other transport equipment (specify) Jewelry, watches and wall clocks Household supplies (such as saucepans, basins, plates, cups, etc.) Other household assets (specify) LAND (in Acres) Agricultural land parcels owned in acres Enterprise land parcels owned in acres Page | 149 How many [ASSET]s does your household own? ASSET CODE CONVERSION FACTORS 1 HECTARE = 2.47 ACRES 1 METRE SQ = 0.000245 ACRE ASSET I01 IF 0 >> NEXT ASSET What is the current value of the total quantity of [ASSET] your household owns? (That is, If you bought them now, how much would you have to pay ….?) What percentage of the total value of [ASSET]... ...jointly belongs to the household head and his/her spouse(s)? ...belongs only to the household head? ...belongs only to a spouse of the household head? 12345- 12345- QUANTITY USH 12345- I02 I03 I04 All(>>Next asset) More than half Half Less than half None I05 All More than half Half Less than half None All More than half Half Less than half None I06 LIVESTOCK/POULTRY 201 Cows (including female calves) 202 Bulls (including male calves) 203 Oxen 204 Pigs 205 Goats 206 Sheep 207 Donkeys 208 Chickens/pigeons/doves/guinea fowl 209 Other livestock/poultry (specify) 210 Structures for livestock raising 301 302 ENTERPRISE ASSETS Tools (such as, hoes, shovels, hammers, slashers, spears, pangas, etc.) Machinery/equipment (such as, ox plough, grinding mill, generator, knapsack sprayers, etc.) 303 Buildings for the enterprise 304 Transport equipment for the enterprise 305 401 Other enterprise assets Cash savings Page | 150 J. EMPLOYMENT OFF OWN FARM Respondent ID: Enumerator: please ask these questions for household members aged 12 years or older I would now like to ask you about your employment activities of your own farm for the past 6 months. ID Did [NAME] do any paid work or unpaid work off your own farm in the past 6 months? Yes……..1 No……...2 >> Next member J01 During the past 6 months, what was [NAME’s] MAIN occupation? What kind of industry is this work connected with? OCCUPATION CODE INDUSTRY CODE J02 J03 How many months in the past 6 months did [NAME] work in this occupation? In a typical month, how many days did [NAME] work in this occupation For this occupation was [NAME] paid wages/salary or selfemployed? 123- J04 J05 J06 Wages Self-employed No pay Does [NAME] stay at home while working in this occupation? 12- Yes No J07 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 OCCUPATION CODES INDUSTRY CODES 12345678- 1234567891011- Farmer (own farm) Livestock/animal husbandry Fisherman Self-employment in household or business enterprise Casual farm labour (not own farm) Casual non-farm labour Salaried (professional, government, NGO) Other Farming and forestry Husbandry (livestock) Fishing Manufacturing and handicrafts Trade Construction Repair of vehicles and other machines Transport Public services and administration Mining and quarry Other Page | 151 K. CREDIT K01 K02 K02a K03 K04 K05 K06 K07 Respondent ID: Question Have you or any household member borrowed any funds or obtained goods or services on credit in the last 12 months? During the last 12 months did any household member try to borrow funds or obtain goods or services on credit from any person or institution and was refused? What is the main reason that the loan/credit application was denied? During the last 12 months did any household member want to borrow but did not apply for it? Why did they not apply to borrow? If more borrowing had been available to any household member during the last 12 months at usual terms for your household would they have taken it? Why would they have not taken more borrowing? What is the total amount of borrowing your household still owes, including any borrowing that occurred more than 12 months ago but that your household still has to pay back? Response options 1- Yes 2- No 1- Yes 2- No 1- No collateral 2- Not enough income 3- Withstanding debt 4- Already has too many loans 5- Reason for loan not a sound investment 6- Other 1- Yes 2- No 1- Believed would be refused because have defaulted in past 2- Believed would be refused for other reasons 3- Too expensive (high interest rate or high cost of obtaining loan) 4- Inadequate collateral 5- Do not like to be in debt 6- Do not know