ASEANUniversity Network /
Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network
Implementation Guidelines
Application Form
Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Study
For the Japanese Fiscal Year 2015
AUN/SEED-Net Project
As of August 2014
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1. Project Background
The concept of ASEAN University Network/ Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development
Network (AUN/SEED-Net) was developed at the ASEAN-Japan Summit Meeting in December 1997
and followed by the central issue of how to upgrade higher engineering education by way of creating
an engineering institutions’ network ASEAN-wide. As a result of a series of discussions and
preparations between ASEAN Member Countries and Japan, AUN/SEED-Net was established in
2001 as a sub-network of ASEAN University Network (AUN).
After two years of preparation, full-scale operation of AUN/SEED-Net started in March 2003 and
lasted for five years as the Phase 1 cooperation, which was then followed by another five-year project
as the Phase 2 cooperation, supported by Japanese Government through Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA).
In the last decade, AUN/SEED-Net supported young academic staff of Member Institutions (MIs)
to acquire higher degrees (Master’s and/or Doctoral degree) by providing them with opportunities to
study at leading MIs in ASEAN or at Japanese Supporting Universities (JSUs). As a result, around
900 academic staff have obtained opportunities to study in higher degree programs and most of these
staff have returned to teach students at universities in their respective countries. At the same time, the
project has strengthened the research capacity of academic staff in ASEAN Member Countries by
supporting collaborative research, academic staff exchange, academic conferences, “ASEAN
Engineering Journal” and so on. As a result, around 700 collaborative research projects have been
undertaken, and more than 1,000 academic papers have been published. Over 1,300 academic staff
have also participated in exchange programs between institutions in the network. Through these
activities AUN/SEED-Net has succeeded in strengthening the engineering faculties of each MI.
Based on these remarkable achievements, the ASEAN Member Countries, MIs, Government of
Japan and JICA have a strong intention to continue AUN/SEED-Net aiming to bring about larger
impacts not only to other universities in the region and Japan, but also to industry and community by
making more direct contribution to the socio-economic development in the region and Japan. After
continuous discussion, all parties agreed to implement the Phase 3 Project of AUN/SEED-Net with
these following objectives:
(1) Contribution to advancement and globalization of regional industry
(2) Contribution to solution of regional common issues in Asia
(3) Establishment of human resource development platform in science and technology in Asia
2. Program Concept
After two phases of mainly providing higher degree scholarships to academic staff in the ASEAN
Member Institutions, in Phase III AUN/SEED-Net aims to deepen its support in this regard by
launching Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Study for recent PhD graduates who are faculty
members. Fellows will have the opportunity to conduct research activities for a maximum of six
months at the Accepting Institutions that they graduated from. The Fellowship’s main purpose is to
further enhance research and education capacity of AUN/SEED-Net graduates working as faculty
staff, who are invaluable resources to their Institutions, to enable them to contribute to higher
academic standards. In addition, the program is aimed at promoting international collaboration and
strengthening the AUN/SEED-Net Network.
3. Objectives
(1) To enhance research capacity of AUN/SEED-Net doctoral graduates.
(2) To improve education program and research capacity of Member Institutions.
(3) To encourage AUN/SEED-Net graduates working at Member Institutions to be continuously
involved in collaborative research at their Accepting Institutions.
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(4) To promote collaboration and strengthen the Network.
Remark: This program does not support applicants to fulfill graduation requirements of the
4. Applicant Eligibility
(1) Alumni of AUN/SEED-Net doctoral degree programs (PhD Sandwich, PhD in Singapore and
PhD in Japan) who graduate less than 3 years counting retrospectively from the time of
application, and currently are faculty members working at Member Institutions.
(2) Graduating students under AUN/SEED-Net doctoral degree programs (PhD Sandwich, PhD
in Singapore and PhD in Japan) who are committed to become faculty members working at
Member Institutions as evidenced by a supporting letter from their respective Institutions. The
eligibility is no longer valid if the students cannot complete their study within the scholarship
period, including extension period. The students must return to their home country after the
study is completed and before the Fellowship begins, if awarded.
