Impromptu Workshop

Impromptu Workshop
Key Member Presentation
What are we going to do?
 Introduction
 Energizer
 Jump In and Learn to Do by Doing
 Conclusion
 Questions
Walks of Life
 The ability to think on
your feet is a big part of
impromptu speaking
 Pick a slip of paper with
a style on it and walk
past the group
demonstrating the style.
They’ll try to guess what
you are portraying.
And your topic is….
“The best impromptu topic
would be…”
Let’s Brainstorm!
 First, we should decide what our main
point(s) are going to be (the body of the
 Is there a “Who, What, Where, When, Why
and/or How” about this topic?
 Being organized and having a game plan is
the best way to tackle an impromptu topic.
How to Make it Stand Out
 Having an organized speech body is a good
start, but an introduction, salutation and
conclusion will really finish it off.
 State the topic clearly. Don’t make your
audience guess what you’re talking about.
 Try to use a personal experience whenever
 Avoid talking about areas you are unsure of.
Having Fun With Impromptus
 Grab a topic
 Take 2 – 3 minutes to develop the body, then
the introduction, salutation and conclusion.
 You will be trying to speak for 1 to 2
minutes, and if you think about it – that’s not
really that long if you’ve got 2 or 3 solid
statements to make.
 See how easy this would be to practice at
Let’s hear what you’ve got to say!
 Try to speak for 1 to 2
minutes. If you get
stuck, tell the group a
personal experience
that relates to your
 Remember to smile!
Way to Go!
Speech Anxiety
It is normal to feel nervous about public speaking.
Here are some ways to over come it:
 Start early, and small – like the workshop activity we
just did.
 Have a positive attitude.
 Practice, Practice, Practice.
 Gain experience. The more you speak, the easier it
will be.
 Talk to experienced members to find out what they do.
 Write down some of the sample impromptu
topics to practice at home.
 Try to develop a ‘game plan’ that works for
you. You will feel more confident.
 While it seems hard at first, the more you
practice the easier it will become. Encourage
your 4-H club to practice at each meeting.
Refer to Speaking Your Way to
Success for more information.
Take the time to review the Rules and
Guidelines for impromptu speeches.