any lenders 7- Believed would not be able to pay it back 8- Believed lender did not have any funds 9- Corruption/polotics/bureaucracy 10- Did not want to register 11- Other 1- Yes 2- No 1- Not needed 2- Do not think can repay 3- Do not want to owe more 4- Too expensive 5- Harassment by lender 6- Other Response USH Page | 152 L. PRIMARY AGRICULTURAL DECISION-MAKER FARMING KNOWLEDGE AND SOURCES OF INFORMATION Respondent ID: Enumerator: ask these questions of the individual in the household who is the primary decision maker regarding agriculture [Name B25]. If the primary decision maker is not available ask the secondary decision maker[Name B30a]. Now I want to ask you a few more questions about farming. L01 Question What are some ways to improve soil fertility? Enumerator: do not prompt, check all that apply L02 When planting maize, where should fertilizer be placed? L03 Maize seed should be planted deeper in moist soil than in dry soil L04 How deep in inches should maize seeds be planted in moist soil? L05 When is maize most vulnerable to weeds? L06 What are some good methods of weed control? Enumerator: do not prompt, check all that apply L07 For which kind of chemical fertilizer do you need to add soil between the seed and the fertilizer? Response codes 1- Planting seeds earlier 7- Using machines 2- Use of chemical fertilizers 8- Using rest periods (fallow) 3- Application of farm yard manure 9- Avoiding rest periods 4- Planting on hills 10- Crop rotation 5- Preparing and applying composts 99- Don’t know 6- Mulching 1- On the surface 2- Above the seed but below some soil 3- Below the seed 99- Don’t know 1- True 2- False 1- Less than 1 inch 2- 1-2 inches 3- More than 2 99- Don’t know 1- First three weeks 2- First five weeks 3- First ten weeks 4- Not sensitive 99- Don’t know 1- Crop rotation 8- Ploughing (animal traction or 2- Proper spacing mechanized) 3- Irrigation 9- Using high quality seed 4- Timely planting 10- Using herbicide 5- Hand pulling 11- Hand hoeing 6- Soil fertility improvement 12- Mulching 7- Using fertilizer 99- Don’t know 1- For DAP fertilizer only 2- For UREA fertilizer only 3- For NPK fertilizer only 4- Not required for any kind of fertilizer 99- Don’t know Response Please answer a few questions about your use of a radio. Page | 153 Question Does anyone in your household own a working radio at home or on their phone? Does anyone in your household have access to a radio from other sources? Code 1- Yes 2- No 1- Yes 2- No L10 Where do you usually listen to the radio (check all that apply) L11 Last month, how many times did you listen to the radio? 123451234599- L13 Name your three favorite radio stations L14 Usually, at what time of day do you listen to the radio? (check all that apply) L15 What are your preferred types of radio programs? (check all that apply) L08 L09 Answer At home While working While traveling At a neighbor’s home Other Every day 3-4 times per week 1-2 times per week Irregularly Did not listen to the radio last month. (>>L16) Don’t know a. b. c. 1234123456789- Morning Afternoon Evening No specific time of day News Drama Music Documentaries Phone-ins Sports Agriculture Religious program Others Page | 154 I would like to ask you a few questions about your mobile phone. L16 L17 L18 L19 Question When our team visited your household a few weeks ago, we were told that you [do/do not] have your own mobile phone. Is that still true? When our team visited you earlier, we were told that you [do/do not] have a second mobile phone. Is that still true? When our team visited you earlier, we were told that you [do/do not] have access to another working mobile phone. Is that still true? Please confirm, how many mobile phones do you have access to? Phone number Is the phone number correct? If the respondent refused to provide the phone number, list the reason. 