EDUMUN 2015 Extended Speeches Learning Targets 1. Learn how to organize an extended speech 2. Develop presentation skills to maximize delivery 3. Practice devising speeches impromptu Seminar Overview 1. When to use extended speeches 2. Purpose of an extended speech 3. Hook, Point, Action 4. Presentation Skills – Visual 5. Presentation Skills – Auditory 6. Impromptu Speaking Be Sure to: • • • Take notes Ask questions at any time Actively participate during activities When to Use an Extended Speech Primary Speakers List Moderated Caucus • • • • First speech, set an impression Convince delegates which topic to debate first Secondary Speakers List • • Can be used for basically anything Frame the issue and present solutions First speaker frames Caucus Needs to set direction /summarize the issue Purpose of an Extended Speech Present an issue or background • • • Introduce your country’s policy Frame the issue in a new way Present a new sub-issue to the topic Provide a solution • • How can we solve the issue that you presented What should other members do Picture Hook, Point, Action Hook Action • • • • Grabs everyone’s attention How: Rhetorical question Surprising Fact Hypothetical situation Point • • • Main body of the speech Overarching “thesis” with major sub-points How: Start with a thesis outlining your main message Provide 2-3 examples, reasons, etc. of this thesis What you want everyone to do Examples: Talk to me during unmod Join my resolution Offer funds to ____ Activity 1: World Problems Time: (minutes) Give a 1 minute speech using the hook, point, action format about the biggest problem in the world and a solution. Activity Steps • Choose a world problem and identify 3 sub-issues or reasons why this is the largest problem in the world (Point) • Come up with a solution (Action) • Create an interesting and unique hook Presentation Skills – What We See Eyes Feet • • • • • • • Avoid taking up a paper Make direct eye contact Use eye contact to divide points Hands • • • • • Do not shift weight, fidget, or sway Pace to emphasize a point Feet shoulder width apart Don’t cross feet Should enhance presentation, not distract Should be limited and correspond with major points Hand Diamond Palms up = welcoming Palms down = in control Presentation Skills – What We Hear Volume Tone • • • • • • Too quiet = hard to hear, sound weak Too loud = sounds like yelling Need to find the correct balance Pace • • • How you sound/voice inflections Avoid up-talk Try to sound warm/welcoming but also in control/confident Too fast = hard to follow, more likely to mess up Too slow = sound unprepared or condescending Use dramatic pauses for emphasis, but not too many Activity 2: Most Important Person Give a 45 second speech on who you think is the most important person in the world and why. Activity Steps • Choose a person and devise a speech • Hook, Point, Action is suggested but not required • Give a convincing speech, attempting to convince all of us that your person is the most important • Use presentation skills that we discussed to maximize impact Remember to focus on both visual and auditory presentation skills. Time: (minutes) Impromptu Speaking When to use • • Responding to another delegate or idea Speaking on a topic you did not prepare for Tips • • • • • Think while you speak Listen actively to others and take notes Focus on a few topics, don’t try to address everything Don’t repeat yourself Use specifics Picture Activity 3: Impromptu Speech Time: (minutes) Practice responding to and rebutting a statement without any preparation. Activity Steps • Eric or Matthew will make a short claim or statement • You have 10 seconds to gather your thoughts • You then must respond to and rebut our claim in a 30 second speech Remember to apply the organizational and presentation skills we discussed earlier. Reflection 1. Presentation Content • How to organize a speech 2. Presentation Delivery • How to make it convincing 3. Impromptu Speaking • How to do it on the spot Picture Questions? EDUMUN 2015 Thank you for your time!