Impromptu Speaking

Interviewing Skills
Goals for Interview
Introduce & Sell Yourself
Sell the Job
Who are you?
Skills and Strengths
Unique Marketable Qualities
Interviewer’s Responsibility
Never Walk Away Empty-Handed
Next Steps
Types of Interviews
Screening or Selection Interviews
Styles of Interviews
Preparation is Vital!
Analyze Yourself
Do your homework
What will they evaluate?
Stages of an Interview
Structured Much Like a Speech
Body of Interview
Candidate & Job
Reiterate Interest & Fit
Thank You Note; Assessment/Revision
Important Interview Elements
Verbal Message
Non-Verbal Message
Verbal Message
How You Define Yourself
Your Skills & Experience
Reiterate Resume with Examples
Your Interests & Goals
Why This Job? Why This Company? Why Now?
Your Personality
Flexible? Communicative? Pleasant? Team Player?
Verbal Message
Understand What They Want
Flexibility, Quick Learner, Motivated, Team-player
Find Skills That Fit The Job
Travel, Tutoring, Class Projects, Peer Training,
Volunteering, Working on Campus/in Class
Prepare As You Would For Speech
Identify Key Ideas, Support Ideas with Examples, Adapt to
Audience, End Strongly
Use Speech Skills
Be Concise, Listen Closely & Answer Question Asked,
Pace Yourself, Reflect Enthusiasm, Strong Voice
Verbal Message
Personality Cues
Show Courtesy to Interviewer
 Not: “What can you do for me?”
Don’t Rely on Yes/No Answers
Be Careful of “Know it All Complex”
Positive, Not Cynical
Show Tolerance and Flexibility
Broad Interests
Low Pressure Personality Type
Verbal Message
Work Habit Cues
Speak Well of Others
Show Initiative
Ability to Take Criticism
Moral Standards (Don’t Lie)
Willing to “Pay Your Dues”
Team Player
First Impressions = Lasting Impressions
Dress for Dream Job
Inspires confidence; shows professionalism, and
Better to Over-dress than Under-dress
Men: Solid or Pinstripe Suits with Tie
Women: Suit or Jacket with Dress
Avoid Synthetics
Avoid Excessive Jewelry, Cologne, Short
Skirts or Deep Necklines
Appropriate Interview Attire
 Suits/Shirts
 Ties
 Shoes/Socks
 Jewelry
 Hair/Facial Hair
 Nails
 Suits/Blouses
 Skirt length
 Shoes/hosiery
 Jewelry
 Hair
 Nails
Non-Verbal Message
Body Language Speaks Volumes
Firm Handshake, Eye Contact, Smile
Don’t Sit Until Invited
Eye Contact
Be Mindful of Hands and Facial Signals
Mirror Interviewer (subtly)
Look Enthusiastic!
Take Your Time
Non-Verbal Message
Body Movement
Don’t Cross Arms—use gestures instead
Sit up Straight---Lean Forward
Use an Appropriate Sitting Position
Consider Spatial Use & Seating Arrangement
Vocal Usage
Sound Energetic & Enthusiastic
Reduce the Use of Filled Pauses
Interview Questions
 Credential
 Experience
 Opinion
 Dumb
 Behavioral
 Legal
Why do you want to work here?
What kind of experience do you have for this job?
Tell me more about your last job.
What did you dislike/Why are you leaving last
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Why do you want to work here?
Research Company
* outstanding firm with reputable history (proof)
* recent projects are similar to interests (give example)
* recommended by a contact
* size of company, corporate “culture”, values
Not just looking for a paycheck--enjoy your work,
proud of your profession and looking for a
company that shares these values.
What kind of experience do you have for this job?
Use characteristics in vacancy announcement
Use interviewer’s intro to company/job
ASK what projects you would be assigned to
* Pull skills from previous jobs--even if unrelated
(leadership, time management, work ethic)
* Pull examples from academic work
(related project? Technical knowledge
Tell me more about your last job.
2-3 Key Points
* What were your responsibilities
* Challenges you overcame
* What did you enjoy about it
* Draw it back to current opportunity
NEVER talk poorly of past
The world is smaller than you think.
What did you dislike about your last job?
Why are you leaving?
* Short and positive answer.
* Looking to apply different skills.
* Looking to make greater contribution.
* Opportunity was too great to ignore.
What are your strengths?
Isolate high points from background
* Time Management & Planning
* Natural Curiosity & Desire to Learn
* Strong Communication Skills
* Work Ethic
* Love Challenge--Finding Solutions
* Working with Diverse Teams
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Be honest--to a degree
Leave the door open for “the right opportunity”
Show desire to be team player & grow
Dangerous Answer: “In your seat!”
Questions For Them
Always have a question prepared.
Why is this vacancy available?
Who will I report to? What specific projects will I
work on? Who will I work with from day-to-day?
What is the management style of my supervisor?
When did you join the company? What do you
like best/like least about firm?
Describe the company’s culture? Are there many
young people? What does the office look like
at 6:00 pm?
Is there potential for growth?
Questions For Them
What has the growth pattern of the
company been like over the past few years?
How often are evaluations given?
Is there a written job description for position?
How many individuals are being considered for
the position?
What are the next steps? Is there a timeline for
the decision?
Is there anything that concerns you about me?
Confirm when they will be in contact
Reiterate interest in job
“Look forward to hearing from you.”
Get business card for everyone at interview
Send thank you note PROMPTLY.
Shows interest!
Allows chance to follow-up on issue
Handwritten--more personal
Typed--more polished
Complete a Self-Assessment
Other Hints
Arrive Early!
Introductions—More than a Hello
Name Usage—Follow lead
Listen and Observe Office
Many vacant desks?
A pleasant environment?
Ask to meet predecessor or former intern.
Thank Interviewers at close of interview