123412L20 Primary (prefilled from CLE) Secondary (prefilled from CLE) Enter new number(s) (if any) L21 Yes>> L26 No 5L22 If not, enter correct phone number Privacy Does not want unsolicited calls/SMS Phone owner not in this household Phone not working or lost/stolen Cannot find phone number Reason for incorrect phone number: 1- 234L23 Response codes 1- Has own mobile phone 2- Does not have own mobile phone >> L18 1- Has a second mobile phone 2- Does not have a second mobile phone 1- Has access 2- Does not have access>> next section L24 Was never a phone number of anyone in this household Number recorded incorrectly Number no longer in use New phone number This is the: Phone number verification Enumerator: Please validate the primary and secondary phone numbers by flashing the phone or verifying the number on the phone directly using the codes at the bottom of the table. Document the verification used 12- 123L25 Primary number Secondary number Other number 34567L26 Flash: heard the phone ring or saw the missed call Verified number on the phone by entering * or # code Phone not currently working Saw the phone, but unable to verify Phone was not present Network not available Other Response Who owns this phone? How often do you use this number? 12123456L27 [Name in B25] Another member in this household A neighbour A family member in the village A friend in the village Another person outside the village 3- 456L28 Every day At least 4 times/week At least 1 time/week but less than 4 times/week At least 1 time/month Less than 1 time per month Never Would yoube willing to receive promotional messages on this phone line for new agricultural products available in nearby shops? (there will not be any charge to receiving messages) 12- Yes No L29 Page | 155 M1. FOOD CONSUMPTION AND EXPENDITURES (RECALL: LAST 7 DAYS) Respondent ID: Enumerator: Ask the person most knowledgeable about food purchases and preparation in the last 7 days. The reference period is the last 7 days (the same day of the week as today) through yesterday. Now I want to ask you about food consumption by your household since [REFERENCE DATE]. Food code Have any members of your household purchased, received without purchasing, or consumed [FOOD ITEM] in the last 7 days, excluding [FOOD ITEM] consumed outside the home? Have members of your household purchased [FOOD ITEM] in the last 7 days? Purchased How much How much [FOOD ITEM] did did your your household household purchase in the pay in total last 7 days? for [FOOD ITEM] in the last 7 days? (same unit as M04u) COMPLETE M02 FOR EACH FOOD ITEM FIRST, THEN ASK M03-M09 FOR EACH ITEM Food Item M01 1 Matooke 2a 2b Orange flesh sweet potatoes White or yellow flesh sweet potatoes 4 Irish Potatoes 5 Cassava (Fresh) 6 Cassava (Dry/Flour) 7 Rice 8 Maize (grains) 9 Maize (cobs) 10 Maize (flour) 11 Bread/Pancakes 12 Millet 13 Sorghum What quantity of the [FOOD ITEM] purchased did your household consume in the last 7 days? From Own Stocks How much [FOOD ITEM] did your household consume from its own stocks in the last 7 days? By "stocks" I mean food that your household had obtained more than 7 days ago from your own farm production or from previous purchases or transfers. Include previous purchases or transfers. Obtained Without Purchase How much [FOOD ITEM] did your What quantity of household obtain without purchase the [FOOD from other sources in the last 7 days? ITEM] obtained What I mean by other sources is from: from other household production, household sources did the business, in-kind pay, barter, or as household gifts in the last 7 days. consume in the IF ZERO >>NEXT ITEM last 7 days? (same unit as M08u) YES.1 NO..2 YES..1 NO...2>>M07 QTY UNIT CODE USH QTY QTY UNIT CODE QTY UNIT CODE QTY M02 M03 M04 M04u M05 M06 M07 M07u M08 M08u M09 Page | 156 Food code Have any members of your household purchased, received without purchasing, or consumed [FOOD ITEM] in the last 7 days, excluding [FOOD ITEM] consumed outside the home? Have members of your household purchased [FOOD ITEM] in the last 7 days? Purchased How much How much [FOOD ITEM] did did your your household household purchase in the pay in total last 7 days? for [FOOD ITEM] in the last 7 days? (same unit as M04u) COMPLETE M02 FOR EACH FOOD ITEM FIRST, THEN ASK M03-M09 FOR EACH ITEM Food Item M01 15 Sim sim 16 Beef 17 Pork 18 Goat Meat 19 Other Meat 20 Chicken 21 Fresh Fish 22 Dry/Smoked Fish 23 Eggs 24 Fresh Milk 25 Sour milk 26 Corn soy blend/Nyuka 28 Cooking oil 29 Ghee 30 Margarine, Butter, etc. 31 Passion Fruits 32 Sweet Bananas 33 Mangoes 34 Oranges 35 Guava 36 Pumpkin What quantity of the [FOOD ITEM] purchased did your household