Example of an Email Reply. - Alpha Phi Omega | Mu Zeta Chapter

General Meeting Minutes #9
Alpha Phi Omega- Mu Zeta
Monday, April 4th , 2011
I. Call to Order: (7:28)
Three sharp taps of the gavel signify the threefold purpose of this meeting…
I. First to foster good Fellowship,
II. Second to promote Leadership to worthwhile activities,
III. Third to develop plans for Service to our fellow men,
So therefore let us dedicate this meeting to Leadership, Friendship and Service
Welcome guests!—
II. Roll Call:
President- Darshika Patel(Present)
Service Vice Presidents- Ricki Herrera(Present) and Rochelle Fruguglietti(Present)
Membership Vice Presidents- Jennifer Chang(Present) and Nathaniel Dizon(Present)
Pledge Masters- Angelica Young(Present) and Krystle Koshiyama (Absent)
Fellowship Vice Presidents- Doreen Li(Present) and Kevin Soncuya(Present)
Finance Vice Presidents- Nicolo Lufrano(Present) and Rachel Lewis(Present)
Administrative Vice Presidents- Kristin Lam(Present) and Edward Mendoza(Present)
Sergeant-At-Arms- Jon-Thomas Duldulao-Lee(Present) and Miguel “Iggy” DeLeon(Present)
Advisory Chairs- Shervey Kong(Absent) and Justin Yu(Present)
III. Approval of Minutes- Approved
IV. Officer Reports
President’s Report: Darshika Patel
Please take side conversations outside!
Excomm Brownie
Namesake Nominations for Fall 2011 - Due May 1.
DSK/Fall 2011 Excomm Nominations today!
Section 4 Rep Voting!
Leads - Patel Co
Service Youth Grant
o Omicron Zeta: Journey Through Self-Discovering
Jonathan Kong
I graduated from UC Davis, 2010 with a 2 degrees in biotechnology, Microbiology and Plant
Biology. When I'm not working or studying I'm Dragonboating for a local team or driving around
SF looking for delicious food trucks.
Now for APO related things: I pledged Kate Westlake term, and have held the positions of
BigBro/LiLBro Chair, Historian, family head for 3 years, Membership VP and Regional
Conference Chair, 2009.
Q/A people have asked from interviews. What food could I eat forever? -Pho! NorCal or SoCal?Duh NorCal duck the fodgers! What can I not live without? -My IPhone
Leadership Chair
Public Relations Officers: Louis Pandong and Phoi Wong
- Recap Events
- Tour of Section Four IC Calendar
- IC Invasion/ Mystery IC Member!
- IC events
- Ocho Award
o Visit 8 chapters!
o Take pictures there! With a member
o Time from one sectional conference to the next
o Submit your eight pictures!
o Let us all participate!
o Learn more!
 Aposection4.org
- Tour of Section Four
o April 12th Gamma Gamma- University of California at Berkeley
- Mystery IC Member
o 1. Find the IC member of the chapter we visit
o 2. Ask the person if he/she is the mystery IC member
o 3.Take a picture!
Post it on facebook, and tag yourself =]
- Gamma Beta
o Water Games/Potluck
o April 8th
o 11am-5pm
- Kappa Sigma
o IC capture The Flag
o April 8th 7-9 pm
- For a Cause
o Club Event/ IC Fundraiser
o April 8th
o 10pm-2am
o Hosted by GG, AGN, AEN, GB
o Glaskat Nightclub
 Pre-sale tickets: $12
 $5 will go to the chapter
 $7 will go to Japan
- The Jejune Institute
o Saturday, April 9th
o Mu Zeta
o Noon
- APO IC Luau
o April 9th
o Gamma Gamma
o 6-9:30 pm
- IC “Scavenger” Hunt
o April 15th
o Iota Phi
o More details to come
AEN Easter Egg Hunt
o April 17th
o More details to come
IC Tron-Fire
o April 23rd 9 am-11pm
o Zeta Omicron Cal Poly SLO
o Late Registration:
o April 2nd-8th $15
o Register Online
o 30th Anniversary Banquet
o April 23rd 5pm-9pm
o $15- Prices will rise
o Aaxi.vpf@gmail.com
DanceComp 2011
o Rho Pi UCSD
o May 28th 3:30 pm-11:00 pm
o Register Online
o If registered before, register again! =D
Historian- Alyssa Royce
- Send APO-related photos to historian@apomz.org
- Upload photos to:
o http://gallery.me.com/infopocket
- You must turn in photos within ONE WEEK of event!
