2009 - Coronado Area Council

Coronado Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
2013 Fundraising Campaign
To be successful raising money in 2013 the Coronado Area Council must
take the best parts of our 2012 campaign and enhance and expand on them to
create a well-rounded and easy to execute fundraising plan. Our overall goal: to
personally reach out to and garner support from every Coronado Area Council
Scouting family and increase giving from non-Scouting families and businesses
in the communities served by Scouting.
How will we accomplish this goal? By following the campaign plan and
timeline, using the tools and techniques outlined below, and recruiting the best
possible volunteer leadership and workers for our campaigns.
To come out on top and achieve our goals we must re-focus our Family
Friends of Scouting efforts, the direct beneficiaries of the Scouting program, and
continue to make strong connections with the business community and private
sector across the Coronado Area Council.
During the months of August or September each district will conduct a
FOS Planning conference including your district’s volunteer leadership and
selected unit level volunteers. At this planning conference the 2013 Campaign
Plan will be unveiled and district specific plans for success will be reviewed and
Family Friends of Scouting
 Chair Recruited
 Presenters Recruited
 Team Trained / Materials Distributed
 Unit Coordinators Identified
 Unit Coordinator Orientation
 Presentations Scheduled
 Presentations Conducted
 Follow up with un-worked families
Our 2013 Family Friends of Scouting campaign will feature no silver
bullets or magic potions to bring success. This campaign is built on disciplined,
focused, roll-up-your-sleeves attention to detail and steadfast execution of the
campaign plan.
The campaign is simple: a trained Friends of Scouting presenter
conducting a Friends of Scouting presentation for every unit in our council.
Presenter training will take place in the fall and will be mandatory for all
presenters. The training will cover presenter expectations, the 2013 materials,
and how to maximize the return on the presentation. Presenters will select / be
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assigned to their units at the training and will be expected to schedule their
presentation and report back to the district Family FOS Chair.
Presentation scheduling must be completed by January 1 with all
presentations being completed by April 30. The April 30 presentation completion
date will allow campaign cleanup (Phone-a-thons and cleanup letters) to take
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place during the month of May and be completed by June 30.
A pre-campaign mailing to all families will go out in January of 2013
setting up the presentation. The mailing will outline the need to raise Friends of
Scouting dollars, how the FOS contribution will benefit their family’s Scouting
experience and the Scouting experience of every family across our council, and
give the family an opportunity to make their 2013 gift prior to the presentation.
Each presenter will work hand-in-hand with a unit level FOS coordinator
(job description in FOS Manual) to ensure the presentation is a success. Unit
level coordinators are essential to the achievement of the campaign’s goals and
cannot be overlooked. They are the gate keeper and set the tone for a
successful campaign in the unit. Our presenters must work with the unit
coordinator to establish the presentation date, insure pre-presentation
communication takes place in the unit, and complete follow up with families not in
attendance at the presentation.
Unit coordinators and presenters will be invited to a Family Campaign
orientation breakfast during the month of January.
Presentation packets will be available at presenter training and will be
issued to the presenters at that time. Packets will include all the materials
necessary for a successful presentation.
Campaign tracking will be the responsibility of the District Executive using
the online Google Document “Family FOS 2013 Tracking”.
See the Timeline and Action Plan later in the document for campaign
planning worksheets and resources.
Community Friends of Scouting
 Chair Recruited
 Community Captains Recruited
 Prospecting & Evaluating Meeting
 Workers Recruited and Trained
 Pacesetter donors renewed
 Community FOS Steering Committee organization meeting
 Kickoffs Conducted
 Campaign Report Meetings
 Campaign Cleanup
In 2013 we are not “working cards”, we are raising money. There is a
significant difference between the two. One will lead to decreased returns and
decreased revenue for our council. The other will grow our campaigns and allow
us to exceed our goals providing the resources needed to expand the Scouting
The goal of Community FOS is simple, reach out to the greater Coronado
Area Council community and ask for their support. The 2013 campaign will be
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very similar in structure to the campaigns of the past. Our success will come
from determined adherence to the campaign plan and timeline and follow through
on the action steps that will lead to success.
Our Community Friends of Scouting Campaign will start with a
Prospecting and Evaluating meeting to be held no later than November 30. This
P&E meeting is designed to gather your campaign’s top volunteers to review and
more importantly add prospects to your campaign. The District Executive will be
expected to bring a list of potential donors to the table in addition to the lists
brought by the campaign volunteers. These prospects will be rated by the
committee, that is, assigned a potential ask amount and in the case of historical
donors a reasonable upgrade amount. Once rated, the prospects will be
assigned to a campaign worker. That worker will have a limited timeline for
contacting the donor and securing their support, generally no more than 30 days.