consume in the last 7 days? From Own Stocks How much [FOOD ITEM] did your household consume from its own stocks in the last 7 days? By "stocks" I mean food that your household had obtained more than 7 days ago from your own farm production or from previous purchases or transfers. Include previous purchases or transfers. Obtained Without Purchase How much [FOOD ITEM] did your What quantity of household obtain without purchase the [FOOD from other sources in the last 7 days? ITEM] obtained What I mean by other sources is from: from other household production, household sources did the business, in-kind pay, barter, or as household gifts in the last 7 days. consume in the IF ZERO >>NEXT ITEM last 7 days? (same unit as M08u) YES.1 NO..2 YES..1 NO...2>>M07 QTY UNIT CODE USH QTY QTY UNIT CODE QTY UNIT CODE QTY M02 M03 M04 M04u M05 M06 M07 M07u M08 M08u M09 Page | 157 Food code Have any members of your household purchased, received without purchasing, or consumed [FOOD ITEM] in the last 7 days, excluding [FOOD ITEM] consumed outside the home? Have members of your household purchased [FOOD ITEM] in the last 7 days? Purchased How much How much [FOOD ITEM] did did your your household household purchase in the pay in total last 7 days? for [FOOD ITEM] in the last 7 days? (same unit as M04u) COMPLETE M02 FOR EACH FOOD ITEM FIRST, THEN ASK M03-M09 FOR EACH ITEM Food Item M01 37 Pineapple 38 Paw paw (papaya) 39 Watermelon 40 Avocado 41 Jackfruit 42 Black fruit(Mpafu/ Jambula) 45 Onions 46 Tomatoes 47 48 Cabbages Dodo/Abuga (amaranthus leaves) 49 Cow pea leaves (ebbo, gobbe) 51 Carrots 52 Tamarind 53 Eggplants 54 Other Vegetables 55 Beans (fresh) 56 Beans (dry) 57 Peas 58 Groundnuts (unshelled) 59 Groundnuts (shelled) 60 Groundnuts (pounded) What quantity of the [FOOD ITEM] purchased did your household consume in the last 7 days? From Own Stocks How much [FOOD ITEM] did your household consume from its own stocks in the last 7 days? By "stocks" I mean food that your household had obtained more than 7 days ago from your own farm production or from previous purchases or transfers. Include previous purchases or transfers. Obtained Without Purchase How much [FOOD ITEM] did your What quantity of household obtain without purchase the [FOOD from other sources in the last 7 days? ITEM] obtained What I mean by other sources is from: from other household production, household sources did the business, in-kind pay, barter, or as household gifts in the last 7 days. consume in the IF ZERO >>NEXT ITEM last 7 days? (same unit as M08u) YES.1 NO..2 YES..1 NO...2>>M07 QTY UNIT CODE USH QTY QTY UNIT CODE QTY UNIT CODE QTY M02 M03 M04 M04u M05 M06 M07 M07u M08 M08u M09 Page | 158 Food code Have any members of your household purchased, received without purchasing, or consumed [FOOD ITEM] in the last 7 days, excluding [FOOD ITEM] consumed outside the home? Have members of your household purchased [FOOD ITEM] in the last 7 days? Purchased How much How much [FOOD ITEM] did did your your household household purchase in the pay in total last 7 days? for [FOOD ITEM] in the last 7 days? (same unit as M04u) COMPLETE M02 FOR EACH FOOD ITEM FIRST, THEN ASK M03-M09 FOR EACH ITEM Food Item M01 61 Sugar 62 Sugarcane 63 Coffee (powder/packet) 64 Tea Leaves (powder/packets) 65 Salt 66 Soda 67 Beer 68 Other Alcoholic Drinks 69 Other Drinks 70 Other foods What quantity of the [FOOD ITEM] purchased did your household consume in the last 7 days? From Own Stocks How much [FOOD ITEM] did your household consume from its own stocks in the last 7 days? By "stocks" I mean food that your household had obtained more than 7 days ago from your own farm production or from previous purchases or transfers. Include previous purchases or transfers. Obtained Without Purchase How much [FOOD ITEM] did your What quantity of household obtain without purchase the [FOOD from other sources in the last 7 days? ITEM] obtained What I mean by other sources is from: from other household production, household sources did the business, in-kind pay, barter, or as household gifts in the last 7 days. consume in the IF ZERO >>NEXT ITEM last 7 days? (same unit as M08u) YES.1 NO..2 YES..1 NO...2>>M07 QTY UNIT CODE USH QTY QTY UNIT CODE QTY UNIT CODE QTY M02 M03 M04 M04u