- Office Hours:
o Tuesdays; 2:00-3:00
o (Menchu)
- This WEEK:
o Send in your pics of…
o KY Littles & Bigs
o Your line!
o (if possible, preferably NOT from Twin Night or Revealing)
Service Report: Rochelle Fruguglietti & Ricki Herrera
- Welcome Back
- Updated spreadsheet out tonight!
- Upcoming Projects:
o 4/5-4/7 Bone Marrow Drive (Campus)
o 4/6- Food Bank (Community)
o 4/9-4/10 Cherry Blossom Festival (Country) *4/9 is FULL
o 4/10 SF Green Festival (Country)
***Please be courteous to those who still need their hours!
***Keep pushing for the presidential award!
 SF Green Festival count for community if you wish – let the chair know!
Multi-Cultural Aids Awareness Day Chairs- Darius Ngo & Joanie Espinosa
7th MAAD Planning Meeting: Friday, Mar 25th, 4:30pm, HUM 131
Save the Date!
o Thursday, April 14th, 2011
o 10am-2pm
o MAAD is in 10 Days
Updates: Next Thursday!!!
MAAD Hours
o Sign-Ups were due 4/1
Prep Events (Chapter Hours):
o Decorations
o Latexhibition
o Fliering
 Wed, 4/6, 11 a-1P, capped @ 4
 Thurs, 4/7, 11a-1p, capped at 4
MAAD Contests
Next Week:
Itinerary of Events for the Day
Volunteer Shift Descriptions
Publicity Card Fliers
Ongoing Contests
o 1. Ark Fundraising Contest
Please keep fundraising!
o Condom-raising Contest
Family Pack is an easy way to get protection!
Top 5 Fundraisers of the Week (Week 5&6 as of 8:00am)
o Francisco Nguyen
o Andrew Lo
o Amy Deng
o Mary Phuong
o Doreen Li
o Christina Hoang
o Anna Lei
o Ben Chen
o Angelica Young
o Edward Lau
Top 5 Overall Fundraisers (As of 4/4/11, 8:00am)
o Francisco Nguyen
o Andrew Lo
o Amy Deng
o Mary Phuong
o Susie Wong
o Calsey Chan
o Doreen Li
o Ben chen
o Terri Yonemitsu
o Christina Hoang
Total Funds Raised: $235.27
Top 3 Members
o Susie Wong 235
o Thomas Blasé 72
o Terri Yonemitsu 42
Top 3 Pledges
o Raymond Zeng 340
o Bryant Chen 39
o Andrew Lo 27
Membership Report
-Tonight’s Theme:
Volunteer T-Shirts
Brownie goes to…PJ
Brownie Jr. goes to… Christina Hoang for getting the KY pledges get together over the break.
Chapter event:
Meet&Greet Dinner
Date: April 7th, 2011
Location: Buca di Beppo
Time: 7-10pm meet at 6:30 at Mcdonalds.
CAP @ 5 members & 15 pledges
Gold member event
HSD. Hiking, Sunset and Dinner
Date: Saturday, April 19th, 2011.
Time: 6-9pm meet at 5:30pm at McDonald
CAP @ 12
Online sign up will be close April 4th at 11pm.
OPEN Rock Family
Man Vs. FOOD
Thursday April 7th
Scissor event
This Saturday, April 9th, 2011
Paper Event
April 7th, 2011. We will be playing werevolves.
Pledge Master Report:
What they learned last meeting:
Founding of APO (includes 14 Founders)
APO Around the World
Philippines, Canada, & Australia
Where (room & building), when, by who
Birth of ICAPO
Women in APO
Reason why chapters took in female members
Phyettes, which chapters had phyettes, and when it started
First chapter to change their bylaws to admit women as sisters
When women were allowed to join as full members
- Ex Comm Signatures are DUE April 12th, 7pm (THAT’S NEXT TUESDAY!!)
- Kingsley Yee Pledge Class Fundraiser
When: Friday, April 8th (6-10pm, PLEASE come early!!)
