
Public Behavior – Retirement Awareness
Industrial Challenges
Javern Lim
Founder & Group Managing Director cum Licensed Financial Planner
VKA Wealth Planner Sdn. Bhd.
(A Financial Planning Firm Licensed By Securities Commission & Bank Negara Malaysia)
website: www.vka.com.my
email: javernlim@vka.com.my
Public Behavior
Retirement Awareness
According to the date from credit counseling and debt management agency (AKPK) s
High Medical Fee :
Main causes of financial woes in Malaysia
有24% 的人民因为医药费的支出而陷入财务困境,成为总数之冠。
Strictly for training purpose only
Retirement Fear & Concerns
 Insufficient of retirement savings…
 Increasing Medical & Nursing Care Costs
 Fast growing aging population and as mortality rates declining, pension system
have not been adjusted according.
“ Having a private
pension fund is a vital
aspect of the agenda”
3 Main Reasons Why People Fail?
 Don’t know how much they need to save?
 No discipline in saving
 No Plan (flexible plan!)
PRS Providers
PRS Distributor
PRS Members
Effective intermediation for a
high value-added and high-income economy
Financial Sector Blueprint 2011 - 2020
 SC is empowered by law to develop regulatory & supervision
frame work for PRS industry & putting all in place.
 The challenges now are:
To ensure the system to be implemented successfully.
To build public trust toward PRS industry.
Continuous of public finance education about PRS (Regulator or
Providers’ duties?)
Strictly for training purpose only
Huge initial investment but very profitable over long term.
Economy of scale
Changing PRSC mindset in dealing with PRS biz (conflict
with existing agency model).
Different Providers with different marketing strategies.
PRS is a separate licensing under FIMM
Strictly for training purpose only
PRS Distributors
Individual/Corporate/Institutional Distributor
framework will eventually changing the way
consultants conduct their business by adopting holistic
approach (lower front end fees but earning profits thru
growing clients’ AUM).
Is PRS a business opportunity or threat for me?
Strictly for training purpose only
Contributors (PRS Members)
Trust EPF (Capital preservation with min guaranteed of
2.5% payout annually)
PRS is a new toy in town (lack of awareness)
 “Wait & See” attitude
Strictly for training purpose only
Why PRS is an Ideal Solution
for a Holistic Retirement Planning?
Doing PRS Investment or Business
This presentation was prepared byVKA Wealth Planners Sdn Bhd
The information contained in this presentation has been obtained from public sources believed to be
reliable and the opinions, analysis, forecast, projections and expectations (together “Opinions”) contained
in this presentation are based on such information and are expressions of belief only. No representation or
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This presentation is not, and should not be construed as, an offer document or an offer or solicitation to
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Website: www.vka.com.my
Email: enquiry@vka.com.my