R12 Enhancements to Oracle Project Contracts

Industry specific cover image
R12 Enhancements to Oracle Project Contracts
• R12 Release Overview
• Usability Enhancements
• Security Enhancements
• Improved Integration with Supply Chain
• Multi-Org Access Control
• Success Story
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The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is
intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated
into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code,
or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing
decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or
functionality described for Oracle’s products remain at the sole
discretion of Oracle.
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Project Contracts Overview
Project Owner / Manager
Contract Manager
Solicit or Bid
Role-Based Access
Contractors &
Secure, Central
Contract Repository
Manage Funds
• Standard Library:
T&Cs, Articles
• SOWs
• Deliverables
Change Management
Bill & Collect
Purchase Orders
Other Application Components
• Planning
• Procurement
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• Manufacturing
• Shipping
• Projects
• Finance
Improvements in Release R12
In Release 12 (R12), Project Contracts provides improved usability,
enhanced access control in contract authoring and Deliverable
Tracking System (DTS), and better visibility to project contracts
information from other supply chain applications. The new features
• Usability Enhancements
• Security Enhancements
• Improved Integration with Supply Chain Applications
• Multi-Org Access Control
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• R12 Release Overview
• Usability Enhancements
• Security Enhancements
• Improved Integration with Supply Chain
• Multi-Org Access Control
• Success Story
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Usability Enhancements in R12
• When copying a contract, users can also copy project and task
information from the original contract in addition to lines, parties,
articles, terms and conditions, standard notes information (which is
currently supported).
Contract administrators can permanently delete unwanted contracts
in ‘Entered’ or ‘Canceled’ status to reduce the risk of such contracts
being accidentally acted upon or being referred to in other contracts.
This also helps the administrators to reduce clutter while searching
During contract approval, approvers can provide review comments
that are included in the reply notification to the requestor.
Project task information will be defaulted from the contract header to
the lines
The billing event user interface has been improved to support multi
currency billing.
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UI Enhancements to Billing Event Details Form
• Multi currency Billing
• Display of Price and Amount information in Deliverable and Billing Currency
• Indication to reinitiate billing in cases of inconsistent billing information in
Project Contract and Project Billing
• Indicates if project allows multi-currency billing
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UI Enhancements to Billing Event Details Form
How to use this feature
• Details on the Billing Event Details Form
– Deliverable unit price / currency (source: DTS)
– Checkbox to indicate if project associated to contract is multi-currency billing (MCB)
– Billing Currency
• If not MCB enabled, Billing Currency defaults to project’s functional
currency and is not editable
• If MCB Enabled, then Billing Currency defaults to Deliverable
Currency and is editable
– Billing Unit Price
– Bill Amount
– Revenue Amount
– Bill Quantity
– Initiate Billing or Re-Initiate Billing button
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UI Enhancements to Billing Event Details Form
How to use this feature
Multi-Currency Billing
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UI Enhancements to Billing Event Details Form
How to use this feature
Re-initiate Billing indicates that billing
event on Project Contracts and Project
Billing needs to be synched up
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• R12 Release Overview
• Usability Enhancements
• Security Enhancements
• Improved Integration with Supply Chain
• Multi-Org Access Control
• Success Story
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Access Security for Deliverables
Release Information
To prevent unauthorized modifications to contract deliverables, the
existing security framework has been enhanced in R12 to allow
role-based access to view/edit/initiate deliverables.
