Andrew Jackson, populist “common man”

“He was…a democratic
autocrat, an urbane savage,
an atrocious saint.”
Andrew Jackson:
The Good, the Bad, the Evil
1. How could democracy simultaneously expand and
decrease? What role did Jackson have in both?
2. How did the masses of Americans participate in politics?
3. How did American Indians react to the growth of the U.S.
under the Jackson administration?
4. What characterizes “Jacksonian Democracy”?
Remember: 1810-1840
“American Democratic Revolution”
General culture of egalitarianism
No monarchy or hereditary power
More social, economic, and political
interactions across classes compared to
Ideal of equal opportunity
Social and religious origins of some equality
Panic of 1819: Some people believed that gov’t
should more actively help citizens.
Expanded Democracy for Who?
No property requirements,
fewer requirements for
holding office
Popular election of officials,
electors, President
Universal white male
suffrage (franchisement)
key to 1800-1830 American
Democratic Revolution
Men legally allowed to vote
did not routinely vote
local parties key to voter
turnout; 80% adult white
men by 1840
Reducing Democracy
Citizen defined practically as white & male
Women lacked voting rights: treated as male
property, no legal status (femme covert)
Increased oppression of blacks
Growth of slave codes
Punishment against free blacks
Racial inferiorities “biological”
Slave rebellions
The Political Culture of Democracy
Patterns, habits, institutions, and traits associated
with the political system
1824: Andrew Jackson, populist “common man”
almost won; ignites new zeal for democratic
Elections became the arena for people to express
their grievances about, and influence, public
policy by electing candidates to benefit them.
More direct reaction to the “Will of the People”
The Rise of Andrew Jackson
Born poor, became a
Western lawyer
Scots-Irish, farmer
Popular due to his exploits
War hero (“Old Hickory”)
 Indian fighter, actions led to
annexation of Florida
The Politics of Image
“Jacksonian Democrats”
push for Jackson’s election
in 1824, 1828
Mass politics and political
machines influence popularity
with communication &
Vote for the party, the
policies, the person, or the
importance of a candidate’s
popularity with the "common
The “Common Man” &
Revolution of 1828
“Populist” image—a champion of the people, or
common man (the small farmer and city worker)
over the aristocracy of money, factory, and land.
viewed Jackson as one of their own.; from a poor
family, little formal education. Jackson had risen
in the world through his own efforts.
"Old Hickory,” belief that he was a tough military
hero and frontiersman
Since Jackson opposed special privilege and
campaigned as the champion of the people, his
election is often referred to as the “Revolution of
Later irony of these campaign points
Not so common man…
Common man’s view of
Jackson too simple.
Although born in
poverty, became
wealthy, owned a large
slave plantation in TN
By his election, Jackson
possessed the manners,
dignity, and bearing of a
cultured gentleman, not
a “wild frontiersman”
Election of 1828: How does this show
Jackson Presidency, 1828-1836
Defender of the people from big gov’t;
political and economic elitism; narrow
northeastern interests
Regional economic differences
Rejected the Nat’l Bank & “American Plan”
Supported the Spoils System
Reward supporters with political jobs
Remove Indians, give land to white farmers
Jackson’s goals
Enact vision of a politics of opportunity for “common man”
Primary issues:
Westward expansion, Indian relations, state powers, the Second Bank
of the U.S.
President should be a servant of the people, so to further their
interests and protect their rights, the president had to use their
powers vigorously:
Used the veto more than all of the preceding presidents together
Used spoils system; 20% federal positions with "deserving" members
of his own party
Jacksonian supporter: "To the victor belong the spoils."
Prepared to use force when South Carolina challenged the authority
of the federal government (nullification)
Refused to enforce John Marshall's decision on Cherokee cases; as it
was contrary to the people's interest (economy more important)
Jackson's enemies
referred to him as
“King Veto” and “King
Andrew I”.
They called themselves
Whigs, as had the 18th
century opponents, of
monarchical power in
Why would this
group refer to
Jackson as a king?
Indian Nations after 1812
125-200,000 Natives
east of Miss. Rvr.
Statehood and growth of
agriculture led to
ongoing debate on rights
of Natives and citizens
What to do?
Cherokee Nation
Part of the “Five Civilized
Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw,
Creek, and Seminole
considered civilized because they
adopted many of the colonists'
customs and had generally good
relations with them
Had their own government
Cherokee Phoenix (first N.A.
Schools & churches
Importance of Sequoyah 
The Indian Removal Act (1830)
Jackson disliked federalIndian relations; mostly that
federal law dictated what
states could and could not do
on land where Natives settled
“Save” the Indians from harm
of Americans living east of the
Mississippi River
Wanted open land for white
farmers; pressure from slave
Cherokees most vocal
about opposition to
removal of natives
Petitioned government
with over 16,000
Significant removal
onto “reservations”
The Cherokee Cases, 1831-1832
“…one of the great constitutional crises in the history of the nation”
(C. J. John Marshall)
Cherokee v. Georgia
Worcester v. Georgia
-Tribe sued Georgia
 Georgia laws that
-Are Cherokees a foreign
purported to seize
Cherokee lands on
-“Domestic dependent
which gold had been
found violated federal
-Indians and federal gov’t
relations sour
 States lack power on
“John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce
it.” Andrew Jackson
Indian Removal
Removal continued into the
Immigrant tribes moved
into land of Indians in
Southern Plains and
northern Texas
suffered in arid plains
some attacked immigrants,
start another round of
“Indian Wars”
Texas Rebellion &
Independence in 1830s
Cherokees, Shawnees &
Creeks allied with Texans
against Mexican government
Ethnic cleansing and racial
violence by Texans
Conclusions: Indian Affairs
 Indian Nations above states
 Direct relations with federal gov’t.
 Most Natives relocated west of Miss.
 Seminole Wars in Florida
 1840s Indian Affairs shift to Plains
 Treaties, but gov’t would use FORCE
Nullification Crisis
In 1816/1824, Congress passes tariffs to protect American
manufacturing, raise revenue
1828: “Tariff of Abominations” passed
Southern congressmen feared tariffs would destroy southern export
economy, already in decline (Europe beginning to produce again)
major goal: protect Northern industries from cheaper imports
South harmed directly with higher prices, indirectly by lowering
export of cotton to Britain
1832: South Carolina, led by John Calhoun, started a
nullification movement
Idea that states should have more power than federal gov’t (states’
rights would make federal laws “null” or powerless over states)
Jackson sends warships into Charleston Harbor; creates a “force bill”
to use military to uphold tariffs
Henry Clay creates compromise for a lower tariff (Compromise
Tariff of 1833)
“War” with the 2nd Bank of the U.S.
The major political issue was his “war” against the BUS
considered it a stronghold of elitism, concentrating great power in the
hands of a privileged few.
Henry Clay and Daniel Webster sought to recharter the bank
four years early (1832)
pro-Bank National Republicans clashed with the "hard-money”
(banknotes backed by silver/gold instead of credit) Jackson
administration and eastern banking interests
Jackson veto; creates popular anti-bank feeling despite bank creating
stability of economy
Orders all FEDERAL DEPOSITS re-deposited in state banks
Jackson issued the specie circular created a new financial panic in
1837, lasting until 1841
Conclusions for Jacksonian America
Mass politics and political parties drive idea that
the common man is key to stronger America
Growth & decline of democracy
Religious revivalism (next class)
Indian removal and resistance leads to ongoing
debate over race relations
Debate continues on states’ rights
Sectionalism and economics