M05 M06 M07 M07u M08 M08u M09 Page | 159 M2. FOOD AWAY FROM HOME AND CONSUMPTION HABITS Now that we have an idea of consumption at home, we want to learn about habits away from home and more about some specific foods. M10 Has anyone in the household purchased any prepared foods, or paid to eat food outside the household in the past 7 days? M11 M12 M13 List the ID code of each person who has eaten any food outside the home in the past 7 days List the number of days out of 7 that each person ate outside the home (not including school meals) What was the total value of all meals taken outside the home by all household members in the past 7 days (except for meals taken by children at school)? (UGX) What was the total value of meals taken by children at school per week? (UGX) On average in the past 7 days, how many meals did adult members of your household eat per day at home? On average in the past 7 days, how many meals did child members (age less than 14) of your household eat per day at home? M14 M15 M16 Yes…1 No…2 (>>M18) List ID codes and number of days in the boxes below a. b. c. d. e. a. b. c. d. e. Number Number Number of people M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25a M25b f. f. Total number of meals How many adults who are not living with your household shared at least one meal with your household in the past 7 days? How many meals did they share in total? How many children who are not living with your household shared at least one meal with your household in the past 7 days? How many meals did they share in total? Question How many months in the last 12 months did you have problems satisfying the food needs of the household? Thinking back over the last 12 months, in which months was the shortage of food most acute for your household? (Check all that apply) Code Number of months. (0>>Sec. M3a) During that month, compared to your usual diet, did you cut back quantity of food consumed by adult males (14 years and older)? During that month, compared to your usual diet, did you cut back quantities served per meal to adult females (14 years and older)? During that month, compared to your usual diet, did you cut back quantities served per meal to boys (less than 14 years)? During that month, compared to your usual diet, did you cut back quantities served per meal to girls (less than 14 years)? During that month, did you or members of your household go to sleep at night hungry because there was not enough food? How often did this happen during that month? Yes…1 No…2 Response July 2013 Aug. 2013 Sept. 2013 Oct. 2013 Nov. 2013 Dec. 2013 Jan. 2014 Feb. 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 Yes…1 No…2 Yes…1 No…2 Yes…1 No…2 Yes…1 No…2 1 = 1-2 times 2 =3-10 times 3 = more than 10 times Page | 160 M3b. FOOD CONSUMPTION OF CHILDREN AGES –6-35 MONTHS (continued) Respondent ID: Enumerator: Ask this section to a household member who is the mother or caretaker of a child age 6-35 months old in the household (from Section B2). Ask this question for all children age 6-35 months (less than 3 years old), including the child just discussed in the previous table. Enter the Respondent ID above and enter the ID Codes and Names of the children in the table. Ask, “Please describe everything that [NAME] ate yesterday during the day or night, whether at home or away from home.” Ask what the child first ate after waking up in the morning. Then ask when was the next time the child ate anything and what was eaten. Continue this line of questioning for each eating occasion, including at mid-day, evening, at night and in between. If a food in any of the groups below is mentioned, enter a 1 for that group. Once a food in that group is named, there is no need to enter anything else for that group. If the respondent mentions mixed dishes, like a porridge, sauce or stew, ask “What ingredients were in that dish?” If mother cannot recall enter “998”. ID CODE (pre filled) Child name (prefilled) Starches (like sorghum, matooke, cassava, maize, white sweet potato, irish potato, porridge or rice)? Leafy dark green vegetables (like skumawiki, pumpkin leaf or cow pea leaf)? Dairy products like milk, yoghurt or cheese? Organ meat? (liver, kidney, heart) Other meat (beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken, duck)? Eggs Orange colored fruits or vegetables (like orange sweet potato, pumpkin, mango, carrots)? Other vegetables (like cabbage, or cucumber)? Other fruit (like banana, pineapple, avocado or tomato)? Groundnuts, simsim, sunflower seeds, peas or other seeds, beans? Vegetable oil, margarine, or butter? 