• Available from 11.5.9
• Users need to uptake patch 4298464
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Access Security for Deliverables
• Security framework for controlling user activities on the Deliverables
Tracking System
Users can be setup to:
– No Access / View Only / Update deliverables on DTS
– No Access / Allow Access to Deliverables-Based Billing
– No Access / Allow Access to downstream actions on DTS
• Initiate Shipping
• Initiate Planning
• Initiate Purchasing
• Reduces business risk of unwanted or unwarranted changes to deliverables
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Access Security for Deliverables
How to use this feature
• A user is assigned to a contract in a specific role
• The role is tied to a menu that allows access to functions
• Thus user will be able to access only the functions associated with this role
User  Role
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Access Security for Deliverables
How to setup this feature
• Step 1: Function Based Security Setup
– Responsibility: System Administrator
– Navigation: Application / Menu
– Create a new menu or modify an existing menu
– Following functions on this menu are used to deliver deliverables access control
• Contract Deliverables Tracking
• Contract Deliverables Tracking: Update
• Deliverables Tracking: Initiate Shipping
• Deliverables Tracking: Initiate Planning
• Deliverables Tracking: Initiate Purchasing
• Deliverable-Based Billing
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Access Security for Deliverables
How to setup this feature
Functions that are used for the
deliverables access control requirements
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Access Security for Deliverables
How to setup this feature
• Deliverables Tracking System
– No Access
• Do not grant access to functions Contract Deliverables Tracking and
Contract Deliverables Tracking: Update
• Removes Deliverables Tracking System from the Actions menu on
Contract Organizer and Find windows
– View Only
• Grant access to function Contract Deliverables Tracking
• Do not grant access to function Contract Deliverables Tracking:
– Update
• Grant access to both functions Contract Deliverables Tracking and
Contract Deliverables Tracking: Update
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Access Security for Deliverables
How to setup this feature
• Control access to Initiate Shipping, Initiate Planning, Initiate Purchasing
– No Access
• Do not grant access to functions Deliverables Tracking: Initiate
Shipping, Deliverables Tracking: Initiate Planning, Deliverables
Tracking: Initiate Purchasing
• Removes Initiate Shipping, Initiate Planning, Initiate Purchasing
actions from the Actions menu on DTS
– Access
• Grant access to functions Deliverables Tracking: Initiate Shipping,
Deliverables Tracking: Initiate Planning, Deliverables Tracking: Initiate
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Access Security for Deliverables
How to setup this feature
• Deliverables Based Billing System
– No Access
• Do not grant access to function Deliverables-Based Billing
• Removes Deliverables-Based Billing from the Actions menu on
Contract Organizer and Find windows
– Update
• Grant access to the function Deliverables-Based Billing
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Access Security for Deliverables
How to setup this feature
• Step 2: Role Based Security Setup
– Responsibility: Project Contracts Super User
– Navigation: Security / Roles
– Roles Form
• Create a new role (or query an existing role)
• Associate user role with the appropriate menu
• Check the Enforce role-based security checkbox
• Define additional access rules as required
– Run the concurrent requests ‘Generate Access Rule’ and ‘Generate Secure View’
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Access Security for Deliverables
How to setup this feature
Associate appropriate
user menu to the roles
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Access Security for Deliverables
How to setup this feature
• Step 3: Contract Access Setup
– Responsibility: Project Contracts Super User
– Navigation: Security / Contract Accesses
– Security Role Assignments Form
• Select employee
• Select contract, program, or site level setting
• Specify the user’s role
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Access Security for Deliverables
How to setup this feature
Specify the employee’s role at a
contract, program or site level
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• R12 Release Overview
• Usability Enhancements
• Security Enhancements
• Improved Integration with Supply Chain
• Multi-Org Access Control
• Success Story
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Improved Integration with Supply Chain Apps
• In Project Contracts, administrators can specify the list of print forms (such
as DD250) required during contract execution.
• With R12, user can configure to display print forms information in different
flow down areas of various applications as required. For example, it can be
configured to have DD250 print forms information displayed to the users in
• Other key enhancements include a warning message when the same
project hierarchy is linked to multiple contracts. This is required for
government contracting organizations that do cost-plus contracts with
progress billing.