Each of our community campaigns must have a Campaign Kickoff. In our
larger communities, Hays, Salina, Manhattan, Junction City, Phillipsburg, Colby,
the kickoff should be a prominent event featuring a well-respected guest speaker
and should include the presentation of a “Good Scout” award. In our smaller
communities this type of kickoff may not work but a kickoff must still be
conducted. Kickoffs serve to give a formal beginning to the campaign, a time to
rally campaign workers, publically announce goals, and secure contributions from
campaign workers. The importance of a good kickoff cannot be overstated.
Pacesetter Donors
Prior to the Campaign Kickoff each district needs to renew the support of
their Pacesetter Donors. These individuals may be volunteers or workers or they
are simply supporters of Scouting. These Pacesetter Donors must be visited in
person, no emails or phone calls, and asked to continue and possibly upgrade
their support of Scouting. Each district will be provided with their Pacesetter
Donors list and prior to your kickoff each of these donors must be renewed or
upgraded. This will enable your campaign leadership to announce a significant
portion of your goal has already been achieved at the conclusion of the kickoff.
In 2012 this was referred to as the Top 20 campaign. Because of the Capital
Campaign the top level of our donors will be approached with a package ask that
will include a multi-year FOS renewal or upgrade and a contribution to the capital
campaign. These Top Donors will be approached by our council’s top volunteer
Organization Campaign
 Create list of all service clubs in district prior to P&E Meeting
 Contact each club to make presentation about Scouting
 Send request letter to all clubs with no presentation
 Complete grant request process for all Wal-Mart and Sam’s Clubs in
A huge growth opportunity is right in front of us with the large number of service
clubs, fraternal organizations, and veteran’s groups (Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions,
VFW, American Legion, AMBUCS, etc.) that exist across our council. Each
district will conduct an organized campaign to solicit each of these groups.
Each club must be contacted by January 31 to schedule a Scouting presentation.
Presentations should be complete by March 31. Clubs that do not respond to the
presentation request will be sent a request letter no later than February 28. A
sample letter is on page 16. Request letters will be followed up with a phone call
no later than March 31.
In addition to the service clubs each district must complete their Sam’s Club and
Wal-Mart grant request before January 31.
Both of these avenues present us a great opportunity to make a connection to
and build a relationship with the communities we serve.
Advertising and Sponsorship
Our council has multiple opportunities for local businesses to show their
support for Scouting. Business can advertise in our Annual Program Planning
Calendar, take out an ad in our quarterly Compass newsletter, or advertise in our
bi-weekly electronic newsletter. A separate Advertising and Sponsorship Guide
has been created explaining the advertising and sponsorship opportunities and
their costs.
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Friends of Scouting Recognition and Thank You Plan
All cards returned at the time of the presentation will receive a Friends of
Scouting Window Decal.
Friend of Scouting Shoulder Patch
Friends of Scouting Commemorative
Shoulder Patch and Hat
Leadership Circle Lapel Pin, Hat, and
Shoulder Patch
Every unit that participates in the Family Friends of Scouting campaign will
receive a unit flag ribbon.
Units that achieve a $125 / Scout contribution average by May 31, based on the
March 31 District Totals Report of membership, will receive one customized (unit
number and hometown) FOS Commemorative CSP for every registered member
of the unit, youth and adult.
Units that achieve a $200 / Scout contribution average by May 31, based on the
March 31 District Totals Report of membership, will receive one customized (unit
number and hometown) FOS Commemorative Hat for every registered member
of the unit, youth and adult.
Troop 430 Salina KS
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Fundraising Campaign Timeline
 District campaign planning conferences
 Goals Established
 Family FOS Presenter and Community FOS worker recruitment
 Family FOS Presenter Training
 Family FOS presentation scheduling
 District Prospecting and Evaluating meeting
 Family FOS Presenter Training
 Family FOS presentation scheduling
 District Prospecting and Evaluating meeting
 Family FOS Presentation scheduling underway
 District Community FOS steering committee meeting
 Family FOS Presentation scheduling complete
 District Community FOS steering committee meeting
 Council Fundraising Committee meeting
 Mailing to all families in Coronado Area Council
o FOS and your family
o this is what your FOS contribution will pay for
o you can contribute now or when asked at a presentation
 Family FOS Unit Coordinator Orientation
 District Community FOS steering committee meeting
 Family FOS Presentations
 District Community FOS Kickoffs February 11-15
 Council Fundraising Committee meeting
 Family FOS Presentations
 Small community Friends of Scouting campaigns complete
 District Community FOS steering committee meeting
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Family FOS Presentations complete
All Community Friends of Scouting Campaigns complete
District Community FOS steering committee meeting
Council Fundraising Committee meeting
Family FOS Cleanup – phone a thons and final mailings
Community FOS Cleanup – phone a thons and final mailings
 Victory Celebration for entire fundraising team
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Action Plan
Prospects for Chair:
Prospects for Committee:
Prospects for Family FOS Chair:
Prospects for Community FOS Chair:____________________
Three things I need to do in next 30 days in order to build my Steering Committee
What help do I need to set up a Steering Committee.