1. Yes 2. No 9. D/K M32 1. Yes 2. No 9. D/K M33 1. Yes 2. No 9. D/K M34 1. Yes 2. No 9. D/K M35 1. Yes 2. No 9. D/K M36 1. Yes 2. No 9. D/K M37 1. Yes 2. No 9. D/K M38 1. Yes 2. No 9. D/K M39 1. Yes 2. No 9. D/K M40 1. Yes 2. No 9. D/K M41 1. Yes 2. No 9. D/K M42 How many times did [NAME] eat solid, semisolid, or soft foods other than liquids yesterday during the day or night? (TIMES) M43 Page | 161 N. NON-FOOD CONSUMPTION AND EXPENDITURES (RECALL PERIOD: PAST 30 DAYS) Ask these questions to the household member most knowledgeable about household expenditures on goods other than food I would now like to ask you some questions about a list of non-food items that your household may have purchased or received by other means for household consumption in the last 30 days. Received by other means should include gifts, aid, in-kind wages, gathering, collecting and other transfers. (Please exclude from your answers any item purchased or received for processing or resale in a household/individual business.) Respondent ID: (dropdown from B2) ITEM CODE ITEM DESCRIPTION Have members of your household purchased any [ITEM] in the last 30 days? How much did the household pay in TOTAL for [ITEM]? Have members of your household received [ITEM] by other means in the last 30 days? (Don’t Know…998) (Don’t Know…998) (Don’t Know…998) (USH) 1. 2. N03 N04 1. 2. N01 1 Adult Clothing or Fabric for Making Clothing 2 Child’s Clothing or Fabric for Making Clothing 3 Footwear and Repairs of Footwear 4 Soap or Detergent 5 Hair or Beauty Products 6 Toothbrush or other dental products 7 Hygiene items such as napkins, toilet paper 8 Batteries 9 Cigarettes and other tobacco 10 Fuel sources such as Kerosene, Firewood, Charcoal, Matches Furniture items and furnishings such as: mats, curtains, blankets, bedding, mattresses Household appliances such as, iron, kettle, charcoal and kerosene stoves, radio 11 12 N02 Yes No (>>N04) Yes No (>>Next item) If you would have purchased this amount of [ITEM], how much would you have had to pay for it? (Don’t Know…998) (USH) N05 Page | 162 O. SHOCKS (Recall period: In the past 2 years) Respondent ID code: Enumerator: Please ask O04 after administering O01-O03. There should be only one shock which gets an “X” in O04. Households sometimes experience unexpected events that hurt them economically and affect their normal livelihood. We want to ask you a series of questions about the negative unexpected events you may have faced over the past two years (i.e. past 24 months) part of 2012, 2013, and part of 2014 Negative Shocks (unexpected events) Enumerator: Ask about all shocks. Shock Code Did the household experience [SHOCK] in the past 24 months? What year (2012, 2013, 2014) was this shock the worst? Of the shocks that occurred, which one was the worst for your family? 12- (Write the year of the worst shock) Put an “X” in the appropriate row Yes No >> next shock [SHOCK] O01 Major loss of crops due to drought 101 Major loss of crops due to too much rain, flood 102 Major loss of crops due to other reason (pests, disease) 103 Cannot sell crops produced for the market 104 Major decline in the price of crops the household usually sells 105 Major increase in the price of food the household eats 106 Major increase in fuel prices 107 Loss of livestock due to drought/death/theft 201 Loss of productive assets (due to theft, fire, erosion, storms, etc.) 202 Death of household member 301 Death of extended family member 302 Loss of income due to illness or injury of household member 303 Loss of a regular job of a household member 401 Disputes with community members over land, assets, or income opportunity 402 Access to government program was stopped 501 Withdrawal of NGO assistance 502 O02 O03 O04 Page | 163 Q1a. PREFERENCES AND BELIEFS – Secondary decision maker Respondent ID: [CONFIDENTIAL AND REMOVED] Page | 164 R. LAND AREA MEASUREMENT: MAIZE PLOTS Use the GPS device to measure the area of the representative maize plots [NAME of plot selected for F1a and G1a]. Now, with your permission, I would like to measure the area of some of one of your plots using a GPS device. The GPS device measures the perimeter of the plot as you walk around it and then calculates the area in square meters. (After measuring the plots, write down the area of the plot that you measured and give it to the respondent.) R00 P A R C E L I D E02 May I measure one of your fields? P L O T I D E03 1. 