Where: TBA
(note: auctioning will be taking place throughout the 4 hours)
- Kingsley Yee Pledge Class Service Project this Saturday! YAY!!
Benjamin: our fundriser is this Friday and it will cost more at the door. We want you guys to come early.
Some of the aunction require some food, dates, arts. They are good
Mary: we also have to performances by the KY pledge class.
Now we have the raffle that we started before the spring break. The winner is Jason Au.
Fellowship Report
Special thanks to:
Winson & Jason
PJ & Brian
Nate & Iggy
 Wednesday, April 6th
 6pm to 8pm
 Location: HUM 115
 Prepare for an exhilarating murder game run by Nathaniel Dizon!
Ice Skating!
Thursday, April 7th
7:30pm to 9pm
Location: Yerba Buena Ice Skating Rink
Meet @ McDonald's at 6:45pm
Explore SF!
Sunday, April 10th
3pm to 7pm
Location: San Francisco
Meet @ McDonald's at 2:45pm
- Banquet in 26 DAYS
Saturday, April 30th, 2011
- The Westin, San Francisco Airport Blvd.
-Pledges' attire is suggested to be all white, Semi-Formal.
Finance Report:
>April 5th- Chevys 4-10pm
>April 6th-9th- Panda Express
>April 9th- Classic Bowl!
>April 10th Giants Game
>April 4th-8th
Campus Fundraisers 10am-2pm
Paying for Banquet…
There are 3 accepted forms of payment for the 2011 KY Pledge Class Activation Banquet:
Money Order
**The last day payment will be received is Tuesday, April 26th at 2pm, NO exceptions will be received**
Fundraising hours requirement updates and corrections will be e-mailed by Wednesday evening
Please e-mail us any questions.
Office hours: Thursday 5pm-7pm
E-mail: finance@apomz.org
Administrative Report:
Communication Survery
Publication Directors:
Brownie Bites: Pubapomz.tumblr.com
Newsletters #4 is due in 2 days.
Theme: What was a memorable
APO event for you?
Due: this Wednesday, April 6, 2011 by 11:30pm
Capped at 30
The LAST newsletter to sign-up for
Sign-ups are still open!
visit pubapomz.tumblr.com to sign-up
Please submit Brownie Questions & Shout-Outs
Visit pubapomz.tumblr.com to submit
Email Chair: Rules/Guide lines:
The subject line consists of: the title of the event, what kind of event it is, and the date of the event.
o Example: Werewolves Fellowship 4/6
o If it is a service project put which C it is
o If it is a draft, state it in the beginning of the subject line and remember to take it out when
sending it to the chapter.
You must send me a draft every time you want to send an email out to the chapter.
2 strikes and I will block you! (those with strikes know who you are)
Check if you spelled the email address right before pressing send.
You must send the draft 1 day before it needs to be sent out.
Do not use "Important" in the subject line, or go Caps Lock crazy.
Alphabetical order for the names of those attending the event
Questions or concerns? contact me at email@apomz.org
Webmaster: No report
Sergeant Report:
Nominations are coming up.
Qualifications for Office:
-Must be active next semester
-Must be a brother
-Must have been a brother for at least a semester to qualify for Top 4 (Pres, SVP, MVP, PM)
To Nominate:
-Must be a brother
-Must be active
Iggy: so for break, we are going to do a raffle for the ticket.
If you have chapter property, please let us know!!!!
Will start collecting and inventorying in a couple weeks!!
Giants vs. Dodgers Tickets
Home run bleachers
section 137
April 12. Tuesday: 7:15pm
Advisory Report:
To soon-to-be MZ grads, please email us with your degree info
Example of an Email Reply.
Shervey Kong graduating with a B.S. Bachelor's of Science: Business Administration:
*Concentration International Business. **Minor: Hospitality Management.
**Please note only some majors have individual(concentration) emphasis categories such
as Biology or Business majors.
**Minor- only if you have one, otherwise NONE.
Degree Examples:
B.S. in Biology: Concentration in Physiology
Jessica Do
Pledge class:
Fall 2003 - V. Ray Hancock
Favorite memory from Mu Zeta:
There are so many! I don't have a favorite, but the first that comes to mind was Banquet at the Carnelian
Room when I was Banquet Chair :) (Fall 2007)
Major: Psychology
Current occupation:
Event Planner/ Project Manager / Makeup Artist/ Community Organizer/ Entrepreneur
What motivated you to choose these occupations?