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Step 1: Create Structure for Each Community
Step 2: Research
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List of key Past Donors that I will research to determine if they can help with a
Community Campaign:
Contact Information
How They Can Help
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
Step 3: Recruit
Step 4: Prepare for Kick-off (backdating)
What do you need to do to prepare for a kick-off?
Three things I need to do in next 30 days.
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
What was successful about my Family Division Campaign?
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What do I want to change/improve about my Family Division Campaign?
Prospects for Chair:
Number of Units:
_________ Number of Presenters Needed: _________
My List of Prospects for Presenters are (add to Prospect Chart):
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
Three things I need to do in next 30 days.
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
Date of District Kick-off: _____________________________
Date to Solicit Key 3: ___________________________
Date to Complete District Campaign: __________________________
Three things I need to do in next 30 days.
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
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Friends of Scouting
Manpower Planning
District: ______________________________________
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Next Year
Community Chairmen
Proposal for District Friends of Scouting Chairman
Company & Position
Recruitment Strategy
1 Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
Community Chairman Prospects:
Company & Position
Proposal for District Family Friends of Scouting Chairman
Company & Position
Recruitment Strategy
1 Choice
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2nd Choice
3rd Choice
Number of Packs _______ Troops _______ Crews _______ in the District.
Number of Packs _______ Troops _______ Crews _______ presented to last year.
Number of Packs _______ Troops _______ Crews _______ presented to this year (District
Goal Agreement:
Current Goal
Community Goal
Family Goal
Board Goal
Total Goal
Actual (FOS Victory)
Proposed Goal
District Friends of Scouting Meetings Worksheet
1 District Planning Conference
Date ___________________________ Time
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Location ___________________________________________________________________
Remarks ___________________________________________________________________
2 Steering Committee Meeting #1
Date ___________________________ Time
Location ___________________________________________________________________
Remarks ___________________________________________________________________
3 Steering Committee Meeting #2
Date ___________________________ Time
Location ___________________________________________________________________
Remarks ___________________________________________________________________
4 Steering Committee Meeting #3
Date ___________________________ Time
Location ___________________________________________________________________
Remarks ___________________________________________________________________
5 Family Presenter Training
Date ___________________________ Time
Location ___________________________________________________________________
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Remarks ___________________________________________________________________
6 Individual Community Training Meetings
Team or Community Name ____________________________________________________
Date ___________________________ Time
Location ___________________________________________________________________
Remarks ___________________________________________________________________
7 Individual Community Training Meetings
Team or Community Name ____________________________________________________
Date ___________________________ Time
Location ___________________________________________________________________
Remarks ___________________________________________________________________
8 Individual Community Training Meetings
Team or Community Name ____________________________________________________
Date ___________________________ Time
Location ___________________________________________________________________
Remarks ___________________________________________________________________
Dear ##################,
For more than 100 years the Boy Scouts of America has prepared our communities’
young people for life. While the challenges young people face today may be different
from young people 100 years ago the values and ideals that Scouting teaches are still
relevant and may be more important than ever.
I am writing to your organization today to request your support of our annual Friends of
Scouting Campaign. The campaign is a critical part of keeping the Scouting program
affordable for all families regardless of their financial situation. Will the ############
consider a gift of $500, enough to support the Scouting program for four boys in your
Here are just a few items that your gift will support:
Maintenance and operation of two great camping facilities in Abilene and Kirwin
Liability and accident Insurance for our volunteers and Scouts
Camp scholarships, handbooks, and uniforms for Scouts in need
Promotional and training materials
Professional staff to support our local volunteers and units
Your organizations gift will impact the lives of youth in your community. The BSA will
continue to train the leaders of tomorrow, teaching them the values of the Scout Oath and
Law and guiding them to make ethical decisions throughout their lifetimes.
You can pledge your organizations support by completing the enclosed pledge card and
returning it with your payment or indicate your desired number of monthly installments.
Thank you for considering a gift to Scouting that will support four Scouts programs, but
any level of support is appreciated.
Yours in Scouting,
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