2. Area planted under each type of maize. Yes No >> End interview Are you able to measure this plot? (Prefilled from section E) Hybrid maize seeds E06a Conventional maize seeds E06b Don’t know type of seeds E06c 1234- YES NO PLOT INACCESSIBLE RESPONDENT REFUSED TO GO TO THAT PLOT R01 Enter GPS coordinates of corner of plot nearest to the homestead GPS Measurement of Plot Area AREA UNIT R02a R02b Latitude (D M) R03a Longitude (D M) R03b Accuracy (meters) R03c Elevation (meters) R03d Page | 165 Q2. PREFERENCES AND BELIEFS – QUANTITATIVE Respondent ID: [CONFIDENTIAL AND REMOVED] Page | 166 IFPRI AGRICULTURAL INPUTS STUDY COMMUNITY QUESTIONNAIRE: JULY-AUGUST 2014 DASHBOARD: Household Identification A01 Market hub Prefilled A02 Market location code Prefilled A03 Community Prefilled SECTION A: COVER Question A04 Please re-enter the name of the LC1 if it is incorrect or missing: A05 Please re-enter the name of the subcounty if it is incorrect or missing: Code Enumerator: Enter the GPS coordinates for one of the following locations, indicate the location (A06_0a), and describe it (A06_0b) A06_0a Location of GPS reading A06_0b Description of GPS location A06a GPS – Latitude (N/S) A06_1 GPS – Latitude degrees (dd) A06_2 GPS – Latitude minutes (mm.mmm) A06b_1 GPS – Longitude (E) degrees (dd) A06b_2 GPS – Longitude (E) minutes (mm.mmm) A06c Accuracy (meters) A06d Elevation (meters) 1 - center of main village market 2- home of LC1 chairperson or other leader 3- Central LC1 meeting place 4- Church (give name) 5- School (give name) 6- Major crossroads (name streets) 9- Other location 1=N, 2=S 167 Response Enumerator: Ask these questions to the LC1 chairperson. If the chairperson is not available to be interviewed, ask these questions to another knowledgeable community leader. Start by asking the respondent for consent to conduct the interview. Informed Consent We are a research team studying agricultural input use by farmers in some areas of Uganda. We would like to invite you to participate in a survey that is part of the study. This study will benefit the people of Uganda by identifying methods for improving the quality of inputs available to farmers. If you agree to participate, we will ask you some questions about this community. The interview should last approximately 20 minutes. There is no risk associated with your participation. Your participation is completely voluntary. If you do not feel comfortable answering a question, then you do not have to answer it. You will not be penalized in any way if you decide not to participate, or if you stop participating. You will not be rewarded for participation, either. You may ask questions at any time about the study. The information you provide will not be given to anyone in your community or to anyone else not involved with research related to this study. If you agree to participate in this study, we can provide you with a copy of this consent letter if you would like. We can also provide you with names and contact information of the people involved in running the study. Have you understood the information I gave you and do you agree to participate in the interview I have just described? Yes…1 No…..2 A07. Consent given A08. Date/time stamp Respondent details Question Code Response A09. Name of informant (Surname, First name) A10. [NAME in A09]’s position A11. How long has [Name in A09] held this position 1- LC1 chairman 2- Other village official 3- Traditional leader 4- Religious leader 5- Other (specify) YEARS (enter 0 if less than 1 year) 168 SECTION B: LC1 DEMOGRAHICS, LAND AND INFRASTRUCTURE B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 Question Response code How many households are currently in this LC1? In the last 12 months [Since June 2013], how many households moved into this LC1? In the last 12 months [Since June 2014], how many households moved out of this LC1? What is the total land area of this village? Number What share (percent) of total land area is used for crop production? What is the most common land tenure system in this LC1? B07 What is the main source of drinking water for LC1 residents during the […] season? B07a How many bore holes are there in the LC1/zone? Number Number 1- Acres 2- Square kilometers (Number from 0-100) 12345- 1- Bore hole 2- Water tank or truck 3- Protected well 4- Rain water 5- River, stream, or pond 6- Tap or piped water 7- Unprotected well 8- Other (Number) 1- Yes 2- No B08 1- YES 2- NO (Number from 0-100) B09 B10 B11 B12 What is the name of the nearest trading center with shops to buy farm inputs such as seed, fertilizer and agricultural chemicals? How far is it to [B11]? B13 What is the main form of travel to [B11]? 123- Locally-maintained (feeder road) Community-maintained (rural access road) Federally-maintained (Ministry of Works, all weather road) 4- Cart path 5- Foot path NAME Kilometers 123- Area Unit A. Dry B. Rainy CUSTOMARY MAILO LAND LEASE HOLD FREE HOLD OTHER B07b Is there a river, stream, pond, or other natural body of water inside the LC1/zone or within 1 mile? Does this LC1 have any access to electricity from the national electric grid? What share (percentage) of households have electricity? What type of road provides the main access to this LC1? Response Walking/on foot Bicycle Bus or taxi 169 B14 How long does it take to reach [B11] by [B13]? 4- Boda boda/motorcycle 5- Privately owned car or truck 6- Other Minutes B14a B14b Enumerator: Is B11 the Market Location in the sample for this community? How far it is to [Market Location NAME]? 1- Yes >> B15 2- No Kilometers B14c What is the main form of travel to [B14b]? B14d B15 How long does it take to reach [B14b] by [B14c]? How far is it to [Hub NAME]? 7- Walking/on foot 8- Bicycle 9- Bus or taxi 10- Boda boda/motorcycle 11- Privately owned car or truck Other Minutes B16 What is the main form of travel to [Hub NAME] B17 How long does it take to reach [Hub NAME] by [B16] Does this LC1 have a primary school? B18 B19 How far is it to the nearest primary school in another LC1? B20 For each of the following health facilities, what is the distance to the nearest facility from the LC1? Kilometers 1- Walking/on foot 2- Bicycle 3- Bus or taxi 4- Boda boda/motorcycle 5- Privately owned car or truck 6- Other Minutes 1- Yes>>B20 2- No Kilometers HEALTH FACILITY LOCATION (IN MILES), ENTER 0 IF INSIDE THE LC1 Drug shop Private or Government Health Center Hospital Clinic 170 SECTION C: FARMING ACTIVITIES C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 Question Response code What share (percent) of households in this community are farming households (cultivate any crops) What share (percent) of households grew any maize for sale or home consumption in the past 2 cropping seasons (Season 2 2013 and Season 1 2014)? How many active farmer groups are there in this community? What share (percent) of farmers belong to a farmer group? Are there any agriculture extension services available in this community? Who provides the extension services? (Number from 0-100) C07 How frequently do extension officers offer trainings in this community? C08 Are extension officers available for farmers to contact about questions on crop choices and input use? 171 (Number from 0-100) Number Number from 0-100 1212312345612- YES NO >> SECTION D NAADS NGO Other Weekly Monthly Quarterly Bi-annually Annually Less than 1 time per year YES NO Response SECTION D: SHOCKS What major negative events have happened to this LC1 in the past 2 years [since June 2012] in order of severity? List up to 3 negative events Date of the event MM YYYY (99=N/A) D01a __ __ __ __ __ __ D01b __ __ __ __ __ __ D01c __ __ __ __ __ __ What major positive events have happened to this LC1 in the past 2 years [since June 2012]? List up to 3 positive events Date of the event MM YYYY (99=N/A) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ D02a D02b D02c Enumerator: Thank the respondent! 172 What share of households in the LC1 were affected? (Number from 0-100)