I set very high goals and expectations for myself. Being all of the above keeps me busy :) I also plan on
retiring at the age of 40 (hence the Entrepreneur part) ^-^
What do you like/dislike?
Like - I set my own schedule. I am my own boss :)
Dislike -- it's a risky and winding road and you're never certain if your business will fail or succeed. But
life is a risk.. it's up to you if you want to take it or not. I'm a risk taker :)
dvice (part deux):
With every career that you end up choosing, there will always be ups and downs. But as long as you pick
a career that you love, no matter what happens, you will be able to succeed.
Contact info:
V. Old Business:
VI. New Business:
Jonathan Kong’s Speech:
- I’m Jon Kong. I pledged Kate Westlake, which was fall 2006, I finsihsd june 2006. I’m working on
Pharmacy. I’ve always wanted to be section 4 rep. I didn’t want to kick Mo help. I like eating.
Thisi s a picture of eating. You can see the empty ones. I dragon boat. As your section 4 rep. I’ve
stolen a lot of things. I like how things are run. I’ll whisper it to you guys. I want you guys to run
more efficiently. If I see something that needs to be changed. I want to see if everything’s
- Alyssa: are you taking care of our chapter?
- Jon: I’ma directive laiiason with this chapter to section staff. Any new amendments I’ll tell you
guys. I’ll report to Kevin Lowe to Craig tanner.
Yays: 21
Nays: 0
Abstain: 3
- The vote passes, and Jonathan is our new section 4 rep
Excomm Nominations
Alumni Advisors:
Jon would like to nominate Kathy Lee and Sharon Lee, seconded by Miguel Deleon
Jason would like to nominate Frances Valbuena and Darshika Patel, seconded by Edward Mendoza
- Nominations Closed
Darius Ngo nominates Jon-thomas Duldulao Lee and Miguel Deleon seconded by Francisco Nguyen
Alyssa Royce nominates Jon-Thomas Duldulao Lee seconded by Francisco Nguyen
Frances Valbuena nominates Bryant Chen and Winson Chen, Seconded by Kenneth Ho
- Nominations Closed
Administrative Vice Presidents
Iggy Deleon nominates Justin Papa and Christina Hoang, seconded by Louis Pandong
Angelica Young nominates Christina Hoang and Dorothy Tran, Seconded by Edward Mendoza
- Nominations Closed
Finance Vice Presidents
Jon-Thomas Duldulao-Lee nominates Rachel Lewis, seconded by Miguel DeLeon
Francisco Nguyen nominates Brian Ignacio and Andrew Wong, seconded by Frances Valbuena
- Nominations Closed
Fellowship Vice Presidents
Nathaniel Dizon nominates Kaitlyn Ton and Nancy Tran, seconded by Kristin Lam
Jon-Thomas Duldulao-Lee nominate Brian Ignacio and Andrew Lo, seconded by Louis Pandong
Miguel Deleon nominates Andrew Lo and Lin Lan, seconded, seconded by Frances Valbuena
Darius Ngo nominates Joanie Espinosa and Winson Chen, seconded by Kenneth Ho
- Nominations Closed
Pledge Masters
Nicolo Nominates Jennifer Chang and Nathaniel Dizon, seconded by Ricki Herrera
- Nominations Closed
Membership Vice President
Edward Mendoza nominates Jon-Thomas Duldulao-Lee and Alyssa Royce, seconded by Anna Lei
- Nominations Closed
Service Vice President
Nathaniel Dizon nominates Alyssa Royce and Kristin Lam, seconded by Jon-Thomas Duldulao-Lee
- Nominations Closed
Anna Lei nominates Crystal Quach, seconded by Kaitlyn Ton
Francisco Nguyen nominates Ricki Herrera, seconded by Thomas Blasé
- Nominations Closed
Acceptances and Declinations
Jon-Thomas Duldulao Lee accepts
Bryant Chen and Winson Chen decline
Administrative Vice President
Justin Papa and Christina Hoang decline
Dorothy Tran and Christina Hoang decline
Finance Vice President
Rachel Lewis Declines
Brian Ignacio and Andrew Lo decline
Fellowship Vice President
Nancy Tran and Kaitlyn Ton accept
Andrew Lo and Brian Ignacio accept
Joan Espinosa and Winson Chen accept
Pledge Masters
Jennifer Chang and Nathaniel Dizon Accept
Membership Vice President
Alyssa Royce and Jon-Thomas Duldulao Lee Accepts
Service Vice President
- Alyssa Royce and Kristin Lam accepts
Crystal Quach thinks about it
Ricki Herrera will think about it
DSK Nomination
Nathaniel Dizon nominates Melissa Dagdagan, seconded by Joan Espinosa
- DSK Nominations Closed
Bylaw Changes
I, Justin Yu, motion to amend Article 1, Section 4- Associate Membership, striking out “immediately and
unhesitatingly grant the petition and,” and to add the language “the petition must be submitted and
approved by the Membership Vice President prior to the declaration of membership status deadline.”