Applicants must apply for the Fellowship at the Host Institution (HI) where they completed or
will complete their doctoral degree, unless otherwise agreed by AUN/SEED-Net. The Accepting
Researcher should be applicants’ advisor/co-advisor.
In case of PhD Sandwich Program, applicants may choose between the HI in ASEAN or the JSU
at which they conducted their doctoral research. The Accepting Researcher should be applicants’
advisor/co-advisor. The list of Member Institutions, Host Institutions and Japanese Supporting
Universities is as follows:
AUN/SEED-Net Member Institutions (MIs)
Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB-INA)
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
Universitas Indonesia (UI)
National University of Laos (NUOL)
Universiti Malaya(UM)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
University of Yangon (UY)
Yangon Technological University (YTU)
De La Salle University (DLSU)
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of
Technology (MSU-IIT)
University of the Philippines – Diliman (UPD)
Burapha University (BUU)
Chulalongkorn University (CU)
Japanese Supporting Universities
Hokkaido University
Keio University
Kyoto University
Kyushu University
Nagoya University
National Graduate Institute for Policy
Osaka University
Shibaura Intitute of Technology
Tohoku University
Tokai University
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Toyohashi University of Technology
University of Tokyo
Waseda University
Kasetsart University (KU)
King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
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Thammasat University (TU)
Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Institut Teknologi Brunei
Universiti Brunei Darusssalam (UBD)*
National University of Singapore (NUS)*
Nanyang Technological University (NTU)*
* Member Institutions that can be Accepting Institutions in this Program.
5. Research Area
List of research areas are as follows:
(1) Chemical Engineering (ChE)
(2) Civil Engineering (CE)
(3) Computer and Information Engineering (CIE)
(4) Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)
(5) Geological and Geo-Resource Engineering (GeoE)
(6) Materials Engineering (MatE)
(7) Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ME/ManuE)
(8) Energy Engineering (EneE)
(9) Environmental Engineering (EnvE)
(10) Natural Disaster (ND)
6. Details of Support
(1) Duration and implementation
a) A single continuous stay for a period from the minimum of 3 months to the maximum of
6 months
b) The Fellowship program must be commenced and finished within 1 May 2015 – 15 March
c) The Fellowship begins on the day of a Fellow’s arrival in the Accepting Country,
continues for the number of days specified in the Award Letter, and ends on the day of
his/her departure from the Accepting Country.
d) An extension of the Fellowship tenure will not be authorized under any circumstances.
A reduction in the duration of the Fellowship may be authorized when due to
unavoidable circumstances.
e) A Fellow must reside in the Accepting Country continuously during the duration of the
Fellowship. The duration of the Fellowship may not be divided into multiple stays.
There may, however, be cases when a Fellow wishes to be temporarily absent from the
Accepting Country during his/her tenure for authorized reasons. In such cases, the
Fellow should inform AUN/SEED-Net and request for approval, which may be granted
on a case-by-case basis.
(2) Target Number in JFY 2015
3 Fellowships in ASEAN and 3 Fellowships in Japan
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(3) Financial Support
Fellowships in ASEAN
Air ticket arranged by AUN/SEED-Net
Lump sum amount at a fixed rate of
US$980 monthly. The fund is remitted to
cover two months of support at a time.
Fellowships in Japan
Air ticket arranged by JICA
Insurance, accommodation and living
allowance arranged by JICA
AUN/SEED-Net provides no support other than the lump sum amount mentioned above.
For Fellowships in ASEAN, it is within the Fellows’ responsibility to procure their travel
insurance, visa, accommodation (in consultation with their respective Accepting
7. Process of Implementation
Fellowships in ASEAN
Fellowships in Japan
AUN/SEED-Net screens applications.
AUN/SEED-Net screens applications.
Fellows are selected.
Fellows are selected.