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Flowdown of Print Forms Information
• Users can now view the Print Forms information in other systems :
Work In Progress
Print Forms information available to other systems such as Shipping,
Procurement, WIP, and Billing
– Improve downstream business efficiencies
– Avoid shipping or processing orders without relevant documentation
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Flowdown of Print Forms Information
How to use this feature
Example of flowdown from Shipping transactions. Flowdown
info shows Print Forms associated with the Contract/Line
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Flowdown of Print Forms Information
How to setup this feature
New tab for Print
Forms flowdown
Specify business areas to
flowdown the Print Forms info
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Specify Effective Date for Programs
• User can specify the active duration of a Program (From – To)
• Assign only active programs to a contract or funding pool
• Avoid assigning an inactive Program to a contract or a funding pool
• Reduce potential user mistakes
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Specify Effective Date for Programs
How to use this feature
• Contract Authoring Workbench, Funding Pool Form
– User can associate the contract or funding pool with a specific program
– Only active programs will be displayed in the program LOV
• Security Role Assignments Form
– Employee access can be defined at a program level
– Only active programs will be displayed in the program LOV
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Specify Effective Date for Programs
How to setup this feature
Specify effective
dates for the Program
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Default Top Task from Contract Header to Lines
• User can specify Top Task on the contract header
• Top Task will default to contract lines
• Increases efficiency - eliminates the need for manual entry of top task on
contracts with many lines
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Default Top Task from Contract Header to Lines How to
use this feature
Default task on the contract header
defaults to new lines in the contract
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Default Due Date based on Days ARO
• Due Date on contract line will be automatically updated to Award Date
(specified on the header) + Days ARO (specified on the line)
– Award Date: 01-JAN-2006
– Days ARO: 30
– Due Date = 31-JAN-2006
• Eliminates the need for manual entry of due dates
• Eliminates the need to update the due dates manually for each contract line
when award date is changed
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Default Due Date based on Days ARO
How to use this feature
Due date = Award date + Days ARO
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Default Due Date based on Days ARO
How to use this feature
Warning when user changes the Award date and has
Days ARO already specified on the line
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Flowdown of DO # / Master Agreement #
• When a Delivery Order is created in OKE using a Master Agreement, the user
can see the concatenated Delivery Order # / Master Order # in OKE
• This feature flows down the concatenated information to other applications so
that users know which master contract the order is against
• Users in applications such as Shipping and Procurement can easily identify
the master agreement associated with the delivery order
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Flowdown of DO # / Master Agreement #
How to use this feature
Concatenated Delivery Order # / Master
Agreement #
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Flowdown of DO # / Master Agreement #
How to use this feature
Concatenated Delivery Order # /
Master Agreement #
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• R12 Release Overview
• Usability Enhancements
• Security Enhancements
• Improved Integration with Supply Chain
• Multi-Org Access Control
• Success Story
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Multi-Org Access Control
• Oracle Project Contracts leverages the Multi-Org Access
Control model
– Allows users to author contracts and templates in multiple
operating units without switching responsibilities
• When Multi-Org Access Control is implemented, users can
only access contracts authored in operating units that are
listed in the security profile assigned to their responsibility
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Same Project Hierarchy on Multiple Contracts
• Provision to decide whether same Project Hierarchy can be used on multiple
• Options are
– Allow
– Allow With Warning
– Do Not Allow
• Flexibility to handle different business scenarios to allow / disallow project
hierarchy usage
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Same Project Hierarchy on Multiple Contracts
How to use this feature
• Example
Project P1
Contract C1
Contract C2
– P1A
– P1B
 P1B1
 P1B2
 P1B3
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Same Project Hierarchy on Multiple Contracts
How to use this feature
• Allow
Project P1
Contract C1
Contract C2
– P1A
– P1B
 P1B1
 P1B2
 P1B3
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Multiple contracts can be
referenced using the
same project hierarchy
Same Project Hierarchy on Multiple Contracts
How to use this feature
• Allow With Warning
Project P1
– P1A
Contract C1
Contract C2
– P1B
 P1B1
 P1B2
 P1B3
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C1 linked to project P1B
User gets a warning when
he tries to link C2 to P1B2
Same Project Hierarchy on Multiple Contracts
How to use this feature
• Do Not Allow
Project P1
Contract C1
Contract C2
– P1A
– P1B
 P1B1
 P1B2
 P1B3
C1 linked to project P1B
User gets an error message
when he tries to link C2 to P1B2.