- Justin: they petition to be associate. They can petition again to be active until next semester.
Yay: 17
Nay: 0
Abstain: 14
- Motion doesn’t pass
Comment on the Floor
- 14 of you say that, this doesn’t help the bylaws. If you don’t believe to say it. If you said abstain.
If you don’t want to sit through this.
I, Justin Yu, move to amend Article 3, Section 5- The Membership Vice President, striking out the
language “collector of membership fees. I’m moving 5 and 6 to 4 and 5, from 7 to 8, to 6 and 7,
seconded by Jon-Thomas Duldulao lee
In article 1 section 3.4, this language will be put into the duties to finance. It’s in the wrong place.
Yay: 31
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
- Motion passes
*Point of Order*
- First Motion passes
I , Justin Yu, move to amend Article 3 section 7- Finance Vice President, adding in the point, Collector of
Membership Dues, the Finance Vice President shall be responsible for collecting membership dues by
the end of the third week of instruction and renumbering as necessary, seconded by Jon-Thomas
- Taking the language from the Membership Vice President to finance Vice President
Yay: 28
Nay: 2
Abstain: 1
- Motion Passes
I, Justin Yu, move to amend article 4 section 9 the email chair, to strike out all 1 and 2 and 3, seconded
by Alyssa Royce,
- Originally by email server, currently we have one server for both our website, it’s best to
- Louis: The webmaster will
- Angelica: you’re eliminate
Yay: 15
Nay: 13
Abstain: 3
I, Justin Yu, article 18 the constitution, section 2 the amendment of the articles of association, to strike
out, OSPLD, and to add Leadership , Engagement, Action, Development (LEAD) office, seconded by JonThomas Duldulao-Lee
- OSPLD doesn’t exist, and it’s now LEAD
Yay: 31
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
- Motion Passes.
I, Justin Yu, amend article 17 awards to include section 2 Pledge Class Namesake, “For the spring
semester, Mu Zeta may, by three fourths vote, in quorum assembled, award the Pledge Class Namesake
to any brother of Alpha Phi Omega whose performance of service, whose bestowal of friendship, and
whose demonstration of leadership, shall have been in a manner above and beyond that expected of a
brother of Alpha Phi Omega,” and renumber the sections, seconded by Jon-Thomas Duldulao Lee
- Pledge Class namesake should be on here
- Ricki Herrera: Shouldn’t this be limited to Mu Zeta
- Darius: No
Yay: 27
Nay: 0
- Motion passes
Justin Yu, would move to amend Article 23- Permanent Mailing Address, to LEAD, seconded by JonThomas Duldulao-Lee
Yay: 31
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
- Motion Passes
I, Justin Yu, move to amend article 11- Information Meetings, to strike out Pledgemaster in section 1,
section 3, section 4, section 5.2, and section 5.3 and replace it with Rushmaster, seconded by Miguel
Rushmaster holds information meetings
Yay: 31
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
I, Justin Yu, move to amend article 11 information meetings section 4 Agenda, strike out Pledgemaster
committee and change it Rushmaster committee and in section 5.3 Selection of the place, seconded by
Jon-Thomas Duldulao-Lee
- We deal with LEADS
Yay: 31
Nay: 0
- Motion Passes
I, Justin Yu, move to amend article 2 officers, section 1.5 Limit of Chapter Offices , strike out the
language two brothers and add one brother, strike out president and add Pledgemaster, and this will
take effect on Spring 2012, seconded by Jon-Thomas Duldulao-Lee.