Fellows finalize activity plans (duration,
Fellows finalize activity plans (duration) with
accommodation) with their respective
their respective Accepting Researchers.
Accepting Researchers.
Fellows submit bank account information to AUN/SEED-Net instructs Fellows and their
MIs to prepare and submit A2A3 Form to the
JICA local office and/or the Embassy of Japan
in the Fellows’ respective home countries
through a diplomatic channel after receiving
endorsement from different government
offices concerned in the country. The A2A3
Form is an official request form for the
Fellows’ visit to Japan. Fellows must keep
close watch on the progress of A2A3 to
make sure that it is completed in time for
VISA arrangement and departure.
AUN/SEED-Net remits the funding to the Applicants must submit the health check-up
successful applicants’ personal bank account.
certificate taken at least two months before
proposed departure date. Applicants who are
pregnant or suffer from chronic diseases e.g.
respiratory illness, cardiac disease, metabolic
disease (diabetes, etc.) renal dysfunction and
immune insufficiency (systemic steroid
administration, etc.) shall not be approved of
the visit to Japan, in principle.
AUN/SEED-Net arranges air tickets for JICA arranges air tickets for Fellows.
The A2A3 process takes around 5-6 months to complete.
8. Obligations
(1) During the time of application, applicants may not apply for the following supports from
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Collaborative Research Program for Alumni Members (CRA)
Collaborative Research Program for Common Regional Issues (CRC)
Collaborative Research Program with Industry (CRI)
(2) After awarded, Fellows are expected to devote full time to their research during the term of
the Fellowship and may not accept employment in the Accepting Country, with or without
(3) Fellows should be very careful not to do anything that violates their visa status.
(4) Within 30 days after the end of the tenure, Fellows are required submit a
technical report to AUN/SEED-Net who will conduct evaluation on the
submitted report. Failure of submission will result in withholding the
next disbursement or affecting the Fellows’ future applications for
AUN/SEED-Net programs.
(5) Fellows agree to the condition that AUN/SEED-Net has the right to use photos of the person
engaged in AUN/SEED-Net activities for advertising or promotional purposes of PR and
reporting without consent for each individual case.
9. Application Requirements and Deadline
Application and Required Documents
Doctoral graduate
Application form, completed with the photo &
signatures of the applicant and the Head of
Cover letter signed by the Dean or the
Representative of Member Institution to
which the applicant belongs to
An acceptance letter from the Accepting
Graduating doctoral student
Application form, completed with the photo
&signatures of the applicant and the Head of
Cover letter signed by the Dean or the
Representative of Member Institution to which
the applicant belongs to
Letter signed by the Dean or the Representative
of Member Institution where you belong to
stating that you will be obligated to become
faculty members at SI
Certificate of expected graduation
An acceptance letter from the Accepting
* Please refer to Attachment I for templates of the acceptance letter.
Application Deadline
Applications including all supporting documents, in soft copies, should be submitted to
AUN/SEED-Net ( by 15 November 2014.
Remarks: This Implementation Guidelines and other information of AUN/SEED-Net MIs and
JSUs are available on the website
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Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Study (RF)
To fill in the application form, it is advised to carefully study the Program Guidelines of Research Fellowship
To fill in the application form, please print or type all entries. Handwritten application is prohibited.
The application form of "Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Study 2015" or "RF 2015" is consisted of TWO
Part 1, in Microsoft Word format, contains 4 sections
Once completed, you may convert Part 1 into either Microsoft Word or PDF
Part 2, in Microsoft Excel format, contains 6 sections
In each section, applicants must strictly follow the instructions
Once completed, DO NOT convert Part 2 into any other file type other than Microsoft Excel
In addition to the two parts, following "Supporting Documents" are required.
Cover letter signed by the Dean or the Representative of Member Institution to which applicant belongs
Acceptance letter from the Accepting Researcher
Letter signed by the Dean or the Representative of Member Institution where you belong to stating that
you will be obligated to become faculty members at SI
Certificate of expected graduation
Others (Please specify.)
