ATTITUDES WHAT IS AN ATTITUDE? What do we have attitudes on? Where do attitudes come from? Dispositional attitudes (Hepler & Albarracin, 2013) APE Model Gawronski & Bodenhausen, 2014) ELM (Petty & Brinol, 2012) Are they implicit or explicit? Is there one or more than one? Are they related to our biology? DISPOSITIONAL ATTITUDES Why would we have dispositional attitudes? Would this scale work in other cultures? Is method variance an issue? How did they develop and test scale? What evidence for reliability and validity? Do the concepts it’s related to remind you of anything? How does this fit with APE and ELM? Your score? IMPLICIT VS EXPLICIT ATTITUDES How are implicit and explicit attitudes related? Meta-cognitive model/ELM (Petty & Brinol, 2006) Wilson’s (Wilson, Lindsey, & Schooler, 2000) dual attitude approach APE model HERITABILITY/BIOLOGY Tesser, 1993 = Olson, Vernon, Harris, & Lang, 2001 806845.pdf Petersen, Sznycer, Sell, Cosmides, & Tooby, 2013 ATTITUDE STRUCTURE Attitude accessibility Affective, cognitive, and behavioral components Attitude functions Attitude knowledge Attitude ambivalence Attitude importance, certainty, personal relevance, etc. Interattitudinal structure Balance, cognitive dissonance Dual attitude model (Wilson, Lindsey, & Schooler, 2000) PAST (Petty, Tormala, Brinol, & Jarvis, 2006) What effects do attitude structures have? HISTORY OF RESEARCH ON PERSUASION Attitudes as social psych’s “most indispensable concept” Hovland, WW2 researchers (50s, 60s) Festinger, 1957 Who said what to whom Learning principles Cognitive dissonance theory “New looks” of dissonance Wicker, 1969 and crisis Greenwald, Petty, Ostrom, Brock (80s) Cognitive response approach Thoughts elicited matter MORE PERSUASION WORK Anderson (80s) Latané, Harton, Tesser (90s) Information integration theory Averaging info Catastrophe theory Dynamical systems approach Petty & Brinol (2006) Meta-cognitive model Self-validation theory Implicit only affects explicit if people endorse them Thoughts matter more when confidence in them Nodding head Wilson’s research on thinking about reasons (80s, 90s) HARTON, 1998 (BASED ON LATANÉ & NOWAK, 1994) ELM (PETTY & CACIOPPO, 1986) What does the ELM predict? Central vs. peripheral route What determines persuasion in high vs. low EL situations? Senior comprehensive exam paradigm How do attitudes formed or changed through central vs. peripheral differ? Heuristic systematic model (Eagly & Chaiken, 1986) ELM What was new about the ELM? What are its strengths? Figure 11.1 What affects amount of thought and content of thoughts? How can variables affect persuasion? Expertise of source Mood How can the model be applied to stereotypes? anchoring? MODIFICATIONS/ADD ONS TO ELM Petty & Brinol (2006) Meta-cognitive model Implicit only affects explicit if people endorse them Self-validation hypothesis Thoughts matter more when confidence in them Nodding head Small group What implications does the ELM have for politics? ASSOCIATIVE-PROPOSITIONAL EVALUATION MODEL (GAWRONSKI & BODENHAUSEN, 2006; 2014) What does this model add that’s new? What are associative and propositional evaluations and what effects do they have? Are they implicit/explicit? What are they based on? How are they affected by context? Where is the dissonance in this approach, and how can it be resolved? What effects do thought have on the relationship between implicit and explicit attitudes? APE AND ATTITUDE CHANGE What does the model suggest about when implicit attitudes will change? Explicit attitudes? How do implicit and explicit attitudes relate to each other? APE How does it differ from the ELM (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986) HSM (Chaiken & Eagly, 1987)? How would this approach explain prejudice? What does it suggest about attitude stability? IAT and implicit measurement issues ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR LaPiere, 1934 Wicker, 1969 Why might attitudes not predict behavior? When do attitudes predict behavior? Recent approaches: Accessibility Theory of reasoned action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1980) Theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991) Implicit vs. explicit attitudes? THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR (AJZEN, 2006)