Banner General Navigation Sessions: February 1st & 3rd Today’s Objectives To Navigate in Banner Naming Conventions To Understand Banner Forms To Interpret General Person Information To Establish Your Password VU Banner Implementation Overview The project scope consists of: Implementation of Sungard SCT’s Banner administrative software suite of applications (Student, Financial Aid, Finance, Human Resources Advancement and Alumni). Implementation of Sungard SCT’s Luminis web portal software. In a “vanilla” mode, with no programming modifications. Non-disruptive to the VU community (students, faculty, staff & alumni). Adjusting business processes to take advantage of new functionality, if feasible. Banner Terminology Two most commonly used terms: Forms “Screens” that display data taken from the one record maintained in system. Conceptually, this is lays on top of the tables in the database. Tables Lists maintained in Banner and used to enter data. (Similar to a data element). Technically this is where the data is stored in the database. See Glossary of Terms for additional terms. Logging On to Banner Double click on the Banner Icon on your desktop. Under ‘Internet Native Banner (INB)’, Click on ‘Training Database [TRNG]’ Type in trainxx and trainxx for your username and password and press the ‘connect’ button. Password Change Type GUAPSWD in the Direct Access field and press <Enter>. Type your current password in the field titled “Oracle Password.” Type your new password in the field titled “New Oracle Password.” Then press <Tab> to type the new password again in the line below. Logging Off Close all forms first by clicking the Exit toolbar button. When all forms are closed, you will be at the Main Menu. Click the Exit toolbar button again or use the function key Ctrl q, and you will see the following dialog box. Click the Yes button. You will exit the browser. Close any INB-related windows. Banner Form Naming Convention Each form is identified by a 7 letter code The letter in each position identifies the form in more detail Position 1 Identifies the primary system “owning” the form. Student=S, General=G, Finance=F, Financial Aid=R. HR/Payroll=HR or P Position 2 Identifies the module “owning” the form. i.e. A=Admissions, R=Recruitment, C=Catalog Position 3 Identifies the type of form. i.e. Application Form, Inquiry Form. Positions 4, 5, 6, and 7 Uniquely identify the form itself. SPATELE – telephone info Example: S F A R E G S S - Identifies the first position and identifies the primary system (In this case, the Student System). F - Identifies the module owning the form, report, job or table (In this case, Registration) A - Identifies the type of form, report, job or table (In this case, Application form). REGS Positions 4, 5, 6, and & identifies the form, report, job or table (In this case, Registration). Banner Form Types There are 8 types of forms: Categories Users Types Set-Up Administrator and/or Staff Rule Validation Control Day-To-Day Staff Inquiry Application Query Maintenance Wizard Banner Forms Parent Child Relationship The relationship between types of forms is referred to as the parent-child relationship If a parent form has been assigned to a child form, the parent cannot be deleted without deleting the child form first Relationship Forms Parent Rule and Validation Child Application and Query Parts of a Banner Form Tool Bar The Tool Bar is a set of icons that represents shortcuts for performing common functions Major Components to Banner Forms Blocks Fields Sections of information within a form. The key block at the top of every form tells Banner what information to display everywhere else Labeled spaces/ blanks within a block where you enter, edit and delete information Records Logical unit of fields May be more than 1 record in a block Major Areas of a Banner Form Title Bar - Key block - Search icon - Information block - Displays form description name, ID name, version number, and database name Contains information that determines what is entered or displayed on the rest of the form information view information Used to search for different Area to enter and Other Areas of a Banner Form Radio at a time buttons - Pull-down Can only select 1 option list - Shows values or commands available in a form Check boxes - Fields - features and options Toggle enable/disable Areas where you can enter, query, change, and display information Methods of Accessing Banner Forms Main Menu – An overview of Banner arranged in a top to bottom level format: system, module, and form. Direct Access – Access a form by its