All TWO parts, including "Supporting Documents" must be emailed to with subject line
"Application: RF 2015"
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Research Fellow for Postdoctoral Study (RF)
Applicant’s Personal Information
Family Name
Given Name(s)
Full Name
(as appear in passport)
Current Position
Academic Title
Department/ Faculty
(Taken within
the past 6 months)
Research Title
2.1 Research purpose (inc. relevance and justification of the proposed Project) : min. of 2/2 A4 or 400 words
Please answer as clearly as possible and fill up the space provided.
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Expected output from the proposed research project : min. of 2/2 A4 or 400 words
Please answer as clearly as possible and fill up the space provided.
Research plan & methodology, including concrete time schedule and milestone of achievements: min. of
2A4 or 800 words
Please answer as clearly as possible and fill up the space provided.
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2.4 Please list up other kinds of collaboration / contribution from other sponsor if any (e.g. materials, human
resources, facilities, etc.): min. of 2/3 A4 or 250 words
Please answer as clearly as possible and fill up the space provided.
2.5 Prior on-going research activities /outputs related to the proposed research project: min. of 2/3 A4 or 250
Please answer as clearly as possible and fill up the space provided.
2.6 Research budget granted for prior on-going research activities related to the proposed research project: min.
of 2/3 A4 or 250 words
Please answer as clearly as possible and fill up the space provided.
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Document Checklist : Compulsory
Please check (√) that your application is complete and that you have enclosed all documents listed below. These
documents are compulsory and please note that AUN/SEED-Net will NOT consider any application with
incomplete documents. You may also attach other supporting document that can reinforce your application.
*No. 3.5-3.6are applicable only to applicants who are graduating doctoral students
Application Part 1, in Microsoft Word format, with your picture and endorsement from Head of
Application Part 2, in Microsoft Excel format
Cover letter signed by the Dean or the Representative of Member Institution to which applicant belongs
An acceptance letter from the Accepting Researcher
Letter signed by the Dean or the Representative of Member Institution where you belong to stating
that you will be obligated to become faculty members at SI
Certificate of expected graduation
Others (Please specify.)
I declare that the information supplied by me on this form is complete, true and correct in every detail.
Endorsement by Head of Department
END of Application Part ONE
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Template of the Acceptance Letter for Fellowship in ASEAN
Dear_____________ [candidate’s name and surname]
This is to inform you that, as a candidate for AUN/SEED-Net’s Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral
Study, you have been accepted for a Fellowship in ASEAN of the duration of _______________ [length of
time, in months] in __________ [one of the ten engineering fields] at this institution.
If subsequently selected for an AUN/SEED-Net Fellowship, you should begin your research on
__________ [date/month/year] and conclude by ___________ [date/month/year]. While researching at this
institution, you will be under the supervision of _____________ [name and surname of accepting
researcher] to be contacted at ____________________________ [email address]. You will be offered a
temporary position as ___________ at this institution.
You will be responsible to take care of your accommodation, visa and other logistics matters, with
assistance from ______________ [name and surname of accepting researcher].
Yours sincerely,
Signature and name of Accepting Researcher
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Template of the Acceptance Letter for Fellowship in Japan
Dear_____________ [candidate’s name and surname]
This is to inform you that, as a candidate for AUN/SEED-Net’s Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral
Study, you have been accepted for a Fellowship in Japan of the duration of _______________ [length of
time, in months] in __________ [one of the ten engineering fields] at this institution.
If subsequently selected for an AUN/SEED-Net Fellowship, you should begin your research on
__________ [date/month/year] and conclude by ___________ [date/month/year]. While researching at this
institution, you will be under the supervision of _____________ [name and surname of accepting
researcher] to be contacted at ____________________________ [email address].
Regarding preparation for Fellowship, you shall comply to arrangements provided by JICA.
Yours sincerely,
Signature and name of Accepting Researcher
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