- To restructure our leadership positions, pledge master is the only office with two people, and
we underutilize the positions, if we have a committee under the office,
- Jon: I’m for this, and you have to ask this are you gonna be here in Spring 2012, we can change
this down the line, this doesn’t take affect til nect year. Because relying on two people takes
away the leadership.
- Alyssa Royce: I noticed that other chapters, they also rely on more committees, it makes it more
of talking to us than rather to us. These are our requirements, this is how it is because of two
- Louis Pandong: Only one person can’t run, pledgemasters can’t run
- Anna Lei: If you are trying to have it to only one VP, when you have a committee, yeah you go to
them and you rely to them, it was really hard to work alone, and you really needed a co, you can
rely on a committee,it’s good to have a co with you, it’s that person that you can fall upon too,
that’s how I try to feel, it’s consistent of pledges and members, and in experience, might not
know how you feel, having a co with you from the beginning and the end is better than a
- Ricki Herrera: I think wording it the way it is, it removes the option to have a co, and Rochelle
was a great co, forcing people to have a committee, I don’t think this is the smartest idea
- Doreen Li: Does this affect appointeds?
- Kingsley Yee: yes
- Louis: People still have an option to do this under the office, there’s also a backdraw when
there’s a co. it’s hard to communicate all the time, there’s always one who is the stronger co.
there’s an experience who has a co. My point from right now. People still have the option, to
run alone
- Kingsley: Many other offices still have one officer per spot, we’re still in the minority with the
duo partnership, when I left after standing a year ago, more of a committee meeting was like a
joke. I don’t think the committee meeting is completely functional. Take on a larger role. It’s a
better thing for the chapter then for each of the committees.
- Anna: Yeah maybe it’s not utilized well, there are people who are charged in that office, you still
have to be in the committee from now on, than in spring 2012, the committees are just as
important, it’s gonna be their fault if this will ever happen. Committees have their opinions, fail
the worlds, like Louis said, you have the option of doing it alone, some people can run with
other people. You have to make sure those ones are gonna work with you and not against you.
- Rochelle Fruguglietti: I just want to remind members, that there was one person who our
semester ran pretty smoothly, I feel like this, I’m pretty neutral about it, some people can think
about it for a change, just because, but I feel that not relying on a co, it’s nice, there’s always
someone out there. I lost my train of thought. I just want to remind everyone, and things ran
pretty smoothly, excomm can rely on everyone. Being everyone on the same page. If you
contact one person, a lot of people can contact one person. Having two people with excomm.
That’s just something to take in to consideration.
- Jon: there’s a lot of single person offices, and to see how bad it was or how good it went. But it
brings the chapter together, to be more involved, you don’t’ want pledging to be the only thing
you remember the most, so we can all bring it together, not like excomm just ttelling you what
to do, it’ let’s you guide the chapter.
Darius: further down the road. The new pledge class can adapt, but it will change and adapt this,
it will help bring teamwork, it might be hard to share two email accounts. Sometimes iyou get
caught in the loop. You get to rely, I feel like more chapter gets informed of this. There will be
about 10 people in the service committee. Iand I think this will be a growing lesson for mu zeta.
Ricki: concern j incoming pledges who are turning pledges, they don’t know anything about
excomm, if they’re weary about something they can do alone. We’re not giving everone else a
fair shot.
Justin: to go off that, we’ll utilizes committee, they get a sense of what the office a lot, maybe
then they’ll be inspired about that office, committees bring what people what goes on in the
Kingsley: first hthing, don’t think of this, think of it as taking it something away, other chapters, a
lot of people think of certain, we’re gonna automatically fail, keep that in mind, but more a
question to the chapter, how many of you guys, how the big bro work happens, believe it or not,
we went from 2 big bros, to 1, they’re very similar discussion, we need support, we need back
up, we all have adapted to it, once we adapted to it, oh my God, it’s such a huge change, well
it’s not as bad as it looks.