name. Object Search – Find a form, job or QuickFlow by using part of its name. Options Menu – From within a form you can access other forms, windows and blocks related to the current form, window and block. Site Map – A display of Banner systems with corresponding modules (another view of the Main Menu) Parts of Banner Main Menu Menu Bar Toolbar Object Search Hierarchical Tree Menu Structure Auto Hint/ Status Line Product Links Menu Bar Components The Menu Bar consists of several pulldown menus Menu Bar Pull Down Menus There are 9 pull-down menus on the menu bar, each with a variety of selections A dimmed option on a pull down menu indicates that is disabled Menu Bar File Menu The File Menu contains standard Banner and Oracle functions Menu Bar Edit Menu The Edit Menu contains functions used to edit text items Menu Bar Options Menu The Options Menu varies from form to form Some options take you to other blocks and windows within the current form, other options take you outside the current form Menu Bar Block Menu The Block Menu enables you to move from one block to another within a form Menu Bar Item Menu The Item Menu enables you to move from one field to another The Item Menu enables you to clear and duplicate data within a form “Item” is the Banner term that is used to refer to a field Menu Bar Record Menu The Record Menu allows you to work with records within a form Menu Bar Query Menu The Query Menu contains the functions used to search for information in the database based on specific criteria Menu Bar Help Menu The Help Menu contains various help tools, the image displayer, a calculator and a calendar Menu Bar Window Menu The Window Menu allows you to arrange the display of the open windows in a form Horizontal Toolbar Like many other products, Banner has a toolbar of icons that allow you to perform basic functions They are grouped by function: * Save, Rollback (clear/ go back to the Keyblock to start again) and Select * * Insert Record, Delete Record * * Enter Query, Execute Query, Cancel Query (the Shredded Wheat icons) * * Previous Record, Next Record, Previous Block, Next Block * * And on the far right, the X for Close * Direct Access Form At any time, from any screen, use Direct Access to go straight to the form you want. (No need to return to the Main Banner Screen). Also available from the pull-down menu: File/ Direct Access. Site Map Method Searching – Using Wildcards % (Percent sign) stands for multiple characters _ (Underscore) for stands for single characters Ex: Use SA%DMS to look for SAAADMS if you cannot remember how it is spelled Ex: Use M%onald to search for someone who might spell their name McDonald or Mac Donald etc. & whose first name might be Fred or Fredrick. Customizing Banner – Quickflow Action Benefit Allows for access to a set of forms in a specific sequence Enables a task to be accomplished both efficiently and completely Enables you to customize your job tasks by identifying required forms Processing forms occurs in the correct sequence Customizing Banner – My Banner The following forms are used to create, change and copy My Banner Form Code Purpose Personal Menu Maintenance GUAPMNU Create and change your personal menu. Personal menu Maintenance Menu and Copy GUTPMNU Copy your personal menu to or from another user. Help Features Dynamic Help Dynamic Help is the traditional help for forms, blocks and fields Dynamic Help is gradually being replaced by online help It is displayed on the Help Form (GUAHELP) It allows you to identify the help text you want to access Help Features Banner Bookshelf Banner Bookshelf is a tool for reading, searching and printing SCT Banner documentation It accesses the following system documentation in PDF format: User Manuals Release Guides Upgrade Guides Implementation Guides Technical Reference Manual (TFM) Object: Access Reporting Data Models Access Banner Bookshelf from the toolbar or the menu bar Help Features Show Keys Provides a list of functions and associated keystrokes for the current field or form Access show keys from the toolbar or menu bar Help Features Item Properties Item Properties provides a list of all properties in the current field It can be accessed from the menu bar The Auto Hint/ Status Lines Are Your Friend Briefly describes the field where the cursor is located Error and processing messages! Other General Navigation Resources Banner Basics 101 SCT Documentation Fundamentals & General Navigation System Education Workbook Users Guide Chapter 2 CBT for Fundamentals & General Navigation Open Discussions (Q/A)… We Will Survive Banner!!!