This action is not allowed
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Same Project Hierarchy on Multiple Contracts
How to setup this feature
• Responsibility: Project Contracts Super User
• Navigation: Edit / Preferences / Profiles / OKE: Same Project Hierarchy on
Multiple Contracts
– Allow
– Allow With Warning
– Do Not Allow
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View Notes on Approval of Contract
• Approver can add notes/comments after approving a contract. This feature
allows the submitter of the contract to see the approver’s notes
• Handles the Contract users requirement to have ‘approve with comments’
• Improves efficiency of the approval process
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View Notes on Approval of Contract
How to use this feature
Approver approves with comments
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View Notes on Approval of Contract
How to use this feature
Submitter can review approver’s comments
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Enhancements to ‘Copy From Existing Contract’
• User has an option to specify if the following should be copied from the
source contract
– Project and Task
• Helps in reducing the manual effort in duplicating projects and task
information for multiple contract lines
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Enhancements to ‘Copy From Existing Contract’
How to use this feature
Navigation: Contract Organizer / New Document / Copy from an Existing
Copy Projects and Tasks
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Enhancements to ‘Copy From Existing Contract’
Dependencies and Interactions
• Copying Project and Task information is dependent on profile option OKE:
Same Project Hierarchy on Multiple Contracts
– Allow: Project and task information will be copied
– Warning: Project and task information will be copied with a warning displayed to the
– Do Not Allow: Project and task information will not be copied
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Delete Contract in ‘Entered’ or ‘Canceled’ Status
• User will be able to delete contracts, proposals, or solicitations in “Entered” or
“Canceled” statuses
• Eliminate build-up of unwanted data
• Reduce potential user mistakes by using a wrong document reference
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Delete Contract in ‘Entered’ or ‘Canceled’ Status
How to use this feature
Delete Icon
Delete Contract from ‘Go To’ menu
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Delete Contract in ‘Entered’ or ‘Canceled’ Status
How to use this feature
Warning message before deletion
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Delete Contract in ‘Entered’ or ‘Canceled’ Status
How to setup this feature
• Navigation: Setup / Framework / Contract Statuses
• Specify that ‘Delete Allowed’ is a valid operation for a contract in an Entered
or Canceled status
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Delete Contract in ‘Entered’ or ‘Canceled’ Status
How to setup this feature
‘Delete Allowed’ as a valid
operation for ‘Entered’ Status
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Delete Contract in ‘Entered’ or ‘Canceled’ Status
How to setup this feature
• Responsibility: System Administrator
• Navigation: Application / Menu
• Enable ‘Delete Document’ function on the following menus:
– OKE-Contract Administrator Privileges (seeded)
– OKE-Contract Organizer Actions (seeded)
– Other user menus as needed
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Delete Contract in ‘Entered’ or ‘Canceled’ Status
How to setup this feature
Enable ‘Delete Document’ as a menu function
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Delete Contract in ‘Entered’ or ‘Canceled’ Status
Dependencies and Interactions
• User cannot delete a contract in Entered or Canceled status if
– Planning has been initiated for one or more deliverables
– Shipping has been initiated for one or more deliverables
– Purchase Requisition has been initiated for one or more deliverables
– Billing Event has been initiated for one or more deliverables
– Project Agreement corresponding to this contract has already been created from the
contract’s funding source
– The contract is a Basic Order Agreement and has other Delivery Orders referenced
to it
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Delete Contract in ‘Entered’ or ‘Canceled’ Status
Dependencies and Interactions
Error message when user tries to delete a contract that has some
downstream processes initiated
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Additional Resources
For Customers and Partners
• For More Information about our Products
– http://www.oracle.com/products/
• For More Information about Education
– http://www.oracle/com/education/
• For More Information about Support
– http://www.oracle.com/support/
• For Metalink Information:
– http://metalink.oracle.com/