Sharon: I see what everyone’s trying to say, maybe it’s just I’m fortunate about my co, that is
gonna be the benefit of the chapter, I’m not saying, one dp it’s not always a n option, if you
believe you can do a position by yourself, but by all means, go ahead, write now, committees
don’t really work. I don’t think we should have 1 vp for a position, it should definitely like there
should be structure. We have a committee for service. And if you want, a chapter always has a
Nathan: there’s a lot of concern, of a co, I’m so thankful for Jenn, if I were to run for this
position, I think I can definitely do this alone, I think strongly believe that a lot of you can run a
position by yourself, if you’re going to rely on a co, and a lot more opinions, then one person
froma co, and the person, and it’s going to be biased, and it’s that balanced, maybe you
shouldn’t be running for that person. A real leader shouldn’t be balanced. A leader should take
that fault. And go with it. Especially if you have a committee under you, and I think committees
are taken for granted. But I know that I’ve been thinking about it, its’ not a better for the
Alyssa; there is Mu Zeta, a lot of people, are concerned who to run with. A lot of us are
intimidated against ourselves, you have a lot less chance of winning, you are pressured to have a
co, and you have to find a right co, and you have to find someone to balance you out. And I
tthink tit’s a better part to find your delegation; I feel that it hasn’t always been there, service
has maad chairs, to be in charge for MAAD. We created more appointed positions, it’s
essentially to run for your own appointed committee. They have an internal service VP and an
external Service VP that finds community and country. I’m not ready to propose a committee.
We can split more positions, there’s less stress for one or two more people
Anna: are you guys gonna do anything about committees, where you have a co, in that office
you have structure, it’s gonna be a fail, if this motion passes, we’re gonna set up for these rules.
Point of information- we have set requirements for committees, we do set requirements
Anna: I understand that believe in having, and that’s a good thing about doing some work.
Sometimes distributing work to a lot of people it’s a lot of hard. It’s hard to take all the minutes
by yourself, and it’s hard to be finding the e-mail website., when it comes to do the hours for
membership, if you’re planning to find it solo. When I you have to do hours, and because all that
information, it’s another way of looking at it.
Sharon: I agree, that would be because that’s just a lot of hands on requirements, yeah there’s
certain positions where you can find help with, you can have multiple positions, there are
certain positions that a vp should be doing, and it’s required to have one VP and a committee to
help around. And if you vote yes on this, are you gonna step up?
- Justin: Membership doesn’t always do records, like family events, or membership events, and
the last thing I want to say, the reason I want to propose this, to say that I need a co to do
something, I believe everyone has, my rationale is to have committees. It’s possible to see if
you can run, I think everyone can do it by yourselves, and you shouldn’t discount your abilities
- Sharon: it seems that idea, and it seems that we should have VP, and it seems like a pair or a
single position, if that one person fails, then the whole team fails, and it’s kind of the things I’m
trying to say, a committee but it’s maybe be a little…
- Angelica: I don’t know if it’s been like this, we tried to do the whole helping each other, I felt like
I was literally stuck in this, there are checks and balances, we do have peers in excomm to help
you, in our excomm meeting, we our literally helping each other, I don’t think the support
system’s an issue. It works in other chapters
- Louis I move to end discussion, seconded by Edward Mendoza
- Discussion
o Louis: It’s getting late
o Voting:
 Motion passes.
- Voting
o Yay: 21
o Nay: 7
o Abstain: 2
VII: Announcement
- Excomm weill no longer accommodate you!
- If you need to help planning out how to finish your requirements, make use of the membership
& pledge mster office hours!
- Next week: Second Round of Nominations for Fall 2011
- Executive Committee & DSK! More Possible Bylaw Changes!
- Rachel Lewis : I have two receipts from 2 people
- Rochelle Fruguglietti: For hours opportunities, we are really passionate, if you have text
messaging, and you have 10 dollars to, for one hour, I’ll e-mail you about it. If you don’t have
texting, and you can donate the same amount the receipt. For one hour.
Jon Thomas Duldulao-Lee motions to move muggings to next week, seconded by Nathaniel Dizon
Motion passes
Jon-Thomas Duldulao-Lee: I need two roommates, we’re clean, two of my roommates just
backed out on me. It’ll be an aphio house.
Rachel Lewis: Last chance to buy a raffle ticket,
Alyssa Royce: historian committee, meet up afterwards
VII. Meeting adjourned at 9:28 pm.