• Oracle Product Documentation:
– http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/applications.html
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Customer Success Profile
BAE Systems
• One of the largest defense and aerospace
firms in the world
• £14.8B ($27.5B USD) in annual sales
• Over 90,000 employees across 5
• Customers in 129 countries
1st division (Platform
Solutions) live since July
2002, with on-going
implementations in other
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BAE Systems Platform Solutions
Pain Points Before Implementing Project Contracts
• In-place systems not integrated
– Contract Management System (CORT) not integrated with other ERP
– Contract information disseminated via manual reports
– Financials were independent from other systems
• Very people dependent
– Manual processes used for shipping, funding/billing, planning and
procurement with no automated access to contract information
• Verbal dissemination of Contract Information
– No automated flow down of contracts information to internal groups or to
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BAE Systems Platform Solutions
Project Contracts Features Used
• Authoring
– Capture of awarded contracts and pre-award proposals
• Funding
– Allocation of funding to the lines and sublines in the contract and
automated creation of the Project Agreement
• Change Management
– Timely and efficient capture, approval and implementation of contract
• Deliverable Tracking System
– Robust deliverable tracking and automated initiation of shipping, billing,
planning and procurement processes
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BAE Systems Platform Solutions
Project Contracts Features Used (cont’d)
• Reports
– Using existing data fields along with User Defined Attributes to
disseminate contract information, such as deliverable due-dates,
milestones, etc.
• Contract Flowdown
– Used extensively to disseminate contract information including selected
attributes, Mandatory Flowdown Clauses and other contract information to
business areas such as WIP, Shipping and Procurement
• Other – Business Metrics Reporting:
– Monitor proposal turn around times to ensure on-time delivery and
administration of the proposal process
– Visibility of deliverable due-dates across contracts and milestone
suspension date tracking
– Adherence to established billing schedules set forth in the contract
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BAE SYSTEMS Platform Solutions
Project Contracts Data Mart Reporting
This is sample of a report
created to enable Contract,
Program and Finance managers
to better manage contractual
billing milestones
A condition has been created in
the report that provides an
indication of a milestone that is
past due
Note: BAE Systems proprietary information
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BAE SYSTEMS Platform Solutions
Benefits Gained From Using Project Contracts
• In-place systems not integrated
• Systems integrated with ERP
– Integrated Contracts, Projects/Financials, Shipping, Procurement and
Planning capability
• Very people dependent
• Automated Processes
– Able to bill customer for Advance Payments, Unit Price and Contract
– Automated flowdown to internal business areas and to vendor/suppliers
for mandatory flowdown clauses
– Funding and Modification processes are automated
– User Defined Attributes automatically pass booking info to Financials
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BAE SYSTEMS Platform Solutions
Benefits gained from using Project Contracts (cont’d)
• Verbal dissemination of Contract information
• Anytime, Anywhere Access
– Contract administration and ship/build activities conducted
from multiple locations
– Global access to information by authorized users
• Resulting In….
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BAE SYSTEMS Platform Solutions
Benefits gained from using Project Contracts (cont’d)
• Timely, Efficient Contract Management
– Routine tasks under each contract such as Planning, Funding, Billing,
Shipping and Procurement each averaged 2-3 days to complete…Now
reduced to 1-2 Hours per activity
– Change management process took up to 2 days for each
Modification…Now completed in minutes
– Disseminating Contract information took up to a week for each new
contract…now accomplished in minutes with the automated flowdown
– Reporting was disjointed and inconsistent…Now automated, user
configured and available on demand
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BAE SYSTEMS Implementation
Across Large Entities with Multiple Systems
Johnson City
July 2002
2 years
Approx 50
Fort Wayne
February 2003
1 year +
Approx 50
Controls West
June 2003
1 Year
Approx 50
April 2006
< 1 Year
Approx 50
Rochester, UK
Planned June 2008
Approx 50
Replaced 64 different systems with Oracle E-Business Suite
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